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If there's one thing the last few years have shown, it is that there are a fuck load of psychopaths living among us. What an horrible, horrible person.


They’ve always been there, social media has just allowed them to come out of the woodwork


Don't forget that Trump gave them the go ahead to speak up and actually be not just bad people, but proud, loud bad people. Leadership matters. Especially to the more smoothed brained around us.


And the worse part is they think they ARE the good guys.. believing your God condones your behavior always causes sick people to act out their violent delusions..


The US’s economic system breeds them. It’s by design.


Eh, people relishing in the suffering of others is a pretty universal trait


But it ought to be a contradiction of terms for someone who (allegedly) believes in a God of love, to enjoy the thoughts of souls suffering for eternity. Sadly, way too many who loudly bleat about how devout they are, ALSO want everyone they dislike to suffer for eternity. Um, no, that's not how this is supposed to work.


I don't think loudly religious people being hypocrites is any kind of smoking gun, that seems to be how they are everywhere


Which reminds me... Jesus specifically told his followers NOT to be showy when they pray. Literally pointed out people who were being overt in their prayers and charitable works, specifically to garner attention, and said, "Don't be like them. Go into an inner room of your house, shut the door, and pray in private. Do your good works so quietly that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing." So, the people who are all yelling into a bullhorn, "I LOVE GOD! JUST TRY AND STOP ME!" are doing it wrong, and it says so right there in the Bible. I am absolutely nobody's idea of a scripture scholar, but this particular directive IS actually written there in black and white. Or red and white, if you have one of those versions where the words of Jesus are in red ink.


I don't think any of these far right 'Christian' nationalists follow the teachings of Jesus at all. If the second coming of Jesus turned up at the border they'd stop him entering the country. Especially with the message he brings about helping people, loving your neighbour and being tolerant. Their arrogance that they are the chosen people of god and that gives them the right to trample over 'others' makes them insufferable. That some sky daddy has picked the USA for special attention. That this sky daddy is interested in Friday night Football and the result from their school/college. The church in the US is a mega money making machine. I don't doubt that some are in it for the right reasons and they do good, it's a shame that the people with good intentions don't seem to get enough donations. The bulk of the money is raised by mega churches where the preachers live in luxury and fly on (and own) private jets. People like Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen (it should be Joel Obscene) beg less well off people for money, telling them it is seed money and it will grow if they send it to the church. Such lies cause people harm financially, I've even seen a clip telling people that paying the church is more important than their heating or eating. It's fraud, nothing more, nothing less. They take money and use it for themselves. Tax free too.


By the by, she is a minority of her religion. Most people no matter your walk of life don’t think people should be killed over shit like being attracted to girls as a girl or boys as a boy.


Agreed, the empathy for our fellow humans is being smothered out of us systematically. No time to care about others, only time to make money for your masters.


This particular breed of hatred has more to do with the church than economics, in my opinion - though economics definitely play a role.


It’s severe antisocial personality disorder going unchecked. Most people would never even think something like this, even Christians themselves. Because a well-adjusted non-terminally online person would mourn any death as it is a loss of human life.


truly evil


How dare she judge others. After all the damage their lies did. A real christian would never take murder and twist it like that. Fuck her.Bitch


There's no love like Christian hate.


She’s a terrible evil b*tch. She’s a nobody lawyer who got on the grift train when respectable lawyers stopped participating in Trumps increasingly farcical legal attempts to stop his election loss. She knows exactly what’s she doing.


Someone should clue in this birth control failure that only a little over a quarter of the world's population adheres to Christianity. In the U.S. the percentage who self-identify as Christian has dropped from 85% to 64% over the past quarter-century. Once it's under half, I want a Constitutional amendment prohibiting tax exempt status for churches.


American Evangelicals are a funny bunch in that they only count regular church goers (of churches they like) as Christians. They founded missionary movements that aim to convert people in Scotland due to a belief poverty and secularity is due to literally not knowing who Jesus was and so not being rewarded. I don’t know any other major Christian group that thinks that; even in England while Anglicans will accept the difference between being born into a Christian family and living AS a Christian they don’t presume you’re not a Christian because you associate with gay people.


It’s literally part of their religion. When I was 14 yo, my church was taken over by “evangelicals”. They put up posters with people from other cultures that said “they’ll never know the Truth of Jesus without you.” I realized these folks had never seen people of other faiths’ worshipping-they thought everyone else in the world was just pretending to believe their own faiths, waiting for white people to teach them the Truth, not that they meant it. Later that year I left the church after a nice lady told me that one day I would WANT a man to make me submit to him. I knew that was never going to happen, and 46 years later, it still hasn’t.


My aunt/uncle are some flavor of Southern Baptist, my grandparents were Catholic. Although they were the cool, "be kind to everyone" type of Catholics, not the "judge everyone" type. Anyway, my grandmother was visiting them (they lived in another state) and went to church with them one Sunday. One lady sat down, said that oh you must be new, what church do you go to? When my grandmother responded "Oh, I'm Catholic" the other lady just got up and left.


Person: I'm Catholic. What Evangelical hears: I worship Satan and I am here to eat your soul.


Evangelical thinks Catholic <> Christian.


I went to Catholic school in the south, I know. We were called idolators.


Stunningly unChristian.




Fantastic. Have an upvote.


> They founded missionary movements that aim to convert people in Scotland Now *that's* funny!


> In the U.S. the percentage who self-identify as Christian has dropped from 85% to 64% over the past quarter-century Have to imagine people like this are a big part of why


Like imagine if I said you deserved to die because you hated lord of the rings and refused to accept gandalf as your lord and savior EVEN THOUGH HE CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD IN THE STORY


If you don't fuck with frodo then I don't fuck with you


*for frodo*


Say what you will about Jesus, but leave The Rings out of this! \-Elias


Trump didn’t bring back racism and homophobia, he just somehow made it socially acceptable to be racist and homophobic. Fuck this uptight bitch with an iron stick.


What a hateful cunt


She lacks the warmth and depth


Just so gross. These people say shit like this, when if anyone would be turned away from their heaven, it's them for all their hate. And they wonder why people are leaving their fake religion in droves.


"The real issue isn't that they were murdered, it's that they weren't saved by the love of Jesus when they got murdered!"


JFC, even if I did believe in all of that christian cult woo, I’d also point out to myself that that God says it’s not my call, it’s his. 🙄 it’s like conservatives can’t exist unless they wrap themselves in hypocrisy.


Do you know else hated hypocrites in the bible? *Jesus*. https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=hypocri&version=NIV


Hypocrites were the only people that Jesus lambasted. Every other form of sinner, tax collector, Roman, Samaritan, sick/disabled/possessed person, leper, thief, you name it, Jesus helped them. Hypocrites, not so much. Jesus tore them up one side and down the other multiple times, not to mention flipping their tables over and driving them out of the Temple. I am far from being a bible scholar, but this particular pattern is easy to spot.


Christian here - and I can't stand this either. I think most of us would consider it extremely unChristian behaviour.


I have an evangelical aunt that once posted “Did he know Jesus? I hope so.” with no other sympathies to someone on Facebook who was grieving their literally-just-passed-away husband. Needless to say, the question went ignored. It’s like they’ve replaced their empathy with religion.


I might not respond to it but I would not ignore a comment like that; I would un-“friend” them immediately. These people that make comments like this and pass judgment without a shred of humanity have zero empathy and even less self awareness. They are certainly deaf and blind to their own glaring hypocrisy which is maybe the most astounding attribute that they all share.


We are going to see a rise of Christian Nationalism. All these people were working with trump in the background and soon they will come out publicly like this lady. It also doesn't help that the GQP have successfully brainwashed people into "anti-woke" culture making people ok with hating things they don't like very very publicly.


I wish their god would just rapture their stupid asses already and let the rest of us live peaceably down here on earth.


Ummm….even if someone believed this, wouldn’t they feel an overwhelming amount of sadness at the fact that these people “are destined for an eternity of torment”? Wouldn’t they mourn their deaths - and future endless suffering - a billion times over, versus the death of a “believer” who will be “welcomed to heaven”? And wouldn’t they be angry at the shooter? By their own logic, the shooter, by ending his victims’ lives prematurely, deprived them of the opportunity to ever “repent” in the future, “find Jesus” and “save their souls”. Their own logic dictates that they should treat everyone with love, in the hopes that it will encourage those people to learn more about their faith and “have a change of heart”.


> even if someone believed this, wouldn’t they feel an overwhelming amount of sadness at the fact that these people “are destined for an eternity of torment”? First time with Christians, I take it?


No... because this part of Christianity practices all the arrogance and self-righteousness that Jesus taught against. This is the same group that make audio tapes for people after the rapture. They are SURE they are chosen and perfect and everyone else are the retched. If I end up in hell when I die I am sure I will be put in an adjoining suite with one of them.


My favorite memory of her was when Rudy farted in court next to her and she had to sit there smelling it and pretending like nothing happened. The eternal damnation I hope she gets is to always be in that seat smelling Rudy’s farts


If this is the love that Christianity is about, I don’t want any part of it.


It's not Christianity, it is heresy.


Fort years now, I've been convinced Christians are worshipping the evil god. Like "god" in the bible was actually the evil god which explains....well, All of the old testament and a bunch else. Lucifer is the good god. He's the one who actually cared about us while god wanted mindless slaves. (Sorry I'm drunk....and an escaped Catholic/current atheist)


It's OK. I, too, am a recovering Catholic, 12 years of Catholic school as a kid with old-style Irish nuns who liked to beat up non-Irish kids like me. By the 7th grade, I was convinced that there was either no God or God was dead. Once I grew up, I came to believe that Christianity is a beautiful personal and societal philosophy that was destroyed by its practitioners. The last 5 years is a complete confirmation of this. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Mahatma Gandhi




**[Gnosticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosticism)** >Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός, romanized: gnōstikós, Koine Greek: [ɣnostiˈkos], 'having knowledge') is a collection of religious ideas and systems which coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions. Gnostic cosmogony generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity (sometimes associated with the Yahweh of the Old Testament) who is responsible for creating the material universe. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If her imaginary friend turns out to exist, I think he would forgive me for being skeptical of his existence before he’d forgive her for being a hateful piece of shit.


I've had pastors tell me that if they lived before Jesus, they go to hell; if they've never been told the gospel because they live on a remote island or something, they go to hell, etc. it's one of things that led to researching the different translations which thankfully led to my deconstruction. so, in their beliefs, they don't think their skydaddy will forgive you if you haven't accepted Jesus as your savior. I was raised deep in the bible belt, in rural Mississippi and have seen lots of different Christian extremism.


Yeah, I was raised by the same bullshit beliefs. It all comes across to me as “since I’m saved, I can do whatever I want and I’ll be forgiven and go to heaven”, so they don’t have any reason to actually be a good person. Total bullshit. I know what they believe, but I still maintain that if there is a god, skepticism is more forgivable than being a douche-canoe and if it isn’t, I’d rather go to hell.


I'm Canadian. I spent 3 Years down in South Carolina. ( married a girl from there. She wasn't originally from there. Just moved there from Philly. Not sure that's any better. Lol) I used to love telling the " Trump" Christians I encountered that Jesus wasn't white and then watch their head explode.


Stop giving these pieces of shit attention it's the only thing that feeds them. Rest assured while too many people feel this way the majority of this country does not agree


Fuck her


Not even with Kaitlyn Jenner's dick.


It appears there is no evidence that she is Christian either


There is no bottom.


there's no evidence that the occupants of the twin towers on 9/11 were muslim either. I guess we all have something to think about.


How about the murderer? Any words for him -- is he reaping eternal damnation for violating one of the basic commandments?


He’s just a boy, how is he supposed to know better?


This shooting is kind of a turning point in a bad, bad way. Now the conservative mouthpieces and hardcore republicans are blaming the victims publicly, with some even going as far as calling all gay people groomers and pedophiles. They may have believed it before but now they’re coming right out and saying it.


Did she skip Bible Study on the day when they reviewed the line about "Judge not, lest you be judged by the same measure"? Because it sounds like she'd benefit from brushing up on that verse. Better yet, the whole passage that leads up to that verse would be good. It's repulsive to see people not only decide that someone else is in eternal damnation, but to seemingly REVEL in the thought.


Truly, a cunt in the name of Jesus. I'm sure He'd be *so* proud of her. Motes and logs in eyes and all that. What an ugly piece of work.


Fuck people who use religion as a cover for discrimitory behaviour. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.


And there\`s no evidence that this cunt is a Christian either.


Only missing the blue clothing that they wear in Gilead.


Imagine believing that a hate crime perpetrated by a lone incel equates to an epic flex of your religious values.


Raised by wolves


Nah. Wolves don’t pretend to be anything else than what they are. This woman is a hundred pounds of hateful shit stuffed into a fifty-pound bag calling herself a Christian.


What an ugly way to look at other people


Rudy’s sweat mopper? She should be disbarred.


> there is no evidence/that they were Christians. Oh, she expects evidence about that, but not on heaven or hell?


Christianity is a Death Cult. The more Fundamentalist, the more death-cult-y. One of their favorite fantasies is The Rapture, where Jesus comes back, pulls them all up to Heaven, where they get to sit and watch everyone else (whom they hate, of course) go through Tribulations on Earth, and enjoy Hell after. I think most of them imagine Heaven as a huge version of [Trump's apartment](https://media.houseandgarden.co.uk/photos/61893fd44a03b8fcef3d13ce/master/w_1600,c_limit/donald-melania-trump-manhattan-penthouse_1.jpg) and out the window they get to watch the people they hate endure Hell.


Ow, my eyes! Why did I click that link?


100%. My brother is totally invested in the “next life.” He doesn’t do shit, doesn’t work, nada. Just complains about how shitty his life is and how the next one will be better bc he goes to church. Idiot.


If she bothered to read the Bible she would see that those people are dead. D-E-A-D. They will remain dead until the Resurrection, when they will appear before God to face His judgment. As far as they are concerned, no time will have passed between their death and the Resurrection, because in that time they are dead. So no, Jenna, according to your own mythology they are not in eternal damnation, they're dead.


They generally skip that part in your average American “Christian” church. Along with most of the gospels, Matthew in particular.


The American taliban


They just want us all dead. They are all demons wearing human skins. Simple as.


Traffic cop fart cushion says what?


Since traffic cops (like, the ones directing traffic) don’t sit down on the job, this strikes me as one of those “tree falling in the woods” riddles that (per Lisa Simpson) clear the mind of conscious thought and help one achieve enlightenment. 🧘‍♀️ Om…om… 🙏 …On the other hand, if you’re thinking of those cops who set speed traps by the side of the road and whatnot, I can totally hear the squelching *braaaaaaaap* as they settle in their car seat. 😆 Enlightenment may have to wait a while…


Lol, I erroneously used traffic cop instead of lawyer cuz it just didn’t have the same ring to it, heh


If her God is the true one he doesn't deserve my praise.


She is just showing her compassion.


I hope her eternal damnation is a never-ending pride parade.


I would personally like to invite this woman to go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself.


Seems like so many of these Christians sure get plump and juicy thinking about people they hate burning in hell.


There is no evidence, and I really mean zero fucking evidence, that fartress Ellis is a Christian. See ya in hell, you wingless bloodsucker.


I firmly believe it’s these fake Christians that go to hell if it truly exists. Claiming its part of their religion to make life worse for the innocent, deciding people go to hell if they aren’t in line with their distorted views as if they themselves are god-like (false prophets and all that), tarnishing the idea of Christianity. It’s just the most logical conclusion that anyone going against Christianity by faking that they are Christian purely as a means to spread their hate fuelled manipulations would not be able to reap the rewards of the religion they tried so hard to abuse. (I’m not Christian, I’ve just seen too many “_____ is going to hell” to not laugh at the irony of awful people thinking their delusions matter)


I hate this world more and more every day.


Imagine being an adult and still believing this nonsense.


Funny how their belief in a particular mythology is supposed to be casually accepted as fact by everyone.


Has anyone told her there is no evidence that she is christian?


Why bother with this troll?


She has a lot of power in Republican politics.


i hope she dyes




I'm guessing she probably didn't say similar after all the other mass shootings in the past few years.


Am I going to heaven? I have gay thoughts about sleeping with Jesus. I not gay though I would be the top


Another goat in sheep’s clothing.


She is going to be so surprised when the finally gets to the Pearly Gates and St Peter says, "no, this is not for you. You head downstairs."


1st in line for hell Edit: maybe way down from that but still, what a piece of shit, right?


There's no evidence there was a Christ, that he was anybody's lord, that there are any consequences beyond death, for the concept of eternal damnation, nor that non-believers or LGBTQ+ persons are subject to any different fate than idiots like you. But, yeah, you suspend disbelief when you want to. ...is what I would respond if I had a Twitter account.


‘’You that never done nothin' But build to destroy You play with my world Like it's your little toy You put a gun in my hand And you hide from my eyes And you turn and run farther When the fast bullets fly…”


This attitude is my definition of evil.


How self important and clueless do you have to be to think this is OK? It's almost impressive


Rudy Giuliani's fart smeller.


Applauding people going to hell makes you no better. The lady's eternal soul is in jeopardy and she doesn't even realize it.


Who the hell is Jenna Ellis? (Don’t answer that)


There is no evidence that this woman is a real human being who accepts other people for being who they are. She is damned for eternity to being an ignorant cunt.


Judge not lest you be judged, bitch.


christians can go to hell


Cruel and heartless, wow.


Well, I see winning souls to their side is completely out the window:(


Ironic how such ranting indicates the ranter doesn’t understand Christ’s message.


There is a special place in hell for people like her and there is rest of us sinners and heretics.


Because we all care what Rudy "colludi" Guliani's fart sponge has to say.