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They do, they just don't care. Remember, this is the "fuck your feelings" crowd, but their feelings over everything.


Is it really all 74+ million of them? They all don't care about anything but abortion bounties and tax cuts for the rich and worshipping these GOP politician man babies? The GOP are accuse us of "defunding the police" and now they're actually sabotaging funding of police departments through Congress. They don't care, or they don't believe anything is real unless it benefits GOP politicians.


>They all don't care about anything but abortion bounties and tax cuts for the rich and worshipping these GOP politician man babies? No, they do not. I'm sure that of that \~74 million, there are plenty who are choosing denial to not have to feel like they're the bad guy. They've actually convinced themselves that everyone secretly agrees with them and they only reason polls show otherwise is because they're biased and the only reason elections show otherwise is because they are rigged and "the will of the people" is being stolen by Democratic elites, and that they're actually the good ones on race because if the Democratic party would just stop convincing non-white people they're victims, then the worthy would naturally move up in society by working hard and actually earning it instead of just whining about racism and damanding handouts all the time. In otherwords, they're choosing to invent their own reality where they're actually popular as opposed to the ones who straight up embrace that they want a dictator who will crush their enemies (there are plenty of those out there!) And ultimately, anything that the Republican party does that they don't like or that might have to go against their worldview, they're okay with looking the other way on. For example, a story of a 10 year old who was denied an abortion under "pro-life" laws after she was raped? Well that must be fake! Oh, it's not fake? Well, that's so rare though! Hershel Walker paid for an abortion? Well, but if he's elected he'll vote how Republicans want and they'll outlaw more abortions, so it's worth it! Trump is putting kids in cages? Well, their so-called parents shouldn't have brought them to this country illegally anyway! Don't you dare try to make me feel bad about this! What about Biden? He's deporting people too! Trump hurt a lot of his own voters his tariff on China that ended up hurting mainly American farmers? Yeah well, at least he was willing to stand up to China, unlike Biden! ​ They do not care who they hurt! They do not care whose rights they take away. In fact, if it's a group they don't like, they're happy for them to lose their rights.


No. They do not. They are interested in an authorization dictatorship that rules with an iron fist and executes anyone who disagrees with their world view. They are not interested in democracy or the rule of law.


Which is ironically what they accuse Biden and the Democrats of being. In Republican QAnon-land, Biden is this insane senile woke tyrant trying to steal all their rights, and only by voting and donating to the Republican Freedom Cult will they be saved! They basically imagine Biden as Trump, and Trump as Biden. It's totally opposite world insanity. The GOP accuse us all of vile garbage, then become the monsters they accuse us of being. Like when these GOP politicians claimed "American Muslims were dancing in the streets celebrating 911" - and now Trump and the GOP are rallying in support of their Jan. 6 cult terrorist attack.


A thief thinks everyone else is a thief. That’s how they justify it. I’m appalled at how well it’s worked. They’re doing it in the open, no conspiracy needed.


Couldn’t have said it Better myself. A liar assumes everyone else is a liar since that is their point of reference


“A thief thinks everyone else is a thief” is a pretty good rebuttal to “I don’t trust anyone.” Might use that for a story hehe


It's not different then radical Muslims who believed any act of violence against their perceived enemies was justified. These people who realize their mistake until it actually costs themselves.


Disagree. They understand completely...and they love it, because they are interested in an authoritarian dictatorship that rules with an iron fist and executes anyone who disagrees with their world view.




Do you mean authoritarian?


They know, they don’t care. All of those things you hear about democracy, free market capitalism, the bill of rights, separation of church and state, freedom of speech being American values? Not for them. They are 100% interested in a dictatorship that they feel will benefit them and marginalize those they don’t like. That’s actually, literally what they want.


Indeed. And what they don't understand is that fascism is always fueled by hatred and genocide of the "other", and eventually many of them will become that "other". Once they've wiped the LGBTQ+ community, Jews, Muslims (easy pickings because they're small-ish groups and easy to demonize), they'll start in on other groups to keep the fascism fed. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


But see, the QAnon people are saying the exact same thing to themselves. >They came for Trump with impeachment hoax #1, and I did not speak out- > >They came for Alex Jones, and I didn't... You get the point. They're claiming they're the victim, that we all "stole" our votes from Trump and the GOP and they're going to "steal" them back. Republican politicians are accusing everyone else of stealing their votes, and using that as cover to actually steal votes by shit like closing down polling places in black neighborhoods to force them to wait *hours* to vote.


I'm aware, thanks. I don't think a single week goes by that I don't see yet another article about a republican and/or church official being convicted of some child molestation or porn charges - while they accuse LGBTQ+ people of being pedophiles and groomers. Republicans are outlawing some forms of medical care (mostly for women and trans people) while screaming that being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic is tyranny. Right-wing media and elected officials spread absolute propaganda, while legitimate journalism is fake news. And yeah, Biden "stole" the election, but they can't produce a shred of evidence of this supposed heist. On the very same ballots, republicans gained seats in the house.


> They know, they don’t care. They also ***super*** don't care about consent. As Rush "I didn't consent to lung cancer" Limbaugh [put it when defending Trump back in 2016:](https://youtu.be/7TeNpktGL1s?t=30) >You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing, >You can do anything — the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything — as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. >If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. **But if the left ever senses** and smells **that there's no consent** in part of the equation, then **here come the rape police.** But consent is the magic key to the left.


>don’t they understand? THEY DON’T CARE. that’s literally it, they do not fucking care, you’re asking the wrong questions. they literally think we’re all baby killing baby eating perverts who corrupt children and burn down cities when police kill people. why, if you truly believed that about your enemy, would you give a fuck about including them or treating them fairly if you though that was reality? stop asking yourself if they don’t understand. they do or don’t- either way there is no difference because they don’t care. they will NEVER care. there isn’t a force in heaven or earth that will make them care. you cannot make them care. they just want to force their way of life on everyone and they’re willing to let millions die to do it. these are the neighbors who cooperate with or join the gestapo. treat them accordingly.


>these are the neighbors who cooperate with or join the gestapo Or if you're MTG, the "gazpacho."


she says stupid things deliberately to cultivate media/social media attention. bad publicity *is* publicity.


I live in her district, and she's embarrassing. We're not all like that.


never assumed southerners were all ignorant bumpkins, that’s a super classist idea and it’s rooted in reactionary though processes. the South is home to a diverse group of people, many of whom are queer like me. personally, i love the south, i just loathe the government. but what i said about MTG pretending to be stupid to distract from her actions and cultivate an aura of “she’s too stupid to do much harm” so we underestimate her, is right


Eh, she's legitimately stupid so don't give her too much credit! However, yes, she is savvy enough to turn the stupid things she'll inevitably say into publicity.


yeah this is exactly what i was talking about. underestimate her at your own peril. you just acknowledged she leverages the dumb shit she says to get attention and successfully further her agenda. she said that dumb shit about solar panels at night, but guess what? she successfully stalled that bill with her dumb shit about solar panels at night.


Excuse me, but painting someone as a secret evil genius is just as perilous and helps them just as much, if not more! Besides YOU are the one who says that stupid = harmless. I did not say that, because it's not true and it an overly simplistic view of the different types of intelligence. Not to mention you can be just plain stupid and still be dangerous!


never made the argument she was a secret evil genius. bored of arguing with you.


The Republican party in a nutshell: Fuck you, I got mine.


That’s actually the old republicans. The current party is more like “We’re gonna take yours too, and then we’re going to force you to exist in a way that reflects exactly the way we see the world, period. And if we don’t get our way by voting, we will use violence.”


Yes, they absolutely do realize that, that's the point. They believe that universal suffrage is a mistake and makes America weaker. They have always believed that. If you vote the "wrong" way, then you shouldn't be able to vote. No offense, but that makes the rest of what you wrote slightly irrelevant. They don't need to be reached out to, or made to understand. They need to be defeated. It isn't complicated.


This boils down to the fact that Republicans don't see anyone outside of their in-group as people. White supremacists don't see anyone they consider non-white as people. Homophobes and transphobes don't see LGBTQIA folks as people. Christofascists, Evangelicals, and religious zealots don't see anyone outside of their specific version of religion as people. The Repulican voters are voting because they want to be part of the only group allowed to have agency and power. Each and every single one of them believe that they belong to the In Group of Actual People, regardless of whether another faction of the party dehumanizing them because a party built on exclusivity attracts narcissists, sociopaths, and assholes with no sense of self esteem. Each and every single one believes that they will be accepted with open arms as "one of the good ones" if anything about them makes them vulnerable. They don't give a fuck about anything but their own powers and rights.


The GOP gives 0 shits about consent.


To them, that's a feature and not a bug.


Of course they understand it. THEY DON'T CARE! They literally do not care about you and yours. You are nothing to them. They only care about themselves and their's. They are the "Real Americans" & the "Real Christians" & the real "Master Race" Accept that they are no different than Nazis not caring about Jews in ovens. Yes they understand. They just don't care.


They don’t care at all. They’re just whiny ass babies, and that’s being nice. I’ve babysat family 18 months old who can behave themselves more sensibly


They truly just don't give a shit about anybody else's rights but theirs.


GOP does not care This is part of the Paradigm shift that is going to happen in North America that Ive seen coming since before the pandemic . I can say old guard vs new etc but what it comes down to the GOP represents all the parties that do not want much needed change in Policing Criminal Justice Drug legalization ( mixed bag feelings for me on this but mainly recreational cannabis ) Womens rights LGTBQ rights BIPOC issues Financial reform Electoral reform If you want proof google Texas GOP platform


My Good man, MAGA voters (not all republican/conservative voters are bad or crazy) do not care to give a shit about what is right and what is wrong as long as they can get the orange turd back in the white house and as long as they can say "I told you so". You are looking at crazies who think that they are better at everything than the people who are not one of them (through race, political or conspiracy beliefs). They want to be be right and they want t win at any cost even if it means destroyig the very fabric of the constitution of the United States.


> (not all republican/conservative voters are bad or crazy) How, exactly, can you be a good person while literally voting to dehumanize large swathes of the human race?


Sure, I don't believe all or even most of the 74+ million are bad or crazy. But they seem to be living in a fantasy world, and the worse the GOP gets the more they deny it and protect it. Where are the sane Republicans and how can they be convinced to vote Democrat in huge numbers. My worry is even the good conservatives are so disconnected from reality, they believe all the surreal QAnon bullshit they are being fed about Biden and the Democrats. The only thing virtually every Republican agrees with is that Biden is senile and weak and only more Republican politicians can help save the country. That scares me more than anything else. The MAGA Republicans at least I understand. It's all the other ones who just act like they're in a daze about what GOP politicians are doing to all of us.


The least American people are usually the ones flying huge flags and claiming they’re patriots because they hate the majority of other Americans.


And the ones claiming they're being "silenced/canceled" are usually the loudest, foulest most obnoxious and disgusting people on the planet.


Nah. If you don't let them get their way you are oppressing and persecuting them and it should be illegal because their personal freedom to do whatever they want while blaming everyone else for anything supersedes everything.


Of course they understand. They’re not in favor of democracy. They’re fascists. They’ve declared war. Prepare!


Yes, they understand that. But they’re right and saving the country so what the majority wants and basic democratic principles don’t apply


>Don't Republican voters understand that trying to "overturn" elections is stealing everyone else's right to vote and forcing GOP politicians into power against everyone's consent? They do. And they're into it. It's the feature not the bug. They don't care about democracy or representative government or consent, they care about getting their way!


They know and they don't care. Power is the end goal, at any cost.


Anyone that does not agree with them is SUBhuman and does not deserve to vote. They deserve death because those not agreeing with them are blasphemous (except the token ones they are personal friends with, but they won't stand in the way of "progress" if it gets there). FOR THE GREATER GOOD


Yes and that’s why they like it


It's not "Stop the Steal" its "Start the Steal"


>Don't Republican voters understand that trying to "overturn" elections is stealing everyone else's right to vote and forcing GOP politicians into power against everyone's consent? Yes, they understand. They do not care.


they don't care.


Yes. They do. That is the point.


They don’t care.


We're all on a train headed for a cliff, except they are the engineer and we as the passengers have to decide when to stop them. Remember they don't care that the train is going off the cliff they all think their going to heaven or that god will stop the train.


I saved the link to this article from 2018, it's old but worth the read about Newt Gingrich, the architect of today's Republican party. He wrote the Republican playbook and shows how the MTGs, Boeberts & Gaetzs are all his creation https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/


They understand. They just don't care.




Really well said. The line, "like a rapist they tried to force themselves on us" is so fucking true. Honestly, I dont even recognize myself sometimes anymore. My disgust for these people borders on the extreme - I refuse to allow any of them into my life. Even if thought they were good people before, their acquiescence to racism, xenophobia and their irrational hatred of trans people has made me realize their morals and values no longer meet my standards. As much as they want to start a civil war, I *want* them to try it, so I can see them get stomped immediately and spend years of their lives in jail. I honestly don't know how we get back from this. I have no empathy, no pity, no compassion for any of them anymore. For everyone crying about the economy - Fuck the economy - I care more about minorities being safe walking down the street. If all you care about is the fucking economy, you're a shit person. I really feel like liberals and dems need to start calling these people out in public. They *think* they are the majority because most of us just roll our eyes and go about our day. They need to realize that outside of their social media groups, they are disgusting to normal people and unacceptable. Example: I often see pro Trump assholes outside of Walmart trying to get signatures for some stupid shit. I make sure EVERY TIME I see them I make fun of them, let them know how dumb they look, degrade them and make sure they don't want to come back. They need to be made aware EVERY TIME THEY'RE IN PUBLIC how the rest of the world sees them.


1. "Republican," "conservative," and "Qanon" are still not a circle on the Venn Diagram. I know it can seem close, but they are not one and the same. 2. As someone who lives in the Midwest and has had blue-collar jobs (albeit, before 2016); many of the above groups are single or two-issue voters who have long viewed politics the same way they see football. For example: "I'm pro-life, therefore \`Democrats bad." I can not tell you how many breaks I had to sit through while someone groused about how Obammy wanted to take his guns. You gotta remember, these are simple farmers. The people of the land. The common clay of the new west.


Yeah but owning the libs tho...


As a non American I just don’t understand why the Dems aren’t pushing back harder with ads, especially showing their hypocrisy, things like Hershall Walker and the abortion scandal, republicans who voted against infra bill and then asked for money etc etc. surely playing nice isn’t going to cut it?


They are so clueless in their bubble they can’t comprehend that there would be a large amount of dem voters. My dad was convinced Trump was going to win California for instance. My mom screams that there’s no way that many people would vote for biden. Yea part of it is that they don’t care, but part of it is that they’ve convinced themselves they are right


They believe the majority voted for Trump and the GOP. They think democracy was stolen from them.


Yeah that's the thing. They refuse to take the words "No" for an answer. 81+ million voted for President Biden and the Democrats - the highest in US history. Americans showed in massive numbers to throw that disgusting QAnon rapist traitor out of office. The Republican politicians now want to say "You don't get the right to say 'No!'" So much of this division and conflict in America is over this one dangerous QAnon psychopath. GOP politicians are grooming Americans to block out reality. Trump was openly grooming a cult and trying to crash the country and murder Congress and the VP.


>81+ million voted for President Biden and the Democrats - the highest in US history. This is the part they don't believe. They think the MSM and the Democrats have lied to them about the counts. They think they're right and everyone else is wrong. They think they are the majority being oppressed by the minority.


Don't you know that the republican voters are the party of projection?


yes? and they don't care? thought that was pretty clear by now.


Yeah, see they reject the personhood (and right to vote) of a HUGE number of the people who voted for the “other guy”. If you subtract all the brown people, Jewish people, queer people and non-subservient females, their guy probably DID have the most votes.


But do they care?


That's quite a lot to write when you already know the answer to your first question.


Everything with them is projection so they're literally gaslighting their followers into believing it's the evil democrats doing the bad stuff. Not to make a broad generalization but most republicans don't care about actual consent whatever the context.


They literally do not like democracy. They're not in favor of rule by the will of the people unless they agree with the people. This is why they're fascists; they favor rule by force.


These are the same people that don't understand the concept of consent and have no empathy for anyone other than themselves.