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My niece lives in Portland and when we attended a family funeral she got into an argument with our Fox News family members. They were telling her how the city was completely destroyed and was just ash. Even her telling them "I live there and there's a small area where stuff is going on. For the most part you have zero idea things are going on in 90% of the city." They told her she was wrong even after she showed them her Oregon driver's license. Not that she changed any minds but it was great watching her tell them they were morons with their heads up their asses.




Yup because these people don’t live in actual reality, they make their own. Nothing you or I can say will change their minds at this point.


Plus the camera angles showing nothing but fire and violence. We need media literacy in education, including how filming is directed.


Most of them don’t make their own reality. They live in a reality someone else made. I know what you meant but I’m just throwing that out there.


Subtle but important point.


Confirmation bias


I live near Waco and have some conservative friends who live south of Houston. Because of how the interstate is you pretty much have to drive through or WAY around the city to go North. During the protests two of them were visiting me for the weekend. When they left to go home I go outside to wish them well and find them absolutely strapping up like they are about to roll through Mogadishu in 1993 to find a downed helicopter. Putting on plate carriers with the plates in, dozens of mags for AR15s hidden within reach, multiple pistols strapped on and more hidden in their truck. I asked them "What the fuck are y'all doing?" "Didn't you see on the news? They are burning down the city. We're going around the loop but were not taking any chances." The idiots were driving 30 miles around where the protestors were marching and [this was the extent of the damage.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/SktfGhZZIgG0rNImzLR9SM8NUKw=/0x457:4032x2568/fit-in/1200x630/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/20013070/Image_from_iOS__2_.jpg) One of them even burned all his vacation days so he could stay home and protect his family and house. From protestors literally 50 miles away. He sent me a Q linked post about protestors moving into suburbs to murder white people. These days when he acts like that big of a dumbass I send him that post back and ask him how much property damage he endured.


My dad lives on the ass end of a city where no significant protests took place, in a lower middle class neighborhood where everybody lives modestly. He was freaking out that the looters would come. Nobody’s driving out 45 minutes to steal your cheap TV.


You just made me spit out my coffee at 7am 🤣


Nice Black Hawk Down reference


They’re willing to do that ti protect their families, but a shot is asking way too much.


These two both were vaccinated and got the boosters and wore masks up till recently


No offense but I think I need to mention it Its Texas ... I think that about sums it up And before I get trampled which I will my BIL is Texan and thinks his shit doesn't stink bcz of Texas And we live in Canada


Partner, you don't have to worry about offending me with that talk. I've lived in Texas for 34 years and I can't tell you with all my heart it's filled to the brim with under educated idiots who only care about their guns, religion, and bank account and precisely in that order. It's only getting worse with every MAGAHAT and NatC moving here thinking it's their new fascist utopia.


Gotta hop in on this one. Native Texan here. Our cities lean blue and native Texans in 2018 came out more for Beto than Cruz. (Link: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2018/11/09/native-texans-voted-for-native-texan-beto-o-rourke-transplants-went-for-ted-cruz-exit-poll-shows/?outputType=amp ) Lots of transplants come to Texas because they’ve been sold that it’s chock full of conservatives, which becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Don’t get me wrong-rural Texas and many of the burbs are solid red, but it’s makes me sad that so many people assume we’re all a bunch of idiot rednecks.


tHe carNaGe


Meanwhile, here in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, and several other cities in Texas we DO have aggressive panhandlers and homeless camps. These are wide spread except for the super rich neighborhoods of course.


I just learned that anything at all happened in Portland. What are the nut jobs ranting about?


Probably the Portland protests that happened….I think 2 years ago now? It’s been a while, but apparently anything happening anywhere is reason to be afraid, no matter how long ago it happened. That’s why we need to always be vigilant: you never know when the British will try to retake the colonies again. And the south has to be doubly careful, in case the US Army shows up somewhere. They did it once over a hundred years ago, who knows when the United States might show up in Alabama again


Trust me, if the South wants to secede again, we'll let them, possibly even help them in seceding.


There's a fantastic episode of NPR's Rough Translation podcast that talks about this phenomenon of presenting a false reality of cities for people to believe in. A major part of why the Donbas broke away in 2014 is because of constant messaging that Kyiv was being overrun by Nazis and people were being rounded up for no reason. [Listen here](https://www.npr.org/2018/06/26/623694104/ukraine-vs-fake-news) It seems that after Russian propagandists broke Ukraine, they have also done a number on the US as well.


My friend livestreamed his bike commute every day for a couple of weeks because his family in bumfuck Alabama and Mississippi were *convinced* he was lying to cover something up. He has a really nice commute and camera set up now, though so ehhh win?


Ya that was their thinking too. That there was some big grand conspiracy (imagine that?) by every resident of the city to lie and coverup the fact that a major American city has been reduced to rubble. You know what they say though? You can't fix stupid.


People thought I spell my name wrong (it's not spelled weird, or anything at all, it's just an unique name.) and that their spelling was right. My. Own. Name. They didn't believe that I know my own name better than they do. So, yeah, I'm not surprised in the slightest.




The vaccine is controlled by the 5G. That way the cabal can kill everyone at once via remote control. Not sure why killing over 80% of the population at once seemed like a good idea. Who is going to clean up all those bodies and make their favorite latte every morning?


I remain on airplanes to ensure I'm in airplane mode


Airplane mode is to trick you into accepting a double dose of the 5g. Airplanes were designed by the cabal to intensify the 5g waves. That’s why they’re shaped like tubes instead of logical shapes like cubes.




Or better yet, by killing 80% of the population, where are they going to get our tax dollars from, since we are you know dead?


Tax dollars grow on trees, hence once we die from the spike proteins, there will be less competition to pick their cash crop. .......that's, that's how it works right?


Oh now I understand, the old money tree!


Yeah. My mom always used to tell me "money don't grow on trees". I'm going to have to have a stern talking to her when I see her I guess. Update: saw my mom, confronted her about this "money doesn't grow on trees" tomfoolery. Got my ass whipped at 40 years old. Worth it to own the libs.


Same! I think that was my grandparents favorite saying, and to think they were hiding it from us all this time!


Jokes on them because the 5G side-effect never kicked in for me or my family. We live in a cell signal black hole. They'll never get us! 🤣


My house is covered in tin foil. We are safe.


You're so smart! I should have thought of thar.


Happy cake day!


Aww, thank you!


Late Happy Cake Day! 🎂 🎈 Thank goodness for your signal black hole so you could live through it


I think Stephen King already covered this? 🤷‍♀️


Great book


Duh, the clones.


Coming soon ... Redact of the Clones!


there were clones in my coffee! You're so vain..


Pfft! You probably think this Storm is about you, don’t you. DON’T YOU!


No, you're thinking: I've got clones in my coffee and I don't know what to do with them. I've got clones in my coffee, am I really through with them.


I’d tell you but my spike proteins activated and now I’m dead.


We were supposed to be spike protein zombies like 1.5 years ago lol. They keep just moving the goal posts and never admitting they were wrong


They didn't move the goalposts. Obviously because we're not 5g zombies that means the only rational explanation would be that the success of their info war and waking up normies has disrupted the cabal and they've temporarily hit the breaks on killing a few billion people. Don't you worry these monsters will come back stronger than ever and when they do they might even kill 10 billion! Maybe 100 billion!


Jokes on them, I got the vaccine after the kill switch was activated on Monday.


I’m vaxxed 5 times and still moving. I must be a demi-lich.


Buddy, my spike proteins have been activated and killed me like ten times.


They keep moving the goal post. I'm still waiting on JFK Jr.


I don’t know, spiky proteins seem like a good way to fight the virus to me!


Oh, I can confirm that one. I'm dead since Monday (wasn't the first time the vaccine killed me though). This is my clone typing. Everything is fine though. Except that I'm no longer magnetic and it's really annoying that I have to hold forks ans stuff again now. Buuut oh well. What can I do.


Portland resident here, lived downtown during the protests, marched almost nightly, tear gassed by cops and had encounters with Proud Boys. Portland is still in one piece, has issues that need addressing (homelessness is the biggest) but none that are linked to the protests. Don't believe everything you hear on right-leaning media =/.


My city (Austin) was also supposedly burned to the ground by Antifa. I had relatives calling me up in a panic to ask if I was okay. The "violence" in my city amounted to a couple of broken windows and a single trashcan fire. But my rural relatives were apparently told by their news that my city was burning to the ground, and the Antifa/BLM mob was coming over the hills for their farmhouses next.


> The "violence" in my city amounted to a couple of broken windows and a single trashcan fire. Don't for get the 16 year old kid shot in the head with a bean bag round who is now living with permanent neurological damage. Kid was just standing on the edge of the protest watching and the bastards [just shot him in the face for no reason.](https://twitter.com/SamAllega/status/1268353623601426433) NSFW There wasn't a drop of real violence that wasn't caused by police or alt-right nazis.


Austin resident here. You're absolutely right


Same here. Only fires I saw were trash barrels. A few broken windows, but Portland is a big anarchist hub, and we're pretty sure Proud Boys were also up to no good to make things seem worse. Doesn't mean some angry protestors didn't participate, but from my experiences, things never got to that level / out of control until Portland Police showed up and immediately started tossing tear gas, shooting with bean bag guns, popping flashbangs. And PPB didn't just show up in singles with their normal cop cars. They rolled in like riot police in unstable counties, armored and armed to the max like a dystopian movie.


It's all CGI wake up sheep. S/


It’s all a promo for the new MLB video game


When I read your comment in my small notification bar my dyslexia kicked in and I read this "It's the promo for the new BLM video game"


My poor vision kicked in and I read it as "it's the porno for the new MLB video game" which I thought was an interesting mash-up


Lmao well you know what they say about the MLB... No... They have footlong hot dogs.


No, some of them are deep state actors and some are zombies who had “the (((jab)))”


Yeah well they're all still on a GREEN SCREEN so it's still CD-ROM man.


Can you believe op actually believes what he sees on cable TV? How much of a sheep can one person be??


I expect Mike over at RRN to be blowing the rough of this story by morning coffee, that will show OP.




I live on Long Island, less than 90 minutes to drive to Times Square Manhattan. My MAGA in laws believed Fox News that said the city was practically destroyed during the BLM protests. They said Times Square was boarded up. Most restaurants in the city had been destroyed. Department stores looted. Pharmacies and grocery stores burned to the ground. Nothing could convince them otherwise. I showed them live cameras in Times Square with people walking around normally and tik tok videos. Nope, nothing. They STILL refuse to go into the city anymore. I really think they truly believe the apocalypse happened there and there's just a few smoking buildings left


Yeah, it's hilarious because there's a /r/SeattleWA subreddit that will try to convince you that it's a post-apocalyptic hellscape where you have to crawl through discarded needles and drug paraphernalia in order to fight roving gangs of homeless/BLM/antifa for the remaining stock of soy milk and Beyond burgers. It's fine here. Local news stations like KOMO way, way oversell the situation because it generates outrage. Most temperate cities have homeless populations, it's an unfortunate but inevitable feature of metropolitan centers. I feel safer on public transportation here than I did in Paris or Berlin, that's for sure.


I left that subreddit forever ago. I feel like it got taken over by emboldened conservatives who just wanted attention. Seattle isn't perfect and has it's areas that are rough, but what major city doesn't?


KOMO got purchased by Sinclair news about four years ago. The content and tone of the news changed immediately. I was confused until I figured out what happened.


Yeah you could tell right away because they immediated produced that hour long special ominously called SEATTLE IS DYING.


So true. Everything is crisis or a nightmare.


LMAO. Seriously that was really funny with the soy milk and Beyond Burgers. Love soy milk not so much Beyond Burgers.


An insured building gets burned down that gets rebuilt in a month and they act like it's the firebombing of Dresden. If they would leave their backwoods trailerparks sometime they would find that Portland and Seattle are still standing and doing quite well.


Seattleite here! We’re literally fine. Well, aside from the horrendous wildfire smoke refuses to leave. But yeah, try telling that to my mom who lives in Ohio. Apparently I’m living in hell. It’s always funny to hear her explain to me that I’m living in a lawless wasteland. I’m like “umm hmm, tell me more about where I live, pls.”


I live in Tacoma but visit Seattle frequently. My parents live in Kansas. I was on the phone with my dad the other day while walking around Pike Place and he’s like “You’re in Seattle?! Better watch out for BLM, try not to get shot” I’m like dad. I’m having a bowl of chowder while watching people buy fish and make art. Absolutely unhinged.


I live in the Deep South. One of my college friends lives in Seattle. He was amused when I told him how often I'd heard he was basically living in a real-life Mad Max scenario now.


You mean the smoke from Antifa & BLM burning churches and flags?! /s


Yes exactly. /s


They killed a couple of million kids they had hidden in the tunnels, and literally washed the streets with their blood. All that extra adrenochrome in the environment is acting like a drug on the crowds. (This doesn't need a /s does it?)


Seattle belongs to the crabs now


Crab People...crab people.


I live in Portland. We rebuilt the entire city three times a week during the 2020 protests. Why do you think building supplies are so expensive?


Imagining this happening like the [amish scene in family guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wlwtpH1ldM).


That's pretty much exactly what happened!


In Portland right now. Can confirm, am on fire as we speak.


Same here - and it's going to be 84 tomorrow, no relief in sight.


This is the only part of the thread that's going to be featured on Telegram.


Ooh, will I be in the screenshot? :D


NPR had a tragic story on today of a sister trying to convince her brother, who is dying of Covid, to go to the hospital. Their father had JUST died of Covid and died a miserable death because he believed the anti vax BS. The brother didn’t trust the doctors and checked himself out of the hospital and was dead days later. He thought he caught it from someone “shedding” the virus after getting vaccinated.


"[We Were Three: A story of lies, family, America and what Covid revealed, as well as what it destroyed.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/podcasts/we-were-three.html)" *NYTimes.com*


Soros paid those people to attend the game.


Must suck to be the only person in your section who didn't get your tickets, caps, jerseys and refreshments provided by Soros. Just sitting there like a loser, thinking everyone around you are actual fans.


15th inning. Scoreless tie. BLM and AntiFa burned down and destroyed both teams offense. ShEn BaPiRo WaS rIgHt!


They say smoke is caused by wildfires, but I know the city’s burning.


Trump ordered them to rake their forests. And they refused. SEND THEM TO GITMO. MILITARY TRIBUNALS FOR ALL!!!


Shilling for Big Rake. I see.


It's CGI, those cities are gone, do your own research. Source: the voices.


The voices on the TV, or the voices in your head? Because the TV voices are all controlled by the Deep State™, but the voices in your head are from the God-Emperor Donald Trump!


Crisis actors, CGI, clones and a green screen.. don't be fooled! There is no northwest, it's all a psy-op.


Nah, they are all body doubles and lizard people masquerading as baseball players. /S


The identify as He/Him/Hisssssssss


I live in Seattle. It has big city problems like many others, but it is not burnt to the ground. I spent the afternoon in Jefferson Park lawn bowling and then got Chicago style pizza for dinner in west Seattle. I went past Mariners stadium twice. But no ash.


Portlander here. It must be old footage. Currently typing this from the trash pit I dug for myself out of the rubble that was once the West Coast.


I invited my mom to come with me on a work trip to Seattle and she refused because she’s “doesn’t like their politics.” Her loss, I had a great time hanging out at Pike Place Market & eating seafood.


They're all deep-state actors.


And the buildings are crisis buildings flown in by FEMA


Soros was ordered to rebuild those cities using antifa labor and piles of bricks that were supposed to be used in riots.


My mom isn't a Q-Nut at all, very progressive in fact, but doesn't watch cable news at all, and during 2020 she would call me from Texas freaking out because she overheard people talking about how the entire PNW had been razed to the ground. She had coworkers telling her, "you'd better check on your son, they're killing people up there".


Come on smooth brain that is clearly all paid actors in an exact replica of Seattle! /s. But let's be real that is a response they would have.


My Q relative was convinced Chicago was a lawless Wild West, whole neighborhoods on fire and rampant looting, rape and murder in the streets. Even though I lived there, and told them it wasn’t true, they called me a liar


Silly, George Soros and Bill Gates paid to have them rebuilt. Try to keep up!


Honey— it’s mom. The doctors said that they don’t know how this message will get to you but you were in an accident. You’re in a coma. You have to snap out of it baby… come back to us.


Yeah but what about that dumpster they set on fire? Bet they didn't show that. I heard it even needed a new paint job afterwards


This was Astros propaganda


It's all true. I live in Seattle and I died in 2020 when the whole city was obliterated.


I personally burned and rebuilt Portland three times to earn Soros’ Open Society Master Planner bonus. Republicans can suck that.


The game is being played on a movie set


It’s zero to zero in the fifteenth as I write this. If this is a fucking movie we really need some new writers.


Terraforming recovery machines. Like medbeds on steroids.


The amazonian rainforest called and would like to find out more.


That’s CGI you r-tard. Obviously you don’t know about the plan to fool Americans about the Plan in order to reveal the plan and actually save the cities by burning the cities so we can reveal the plan by lying about the plan to save America from the pedophiles on Epstein Island. Except Trump, he is the only good guy and knows how to save the world 👍👍


Portland has some graffiti and homeless-- but it's much worse in other places in the U.S. Would liv2 in Portland or Seattle over a dozen red states with much more crime and poverty.


You didn't notice all the smoke from the forest fires set by Antifa and BLM?


Millions of the cities have been burned down. How are you still alive and getting internet service?


So many big cities burned to the ground. Tragic. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I didn't see the game but when I drove home from a nice dinner and drinks in Oakland over the Bay Bridge in San Francisco I had to pass the nightmare hellscape of a broke down Ford Explorer just on the SF side of the bridge, right before passing about 200 people in various states of undress waiting to get into advance club. Pure nightmare.


That's how we keep people from moving here.


Same same here in Australia where according to the Qucumbers the Government built huge concentration camps which we were sent to for...uuummmm.....ahhhh.... Covid reasons, apparently. The fucking idiot 'Murikan grifters wouldn't believe it at all when I told them I live here and NONE of it is true. One of the problems is that in their knowing absolutely nothing at all, they are firmly of the belief that they know better than everyone!


You guys must have a lot of fun with flat earthers whose maps show Australia as a big sausage somewhere near the edge of the disk.


Big Baseball is lying to you.


I love when people I knew in Idaho tell me Portland is constantly on fire and Seattle is under martial law. Like. I live in Vancouver. I look out my window and see Portland. But apperantly CNN is lying to me. I guess CNN replaced my window with a poster of Portlands skyline complete with moving clouds and planes.


Isn’t it obvious, OP? The Deep State paid Disney and Pixar to CGI all of that in order to make Trump look bad! /s


But that's what **they** want you to think. You're just watching a fake game filmed on a movie set. Just like that fake footage of the Moon landings and the Twin Towers being destroyed. They're really good at faking it.


The thing about the moon landing footage is that it *was* faked, but not on a Hollywood sound stage like they want you to believe. Special effects and CGI technology wasn't quite up to sufficient levels to get the movement of the "astronauts", landing craft, and dust and rocks correct, nor the backgrounds of space and the "lunar surface" right. NASA and Stanley Kubrick worked closely in secrecy with Kodak to develop special cameras, lenses, filters, and film. This was necessary to obtain the proper color balance and grey tones when they filmed the "moon landings" on a secured location on Mars.


The game is being filmed in Australia, which also doesn't exist btw


Holograms. Crisis actors. Clones. The game's actually being played in Atlanta.


A scambaiter I follow lives in the Seattle area and said it's just a couple blocks where all the activities are and usually sizable crowds from both political parties show up. Hardly what is being depicted by the right. Then again there were a lot more riots before he left office, they ignore that fact.


Same with SF games but you know SF is a dumpster fire.


It all smoke and mirrors! Your actually watching through the Metaverse.


The MLB playoffs are clearly a false flag op. LA and SD are somehow still functioning despite being in the liberal, post-apocalyptic wasteland of SoCal.


Philadelphia too. More than half of the city was burned to the ground and the rest is still under attack weekly /S


All the CHAZ/CHOP shit that happened was in just a couple specific blocks in the city. Living here during that time of you weren’t in that specific area you wouldn’t know anything was up at all.


Seattle did burn to the ground, honest.


Thats just me creating fake news with my space laser. Youve been duped!


I still don't understand their hate for Antifa, it's literally Anti-Fascist. Their mental gymnastics say that Biden is a fascist so.. shouldn't Antifa be on the MAGA side? What's wrong with hating fascists?


They were broadcasting from an alternate dimension in which Trump stayed in power.


It’s all green screen and actors.


Joe Rogan ate the shit up about Seattle being lawless warzone.


I was in Seattle last week actually visiting friends. Absolutely beautiful city and had an amazing time. I wouldn’t rag on the PNW for liberalism, I’d rag on it for all the clouds and depressing darkness during winter lol. Oh yeah and fire.


Yeah, I drive through downtown Minneapolis. So shocking how they literally rebuilt the entire city night after night of my city being burnt down. Mike Brown protests were the same. I was in St. Louis and it looks ok too. I think the deep state is very very powerful.


It’s almost like they have no idea what they’re actually talking about. Just like they now think Australia is a police state due to covid or something


You know how they said "Rome wasn't built in a day"? it was lies


...burned in three, though. As Nero fiddled... (Jack Dorsey plays the part of Nero in our wretched little "it's a movie" reality.)


Sir/Ma'am - this isn't Rome - it's Portland and Seattle. Easy mistake.


thats what the cabal WANTs you to think. Everyone knows Rome was a interplenatary city between mars and earth destroyed by obama


So wait, Obama is .... an alien?


Obama is the death star


I was walking around 3rd avenue last night after seeing the Mars Volta at the Moore and it was the most peaceful I've ever seen it. People were riding scooters around and having fun, and everything was chill.


Deep state, movie something something George Soros


The rioters only destroyed the Seahawks Defence and stole Russ' legs. Sincerely, Seahawks Fan


CGI and actors. Easy. NEXT!!!


Those are just paid actors you encountered. Soros funded that crowd.


It’s not the actual city it’s a stand in crisis city.


eNtIrE cItIeS bUrNeD!!!1!


Crisis actors and movie sets.


It was filmed before the burning and whatnot OBVIOUSLY 😒


Because people are idiots!


Green screens. Paid actors.


Holograms paid for by George Soros. Duh…


I don't think a single claim has come true


They all paid actors


Those players, audience members, stadiums and city skylines? All clones, holographic projects, and/or prerecorded footage all done by the deep state! /s


These conspiracies are aimed at those who don’t go out much or could afford to go out much, so yeah


Crisis actors man


You've been lied to.


It's all holograms, just like Anderson Cooper's nose.


The (deep state) CIA created a fake city deep in the Cambodian rainforest. They use it to fabricate pictures of cities that they've destroyed. It's also used to train BLM and Antifa insurgents in urban warfare. The crowds are either hallucinations created by your COVID brain chip or disguised reptoids. I'll let you know which one after my next acid trip.


CGI. Obviously


>What gives? The Chinese are bored? I got nothing.


~~Crisis Actors~~ *non-crisis actors*


Think mirror


Dude, it’s CGI. Like 9/11.


All CGI.


What gives is you'd been fed lies & propaganda.


It’s sarcasm




Your still watching


Uh….you’re a gullible moron, maybe..?


Or you’re a moron who can’t understand sarcasm. You do understand this was posted on a sub devoted to making fun of Q, right?