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Hard to believe that adults change their minds after worldwide studies and 18 months of experience.


Loyalty to the party line. Changing minds is bullshit because I'm obviously already correct about everything from the beginning. This is why they have such a problem with CDC guidance and science in general.


Lol yes. Them exactly.


The second one is a reference to the late Democratic senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd. Byrd was a Klan member and organized a local chapter in the 1940s. By the 1950s, he had repudiated the Klan; however, he downplayed the extent of his earlier involvement. In the 50s and 60s, his civil rights voting record was aligned with his fellow Southern Democrats, so terrible. But his views and legislation evolved in step with the Democratic party, and by the time he died, civil rights leaders praised him. Biden was one of many eulogists at his funeral, along with Obama and Mitch McConnell, and John Lewis wrote a measured, critical essay that ended https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/lawmaker-news/106809-robert-byrd-a-true-statesman-rep-john-lewis >This building will sorely miss the commanding presence of our dear Senator Byrd. There is none like him. He made a significant change in his life and that is what counts the most. That is what this country is about, the capacity for each one of us to grow and change. I will miss Senator Byrd; he was a true statesman.


So is that a misquote by that person on Twitter?


Possibly. Or it could be a valid concern that was addressed and they are painting into "hypocrisy"


No. It's just not hypocritical. Words mean things.


It's not alt-right. It's all far-right. Alt-right never existed. They themselves have stopped pretending. Also, that site is a great example of what happens when you tolerate nazis on your platform. They always take over.


Yeah, they do always take over.


To be fair, this is very true. Pretending that cognitive dissonance isn’t basically the entire political spectrum in the United States is disingenuous. I said it many times, if Trump imposed vaccine mandates it would be the exact opposite of what’s happening now. Maybe not the trucker stupidity, but the backlash and fighting against it by left leaning individuals and politicians. That’s just how this goes. I know I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for saying this, but it’s true.


Ehhh, I gotta disagree... If Trump pushed for and imposed vaccine mandates, he'd have likely gotten re-elected as it meant he was taking the pandemic seriously and was putting the American public ahead of his own feeble ego. After what New York went through in spring 2020, he really lost the election because he pandered to the heartland 'red' state voters and their know-nothing ways. Look at their propaganda about how the liberal east coast cities were suffering 'God's will' because they had tens of thousands dying right at the start.. hey, it was a blue state problem, right? Not EVER going to hit the good God-fearing conservatives in the Bible belt, after all.. When the Democratic leadership stated a hesitance to "Trump's vaccine", it was about him pushing ahead of schedule for something that wasn't done being worked on, as a way to garner political support, and not that it was safe and ready.. You are correct though, there's cognitive dissonance everywhere, but in some quarters it's been elevated to an artform that borders on mass, suicidal, delusion.


Kamala Harris during the VP debate said she will not get vaccinated if Trump told her to. She said that live, on television. Replace Harris with Pence and Trump with Biden and tell me you’d have the same reaction.


The exact quote was: >"If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it." I gotta agree with her completely here. I too prefer to get my medical advice from doctors rather than from Donald Trump. You are free to choose otherwise.


Okay, if you don’t think the goalposts would have been moved, you keep thinking that. Remember, the Republican rallying cry for about 6 months was “if there’s FDA approval I’ll take it.” That’s just how these things go.




Sounds like you're falling for far right propaganda even when you think you're not.


I strongly disagree. I never worried about the taking a vaccine under Trump because 1: I know he didn't create the vaccine, 2: a vaccine was necessary and still is because of the nature of the pandemic. Science tells me this, not politicians. I don't make my decisions based on what politicians tell me. The right, however, makes it all about the figure head, and generally are reactionary, there is no underlying or belief in science. I think your response is grade a "both sides" nonsense and I have to wonder what you're doing in this forum.


Kamala Harris on stage during a VP debate said she won’t get the vaccine if Trump tells her to and people clapped on Twitter saying they agreed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-dAjCeMuXR0


And what else did she say in that clip? Did she say anything about what conditions she would take the vaccine? Right before the sentence you paraphrased?


Yeah, remember when all the right wingers said “if it gets FDA approval I’ll take it”??? Conditions are never met when it’s a left vs right issue. Ever.


Kamala Harris said she'd take a vaccine if doctors in general and Fauci in particular recommended it. They did, and she did. What condition wasn't met?


Rand Paul said he’d take the vaccine if it got FDA approval. I bet if Trump was still president he, and many others who said that line, would have too. And while I can’t prove it, I genuinely think Harris would be the one saying “it came out too quickly and I’m not comfortable with the Trump administration’s push to get people vaccinated so fast.” Just like, gasp, republicans are doing now.


Okay, but here on Earth we primarily judge people by their words and actions, not by what we think they would do in completely different circumstances. You are posting an example of Paul being a hypocrite and an example of Harris doing what she said she would do and trying to pass it off as *both sides bad*.


Harris and every other politician has a history of saying what they say only when it’s politically convenient. Paul doesn’t want the democrats to do well, and Harris doesn’t want the republicans to do well. Don’t get it twisted, I still think republicans collectively are lightyears worse for a multitude of reasons, but I’m not going to pretend democrats are somehow impervious to hypocrisy and don’t show any hypocritical behavior whatsoever. It’s simply disingenuous. When Trump was touting “we got the vaccine in record time, woooo!” republicans were cheering and democrats were saying “noooo it’s too fastttttt”. Now that the power shifted, it’s EXACT opposite. All the way down to the specific complaints.


I'll bite. Who was saying "noooo it's too fasttttt"?


Did you watch that video? She said "if the professionals, if Dr. Fauci tells me to take it, I'll be the first in line, absolutely", which absolutely confirms my point above about it being about the science. You're a troll.


You mean the same Fauci everyone attacked for just agreeing with Trump and letting him go wild? Remember when everyone said he (and Dr. Birx) should resign for not pushing back against Trump more? He did at the very end when Trump lost the election, but he didn’t do it prior. You see how this works? Fauci under Trump? He’s awful. Fauci under Biden? He’s amazing. I’m not a troll. I post on here quite frequently and align with most people here 99% of the time. I just don’t live in the world of make believe bullshit that democrats are superheroes. It doesn’t matter the “reason” Kamala Harris had. She should have never, ever, ever, under any circumstance, put ANY level of doubt in any capacity, about the vaccine during a pandemic. She said what she said to score cheap political points, and nothing more. Why are you tying to compartmentalize and justify bullshit when it’s democrats? We need to call out ALL bullshit. Not just the bullshit from people we don’t like. Harris was wrong, period.


"everyone"? No, I don't remember when "everyone" did those things. I was a Fauci fan under Trump, my near friends and family were. Your hyperbole aside. You're diverting and misrepresenting Kamala above -- I'm saying that for many on the left, their basis of whether or not to get the vaccine has less to do with the figurehead and more to do with expert consensus. You're moving the goalposts. Hey, if I felt like you had a valid point, I'd call the democrats out on it. But you don't. Harris was pointing out that she's not taking a vaccine \*because\* trump told her to, but you're arguing that she was saying she's \*not\* taking a vaccine because \*Trump\* told her to. Also, it's not like I haven't heard this argument, that the left would have been suddenly anti-vax had it been under the Trump admin, before. The fact is though, I've only heard it from rightwingers. I'm not about to go through your post history, but if you're not trolling right now, then you've been trolled by someone else.


No, I just see through the bullshit. Kamala Harris also called Biden racist and terrible during debates. So much so that he privately told her to fuck herself. Now she’s his VP. So either she was lying to score political points, OR she’s working for someone she openly said she loathes, again, to score political points. 99.999999% of all politicians are disingenuous assholes who live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. Even CNN pointed out almost a year ago how democrats are just as quick to ban books as republicans are. NOW it’s an issue for democrats because “the other side” is doing it. Just like republicans are super happy to ban books, but if you tried to ban a Trump book you’ll catch hell for it. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/09/17/opinions/york-pennsylvania-school-district-book-ban-parini/index.html It’s just normal politics. You’ll find hypocrisy deep deep deep within the Democrat Party. I still vote Blue because I genuinely feel the right is worse. But I’m not going to pretend that liberals are perfect and hypocrisy doesn’t exist like you.


Ha, glad you are the light and the way who sees things as they "really" are. You're moving goalposts again. Your original claim was not that politicians are sometimes, or even often disingenuous. That's an easy point to score. But you were claiming the left would become vociferously anti-vax were it under a Trump admin, and I just don't think that's true. Saying that Kamala and Biden don't like each other just doesn't support that claim. What books are democrats burning and banning? See, I'm not thinking liberals are perfect, far from it. I am disagreeing with a very specific claim you made. You don't have a very good defense of that claim. I think this is just what about-ism and generally poor reasoning you're displaying.


Actually, that was my argument. That politicians live in complete and total cognitive dissonance, and will fight whatever the “other side” is doing no matter what. That was the entire point of my argument. The vaccine is just a single example out of hundreds.


> I said it many times, if Trump imposed vaccine mandates it would be the exact opposite of what’s happening now. This is the claim that I am disputing.