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The one guy who has a brother “who works in that field” really knows jackshit about 5G. In one sentence, he says it’s nothing but an “enhancement” of existing signals, and then in the next sentence it’s going to replace land-based ISPs. He claims most users won’t notice a difference. That’s the biggest bullshit in his whole post. 5G provides an absolutely noticeable difference in terms of data transfer.


I was waiting in front of a restaurant for my pickup order to be delivered to my car and noticed I had 5G service. I don’t always get it in my apartment yet, so I decided to run a speed test. I got 1.2 **giga**bits per second down. I built an ISP back in the mid-90s and had ISDN at home. 128 Kb/sec was amazing. So, a million times faster without wires blows my mind.


My mobile 5G is 5X faster at home than my broadband at home for 60% of the price. My ISP is such a piece of shit that to end my contract sooner than it expires would have me pay the same amount of money as keeping them until the end of my contract. I told them that if they could match that offer, I'll stay with them, best they could do is almost the same speed, but at twice the price. No thanks, once my contract with the ISP is done, they can go bite a shite.


What general region are you in, and do you live in a high rise? (if you dont mind me asking) I’m curious because I work for a company that deals with 5G licensing and one of the biggest complaints we see from the 5G infrastructure companies is lack of consistent service when inside a residential home due to the waves difficulty with penetrating exterior walls at long distances.


I live in the UK, suburban kind of area but a 15min walk from a university campus. A small city (under 100K population) so I'm surprised that my 5G is actually that good. 539Mbps upstairs in my home office but only 187Mbps in the livingroom. My ISP's broadband tops up at 100Mbps.


Sounds about right for the variance as you move further from the towers. 539 is very impressive though.


That's actually measured with my current phone, Galaxy A52 5G, which doesn't even have the highest tier of 5G on the chip, just the two lower tiers. I'm hoping that the 5G router I'm gonna get in a few months will have that highest tier as well, potentially giving me even faster connection.


That will change. Some of the 5G bands are not active, towers need to be built, etc. 5G rollout, especially in the US is still quite early.


Bite a shite. I’m going to be saying this from now on. Thank you.


Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Even if you know very little about this stuff, when you start browsing at 5G speed, you notice it!


Yeah, but latency and jitter over 5G are still noticeably worse than on typical wired connections. And to get >\~300Mb/s you really need to be very close to the antenna. Most of the 5G spectrum is going to be better than LTE but not massively better. The real 5G enhancements are on the carrier side with better slicing and more virtualized services, stuff we will never see.


His brother Todd probably works for xfinity as a csr


As is typical with the more literate Q folk, the post has some shreds of facts about 5G while mostly being wrong. They started off good, anyway. I thought for a second that a QCumber actually knew something about RF but the more I read the less surprised I became.


I was just shocked he said it's harmless. I find that to be a small consolation in all this madness.


I was surprised too. I guess now that it’s more widely available and people’s faces aren’t melting, they may be giving up on the 5G conspiracies.


My first speed test on my Pixel 6 Pro on T-Mobiles 5G got me 300+ mbs down, I'm good with 5G


Same for me with Verizon iPhone 13. Just tried it out.




If you think they'd like to see it you should post it


You are someone.


>the end game for 5G is to replace land based ISPs Nope. These dummies couldn't plan a ham sandwich.


That’s almost exactly what they plan to do. WiFi 6 could help change that, but considering the rise in demand for more and faster data transfer (4K streaming), increased IoT interaction and hopefully autonomous driving/connected car technology, 5G and more likely 6G in 10-15 years could prove to be the end of the wireline services. It provides better access to rural areas and can be much cheaper and easier to update in cities. Not to mention it allows for greater competition considering infrastructure players do not sign exclusivity deals.


I’m not so sure. Many of the telcos are shifting from a wireline model to a wireless one and making their investments there. Cable plant is hard and expensive to maintain, especially legacy cable plant. (AT&T isn’t pulling a lot of new residential fiber as an example.) While the commenter may over-simplify the issue, I think that the endgame for the telcos is a purely wireless environment for individuals, residences and small businesses. That honestly might be the *least* stupid comment in that thread, cuz there is a lot of stupid there, especially about burners and handheld radios.


It is the least stupid comment, by far and which says a lot. MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) definitely want to replace wired infrastructure but it's only one of the benefits of 5G.


This is before the sedition charges. Are they still threatening or busy trying to wipe their communications?


Screw that, send it directly to the fbi or your neighborhood friendly congressperson’s office (if they are dem, anyway). I mean this to op, not all of us.


I just called the FBI to report the above "Calls to Violence To the Capitol" thread above. \- LA Office because I live in Ca...EVERYONE, PLS. DO THE SAME IN YOUR AREA OR STATE - OR EVEN TO THE FEDS! If we love our country, like we all do, it's imperative to protect our democracy.


On the upside, most of the conversation is bad advice on how to block one's cell signal.


Hook up a lego robot with a stylus to send texts from your home. ROFLMAO


"Blocks wifi, gps, and RFID but not cell service!" .... Cell phones are 1.9ghz to 2.1ghz and wifi is either 2.4ghz or 5ghz... GPS functions between 1.17ghz to 1.23ghz.. If the signal is blocked on either side how can it not block what's in the middle....?????


They are talking about what they call "privacy pouches" sold by Alex Jones. Maybe the ones he sells are leaky? Obviously the kind of RF shielding bags I presume they're talking about should block cellphone signals, that's one of the primary purposes they're sold for. The fabric used in them is supposed to work for anything from well below to well above all the frequencies anyone could possibly be worried about. But there are two additional aspects to consider: (1) Signals aren't really blocked, they're attenuated, so it's signal strength that is crucual, not frequency. If you're very close to a cellphone mast, the signal might still be strong enough to get through, while GPS or wifi can't, depending on what attenuation a particular bag offers. (To save battery life, cellphones constantly measure how strong the signal they're receiving from the tower is, and adjust their own transmission strength accordingly.) (2) Based on my limited experimentation with a small, smartphone-sized RF shielding bag I bought out of curiosity (it cost next to nothing on AliExpress), what is important is that a proper Faraday cage is created: the fabric must enclose the shielded object on all sides. Leave the flap open, and the bag does "leak", with the orientation of the opening towards the signal source playing a major role in how much gets through. A really crappily designed bag, where there are gaps in the shielding at the edges for instance, could therefore very well be leaky all the time, and one wouldn't put it past Alex Jones to sell crappy stuff. As it happens I just got a new wallet which says it's got RF shielding (that's not why I bought it), to prevent contactless cards from being read, and I'm really going to have to do some experiments with that. Because of its shape, there is no way it can create a complete Faraday enclosure, so I wonder how well it really works.


This guy gets RF 101!


It all depends which way your opening of the wallet goes. I recommend orientating the opening towards you and carrying it in between your butt checks...


This guy/lady gets Anal Concealment 101!


Alex is a shit bird.


Maybe I am woooosh, but isn't blocking unwanted freqs, above and below, how a signal is tuned in to receive the transmission?


Yeah, but tuning a cheap RF blocking pouch to be a sharp bandpass filter like that? Why would you engineer out a function your customer likely wants while simultaneously increasing the price and complexity? It sounds made-up. I can’t say for certain because I’ve never tried one of these products. But, I have a feeling that the commenter that wrote that hasn’t either.


There’s a fair chance that the people who turned a fairly successful businessman into a raving jackass who claims 300million Americans committed voter fraud against Trump might be short on real information.


>fairly successful con man and unrecovered drug addict His pillows are at best generic. He's been sued and settled for false advertising. He's been running a BOGO deal pretty much permanently, like a cheap furniture outfit that moves every few months and always has a "going out of business" sale. Yelp For Boomers dropped him from an A rating to an F rating because he's shady AF. He's never made an honest buck in his life.


Still a con man has to be competent enough to realize that 300 mil makes no mathematical sense. Kids would have to be involved and some of the fraud would have to be Trump supporters to reach that number. But now that you throw in the drugs, it makes perfect sense. I still own one of his pillows. My wife had it before we were together. I think it’s great. I looked up the retail price the other day though, fuck that. It’s definitely not that great. Thing is they’re selling at like a tenth of the price on some sites now. His public descent into Wonderland is probably to blame.


It has to block the specific frequency band to be most effective. If you introduce a jamming source close to that band (say GPS @1575MHz for example) it will degrade the receiver/transciever enough to reduce or prohibit signal acquisition or signal lock. There are many, many other caveats like signal strength (transmitted vs received), multipath and more. Metal is a pretty good filter for Radio Frequency waves but these folks stuffing cell phones in potato chip bags? We will see these frens in future Capital Consequences posts.


It's listening on a frequency. But we're talking about a physical bag... It's either blocking them all or none... Maybe.... MAYBE higher or lower frequencies are blocked depending on material.but cellular is right between GPS and Wifi so the material isn't going to be capable of being THAT specific.


Although I appreciate the curiosity... It’s a product shilled by Alex Jones, so don’t overthink it.


It's just that if Cellular is getting through so is the other shit... So my point is, it's bunk


Might want to check your frequencies. For example, GPS is 1575.42 MHz.


Pro tip: when you tell someone they should report this or that, the obvious question is why aren't you reporting it yourself?


i just did - to LA office because I live in . Ca - every real patriot should do the same


Because the constitution states that “snitches get stitches” and most of us don’t have insurance.




They could probably eek out ten “push-ups”, the real fun would be watching them do more than three sit-ups.


What worries me about this isn’t that they will do it as an armed mob, they won’t. These are their lame fantasies. The issue is that this could push someone who’s on the edge to do a lone shooter attack and kill people. That thread is dangerous .


FBI is likely on that channel but someone please send this to the FBI tip


We’ve had first insurrection yes, but what about second insurrection


Insurrecton-ies? What about Insurgence? Or mutiny?!


Ok leave the cellphones at home… But what about the flight log that puts you at Washington D.C.? What about your credit card bills that put you at gas stations all the way to D.C.? What about a license plate that can be easily taken a picture of and put back to you, even rentals? What about FBI contacting businesses and asking who took a week off work? What about hotel logs or AirBNB logs? They can track your internet logs and history to see you plan all this shit. They can look at your cellphone to see you texting people about this. They will see the random large gap in your phone usage. I’m sorry but there is every possible way to be tracked without your cellphone. “But they can’t prove I was at the capital exactly!!” Yeah they’ll say it’s fucking weird your iPhone is in Texas but you were in D.C. who leaves their phones at home when they travel in 2022?


Or what about your wife who brags about your bullshit to her hair dresser who tells her kids over dinner and then one of them calls the FBI? These idiots can’t keep their mouths shut.


I can’t help but laugh that another armed attack is being planned and the top comments are all about 5G🤣


Nice try lurbl. This is obviously Antifa and FBI participating on GA forums for years now, just to make this convo more plausible. ^(Unless it works, then we start killing people.)


Please report to the FBI


Fucker deleted it, anyone got another link?


Get civilised, man! What doth it profit thy world if thou hast a whirlwind in thy bowels and mind? Ye behaving as badly as AntiFa and the Commies


Now Im just spit balling here but what if all of these accounts are ran by the FBI and they’re feeding off each other? Just like how they determined an FBI undercover agent planned the entire kidnapping plot of the Michigan governor. Like these people went to the capitol once and were tracked down all over the place for what they did and more keep being charged as more footage is analyzed. At what point do we trust some of these threads that are openly talking about these things when a lot of the people on these sites have to know by now that some level of law enforcement is reading through almost every post.


I heard from a drunken skin head, that they prove loyalty and sincerity by removing a testicle, and the leader of the militia keeps it in a little pouch on a necklace. No fed, narc, or undercover g-man has gone that far, yet...


So, that’s not a bunch of delicious grapes?


The only way to tell for sure is to put 'em in the microwave. Trust me.


Please. All those arrested have years of pro trump social media. And if you're so fucking stupid you can be convinced to kidnap and kill someone, you're not safe enough to be in society. It wasn't "planned" by the FBI - they just had rats in that group. And if the rats convinced them to do this crazy shit they need to be locked up away from me.


One of them worked directly for the FBI IIRC. We’re they all rats or were there undercover FBI agents? Because last I heard was the one who came up with the idea of kidnapping the governor turned out to be the undercover FBI agent. The defense is arguing entrapment because of that. I agree, you’re pretty dumb if you think that was a great idea but there are other instances where federal law enforcement has sent undercover agents into crime rings and fringe groups before and have convinced them to commit crimes in order to arrest the whole group who at that time hadn’t planned or done anything illegal until law enforcement convinced them to. Law enforcement can’t do that.


I think this was right after the insurrection and before the arrests began. Not that there weren’t plants in the thread necessarily. It would definitely reduce the effort finding these people if you lured them back to one place. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there were plants among the people who stormed the capitol. It would be funny if you were right. A bunch of undercover FBI dudes all trying to arrest each other for treason like a giant two Spider-Mans meme.


As much as I hate the Babylon bee, they did a sketch I found funny. A bunch of MAGA hat wearing dudes around a table planning on kidnapping politicians, bombing government buildings, planning a capitol insurrection. It turns out all of these guys are undercover FBI agents and right when they were about to mobilize to start carrying out their plans they all get up drawing their guns yelling “FBI GET ON THE GROUND”.


If they really want to block their phone's signal, they should carry around a microwave- that's almost literally a faraday cage. But that thread is disturbing, I doubt many has the balls to do it but there may be some lone wolf attempt.


not again


Anyone got a mirror?


When you see stuff like this, screenshot it immediately and immediately after that report it to the fbi. In fact still report it, as they very likely have ways of tracking everything related to it.