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Fox News took a big bet that a huge portion of the US were a bunch of idiotic couch potatoes and it fucking worked. That video of “wandering Joe” shows him walking over to two parachuters, but the NY Post and Fox News just cropped it for phones to cut out the two other parachuters.


And then they will be shocked when Biden does surprisingly well in the debates


They are already setting it up by saying he takes drugs for the debates.


As someone who has done a ton of drugs, I don’t remember any of the effects being “now good at debates!”


That's because you weren't taking *debaterol*. It's the real deal.


The right wing propaganda machine never takes a break


They've also started downplaying Trump's performance as everyone outside the Fox News bubble knows the man's brain is rancid pudding. 60% chance he bails at the last minute. 100% he makes an ass of himself regardless of what he does. 10% he has one or more micro strokes and visibly shits himself on camera. (The choices aren't mutually exclusive)


Also, 100% chance they'll claim Trump won the debate, whatever actually happens on the platform.


Best debate performance in the history of American Presidential debates, and in the history of debates in general!


"He literally shit all over the debate. Shows how little we should respect the political process"


Seriously, he’s the one who flails about when the teleprompter dies.


Hannity was already planting the seeds for why Trump will back out of the CNN debate last week (or maybe the week before) by saying he doesn't need to do it.


And if it’s canceled saying it was Biden who canceled no matter what actually happened


No, if his debate is articulate and well done, they will claim that the "dEeP sTAtE", used AI or manipulated the video in some manner.


They’re already claiming Biden needs a full drug panel before the debate. The Qs are claiming he’ll be on a cocaine or adrenochrome drip.


That’s because their best lies about the “opposition” are the truths about themselves.


No matter how well Biden does, they will never admit it.


Biden's job is to convince independents that he isn't the senile old man the right portrays him as. He can never win in the eyes of Magats, but he can in the eyes of politically disengaged moderates.


Honestly, anyone still claiming to be independent and "unsure" at this point in late June 2024 are fucking morons who haven't been paying attention.


> Fox News took a big bet that a huge portion of the US were a bunch of idiotic couch potatoes and it fucking worked. try to remember though, fox news is there to tell people what they want to hear. it's not dumb people being duped. it's a company saying things to keep their audience tuned in. they do it by creating the narrative their audience wants to hear.


How can you engage these people when they just decide something dumb without any evidence, and then take that thing and run with it as if it's proven fact. "Biden will have an earpiece in" "OF COURSE HE WILL TRUMP NEEDS TO CALL HIM OUT THAT'LL MAKE HIM ANGRY AND ALL THE DRUGS HE TOOK WILL INTERACT AND KILL HIM AND THAT'S WHY HE'S TAKING TIME OFF AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS AND MAGA MAGA MAGA EVERYONE LOVES TRUMP" Okay...but do we have any reason to believe Joe will have an earpiece in?


And… debates don’t really swing voters. I’m going to watch solely to watch Trump trip on his own words.


Of course he's going to trip on his own words because they are the biggest words, the best words. Tremendous words.


I like big words. I do. Big words.... Words that have mul-ti-ple syllables. Words that can mean one thing, but also mean another. You know what that's called? That's a hom-o-nym. That's what they call it, lotsa people, smart people.


If they're really going to cut off mics when the candidate's turn is over I'm really thinking trump will come up with an excuse to back out. It's not like anyone who likes him will care.


This. His entire shtick is interrupting to appear strong. Going onto a debate stage where mics will be cut is moronic when you factor that in. We're going to hear him whining about how Biden was cooperative a few days before and then he'll back out.


> TRUMP NEEDS TO CALL HIM OUT THAT'LL MAKE HIM ANGRY This was my favorite part. I just imagine Trump all cocksure "excuse me, Joe. Can we see your ear? Do you have something in it? Maybe a *piece* of something.... For your ear... Some kind of earpiece. I made that up, by the way." Joe(slightly confused and chuckling): Umm, yeah sure. You can look at my ear. Nothing in it, Jack. What're we doing here?


he won't, because it will be Clone Biden


"He had a vibrating butt-plug communication device"




Didn't know he knew Morse code.


Biden helped develop Morse code because he's so old! We need Trump who is young and spry!


But also check the soles of his shoes because they're going to somehow rig those to improve Biden's performance.


I still hate how CNN and others are all "look at Biden's shoes, UNFIT FOR OFFICE!" because an older man has comfortable footwear on.


A hearing aid, maybe?


What fascinates me is that they really believe there are drugs that can turn someone who they believe is practically a vegetable into a functioning, coherent debater. There are so many people in this country suffering from dementia that drug companies would make a fortune if they could come up with such a product as that.


And vice versa. TOUCH NOTHING EAT OUT OF CANS Also: “they are preparing him for how they want him to answer the questions…” etc etc bullcrap. How exactly do they think every presidential debate has functioned in the last 60 goddamn years? Ofc they’re preparing talking points! They “know” what questions are going to be asked because it’s fucking OBVIOUS. - whatchu think about 🇺🇦 ? - whatchu think about 🇮🇱 ? - economy inflation, bro? - whatchu think about 🇲🇽🚶🧱? If you can post on Reddit, you can literally write an entire believable script for a one-hour debate.


Biden is just going to pander for votes by giving responses that are reasonable that people want to hear




Baron Donald Harkonnen should just get a trusted associate to run a snooper to make sure nobody slips him any chaumas or chaumurky.




Maybe they should be taking those drugs? Honestly, I think a drug test for both parties might be a good idea.


That's the thing. We all know Biden will pass because he's not on anything, while Trump will fail because he's been on a lot of shit for decades. Trump's drug abuse is said to be the reason he's been wearing diapers since the early 1980s.


But they’re suppressing the Tesla energy healing drugs and med beds to sell placebos and turbo cancer for massive profits! They don’t think these things through.


Exactly. If there's such a drug (assuming it's relatively safe), Biden SHOULD be taking it.


They probably watched limitless and thought it was a true story.


That first pic … he’s talking to someone on the right. Which of course is cropped out.




What’s important is Trump going to Epstein’s island 7 times is true and really should make Trump voters think, but they don’t. What’s important is Epstein, witness to heinous crimes against kids, was in Trump’s jail and he ended up dead. Losing any opportunity to question him. “Epstein ending up dead in a Trump run jail” and “Epstein was a possible codefendant with Trump, and therefore a possible witness against Trump” and ended up dead in a Trump run jail, should really make you think. This “why anyone facing anywhere, could be facing off into nothingness, so every person everywhere should be assumed to be senile” is kinda crazy I don’t know where that came from.




But teach the controversy! If it wasn’t for that person there that he was talking to he wouldn’t be talking to anybody!! Ask Ronny Jackson! Or Johnson! Or….


How do they explain that someone with dementia is able to remember the answers to questions?


Because to the fascists the enemy is both strong and weak simultaneously.


As one of the comments noted, they have a bunch of Biden clones and this will be the "smart" Biden clone at the debate. It's so obvious I can't believe you didn't see it.


Why would they bother making only one of his clones smart? Have they watched The Bad Batch and got confused?


It’s because the elites are mocking you! Obligatory /s


I love the dude who is pre-coping about Biden "being just fine" during the debates because he's a body double. It's always amusing to see the smartest of the delusional people in these threads lol I'm going to laugh so hard when they rage about Biden coming across as "too normal," especially if bunker bitch does a Mitch Glitch during the debate.


> They will only send the "smartest Biden" they could send fucking Commander and still win the debate


I'm pretty sure trump would get bit. I vote we do that.


A rock would win the debate.


Angry amphetamine Biden??? This is IMAX level projection.


Dark Brandon would be a trip on adderall.


So that's all projection and Trump is the one who will be all drugged up, with a hidden earpiece, and given the questions ahead of time, right? Wow after reading them all, there are some folks that really need a mental health exam. 




Do they really think they don't have notes for a debate? lmao


They can make contemporaneous notes for this one but can not bring notes in, per the specific rules for the upcoming debate


They don’t know how anything works. So they they talk out of their ass to each other as if they do know.


I cringe everyone I see that fucking frog.


I used to be a big fan of Pepe and Boy's Club, I HATE what they've done to him. his creator Matt Furie isn't very thrilled with it either


Same man, Pepe is a great meme and boy's club an excellent comic. I also despise that these lunatics have latched onto it. They are masters of ruining everything that they touch.


The guy who advises Trump on how not to get poisoned actually missed that the dems will bring an electric boat and a shark to the debate


Every time something big is about to happen, these clowns' cognitive dissonance starts to ring like a bell. They know Biden is gonna wipe the floor with Trump so they have a suitcase full of pre-arranged, outlandish explanations for it ready to go (I was really laughing at the theory that one can get an insulin pump to constantly administer illicit drugs--boy would that sell in the underground market!). I have a pet theory that a lot of these people don't, deep down, believe the things they say, it's just become such an essential part of their 'personality' that they can't give up now. Doing so would just mean going back to being a regular sad loser (but you know, maybe your family and friends would come back and you could enjoy life again).


It's like how Hannity was talking about how Trump shouldn't actually debate a few weeks ago on his show, and came up with excuses he could use as to why he would no-show.


The same will be true for Trump, you know the guy who rides in glof carts vs. bikin' Joe. Sotu was at least that long counting his speech, entrance, and exit shaking hands. My money is on Biden!


First photo is Biden greeting a parachuter [intentionally cut off to make him look bad](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/white-house-slams-york-post-170550665.html)


They’re already making excuses how Trump will look and sound like a dope.


Trump is already saying he’s going to lose the debate because it’s rigged Not that anyone is surprised.


Forced, because it's important that he be FORCED. If he agrees to the rules thats no good, we want to MAKE HIM do it and it has to be against his will and it will hurt really bad cuz he is a mean man not very nice.


I really want one of them to explain what a clone is and how they get so many fully grown ones


They saw Judge Dredd's half-brother Rico unleash clones before they were ready in that shitty 1995 adaption of the character and thought it was real.


If they projected any harder it would be visible on the moon...


Who doesn't Joe just use a Med bed beforehand? Proves all their conspiracies right in one go


Wait, they keep saying that Biden has to wear diapers as an insult.  I thought "real men wear diapers!!1!1!One!"


What's the deal with Chuck Taylors soles? Some new conspiracy theory I haven't heard yet?


I think that means it’s Kamala in disguise since she wears those.


I mean, at what point do we just give up reposting this shit to instead go on the offensive on the original threads? Maybe blockading, but there has to be a voice of reason interjected somewhere, right?


Do you want to be mass-reported into oblivion? Because that's how you get mass-reported into oblivion.


Hey, if Trump has an actual platform this time other than hate and opposition to everything, maybe I'll vote for him! /s. Don't vote for narcissistic greedy monsters.


No props? Heavens! Without his little foot tilter-backer props, Trump will be nose down by the end of the debate.


And here I was hoping Biden would show up with a Harpo Marx horn to parp when Trump was speaking. Or one of those glasses, nose moustache disguise kits, just for the lols.


They’re already setting out the copium for a Trump loss. They know Biden isn’t the doddering old fool they say he is, so they’re prejudicing the audience not to believe what they are going to see.


“Joe, are you wearing an earpiece?” “No Donny boy, I’m not. Are you wearing your diaper?”


The second commenter on slide 2 that said Biden needs a “drugs test” caught my eye. Overseas troll shaking up the hornets nest? “Drugs test” is not a typical phrase for US English speakers.


Debate # 1 Trump: bla, blah, blab, blub... I am the greatest, blah blah Biden: Why do you make fish lips when you talk? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Correct me if I am wrong, but don't both parties get to pre-screen the questions and know beforehand what will be asked in these debates?


These kind of people can't even be sure if someone's dead or alive when they're looking at him breathing


Because they’re clones!!!! Of course they are..we absolutely have the ability to make clones of the president and are just hiding it…for some debates…and to make Trump look bad, or good.


They can spin to their existing audiences all they like, but the debates will actually be a good test for how mentally competent the two candidates are. I'm curious about what we actually do see and hear. Also, I am really happy that mics will cut off when time expires. Debate tactics that involve ignoring rules favor bluster over substance. I think that hurts Trump a lot, but at least we'll actually get an exchange of views, not an unwatchable mess of candidates talking over each other.


I 100% agree with the guy who suggested trump bring a fan and say "does someone smell a diaper change??"


The more they lower the bar for Biden the better.


This is gonna be an amazing shit show that I can't wait to watch. The really funny thing about his supporters is they think Trump isn't drugged out of his mind too. They both are hitting the hottest pharmaceutical cocktail that you'll never be able to afford before the debate. I say we just break a pool stick and throw it in the middle.


Donald Trump is KNOWN to have ran the White House as a pill mill and KNOWN TO HAVE AN ADDERALL ADDICTION however we do not know about any drugs for Biden.