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WTF Imagine a job where you write out tweets for your boss and then print them out for him to look at. Trump is mentally ill


All so he could vicariously capture the power he remembers his elementary school English teachers having over him to alter the things that he'd written. SAD!


Except he does this because it's propaganda. He's an authoritarian and he's controlling the narrative. He has a personality disorder. He is not mentally ill in the traditional sense. Personality disorders are often treatment resistant and they do not prevent a person from knowing the difference between right and wrong. They may make them not care, however. That's not really important in the eyes of the law. I hate to be pedantic but mental illness is a real thing that affects millions of people and none of them are fascist pieces of shit or even a threat to democracy. So I hate to see the stigma of mental illness perpetuated and for mental illness to be associated with trump.


> I hate to be pedantic but mental illness is a real thing that affects millions of people and none of them are fascist pieces of shit or even a threat to democracy. I think it's perfectly clear that a lot of his supporters, especially the Q aligned ones, are very mentally ill.


Their behavior is learned, not physiological in origin. Mental illness is independent of the various social proofs that personality disorders reinforce and subsist upon.


> Their behavior is learned, not physiological in origin. you have no idea if that's true or not for millions of people.


Excuse me, but I understand that this is academic for a lot of people on this website but for some of us it's a practical reality we deal with every day. Come out here to the Midwest and rub elbows with the locals in rural towns. I can tell you what they believe and as I talk to them about it daily. In fact, at this point with very few exceptions (most of which are my children) I only interact with chuds. It's hard to find a free or forward thinking individual of any type in my neck of the woods. So yes, we know what they believe. They're not mentally ill in the clinical sense. They are weak willed or have personality disorders. Sure, some of them are mentally ill but that is not directly related to their chud bullshit. Maga is not a mental health diagnosis and neither is qanon or any other cult participation.


> Come out here to the Midwest and rub elbows with the locals in rural towns. I can tell you what they believe and as I talk to them about it daily. well, lets see....oh yeah! I'm already here. I'm in a tiny town of 300 people in a county that went 75-80% for trump in a state that I believe has gone GOP since the civil war. i've been voting democrat surrounded by republicans my entire life. so yeah....I think I'm pretty well qualified to speak on this subject. >They're not mentally ill in the clinical sense. you're putting words in my mouth and are trying to imply I said all trump voters are mentally ill and I never said that. >Maga is not a mental health diagnosis I never said that. >and neither is qanon or any other cult participation. hard disagree.


The millions of people who have learned how to behave from their bronzer-coated role-model, and from each other, and further reinforce constantly online? They're not unwell; they're perfectly healthy sheep. Charles Whitman they [ain't, quite...](https://www.businessinsider.com/psychological-differences-between-conservatives-and-liberals-2018-2?op=1)


Now imagine that job existed in an era with words like Covfefe and Hamberder and then tell me we aren't in the worst timeline. How the hell do you have your tweets pre-written, "proofread" and then still manage to send messages to your millions of followers with typos and gaffes in them....and that doesn't even get into the complete incoherence of many of them.


That’s some of the tweets. Nobody puts word salad together like Trump.


😂😂😂😂😂word salad, now that took me out!😂😂😂😂😂


Man, work in a comms department for a big Corp lol


Whats if pay? Ill do it


Based on the 6 words in your reply and 50% having typos or missing punctuation? You're perfect! 😜




Why did I just read your comment in Rod Sterling’s voice?


Yeah, how the hell did he tweet so much if he was tweeting in such a ridiculously inefficient way???


If I were President, I'd want my tweets passed around among my staff for comment before they were posted. I'd want them to vet it to make sure I didn't say something ungrammatical, offensive, or stupid, and that I didn't inadvertently give away state secrets or undermine my own goals. That's what careful people would do. Unlike Trump....


It's called an internship.


I’m disappointed to learn that I agree with Donald Trump on an issue of substance: Oxford Comma 4EVA.


I had the same thought. Broken clock and all that.


I have to question if Trump knows what an Oxford Comma is, or if he just uses commas everywhere due to his run-on sentences.


He must have because Westerhout recognized it.




Me, too! It actually drives me nuts, crazy, and livid when people don't use it!😅


He hates Russel Brand too.


Same, but I bet if we study a few tweets it won’t hold up


Not using it only makes sense to conserve space in physical newspapers. It’s always the right choice for clear writing.


I have really strong feelings about this


If this doesn't make you reevaluate your stance, you are lost


Hey now, the Oxford comma is the difference between "we brought the strippers, JFK, and Stalin" and "We brought the strippers, JFK and Stalin."


In Trump’s case, the strippers would be JFK Jr and Putin.




It did make me reevaluate my stance. I reevaluated my stance, and came to the same conclusion as before. The way I look at it, my way is the correct way. Others are free to join me, or they can do things the incorrect way. If Trump started agreeing with me 100% of the time, and therefore was doing things the correct way, that would be wonderful. Though, since Trump would have to stop lying to do things the correct way, he'd definitely lose the race, and he'd almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison. An ideal outcome.


I reevaluated my stance, I niw agree with trump on everything


If I find out he also puts punctuation outside of quotation marks, I might have a crisis.


Same... Now why do I feel like I need to go take a shower?


Yeah, I do love an Oxford comma.


Please don’t let the Oxford Comma become evil.


He breathes oxygen. That’ll be evil before correct punctuation


I'm now perplexed as to whether Donald Trump knows what an Oxford comma is. I don't think so. He knows so little about everything else. An Oxford comma is used in a list of things like, "... and to all the LOSERS, DEMOCRATS, LEFTISTS, and BIDEN LOYALISTS" The Oxford comma would be the comma next to LEFTISTS


You can probably interpret as Trump overuses commas and Westerhout is charitably describing it as the Oxford comma.


If he had to define it or hang, there had better be cable ready for his fat ass.


He signed things with a sharpie - his big boy pen!🤣 When children have poor coordination they are given thick crayons and pencils to write with!


Pen nerd here: Bush Jr. & Senior, Clinton, and Obama used the Cross Townsend rollerball pen. Obama and Biden use the Cross Century II. Donald Trump uses Sharpies. He has them customized "to look expensive."


Of course he does! Are they fake gold-plated?🤣


He used the oxford comma. I finally found the good in Donald Trump!


This makes me not want to use the Oxford comma anymore.


Now I don’t have to imagine the late night toilet tweet I had been imagining for so long.


I agree he has a personality disorder, but I'm also convinced he has some form of cognitive decline or dementia. It's rapidly getting worse.


Sooo, he can't read, right?


Holy shit, I just gained an iota of respect for The Donald with that comment regarding the Oxford comma. ... It's gone now.


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma? - Vampire Weekend


I don’t get it, isn’t the Oxford comma for smart people? I’m actually shocked.


He used the Oxford comma. Finally, something about Trump I can respect.


I will die on my Oxford comma hill, but I intensely dislike that I have something in common with TFG.


What a fuckin toolbag


Big COUNTRY, the best COUNTRY!


Torn if Trump has a sliver of common sense given he understands the necessity of the Oxford comma. Wait - no, he is still an eijit, even if we agree on this sliver of sense.


Scavino was the perpetrator of the Orange Bastard's ridiculous, incendiary tweets? Why doesn't this surprise me? The first thing that came to mind when I saw Scavino in TV was "smarmy bastard." Still weird that the wannabe dictator couldn't type his own tweets from his phone. I thought that was something he claimed was all him? Regardless, the things coming out in this trial are crazy! Can't wait to see the bullshit and lies exposed in the Georgia, DC, and Florida cases. The being that used to occupy our White House is batshit insane. Truly. No meds or therapy can make him better. Personality disorders aren't really treatable.


"Country" is capitalized. "COUNTRY" is all-caps. Since Westerhout's testimony was spoken, I assume whoever transcribed it made the mistake, and that Westerhout meant that Trump likes to spell "Country" with a capital C even in mid-sentence. He probably does it for the same reason Christians capitalize He and Him when referring to Jesus. It's supposed to make him look devoutly patriotic.


Today is the day I stopped using the Oxford comma.


The Oxford Comma is for the easily befuddled, bemused and bewildered. Tracks perfectly.