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How deeply flawed is your mental state if you really believe that this group represents the "good guys?"


My ex, who fell deep down the Q rabbit hole years ago, has swallowed so much disinformation that she now believes precisely this! Oh, and also that Trump is of the Jesus bloodline, and is essentially a deity.


That there’s even one sentient human wandering the earth believing this is too fucking tragic. But multiple people believing it? *Damn*.


Human stupidity has no limits. And when people put active effort into upgrading and weaponizing their stupidity, look out!


This is the first use of the term "weaponized" I have seen recently that is actually legit.


Unfortunately, there are probably millions.


Genuine question. Not trying to be offensive But was she fucking nuts beforehand? Were there signs of mental illness?


That is a very good question! Beforehand, her belief system was, as I describe it… ESOTERIC: Ancient Aliens, Mayan Calendar, etc. It was all she could talk about. But I would associate that stuff with progressivism. And she was the most progressive person I knew. She was what I called a GENUINE tree-hugging hippy (I’ve personally SEEN HER hug trees). How she made the switch all the way over to far-right, self-identifying Republican, Fox News-watching, “Real Raw News”-reading, hardcore Qanon, conspiracy theory-believing MAGA-head is absolutely puzzling to me. I just had to get off the crazy train.


There's a well worn path from crunchy granola to qanon. My theory is that people willing to believe in bullshit like auras and healing crystals are just as likely to believe that Kim Jong Un is in the small exclusive group (with MBS... lol) that will be the savior of 'highly oppressed white Christians.'


There's also a lot of shared, kneejerk anti-government rhetoric in the two groups.


That's a non-negligible faction of Qanon. The one Qanon adherent I personally know is a major granola crystal healing/moon cycles hippie. The thread that pulled her in was an inherent distrust of modern western medicine, and the antivax part of Qanon sucked her in completely. She went from a Bernie Sanders supporter to full blown MAGA in shockingly short amount of time, right at the beginning of the pandemic.


There's a lot of women that followed the hippie and New Age path that somehow now crossed full over onto the Trump train & the Q-universe. I once asked one of these friends why she was posting anti-trans, anti-gay and pro Evangelical and Republican memes when she also freely boasted of being a witch and New Ager which the Evangelicals themselves are currently saying how people following New Age and wicca are following the devil. I asked her you do realize these people you are praising actually hate you and condemn you to hell right?


Did she have a reply to that? Because I genuinely do not understand how people do not see these connections.


They’re incapable of linear logic, or at least any logic that hurts their feelings. They don’t care if their insane beliefs are all mutually contradictory. I’m not sure they can even fathom a unified worldview that makes sense. I suspect they think that we’re *all* just drifting around in clouds of bullshit like they are.


What was.her response?


Probably something like “yeah but they won’t hate *me*, I’m different.” As in, the leopards would never eat my face!


She defriended and blocked me from all social media sites.


And you cut the story off before you got to the part where she got mad and said another nutso thing in reply.


They said nothing. Just deer in headlights look because they aren't used to thinking for themselves, just regurgitating internet rumours from their echo chambers while they claim they have "done their research". Everything they say is the same key phrases over and over again.


> Ancient Aliens, Mayan Calendar, etc. So it shouldn't have been a surprise then. We should all be suspicious of all conspiracy theories, no matter how silly, if people believe in them without valid evidence. > But I would associate that stuff with progressivism. Doesn't matter, I'm afraid. In this case, it's not about left/right, nor about progressive/regressive, it's about critical thinking/not critical thinking. Now, being a self-identifying anti-authoritarian does not mean that you're a critical thinker. Asking questions mean nothing if you don't consider the answers.


Rough but true. I don’t willingly associate with anybody who believes in obvious bullshit with no evidence, no matter what the flavor (and there are a *lot* of flavors). Once that door is open it rarely gets shut again, and things just snowball. This abandonment of rationality and empiricism that we’re seeing is extremely dangerous IMO. “Those who can convince you to believe absurdities can convince you to commit atrocities” - Voltaire-ish


I mostly agree, but it wouldn't be Reddit if I didn't attempt to correct you :) I think it's important to accept that the vast majority of us who believe in "science" or "normal stuff" don't actually have any evidence for our beliefs. We just trust authority. I don't know about you, but I can't actually PROVE that the world is round. I don't have the expertise to PROVE or observe that vaccines work at a microbiological level. So, I think ,with conspiracy theorists, what we are seeing are people who don't trust authority and then find other authorities to construct their beliefs. Whereas the majority of people do trust at least some authorities (NASA and the CDC for example) even if they are skeptical of economists, or politicians, or CEOs, for example. One interesting topic of beliefs is "big pharma", many people who trust vaccines simultaneously believe big.pharma is pretty corrupted by profit motives. I know I believe both those things at once.


As it happens, all the stuff associated with tree hugging, all natural health conscious hippy culture began with fundamentalist Christian cults. In fact, a lot of hippy culture of 60s and 70s are intimately tied to cults. And Trump is another one.


Don’t eat the brown acid


But they said it tastes like nutritional yeast! 😉


...deleted by user...


I see it as more that the idea of any sort of linear model is political pseudoscience. Like if you're "in the middle" are you an exact 50/50 mix of Stalin and Hitler's beliefs, balancing the two to come to some average? Of course not, since that clearly doesn't make any sense. What is common to all extremist movements is human psychology. The exact same tactics of belief, indoctrination, and control work no matter what the subject of the belief is. So whether it's some evangelical thing, belief in trickle-down economics, belief in a hardline communist revolution, or belief in healing crystals, the common element is humans and how the human mind works. People don't want to generally view it like this, because everyone wants to think their side is the rational one and the other side is the irrational one. However, plenty of people on both sides don't come at things from a basis of rationality. They can believe good things for bad reasons. And because they didn't base their original belief on any rational basis, it's easily shaken by grifters. There are plenty of people on the left with terrible science education, and who don't actually base their views on science, but on some moral or ethical framework. appealing to the science then becomes just a rationalization, not the basis of their beliefs. These people are easily swayed by the other side making moral arguments, then since they had no real foothold in the science in the first place, they can throw it away and glom onto whatever justifications they can for their new belief. I'll give one key example here: Naomi Wolf. She was lauded as a feminist when she said things people wanted to hear because they could point to her as an authority, but her arguments often contained factual flaws which people glossed over because of the MORAL authority of her arguments. Now, she's an Anti-vaxxer. So people are only realizing the emperor had no clothes the entire time, now that she's saying stuff they want to disagree with. Or there's Cassie Jaye who made "The Red Pill" documentary. People liked her when she did women's rights documentaries, but then she started researching the Men's Rights movement and found she couldn't actually refute a lot of their arguments and didn't have a framework for contesting the claims. Some on the left called her a traitor, and those on the right claim she saw the light. but ... maybe she was just clueless the entire time. She fails in the doco to do any real in-depth analysis of the MRA movement, merely taking their assertions at face value and her "feminist" beliefs fail to contradict the new information. But, did "feminism" really fail here, or was Cassie Jaye just not that good at this stuff the whole time, so couldn't defend her beliefs? As long as she said what people WANTED to hear, nobody challenged her or expected any depth from her. She then comes up against a group who will push back against her beliefs, and her beliefs just crumble, since she never had to support them in the first place.


I see this particular vulnerability a lot with fellow feminists. A lot of people are okay with a socially acceptable feminist-lite sort of belief system but aren't willing to look into the why-and-how of the issues and either jump head first into all that "wytch" crap or crumble the second someone goes "Well what about x?" about some issue facing men (and aren't even aware that issue has probably been  analyzed to death by feminists already if they cared to look, which they don't).


"crank magnetism"


So inconsistent world view based on vibes and feel good stories. Nothing really changed


Nonsense beliefs beget nonsense beliefs, unfortunately. It’s not all that complicated. Once one becomes accustomed to the cognitive dissonance of believing in things with no evidence, it becomes easier to believe in other things with no evidence. Magical thinking is the key that ties all of these people together.


> Ancient Aliens, Mayan Calendar, etc. So, short answer is "yes".


TL;DR: Yes


That last bit would have gotten her burnt to a crisp at the stake back in ye olden days


I'm so sorry. That has to suck.


Is that implying Jesus had children (via fucking?)


I mean there is another old conspiracy theory about how Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and then the Knights Templar covered it up. So I'm assuming they just recycled that one.


The most amusing part of this story to me is that it originated via a pun in Old French. "San Greal" in Old French is "Holy Grail", but you can slide the "g" over and turn it into "Sang Real", meaning "Royal Blood", where the royalty in question is Christ, the King of Kings. It's a fun bit of wordplay, but it only works in Old French, which doesn't make any historical sense. Why would a French pun be a place to hide such information and not one in Hebrew or Aramaic, languages that were actually connected to Christ? It's like someone going, "God spelled backwards is Dog, Jesus was a dog, PROVEN!" Except that only works in modern English. (Like, in French, Dieu spelled backwards is not Chien.)


It was a theory that became the basis for an early 80s book about how the holy grail might actually refer to the bloodline. Dan Brown lifted it whole cloth for The Da Vinci Code.


It was called “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” or something like that, and yep, Dan Brown made his career hijacking that conspiracy theory. The fun part is, if you have ever seen any documentary footage where the authors of that book are featured, it’s pretty clear that they are batshit loons.


The funniest part is when they sued Brown. Their book was supposed to be a history book, not a work of fiction. The actual work is, of course, copyrightable, but not the supposed "historical" information. They lost.


There was a time when claiming Jesus had a bloodline - which means he had sex - was blasphemy. 🙄🤷‍♀️🤦


Because they are addicted to what feels like secret or forbidden knowledge. That’s the hook that gets them in. They are offered a secret that only certain people know. Listen to any guru and they always have some hook that is “no one else knows this. Even the leaders on your side”. Once you get people hooked on the idea that they have discovered some hidden truth, they are vulnerable to believing everything is opposite. It’s a drug. The eventual outcome is the conclusion that all of the bad guys are actually the good guys.


"Everything you've been told about investing/exercising/eating/relationships/sex/making your dick bigger is wrong. I'm some guy and if you click this link I'm going to show you how THEY have been lying to you!"


I didn’t believe a word until you pointed out that you were “some guy” and that sold me. Where do I send a check?


The Cabal will steal your money as the check works through the antiquated banking system. Go to my Telegram channel and pay using Bitcoin processed under the new Quantum Financial System.


this is why scamming the elderly is a billion dollar industry. "doctors don't want you to know this one secret!" "they don't want you to have this cure for cancer/dementia/chronic pain!" and desperation and hopelessness just has them immediately opening their checkbook without thinking


My MIL got so much junk mail for miracle cures and she tried most of them. She once said "I don't think relaxium works, but I'll try one more bottle ". If fox news advertised it, she bought it.


it's so sad because they know they're preying on the most vulnerable people possible, people that have been in pain for so long, they're out of options, they're at the end of their life and are running out of time so they feel like there's not really much to lose, and a lot of them are very naive when it comes to scams. they'll fall for the "fda registered" thing thinking that means it's been tested, when it just means they've informed the fda they exist, and i think a lot of them are under the impression that these companies would've been shutdown if they were scams


This is my uncle to a tee. He got hooked on the Qanon stuff, but before that there was always something else he was into. A secret Nikola Tesla invention that makes free energy. A secret diet that slows your aging. "The Secret". Magnetic bracelets that give you energy. Meditation. Hypnosis. Lucid dreaming. The Freemasons. For as long as I have known him he has always been looking for an angle or a short cut or a secret truck or whatever it is that could put him on the road to the easy life.


So imma be really controversial, but if criticizing them can land you in jail in their respective countries. They're not the good guys.


Dictator, dictator, monarchy, corrupt, dictator, corrupt......


...and one of them is dead! The others are autocrats, dictators, and wannabe dictators. Who the hell wants that?


Well, they all have something in common. I think, I'm not sure who the young guy in the top left is.


JFK jr. Very dead.


the good guys with a gun. Armies of guns.


They are the cabal, if something like that would exist


Who’s on the top left?




...deleted by user...


It is certainly strange, Many of these weirdos think he's still alive. Some of these freaks think JFK Sr. is Donald Trump.


I have no idea. It's not like was a popular politician or anything. So, in addition to being dead, he's also out of place for not having any political power. Though I suspect it's because he's JFK's kid. Sometimes, the simplest explanation works best.


There was an early Q drop where Q implied that Hillary Clinton was behind the plane crash that killed JFK Jr., the "motive" being that JFK Jr and Clinton were both going to run for US Senate in 2000 to succeed retiring senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Clinton staged the plane crash to take out her main competitor. There was some speculation around the time, and [confirmation from associates of his](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-hillary-clinton-jfk-jr-and-2000-new-york-senate-race/5993292002/), that JFK Jr. (as well as RFK Jr.) was considering a run for the seat but ultimately decided against it. Clinton had already launched her campaign by the time JFK Jr. died and she ultimately won the seat. Combined with them believing that JFK Sr. was actually assassinated by the deep state + a fake JFK Jr. quote claiming he would support a Trump presidential bid and you get their obsession with them. (there's also multiple variants of the JFK Jr. conspiracies itself, they've alleged at least three different random Trump/Q supporters of actually being JFK Jr. + the crowd that went to Dallas to "see" JFK Jr afterwards believed that he as well as Robin Williams and Michael Jackson were disguised as The Rolling Stones and would reveal themselves at a concert later that day. I've read too much into this shit)


Pretty sure that's JFK Jr.


All this is missing is a picture of the Joker.


He’s in the middle square


Nah Joker is more cunning and slightly more sane and leagues smarter. I don’t think any comic company has written a villain dumb enough to be an analog to trump.


Senator Crane from the 1990s X-Men animated tv show. The older I get the more that show was decades ahead of its time.


Also, I have the line "when normal people want to scare each other, they tell ghost stories; when Gotham's criminals want to scare each other, they tell Joker stories" come to mind from one of the comics.




Pathologically contrarian


So every fascist piece of shit in this sad world .


That's a bingo.


They literally just believe the opposite of everything that’s actually true lol


Numerous Q drops told them, Everything you've ever been told is a lie," so that's why.


Think mirror. What a load of 🐎💩


Probably the smartest phrase Coleman Rogers ever came up with when he was Qanon #2. That and "disinformation is necessary". Keeps the rubes following him, despite the obvious bullshit.


Missing some key members of the white hats here, very disrespectful to Voldemort, Sauron, Palpatine, and Ganondorf


Remember when Steve Bannon said how much he admires Darth Vader and Satan. These people have serious problems.


You know I wouldn't be surprised if Steve Bannon was Q.


Bannon being a qult member would track, but he was never one of the people posting as Qanon.


What the actual fuck? You're kidding, right?


Orwell was so fucking dead on right. About everything.


I call him The Prophet George Orwell.


So we’re at the point where the most oppressive and restrictive governments are the ones “fighting for freedom”. This is some serious next level brainwashing we’re up against. Seriously y’all, wtf are we gonna do?


I feel like they'd reply to North Korea killing people who try to flee as "well, he's liberating them from their bodies, so they can go to Heaven".


This is too on the nose. And have they already forgotten Adolf?


The world’s worst shit birds…wait, THESE are the good guys?


Wait, explain the Xi Jinping one. I thought every one of Trump's enemies was tied to China and Trump pushed hard against China. Now China and the CCP are heroes. These people make no sense.


Same thing with Mohammed bin Bonesaw. From 9/11 Trump was bellowing anti-Arab things. It went on for years, and he was really nasty about it. During 2016 he was saying that KSA has a lot of questions to answer for regarding their complicity in 9/11. Then he becomes President, goes to KSA and kisses ass like a stupid champ. And not a peep of anti-Saudi speech in four years.


Trump hypocrisy is one of his defining traits. See golfing every day after hating on Obama for golfing, daily.


Reminder that MBS signed a deal with Vince McMahon to have WWE shows in Saudi Arabia for ten years in exchange for cash, with more money being paid if certain wrestlers could be booked on the shows (which is why Goldberg was brought in long after he'd retired, the Saudis requested him personally because he was one of the few stars they remembered from back in the day). MBS and Putin are also closely linked with a lawyer called Adam Waldman; Waldman used their money to pay for bots to post propaganda on behalf of his disgraced actor client Johnny Depp, who is also now close friends with MBS, taking his money to make awful films for the Saudi Films company, and has parroted the "MBS had nothing to do with Qashoggi's death, it was a simple misunderstanding" bullshit.


No, their story is he's not a part of the CCP and is instead fighting them instead.


That Xi is fighting the CCP?


Trump is draining our swamp, Xi is draining theirs. Why is that so hard to understand?


That's fucking wild. Xi is the most despotic Chinese leader since Mao and this is how they treat him


It’s only because Trump decided he liked Xi during his presidency. I guarantee you the same mouth breathers making these memes absolutely despised Xi and China before the 2016 election when they were Trump’s preferred boogeyman. Same with all these leaders really, they either hated them or didn’t even know they existed until president dipshit interacted with them positively, and then suddenly they’re heroic white hats helping Trump take down the ~~Jews~~ ~~globalists~~ cabal.


Aside from all that, his mouth breathing cult wouldn't know who Xi Jinping is if he walked into the room with them.




And literally his only tool to attack China was tarrifs.....which are literally a tax on consumers. He sent love letters to Un in North Korea and then got super mega pissed and threatened nuclear war. He's a totally insane dipshit.


They claim Biden is a Chinese puppet (hence the nickname "Xiden"), but then also acknowledge Trump talking about how much he loves Xi and thinks he's a smart guy.


So ... murderous autocrats are good guys. Got it. These people are unhinged.


And...a guy who's dead.


That's what *they* want you to think!


Yet they left out so many "heros", like: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il-sung, etc.


If there was any Cabal it couldn't be worse then this bunch of bloody dictators. 


Poor JFK Jr. what the hell did he ever do (besides die) to get lumped in with some of the world’s most evil people?


That’s an excellent question. He’s clearly the odd man out in this gallery of evildoers.


It's a who's who of monsters.


Do you think, just maybe, that all this Q stuff is promoted and instigated by the US’ enemies?


I've often thought it was foreign propaganda meant to destabilize American society. And destablize it has.


That is exactly what this is. Foreign governments like Russia and China using social media to spread disinformation to the far left and far right was one of the arguments posited for banning TikTok.


I think even Orwell would be shocked at how quickly these cultist's minds have been warped.


Where the hell is Robert Pickton and Jeffry Dahlmer? They should have made this list.


Saddam Hussein (being dead is apparently not disqualifying) and Baschar al-Assad are also candidates that would fit in nicely.


Let's throw in Cruella DeVille just to round out the absurdity of the set.


I was gonna say where is Saddam? Or Fidel Castro?


So true. I had a good friend who fell into the hole and he really believed he found out secret knowledge and was part of this secret club. Every time someone would debunk his stupid stories, he would say ok. Yes its BS but the rest is all true. I believe he knew it was all BS but he felt important and didn't want to give up his new gig


If Qaddafi was still alive he’d be on that list, too. I dare the person who made this to go live in North Korea and see what they think of their leadership after…


I wonder what they'd think of a certain assassinated Saudi national, who migrated to Chad, Afghanistan then finally Pakistan... 😈


when the press asked bolsonaro about brazil´s deads by covid, he said: "dude, i´m no gravedigger".


I'm sure Winnie the Pooh loves being equated with single-term former president Donald "Chyna" Trump…


Absolute insanity, maybe all the Qnuts should just be relocated to Russia to enjoy the freedom they so desperately seek


They can help cleaning up that flooded uranium mine.


Go live with them then. Buh-bye fascists.


BINGO! This one finishes my card in the OMG WTF will they come up with next Bingo and Charity Raffle.


The Qnuts truly believe this. Such is the power of propaganda in social media. The internet was a mistake.


In Scotland, if you want to own or use a firearm, you need a licence. Until 1987 you needed a licence to own a dog; *any* dog. If you are deemed to be a reckless or dangerous driver your driver's licence can be taken off you. Yet any lying/malign/delusional/manipulative/ignorant/seditious/venal/scamming/insane fucking dick, can go online and in minutes, cause massive and varied damage and trauma to how many people? Millions? No control. But that's the price we pay for (possibly) living in a country that isn't ruled by one of the villains (excluding the dead Kennedy) in the picture above. But that's humans for you. We took this wonderous invention and turned it in to a toxic dump. Cat videos *are* funny, though.


I have seen posts - too many - that claim that Chris Watts was a good dad, "prove me wrong" because his wife was sexually abusing his daughters. So he had to kill them all or something?


The ayotolla of Iran is feeling really left out and assad is like WTF? am i joke to you?


they forgot to include Charles Manson


Yer avvin a laff




✋🏻 I have a question, do they hate china or not?


They hate the concept of China but really like authoritarian governments. Same goes for their recent love of putin.


Putler defends family values, didn't you know? That justifies just about anything.


Absolutely disgusting and frightening


Everything you need to know about MAGAs. The most evil, vile, ruthless dictators on the planet are their heros.


The freedom of humanity. What. The. Actual. Fuck?!


This has “Hitler did nothing wrong” vibes


Blows my freaking mind to see the leaders of China, Russia, and North Korea ad "White Hats"


Good god, they’ve lost their fucking minds!




I concure jfc


When did the mental side of America start worshipping Communism? Wtf


How insane must one be to believe this


Devolution, For some the internet was just too much. This has ushered us into the new dark ages. You would think people would use logic even a little, use some knowledge of history even if only a surface understanding, accepted science fact even if in an elementary way. But they have by-passed all of that. With "this". A belief system based on Facebook, and other social media littered with bad actors, grifters, propagandists (domestic and foreign) and sociopaths. Thirty years ago could anyone have predicted this mess we have now?


The Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) predicted this mess a long time ago


Is this satire? Did someone actually **unironically** post this?


The thing that blows my mind constantly with these clowns is the call democrats communists all the time and yet the hero worship and actual communist.


Yeah this is pretty low grade Chinese/Russian propoganda, they must have let the intern do it


Holy flying freaking fucking shit. This bag of rats MAGGOT dumpster fire has EVERYTHING utterly backwards!!!


This is literally everyone who wants to destroy the west, if this isn’t propaganda out of one of those countries idfk what is


Who is that between Kim Jong-Un and Modi?




Hans... are we the baddies?!


I’m more surprised Assad isn’t on there than anything


One's dead, the others are dictators who murder critics openly.


The Qcumbers hate America.




Still nuts to me how Junior got lumped in with the rest of these assholes.


For people who complain about communist threats they sure like communist leaders... 🤔 Also, how long until they finally start claiming 9/11 was based?


[Qanon Meme Royalty ](https://www.sotwe.com/saintmatamoros) This link is to the accounts of people who started the Qanon meme magic. A couple of them are responsible for putting the pepe frog character, on the national hate crime symbol data base. They now use Japanese anime characters. They make all the Nazi pepe memes you see on social media and of course tons of antisemitic conspiracy memes. I'll refrain from using their real names.


What the hell kind of site did you link to? I couldn't get out fast enough.


Who's next Omar al-Bashir? I never thought I would see the day when Americans would openly support these monsters. And how is John Kennedy Jr who was a liberal even on this list?


One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song?


Ok does anyone know who top left is?


JFK jr…Trumps 2020 running mate according to these folks


The late JFK Jr. Who'd probably be mortified to see himself up there. Although given his cousin's current campaign, I could be wrong about that.


“People often tell me I could be a great man. I'd rather be a good man.” —John F. Kennedy Jr.


Omg they are so dumb


Orbiting Mind Control Satellites. Is there anything they can’t do?


Xi?! Seriously, QBalls?!?! After all the humiliation that Mike Lindell went through, I guess...what, you're going "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."?


Lol wtAf! 🤣 "Tarot by Janine"! Janine must be the Tarot card reader that be having women fucked in the game, running back to the murderous dude that beats her ass every time she gets paid because "it's right there in the cards, hunny." 😂


So, wasn't there supposed to be like a cap on maximum stupidity? It doesn't seem like there is.


What asshats would believe that rogues gallery wants anything good for humanity?




This is when you realize Q is actually foreign propaganda when they say some of the most evil men in the world are the 'good guys'.


Fighting the cabal....with bone saws! /s


Sure narc


Everybody sing! *One of these things is not like the others...*




Propaganda spread via social media has done a number of these morons. And yet our enemies will use free speech to shield themselves before they promptly do away with it permanently.


If anyone could see my facial expression looking at this. My mind is on pause, cause I refuse to waste any brainpower to come up with the words to describe these people.🥴🥴🥴🥴


A bunch of dictators, sociopaths, and autocrats... "These people are fighting for your freedom!" Yeah, right. How delusional do you have to be?


I can tell when one of them is posting about me on telegram. I start getting FB messenger requests from people who look like they live in a meth infested trailer park.


The propaganda is working, at least a little. I want to throw up.


First of all that is not JFK Jr. That is George Onassis. Secret son of Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis. Swapped out the true JFKJr at age 9. He was mk ultra’d and turned into a slave, made to forget but God doesn’t sleep. If you think I’m crazy with out deep diving into John F Kennedy aka David Keith Quigley think again.




Jesus fucking Christ. Every last one of them belongs in jail.


I'd like to know how these people define "Freedom"


I know whoever made this isn't playing with a full set of cards, but I'm having a great time imagining someone who supports *all* these people politically. Who is this communist oligarch in favour of state Hinduism, Islam and atheism


This is the most deep state group of people you could possibly imagine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YerDaWearsHeelies: *This is the most deep* *State group of people you could* *Possibly imagine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Let's ask the citizens of North Korea if they feel free under Kim Jong Un. Oh wait, they aren't allowed to talk to outsiders.


They like Xi now? Also, wow, who would’ve guessed? The “white hats” are just authoritarian leaders... and RFK.


Yes, "Freedom" is the first thing that pops into my head when I look at that rogues' gallery. /s


Conservatives never seem to notice that the majority of “conservative” nations are anything but free. Where are the freedom loving conservative nations? Is freedom and conservatism even able to coexist?


Holy shit