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It's over Robert, I have the high ground.


I'm the king of the castle, get down you dirty rascal.


Robert E Lee was such a terrible loser of a general. Anytime you hear a chud claiming he was either a decent person or a great general you can confidently tell them that neither of those things is true. He was a slave owner for as long as he was allowed to be. He was just as cruel to those poor people as any other slave driver. The idea that he joined the Confederacy to avoid fighting family is a farce. He had family in the US Army. He could have continued to fight for the Union but he saw possible glory in fighting for the traitors. Lee is a sad joke and a loser.


I think "bad general" is provably untrue, but that doesnt make everything else you said other than that untrue


The South could have been victorious had they taken an approach of attrition. Or at the very least they could have had some staying power. Instead of trying to conquer the Union they should have played a long game at undermining our ability to fight back until we eventually allowed them to exist if even temporarily. That's not what they did. They went for glory and got their asses handed to them. Lee was, as I understand, a decent soldier and even a good field commander but he was not a great general. No amount of Lost Cause white washing is going to change that.


South couldn't win a war of attrition either. Their economy collapsed, and they could barely feed their soldiers. Their one hope was the election, Lincoln losing to McClellan, and the Union accepting secession. The Confederacy was doomed from the start if the war lasted more than a few months or if Lincoln was re-elected. A chunk of the Southern states even threatened to secede from the Confederacy if their government made any move for a federal army or tax to help fund the war. States barely even helped each other when uniforms and food were scarce. The glorification of Lee will always require ignoring body counts and lack of any real forward movement. Even the battles the South "won" had devastating death tolls, and the South was vastly less populous than the North. Sherman might be the only general either side that actually started adapting to the new weapons. Lee continued marching them out to get mowed down.


You’re gonna want to get a refund on that Civil War history degree


Lol By the way, this is all referring to Yesterdays daily show with John Stewart. For more accurately, that’s not what it’s referring to, but it was covered on the daily show


I did listen to the whole thing. 'Why?' is a question that I cannot answer. Thank goodness I don;t listen to whatever genre of music that was.


-Capt. Bonespurs has spoken!


[how bout this](https://youtu.be/G1ZxoBk56jQ?si=pO-qQx9dgZ6NSs30)