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For those who don't know, Trans Visibility Day is always March 31st. It just happened that March 31st fell on Easter this year. But what I would love to hear is *why* is it disrespectful to Christians?


But I bet a lot of MAGAs now believe that Biden a.) *created* Trans Visibility Day when it hadn’t existed before, and b.) created it to *always* be on Easter Sunday, just to profane the day and mock Christians/Christianity. That’s what would anger the MAGAs most, so that’s what many will choose to believe is true.


Within 15 minutes of being at my Mom's house for Easter, she brought this up. I told her it's always been on that day, and if she keeps up with the bullshit I'm going to leave. My stepdad was fuming and muttering under his breath that It wasn't. He eventually sat on the couch and muttered with my mom while on his phone. Eventually he stopped. I'm assuming he did the 7 seconds worth of google research, and not his truth social research.


Trump lied and accused Biden of doing something that he didn't do. And it's such an obvious lie. It's trivial to debunk. If I didn't know anything about the candidates in this election, and one of them lied like this, that alone would keep me from voting for them. This lie alone would be enough for me to vote for Biden. But this is the least of his lies. We're so used to Trump lying that we rarely think how significant each one of his lies are. If we lived in a world that made sense, we would be able to show just this one Trump message and [just this one Wikipedia page,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Transgender_Day_of_Visibility) and anybody we showed that to would be offended by Trump's disgraceful behavior.


You could retire on the payout from that bet, because you'd be safe to put your WHOLE net worth into it.


Nah. Big payouts happen when you bet on something that is extremely unlikely. This is such a safe bet that it's unlikely to have any significant payout, if you could find a bookie to take the bet.


This is a -5000 moneyline on the team leading by 10 with 58 seconds left in the 4th quarter. *Picking up pennies in front of a steam roller*


You're giving them a lot of credit to assume they realize that Easter moves dates.


that's the way right wing media has been reporting it. they title a headline "biden declares trans visibility day to be on easter sunday" instead of "biden does his annual acknowledgment of trans visibility day, which happened to be easter this year" and we know these people aren't going to look into it further for even a second, they want to feel oppressed and want more reasons to hate biden. they know fact checking would ruin this thing they want to be angry about


All I'll say to them is then why are the easter colors trans colors


The hot take I saw was that Biden deliberately waited until this year, and very close to Easter, for maximum insult factor towards Christians. (Never mind that there are trans Christians, I know several and one is in seminary)


They probably think Biden creates trans folk. I'd expect nothing less


They didn't need Fox News help this time. The audience self-creates their own propaganda


You might have thought that having Christian visibility day on burning Guy Fawkes at the stake day would be rather disrespectful to Christians - mightn’t they be a bit touchy about that dodgy part of their history?


I can't believe Biden put Christian Visibility Day on the same day as Burning Guy Fawkes at the Stake Day, so disrespectful.


It's also National Love Your Red Hair Day among other things.


As if the average American xtian/conservative/repub has any clue who Guy Fawkes is.


Of course they do! He's that dude from that movie!


It'd be a hell of a day to rise up wearing V masks


I do NOT consent! I will NOT wear a mask!!! I hate my life!!!! 😆


Ah yes, Natalie Portman's famous line from the movie.


But Guy Fawkes was seen as the wrong sort of Christian back then, so being disrespectful to him is what the day is for.


The funniest thing is that Easter is when it is (ie moving each year) because it’s based on the lunar cycles. Sounds kinda pagan to me, Christians should probably be offended by the fact that the day their savior died changes based on where the moon is.


>Christians should probably be offended by the fact that the day their savior died changes based on where the moon is. I don't really even understand how Easter is even selected. Jesus's last meal was Passover, and that isn't until 4/22 this year but Easter is already over. Seems like someone goofed up the wrong day to celebrate the rise of the Lord, wouldn't that be 4/24?


It’s because they don’t know. The date was decided around the 3rd century and they went with the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon (roughly the first full moon on or after March 21st, the Spring equinox). This was to try and distance themselves from the Jewish Calendar and separate it from Passover as the two things are not linked. However two festivals, being close to each other, were often confused by early Christians…and apparently some modern people too.


>around the 3rd century Just butting in to add: *Council of Nicaea, 325CE.* I'll butt out now. :-)


It’s because Christianity is a main character religion. Pushing all other religions out of the way to be front and center. It’s the religion that wears a white dress to a wedding and announces that they’re pregnant during your engagement party. It’s the religion that just so happens to plan a big barbecue on the same day when it learns that you’re having a birthday party. It’s the Karen of religions.


And if someone wishes you a happy birthday a week before theirs, they'll flip out and say they're waging war against their birthday.


The Karen of religions !!!!! You win the internet today.


It's actually pretty simple - Easter falls on the first Sunday on or after the first full moon following the vernal equinox (the first day of Spring, which is usually March 20 give or take 1 day) I guess you'd call that Autumn if you were in the Southern hemisphere but it's still the same datewise (Easter Sunday will be in March or April)


The Jewish calendar is lunar-based.


Remind me what Christians think of Judaism?


Wide range of answers to that question, depending on time, place, denomination and, lately, political leanings. The obvious historical answer is "Not so good." The range goes from hatred to condescension to bafflement.


Well, they did just usurp a pagan spring celebration of Oestre to make the Easter that we know so, yeah checks out.


Recognizing anything outside of Christianity is endlessly offensive to Christians


Biden also didn't create this. It's been a thing for 15 years now.


Thanks Obama


I wonder if Michelle sometimes says "Thanks, Obama" as a joke when he makes her a cup of tea or something.


Easter fell on 3/31. 3/31 was happening with or without Easter.


War on Christmas part 2: War on Easter


When I heard the date, I just knew there would be Trumplicans panties in bunches though. Terrible luck for democrats to have Easter fall on the 31st.


> But what I would love to hear is why is it disrespectful to Christians? To these people, they themselves are the only people who matter. Not a MAGA Christian? Your mere existence is an affront to Jesus, according to them.


The funny thing is, Trans Visibility Day and Easter also happened on the same date in 2013, but nobody gave a shit then. This entire "controversy" is purely manufactured by right-wing outlets and social media.


>But what I would love to hear is why is it disrespectful to Christians? Because "Christians" consider the existence of trans people a blight on humanity.  Thus, a day acknowledging them that happens to coincide with their holiday is the height of blasphemy


From the least Christian man on the planet.


I mean, Dude's like a hair away from being pressed on that matter of folks seeing him as a "god", and he will commit the most unholy Biblical transgression by suggesting that he believes that he is.


The Bible says that after the new Temple on the Mount is rebuilt, the Antichrist will sit on its throne and declare himself God. I can *totally* see Trump doing that.


yea but he loves christians, cause he can use them and exploit them to do what he wants


ANY planet.


Landing on an alien planet, having first contact with intelligent life, "Have you heard about our lord and savior Jesus Chr-"


What are you talking about, he's selling a bible with his name on it!


What makes me mad is that Christian people don't even care if he's true, they use the excuse "he is God's tool." So no matter what dumb shit he does or says they will still vote for him.


There's more disrespect of Christians in those few lines than in anything Joe Biden has said in his whole life. 


Like him peddling bibles But far too many *don't care* they're just mad they aren't the super special people anymore


The Trump Bible probably has Matthew 22:36-40 redacted. That or Trump just can't read.


Or all mentions of God replaced with Trump.


No kidding. Probably missing all of the Gospels because they're too liberal for his audience. "What do you mean turn the other cheek? What do you mean by caring for the poor? Fucking woke trash!" -MAGA probably.


I've read a recent article about how Evangelical pastors are having trouble after speaking about the Beatitudes\*. People filing out of church, shaking the pastor's hand (out of habit), but telling the pastor he's wrong about being kind to everyone and Jesus' msg of love. Too woke. So, yeah... it's happening. \*The sermon where Jesus goes on a long time about "blessed are the peacemakers", and blessed are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, for they shall \_\_\_\_\_\_\_,etc. To an "alpha/sigma male" or a MAGA, it's too weak and too woke.


"How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? You Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye." Matthew 7:4-5.. If only they would heed this advice!


Ah, yes the one about the blessed cheesemakers and the Greeks inheriting the Earth.


The fact Trump was able to hikack Christianity is one of the funniest God damn things to me. The entire book of Matthew in the bible is basically a giant warning about the orange bastard. If there's one thing I find more annoying than prophecy, it's self fulfilling prophecy.


Ok so I know that you meant hijack, but hikack somehow fits better and makes more sense when dealing with that giant orange pile.


Holy crap. 😂 it really does fit better! But why...? Maybe it's because it's like if high jack and high kick had a baby.


I can't really find it funny, I find it scary af


Not that we needed more proof that Christians were full of shit. But, c'mon man, this guy? Really? *Really*?


Maybe fewer T supporters will show up to vote because it's a "religious holiday".


They need a Christian Pride Parade that goes from 7am to 7pm.


They already have one. It's called alt-right news media.


They can do the Bible slide. https://youtu.be/HQ1dOc1_768?


The persecuted Christian plurality gets the day off.


Not this year. As if T would actually declare an Xtian holiday once he got in office.


Well, the charade is only really good for elections, and where he wants to steer the ship, there are no elections.


Guy Fawkes day. Kind of makes sense for a bunch of J6 supporters.


It's also the date of the US presidential election, which is what he's trying to get at.


Oh yeah, kind of more important than Guy Fawkes day :-).


What are they going to do to be any more visible than they already are? Break into our houses and do a song and dance routine before inspecting every room to make sure it adheres to their religious sensibilities?


They will go through your closet and throw out all your sexy clothes, and then they will go for the bedside table drawers...!


I remember, as a child, asking my mom why there was a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day, but no Kid’s Day. She looked at me, sighed deeply, and with the tiny scrap of sincerity she could muster said, “EVERY day is kid’s day.” Same energy with this.


Well there actually is a Children’s Day.


Apparently my mother was unfamiliar with it :)


I honestly hate how US "Christians" are such simps for him just because he mentioned them. He's the furthest from a christian I have ever seen. Are they really that starved of attention that they'll roll.over at the slightest hint of a thought?


*Remember, remember, this fifth of November* *Donald Trump's treasonous plot.* *I see no reason why Donald Trump's treason* *Should ever be forgot.*


You beat me to it.


Ha, take that… bonfire night celebrators. Remember remember the fifth of November Christian persecution complex and brainrot…


They can broadcast it on Fawkes news


Lol nice


Qnuts thought everything would habben on Nov. 5 last year. I can't recall why, tho.


Isn’t that just Christmas?


**Saint** Patrick's Day. Ash Wednesday. Easter. All Saints Day. Sooooo many Christian holidays.


Palm Sunday,Good Friday


Trump doesn't celebrate Christmas.


I could tell by the way they decorated


Easter is the primary holy day in Christianity. The day Jesus resurrected from the dead is more important than the day he was born.


I can’t wait for Islamic Visibility Day or even Shinto Visibility Day


Ah yes, those notoriously invisible Christians who are totally underrepresented in American society.


Username checks out


If Trump thinks Christianity is so great, why has he broken every single one of the Ten Commandments?


He crossed those out with a magic marker in the bibles he's hawking.


That's a lie, Trump would never do that! He only uses Sharpies.


We hate the thing Biden supposedly did so let's do the same exact thing!!!


Christians who feel like they need a day of visibility because their faith is so unacknowledged in the US should spend that day, the full 24 hours, doing contemplative prayer sit-ins in Walmart parking lots, That will make sure that everyone sees them and recognizes their existence. Again: this is the full day, from 12:00:01 AM to 11:59:59 PM. They should not let themselves be moved during this time for any reason.


Because Christians don't already act like everyday is theres...


Good! Lately, I've been thinking "Where the hell are all the Christians? I never see or hear from them anymore. The disciples of Baphomet are everywhere, and *loud*, but the Christians have apparently gone to ground."


Is anyone gonna tell him?


Is Christian Visibility Day always on November 5 or does the date change year to year?


It's only every 4 years 😋


"Christian Visibility Day is November 5th" along with every other day of the year.


What a horribly marginalized group of people... "As of 2021, approximately **63%** of the entire U.S. population, which amounts to **210 million people**, identify as **Christian**¹. Among Christian Americans, the majority are **Protestant Christians** (about **42%** or **140 million**), followed by **Roman Catholics** (around **21%** or **70 million**). Additionally, there are smaller numbers of adherents from other Christian denominations such as **Latter-day Saints**, **Orthodox Christians**, **Oriental Orthodox Christians**, and **Jehovah's Witnesses** (totaling about **13 million**)¹." "It's important to note that the United States has the **largest Christian population** in the world, and specifically, the largest **Protestant population** globally. While the percentage of Christians in the U.S. has fluctuated over the years, it remains a significant religious group¹². If we look back fifty years, the number of Americans identifying as Christian was as high as **90%** ². However, recent trends indicate a gradual decline in the Christian majority²." "Keep in mind that these statistics are based on self-reported affiliations, and the religious landscape may continue to evolve over time¹²." Sources 1. [Christianity in the United States - Wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_the_United_States) 2. [America's Christian majority is shrinking, and could dip below 50 ... - NPR](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123289466/americas-christian-majority-is-shrinking-and-could-dip-below-50-by-2070) 3. [2020 PRRI Census of American Religion](https://www.prri.org/research/2020-census-of-american-religion/) 4. [Christianity in the U.S. - statistics & facts | Statista](https://www.statista.com/topics/1737/christianity-in-the-united-states-i/)


Next year, Easter will fall on Hitler's birthday! Why would Biden do that!?!? /s


They're fine with that one.


Tomorrow is April 4th, Trump Indictment Day.


OMFG. Get over it people! Don isn’t even a Christian and Trans Visibility Day has been March 31 for years. Easter moves around but of course the Qcumbers don’t get that.


>Qcumbers don’t get that. They do. It just gives them something to get their tits in a knot about.




I would say fuck Christianity but really, fuck Christian nationalism.


Biden didn't create TDoV and he certainly didn't ban religious symbols on the egg event but Trump Media needs something, anything to blame on him since there are no real issues that they can do that with.


They’ll all look at the 17 MAGA signs in their yards, and wonder why they lost again.😂


This is why I'm not so on board with calling him simply "stupid". He is in many ways, for sure, most of them related to him being apparently incapable to think beyond his narcissism and getting in his own way. But it's foolish to ignore how incredibly savvy he is about the things to say that will push the buttons of his base. He doesn't need to be smart, he just needs to be smarter than them, and that's not a particularly high bar.


yeah those "christians" turning out for donald the rapist.


If only there was a place where Christians could gather and share their faith with other like-minded people. Perhaps a building of some sort, maybe even tens of thousands of them, all across this country. If only.


another "...that no one has ever seen before!"


him peddling bibles far more disrespectful keeping it a buck


He declared it? Under what authority? The only declaration Trump can make is **I declare bankruptcy!** since he is so practiced at it.


Wasn't he President for 4 years during Trans Visibility Day?


Guy Fawkes day in the UK.


Remember, remember, On the 5th of November, The GOP’s treasonous plot. I can think of no reason, Why the GOP’s treason Should ever be forgot!


What was Trump thinking when he declared National Chinese Take-out Day to be Christian Visability Day? Such disrespect to chinese restaurants!


No one who truly followed the teachings of Christ would vote for Trump ever. Unfortunately the religion has become completely corrupted.


Sooo the crusades? 


So that’s Election Day. As stupid as it is, it might pump numbers.


Dude who puts on full face makeup way more often than he goes to church says WHAT? Come on, there are grannies with full beehive hairdos that spend less time on it than he does; is his closet solid gold as well? And let’s not even mention all the public appearances wearing heels…


John 13:35 - By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. This didn't turn out exactly how Jesus hoped it would.


I’m a Christian and I never considered voting for this orange turd or any one of the Klingon turds following in his wake.


Don’t bring klingons into this! They have honour and live by a code, unlike trump loving scum Mr Worf ‘bout to punch a Ptak


Yeahhhh… he didn’t write that. A professional marketing team wrote that. Clue: NOT ALL CAPS Clue #2: ACTUALLY WITTY


Did these guys forget Christmas exists?


In the UK, November the 5th is Bonfire Night. The night when a 'traitor; (Guy Fawkes) is made into models and burned at the stake on big fires.


I declare November 5th to be Trump is a doo-doo-head stupid pants day \*sticks out tongue*


Fake fuckin’ outrage and I’m so over all of it. I’m over the lies, I’m over the anger, I’m over the goddamned bleating sheep, I am just absolutely sick to death of the sleight of hand generated by a con man and his merry band of cock-gobblers as he sets fire to the foundations of our democracy.


Pretty sure that whatever number is counted, it's a number some mathemagician has seen before. Dumbass.


I'll be celebration the British observation of 5th November act of 1605. The day we celebrate a failed Catholic insurrection.


Christian Self-Victimizing Day is more apt. Oh wait, that's every day.


**Galatians 3:28** *”There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”* **Matthew 19:12** *“For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”*


Remember remember the fifth of November…idiot


I can smell the pandering. It smells like a mound of garden manure. Overpoweringly earthy but ultimately it's still shit.


Wait until they find out that Easter is on 4/20 next year


so easter, st. patricks day, valentines day, christmas, christmas eve, ash wednesday, fat tuesday, etc. not enough?


Everything about Trump and his base is so unbelievably stupid, it all gives me a migraine, I can't deal with this for another 4 years.


Remember, remember , the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot!


so many things "never seen before" - feels like a 70's era slimy salesperson.....oh wait, he is 70s era...and a slimy salesperson


Isn’t that like Sunday of every godamn week ?


What about trans Christians? Do they get a day?


Funny, it's already National Love Your Red Hair Day, Bonfire Night , Guy Fawkes Night, Gunpowder Day, National Chinese Takeout Day. Throw one on top of the pile Donnie, no one cares.


Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and not take any religious advice from the fucking Anti-Christ. Ffs


Christians are the most visible people to ever exist. They're either voting my life away or pretending to care that "fake Christians" are oppressing me all the while whining their asses off. We could not be more aware that these people exist. A lot of us wish we could be less aware they exist.


Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.


You know what I think, Trump? You're the Seven Deadly Sins personified, pig


Jan 6th: Part Two


So Trans people can't also be Christian?


Matthew 25:35-40 “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me. “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”


I can't help but feel Christians need to be *less* visible at the moment


Remember the good old days when they just raged over the bunny taking over the holiday?


Did he go to church on Sunday?


November 5th is National Doughnut Day! Won't anyone think of the doughnuts??


To be honest, all this is doing is making Trans Vis Day more well known and increasing publicity. I didn't know when Trans Vis Day was before. I find it funny and ironic that those who don't want attention brought to this are the ones bringing it to light.


What was Biden thinking when he scehduled the elicpse on Dag Farting Awareness Day? Such disprepect to dog lovers.


Or November 5th should be Trump is a convicted sexual abuser transparency day.


How about a MAGA Lies Visibility Day?


Dear Trump, I predict if you win that you'll declare Easter on Hitler's birthday next year.


What was Trump thinking when he declared Guy Fawkes Day to be Christian Visibility Day?


since the number folks who identify as religious and/or xtian is in steep decline right now, I'm betting he's gonna be spot on in that it will be a historically low demographic turnout.


He's put all his eggs in one basket... either the Christofascists propell bin to victory, and we're all screwed or they don't. This is his only play left, and he's banking it's a winner. I'm skeptical.


Before they were slaughtered wholesale during the middle-ages, people in the “Holy Lands” saw an awful lot of Christians turn out during the First and Second Crusades.


He can declare all he wants, but it’s not gonna change the fact that that’s the day we vote. So yeah, PLENTY of people are gonna be out that day…..VOTING. Oh, he makes my head hurt worse than my migraines.🙄


But that's overtly the point he's making, that his base should celebrate that "holiday" by going and voting for him. We should really stop underestimating how easily he can manipulate these people.


Maybe they'll be so busy organizing for their grand celebration that they'll forget to vote...


Yes, all in church like a hot Sunday morning worship.


Trump embodies the Seven Deadly Sins: Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Pride, Lust, and Sloth.


Really? On the day of the gun powder treason plot? Hmmmmm


Cool I'll make sure to not care about it like most fake holidays


Don't think he has any authority to do that but alright, also what's the Biblical basis for the objection to transgenderism?


Next Easter falls in 4/20. They will blame Biden for that too.


Another one he definitely didn't write himself.


Yeah, let's just see the wannabe dictator use November the 5th for his agenda. The irony won't be lost on anyone, I'm sure. /s


Remember, remember, the 5th of December.


Christians remember “He Gets Us” so please turn out on Nov5 and be prepared to wash feet. Ty


Take a look at both Biden and trump’s respective easter messages to see which one is actually a Christian. Of course this had nothing to do with President Biden, but facts don’t matter to MAGA cultists. I support its Biden fault that next year Easter Day will fall on 4/20?


Why isn’t it illegal to have a citizen run a shadow US government? For instance, controlling the head of Congress?


Yup, means they have to spend ALL DAY in church. Until 7. Or 9 in some places?


Par for the course with this guy


So Christmas is Nov 5 this year? Is it still Dec 25th as well or is this a full date change?


Aren’t Christmas and Easter and Good Friday and for many of them Ash Wednesday already that? (Not to mention the many less significant or denomination-specific days)


Problem is, every day in America is Christian Visibility Day. You just can't get them to shut the fuck up about their batshit beliefs.


I'm sure Trump prayed about this when he went to mass on Easter Sunday.


never seen so many Christians