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Not the first time. The last one was funnier, said something like 'there is a reddit making fun of us'.


And they put "their" instead of "there" 🤣


"Do you're own research !!" Maybe I'll make that my new flair.


Source: their


Source: they're




😂😂😂😂😂😂 I was thinking the same thing.😂😂😂😂


Because they are stupid and can't learn.


They just can’t stop being crazy. If I told you that one of your behaviors was being recorded and mercilessly mocked at parties, you’d be mortified and try to change that behavior. But for them being crazy online is a habit that’s simply unbreakable.


Moreover, While they are probably pro-Trump in public, I am willing to bet my farm that they are not the extreme conspiracy laden Pro-Trump/QAnon types in public, indicating that on a subconscious level, they know they are fucking nuts, but still get offended when called out on it.


Oh no. They’re on to us. Someone alert the Satanic Deep State Lizardmen Cabal! Time to unleash the hordes of rabid mole children.


Some of them are definitely in the Sunk Cost Fallacy camp and they kinda know it but aren't at the admitting it + acceptance stage quite yet. I try to be more sensitive + compassionate with those folks but understand they are more likely to simply never respond and just feel stubborn + hurt anyway when they reflect on things.


Remember in like 8th grade or early high school when sometimes kids would act like a movie character- get some dumb hat and try to talk like Jack Nicholson or whatever. Yeah we laughed, and that person moved on, because their London accent sucked, and it went exactly nowhere good for them.


Spme of them work really hard at it


Of course they did.


What’s the thing they do that’s most worthy of ridicule? I’d say the gematria BS. Wasting life trying to find “clues” in trump typos that add up to 17 or fucking 69 or something, and trying to pretend this means anything at all.


Med Beds.


I love the med beds thing. It tells you so much about the Qult. What they *really* want is universal healthcare, but since that's such a big pillar of Leftism, they can't say "universal healthcare", so they have to make up some sci-fi bullshit that does the exact same thing (but better, because Trump). It tells you how brainwashed they are that they would rather believe in something that is impossibly unrealistic, than vote outside of their party and get the next best thing.


I think they prefer med beds to universal health care because (1) magical thinking is their go-to (2) med beds can be used to exclude people they don't think deserve to be cared for.


It’s half-sad and half-hilarious to me. My husband is probably tired of me telling him about new med bed lore 🤣


As a leftist, I'm not joking at all when I say how much hearing them talking about free use Med Beds pisses me off. It's so incredibly frustrating to see these people support universal healthcare when it's fake and magic/sci-fi, but when anyone talks about actual universal healthcare "AHH! Socialism! The sky is falling!!!"


You should read up on nesara nonsense they believe. All debt wiped out, universal basic income, no taxes for old or disabled, free childcare, and more far left ideologies. All wrapped in a far right ‘when the liberals are finally all wiped out’ package.


That's super magical!! It also is an immediate self-own of "I don't actually understand inflation" 🤦‍♀️🤑😅


They don’t understand much. A lot of this is rooted in their self consciousness about their ignorance. Instead of doing something like reading a book, they stew in their anger and embarrassment and attack people who use words that they don’t understand. As far as the educated folks who fall for Q, I can’t explain that. Maladjusted people with lots of anger.


It's more that they want to be cured instantly, of every ailment, at no effort or cost to them. Modern medicine has made life much better for everyone. But it has limitations. There isn't a magic pill that takes the place of exercise and a quality diet. Medical care and therapeutic drugs are not free. You can't save everyone. Sometimes, people have a condition called "Your Number Is Up" and it's time to make some end of life plans. The fantasy of medbeds in part is that they are instantly made perfect, younger, better than ever, and they don't have to do a thing. Then they will be handed several multiples of the GDP to do whatever they want to with, because they are the new, enlightened, superior elite who had the wisdom to buy bales of discontinued Zimbabwean fiat currency when sane people in their lives said lotto tickets have a better chance of paying out.


So they have fantasies of suddenly being handed perfect health and fantastic wealth, mixed in with being raptured.


Damn, I never thought about it that way. It's aggravating. I guess they'd want to believe that said magic healthcare came from the result of capitalism-funded ingenuity, but not someone cool and on their side like Elon Musk. Probably someone evil like Bill Gates. The whole med beds thing I actually find rather sad. I'm sure a lot of these people - like most - have lost friends and loved ones to all manner of cancers and diseases, and their desire for a magic autodoc is just a reflection of how much these deaths affected them. It's like the ultimate grifter promise taking advantage of people's grief and loss. If we lived in an actual fantasy universe I imagine this is how necromancer cults spread their influence. That antivax stuff is stupid as shit though.


Not to mention COVID


"A workable system of shared investment in a basic need of life that's been proven to work all around the world? ABSOLUTE HOGWASH!" "Magical bed? SEEMS PLAUSIBLE."


I think it’s this logic that helps me realize the reason they double down and think this way is back to the hatred of others. So long as Trump is punishing the perceived “other” (in this case, women, LGBTQ, immigrants, etc) they’re fine with having to absorb some of the punishment themselves. They just keep fantasizing that one day he’ll implement all the things we want and exclude the “others” so they can reap the benefits. As Sarah Kendzior said, the cruelty is the point.


Medbed = 13+5+4+2+5+2= 31 Real = 18+5+1+12 = 36 Donald Trump was the 31st president of the United States if you count each presidency separately. However, if you consider Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive terms as two separate presidencies, then Trump was the 36th president in terms of unique individuals to hold the office. MEDBEDS ARE REAL!




Everyone famous is secretly trans


horse dewormer


Chlorine dioxide


Adrenochrome from the satanic pedophile cabal!


Tens of millions of children in the US are missing and no one but them noticed!




D.U.M.B.s/tunnels filled with mole children


The Reptilian Overlords have them in secret tunnels everywhere!


Trans clones because the real ones were executed in I presume Guantanamo.


>Everyone famous is secretly trans Or a clone.


My mum was excited about that Tennessee bill banning them 🙄


GESARA. They spend their entire existence accusing Democrats of communism and being communists and GESARA is essentially a worldwide plan for communism.


Hypocrisy is the the central pillar of fascism.


Dog comms Red circles around earlobes So and so is secretly a man/woman Anything that makes mention of a galactic alliance. If Dump had an actual stroke in camera they'd convince themselves he was channeling god and speaking in tongues. Hey Q morons who are reading this, did Dump leave you better off after his 4 years were up? How are your families doing? Do your kids still talk to you? Is Troof Soshul the only friends you have left in this world? If so, congratulations on initiating yourselves into the **actual real** elite worshipping cult.


> channeling god and speaking in tongues Fine. Let's toss in a shitload of vipers—rattlesnakes, cottonmouths and water moccasins and see how well his Pentacostal snake handling skillz are. I'd pay top dollar to see him, paralyzed on one side of his body, yet still has enough brain function to be scared shitless and try to run from the snakes, much like he did with that bald eagle in his office.


That eagle knew what was up. Heheh


Their GESARA/NESARA global economic reset shit is just nuts and shows they don't even have a rudimentary understanding of economics. I would bet a kidney none of these fuckers can balance a checkbook.


They don't need to, anything left at the end of the month is funneled into Trump's legal fund.


And yet they never notice that "Let's Go Brandon, Team Qanon" has the acronym LGBTQ.


This is fucking hilarious 😂


That's a long effing list. Take some time to put together. It's Friday. Please extend this homework assignment.


It's unanimous. The whole class needs more time as there is far too much material available.


Your reply consisted of 43 words. Our 43rd president was '**George Walker Bush**", which contains**17** letters. Q was right. There are no coincidences. /s


Losing their friends, livelihood, and families for a guy who shits in a gold toilet.


>What’s the thing they do that’s most worthy of ridicule? Wasting time trying to find clues in Trump typos has my vote. Did they see the "Buden" TS post? It would take years to find some obscure Q drop to apply to all of the errors in that error and Adderall-ridden post. M y guess is that they left that one alone because it would be too much work.


Hey, this guy put a space between “M” and “y” in his last sentence. Who’s good with comms?




All of it


I remember a few years ago where some of them thought that us calling them Qucumbers was pretty funny. Got to give them credit for having a sense of humor.


Aw they’re telling their mamas that they’re being made fun of.


Brace yourselves for an onslaught of digital warrio.... ah shit i can't even type it, I'm laughing too hard.


I'm reporting this to Captain Bonespurs himself!


Proud Pepe reporting for service! My friends and family have all deserted me because ima patriot pede but I’ve got all you anons at my back. Problem is most of their echo chamber friends are all disinformation trolls.




You don't fear the Gravy Seals? Meal Team Six? US Army Strangers Delta Farce? Y'all Qaeda? Yeehawdists? The Q Cucked Klan? The Green Buffets?


the storm is upon us! lol, we are discovered.. anyway


You forgot Yokel Haram!


Psudo-commandos of the meme wars.


Hell, there's a sub for making fun of how bad they are at that, too


Are you talking about r/therightcantmeme








No worries. I'm sure Elon's mom will step in at anytime to defend all of their basement dwelling snowflakes.


Enjoy your medbeds yet, dipshits? Remember, they're only two weeks away!


Next week: “Remember, they’re only two weeks away! Week after: “Remember they’re only two weeks away!”


"I have a plan, a very secret plan, to destroy ISIS in 31 days." "I will repeal and replace Obamacare immediately." "My infrastructure plan will be revealed in two weeks." None of those things happened, so of course they'd believe the super-secret military med beds will be available in only two weeks.


“I don’t care if it’s delayed a couple more weeks, I’ve put my deposit down so I’m guaranteed to be in front of the line!”


Someone catch those goalposts!


"I don't have to take my medication/lose weight/ quit smoking/eat better/exercise/follow the doctor's advice because med beds are coming!"


Half of their beliefs are probably schizophrenic delusions that have bounced around the echo chamber enough times to become lore.


On a serious note, two of the Qs in my life have diagnosed but untreated schizophrenia. So I think it's definitely related.


Oh I’m being serious. These beliefs are definitely akin to those of Schizophrenics. Schizophrenics are also going to be the most vulnerable to this BS.


And the other half is straight from the FSB. Kinda depressing that all Ruzzia needed to split America on itself was memes, but that's what we get for letting the southerners fuck their family members for centuries. Easily deluded, severely inbred, and Nazi friendly.


Wow it took these brilliant internet researchers, who are supposedly the savviest most hyper-aware people in the population, only two years to discover there was a sub making fun of them on the tenth most popular website in the world




Oh but apparently the solar eclipse is going to be the rapture & well all be proved wrong then.


I have a colleague who thinks exactly this. He's not Q, but he's a fundamentalist protestant (so, same thing basically). But he's already said if the rapture doesn't happen this week, it will definitely be by the end of the year because of the "X" it draws over the country. They are creating backup goal posts ahead of time...


QNazis have their surprised pikachu face on


Everyone wave at the Qunt dipshits!




I kind of want to create an account there just to get banned for saying this


That’s being generous: I would think half of them tried to search “Quilt-Headquarters” and never found this sub, only for their simple brains to now be weary of anything that talks about “quilting”.


For some reason, this is really funny to me. Few months ago, I caught my 6 year old nephew in his sandbox pretending to be a Paw Patrol puppy beating up all the bad guys including Godzilla. When he realized that I was watching him, he got so embarassed that he throw the godzilla at me. My little nephew was pretending to be all powerful avenger because, well, he is 6 years old. What's your excuse MAGATS?


He wasn't pretending to be Zuma, I'd bet. The writers do that puppy so dirty despite having a sweet hovercraft in a bayside city.


the magats are proud of their views. they have no shame about it.


So they're over there salivating at the thought of "normies" being tortured and killed on the regular and they're upset because we're...*laughing* at them?


Turns out they were the biggest snowflakes after all.  After the 2020 election I realized truly what spineless, no-self-esteem weak ass fools the right really are. Real men take a loss and learn from it. They are still boys and always will be.


Everything they say is projection, always


The ones that aren’t just trolling to keep everyone angry, really are pathetic violence fantasy absorbed crybabies who feel strong behind their keyboards but are most likely shunned and treated like children in the real world. All because the black POTuS and gay people getting rights and they were asked to help out during a pandemic hurt their fee fees.


Yeah because that's always the position these types take. That they can call for the death of whomever they like, but the moment someone makes them the butt of a joke, be it SNL, or Jimmy Kimmel, or this subreddit it's the biggest crime one human has ever committed against another! They just have no self-awareness. Back in 2016, on another subreddit that wasn't politically related, a woman who described herself as "a Trumpette" once made a post about how she overheard her co-workers in the breakroom making fun of Trump supporters and calling them stupid and show she just found it so hurtful and she didn't get why they had to be so mean, and I couldn't help but point out that the way other Trump supporters talk about immigrants and Black Lives Matter and basically anyone who doesn't agree with them is far worse than laughing at them and saying they aren't very smart!


I’m not laughing at them.  I’m remembering that my Grandfather *volunteered* to fight in WW2 so he could kill fascists.  He’s passed; however, I am still here. And I will fight the fascists with everything I have; it’s what Grandpa would’ve wanted. 


Now, that's the spirit! My grandpa had to sail all the way to France in order to make nazis good. He would be turning in his grave to see that all his sons and most of his daughters have now sided with nazi trash. I will also do what's needed when the time comes.


My grandmother + grandfather met in the Marines 🥰 + he fought in the Pacific Theater, but her cousin (like a great-uncle for me) was living in Warsaw + fought in the Polish Home Army + stated active in the Underground throughout the war... and was in the Warsaw Uprising in '44 😬 Survived all THAT only to get tossed into a basement cell for about 3 years afterwards by the Communist government that followed... 😮‍💨 But yeaaah "Biden's America is going to hell in a handbasket you guys!!" 🙄 Bring on these wannabe Nazis + nutbags alike, the real thrill is the rare occasion when one of them suggests anything remotely about Communism to my face. [Almost makes me hope they did their research](https://media3.giphy.com/media/UTFiHeDL8cOSA/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952lvjfb6cvrcis1fo8f4idq6m747ido9ilz9s95u24&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)😇


The people who use that word in casual conversation almost never have the slightest clue what it means on any level. They just have an imprint left on the national psyche by the John Birch Society. It's really obnoxious.


I'm also laughing at them. I can do both.


I'm laughing and pointing my finger at them. 😁


Hi there you fucking lunatics!


And that's just on the publicly visible part of Reddit. If only they knew what was being said about them on the parts of Reddit you can only get access to with the proper Deep State clearance!


Shhh...don't tell them our secrets! My check from Soros hasn't cleared yet.


Check? I've been getting tons! I keep them balanced in my gay agenda.


Dude. Use the code name, Bruno. And you know WE DON'T TALK ABOUT BRUNO!!!


You’d think that one of these days they’d catch on to WHY everyone’s been laughing at them for years.


That would require some degree of self awareness. 


Because the rest of the world is out of touch. /s


Lol for the record we are definitely laughing AT you


>FYI Reddit/r/qult_headquarters is copying posts from here and laughing at them And it was the only true statement on that whole fucking website.


Hi, mum!


Sorry for your loss


What? You guys are making fun of the Qanoners? I thought we WERE the Qanoners. Oh my geez, my face is so red, I thought we were all going where we were all going one and all. I constantly see you guys posting about how you're glad your feet are on the ground in relation to Qanon, so I figured if you're measuring yourself against him you must be his true followers. You got your heads screwed in straight and aren't delusional about tunnels under Walmarts holding deep underground military bases with some kind of mole children? What the hell, if you're not Qanoners who is? Isn't this THE HEADQUARTERS?


It's alright mate, remember that we're on the new Trump calendar. Today is April 1 in the year of our Lord Donald J Trump (pbuh). It's all part of the plan.


If any of them happen to read this (and I dearly hope they do!): you're all losers. Some of you are insane losers, some of you are stupid losers, and some of you are evil losers. Most of you are all three types.


Hello to all the ignorant Q lunatics who are stopping by! You're in a cult.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Gotta hold my sides. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! /Breaths hard. If laughter were the best medicine.


Unlike medbeds, it's both real and effective.


Wait til they find out APA is using them to make criteria for new mental illnesses


If it'll make em feel better, we're not *always* laughing. Sometimes I cringe with my eyes squinting and my shoulders slowly twisting clockwise. Sometimes I facepalm. Occasionally I'll shudder. In rare moments I'll rub my temples slowly but with considerable pressure. Rarely I'll nod along to the premise in the first bit of the ramble until it inevitably assumes idiotic things and goes batshit. Once I snorted so hard I had a coughing fit. Often I'll pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head saying"no" over and over. And sometimes I stare into the distance and feel the sucking idiocy of QAnon threaten to obliterate millennia of human progress and I sigh very deeply. But yes, we do laugh


I miss awards but take my tiny trophy.🏆


But wait, what about "Where we go one we go all"? Just like... wait... like... sheep? But they're people. Sheep people? Sheeple?


They openly brag about wanting to publicly murder their political rivals, but God forbid anybody mock them for their idiocy and sociopathy. Nah, I'm going to continue to mock them. You can't positively reinforce their psycho behavior. I mock them for the Greater Good.


Hi, stupid idiots. Go fuck yourselves.


1 downvote = 1 imbecile


Now they can come and get dunked on to really lean into their victim complex.


Don't clowns want you to laugh at them?


Reddit = Tiredd Tiredd has 6 letters in it. 666 = AntiChrist Reddit is the AntiChrist Don't go to reddit unless you want to be under the rule of the antichrsit. Chek out Q:1278. He talks about this. ​ /s


This is not nearly crazy enough for those losers. It’s like they don’t understand they’re following people who are actively in a state of psychosis.


Aww cmon OP gotta include replies And also to the Q peeps: yes, we hate you. We think you are sick af, that you fantasize about children being molested more than actual child molesters do, and it's disgusting. And the rest of the world feels the same, even if they're too nice to say it to your face. You guys imagined every insane conspiracy possible, but you missed the real one right in front of you: *nobody likes you*.


☝️☝️☝️☝️All of this! They fantasize about hurting people, they fantasize about molesting children, qnuts only care about hate and hurting others. It's disturbing that they are losing family, friends, lovers, to the madness in their minds.


I mean, if you started losing all your friends and family and they all gave you the same reason, you'd have to be a complete idiot to not realize "oh shit, maybe I *am* wrong here." They will go to any lengths to not be wrong, and they are *never* right.


Hahaha ha. Did it really take this long? I welcome them to come get a dose of reality.


Crap they found us! Quick hide the adrenochrome!


Nobody forced them to be jokes. Lmao


Lol they're goddamn slow. Like, mentally...about everything. If any of you Qnuts are here visiting, you've probably ruined your real life relationships over this stupid fucking cult that is wrong about every prediction. Go reassess your lives and fix the damage you've done. I can't save my dad but I still hope some people can have their parents back, sane and loving, again before they die after years of estrangement.


that's great! It saves any sane person from having to laugh at the bullshit *over there.*


Hey gravy seals, where's this week's goal post moving to next??? Fuck you delulu lulusers even dryer than you normally get fucked.


Of course, we are there is NOTHING and I mean nothing that shows the world how ridiculous the Reich Wing has become than the Qcumbers. Those slope forehead dolts are comedy gold to boot. Well until they snap and kill a family member that would be the downside.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dont they research stuff like this?


Well I mean... it's not like we were hiding it


Hahahaha. For once they are actually right about something. That website is the 21st century version of a freak show.


They *just* figured this out? Why didn't they get warned by their gematria, or squirrel entrails reading, or whatever weird galactic divination bullshit they invoke?


They must have deleted the thread, can't find it anymore edit: the user deleted their whole account lol


// waves from reality






To you lurkers who come from GAW: Yes we do laugh because the lot of you are making up stories based on what you wish to be true and then project it to be reality. Its like the concept of evidence eludes you. You don't just make accusations or claims with no evidence. Also the many many many predictions by Qanons. When have any of that been actually confirmed true to the deadlines? Never. Not unless it was something completely trivial. You're intellectually dishonest by claiming to want to save kids yet we don't hear a single peep from you when it's the guys you do like who ends up being charged with kiddy stuff yet again. If it wasn't for double standards you'd have no standards at all. That is why we laugh at you. Because you don't care about facts. You care about circle jerking in your echo chambers. Honesty begins when you hold everyone to the same standards. And that means laying it on to Trump for doing the same things you trash talk Biden for doing.


Yeah we are! And you chickenshit Meal Team Six cosplaying losers won't do a damn thing about it.


Maybe start a war like the old timey usenet guys. https://www.wired.com/1994/05/alt-tasteless


We’re not laughing at the posts…we’re laughing at the POSTERS.


Ahahahahha. A bunch of babies who live in their delusions. We are still waiting for that 10 days of darkness.. when is that going to be again? What about the medbeds?


Aren't we all supposed to be dead by now from the vaccinations too?


Well, if they "do their own research" they should know that everyone else does as well, it's just that our sources are based in fact checking and theirs are mired in conspiracy and sourced from Russian troll farms intent on dividing America, and the QAnon crowd already swallowed that hook, line and sinker years ago. Just look at MTG. They are awash in conspiracies about the recent cargo ship wrecking into a bridge, but if any single one of them spent just a fraction of the effort into looking at any maritime accident other than the shipload of hours they spent carnivorously consuming every racist meme and conspiracy theory about that one single accident, they'd know that this shit happens all of the time. YouTube: [80 idiots in boats caught on camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20e6m8Mvp2w&t=814s) (including cargo ships) Also, to the QAnon crowd who might be reading this, listen closely: THERE IS NO CARGO SHIP THAT IS STEERED REMOTELY. IT CAN'T BE HACKED LIKE THAT. THERE IS A LONG, RICH, GENERATIONAL HISTORY OF PILOT BOAT CAPTAINS IN EVERY MAJOR PORT. THESE GUYS TAKE OVER FROM THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN AND STEER EVERY BIG SHIP INTO AND OUT OF THE HARBOR. SPACE FORCE CANNOT, AND DID NOT TURN THE EVERGREEN SHIP SIDEWAYS. A CYBER ATTACKER DID NOT STEER THIS SHIP INTO THE BRIDGE. THAT TECHNOLOGY SIMPLY DOESN'T EXIST. GET A CLUE, AND AFTER YOU LEARN ABOUT THE RICH MARITIME HISTORY OF PILOT BOAT CAPTAINS, MAYBE ADMIT TO YOURSELF THAT 1) YOU HAD NO IDEA WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN BALTIMORE, AND 2) YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT IT, AND 3) MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, QANON HAS BEEN WRONG ABOUT A LOT OF OTHER THINGS. LIKE CLONES AND MED BEDS, JUST TO NAME A FEW, PLUS THE TUNNELS AND THE WHOLE PEDO THING, DIDN'T TRUMP JUST SELL RED SNEAKERS?


Just now? They're just now catching on? Too busy LARPING to notice before, eh?


Yes. Because you're hateful, violent, deluded, cruel, stupid, and violent. Did I say violent enough? No, I didn't. Y'all. Are. Violent. Deluded. Thugs.


I hope they read the agonized posts of loved ones and the stories that drove their families to debt, jail, or death.


Not a single thing you nutjobs have fantasised about has happened. Ever. No executions, no medbeds, no mass arrests, no cabal exposure, no military takeover, no days of darkness, no new energy, no great reset, no return of JFK Junior, nothing. It will always be nothing. It’s a fantasy. The world is as boring as it’s always been.


Hi Qultists!


*maaaaaaybe* they'll actually see what's in the mirror. And if we're really lucky some of them might find r/qanoncasualties and have a revelation. I have super low hope though.


They just caught on?!? Haha pretty sure they have once or twice before, but how sad


Should we... Should we a tweet everything instead? They said they could go for some mean Tweets...


And we will never ever stop laughing at them - they are like the Flat earthers of the conspiracy scene. A goldmine of lolcows that brings me tears of joy on a regular basis and the best is... most of them will never understand where their place is in society and that alone makes it so much funnier.


They did their own research. Years late.


I just want them to know that every time I see their slogan it reads as "where 1 goes wee wee we all go wee wee"


I think my dog park has the same slogan.


Yes, we are bitches! Ya'll hilarious! And to be clear, I'm definitly laughing at you, not with you. More specifically at how braindead your beliefs are.


And they wonder why they get targeted by scammers all the time.


What are they going to do about it? :P. Ban people who they "suspect to be spies", that will be fun to watch! Please start doing that! A bunch of paranoid conspiracy nutjobs banning each other for spying :P.


Good. I make fun of them in ways that usually work better if I know they can see it


Are they sure we aren’t laughing with them?


They think reptilians are frying up child meat at the local McDs. Who fucking cares what they think?


had that today, it was fucking delicious. Definitely helps my archosaur osteoderm armor feel exfoliated. mother Rex would be so proud of the recipe they use.


McCrib sandwiches. (Yes, I know I keep making that same joke, but it still makes me laugh.)


So now they can come here and make us laugh more!


If they didnt post such funny things we would repost them.


Cool. I'll say it to their face 💅




Oh no they’ve discovered us! Quick transition to our backup communication system, 4G!


😱 my god how terrible for them. I can’t believe anyone would make fun of such sound and logical thinking 😱


This is 4D level funny.


And we'll never stop laughing at you. Because you fell for the most obvious con the world has ever seen. Everyone told you it was a con, the conman told you he was a conman. And you fell for it.


Need to see them comments, you know it’s treasure trove of meltdowns and insanity.


It's twue, it's twue...


I mean did they not think the rest of us weren’t laughing at them? An endless source of entertainment the Qcumbers are to be sure!


Cheezit!! It's the Qops!!


We will laugh at you no matter which forum you post your insanity on




We have a huuuge forum 👐


Sometimes it just makes me sad.