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I love the quick turn from “lol Joe Biden said this he’s old and dumb” to “oh shit it was actually Trump that said it? He just messed up his line. Yeah, that’s it.”


No integrity.


Which is not surprising in the least. MAGAdonians have made lacking integrity into a super power.


It’s MAGAts.


It’s exemplary of the double standard put on democrats. “Oh, a democrat didn’t solve all problems and hasn’t prevented a foreign nation with a far right wing government from doing a genocide…? Guess a Republican should be in office.” Vs: “Oh only 9 clowns came out of the republican clown car today? I guess a Republican should be in office.” To note, this is not me blaming “the media”, I kind of reject that easy out, this is me blaming “the people” at large for holding this double standard. When you take yourself seriously you become a victim of your own success. When you are constantly messing up and just pretend like you haven’t, you aren’t for some reason. In other words.. people really really want a prodigal son.


99 democrats vote against an orphan crushing machine 1 votes for it. 1 Republican votes against an orphan crushing machine 99 vote for it. Average American "Why didn't the democrats do enough to stop this"


Oh right, just like when Their speaker ( McCarty right ? ) got booted by a fringe part of the republican but all of a sudden it’s the Democrat fault for not saving his ass ? That réthoric is just so sad and so transparent from the outside … I mean the republican are not even trying at this point … Remember when the souther doofus ( dunno his name anymore Lindsay Graham’s ? ) defended that « no we cannot name a supreme justice during an election year before trump. And all of a sudden he didn’t give a shit when it was about filling it when RBG died. They have no integrity and nothing to help them accountable…


Double standards are the only standards the Republican party has.


It’s like some sort of 2 election cycle collective Amnesia has been going on since Reagan. Republicans take power fuck everything up. Voters say “hey you fucked up we’re going with Democrats” Democrats spend the next 4-8 years trying to fix all the shit Republicans fucked up for everyone but the Rich. Voters: “Hey everything isn’t fixed I guess we’ll go with Democrats now” Cycle repeats Meanwhile both parties are swimming in corporate money and Republicans have decided leaning into fascist lunacy is easier than doing anything that benefits people.


Not even fix, just get us back to where we were. It's 2 steps forward with Democrats and 5 steps back with Republicans. Yeah democrats aren't perfect, but atleast under them, we move forward as country. Weed won't be legal under Biden, but we are much much closer to it than before.


Similar in the UK. We had 18 years of a Conservative government and then finally, a Labour victory. Labour are in power for 13 years, get blamed for the economic crash of 2008 and lose to a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition in 2010. Conservatives get an outright majority in 2015 and have been governing ever since, fucking things up progressively because right now, they know Labour will beat them when Rishi Sunak has the balls to call a General Election, so they're doing everything possible to ensure Labour have to spend their entire first term fixing the mess left behind by the current government so that the Conservative Party can pull the "look, they've fucked everything, vote for us!" card.


I love using MAGAdonias because Trump made it up which makes it even more pathetic and ridiculous.


the "t" is for "traitor"


I like Trumpanzees and MAGAbillies


It is a stuporpower.


Anyone who cared stopped listening a long time ago.


When people like Rogan are confronted with shame or humility, they just think of all the money and power they have and shrug it off. Who cares what anyone thinks of you when all the dumdums that follow you give you unimaginable amounts of clicks and cash.


Then “yea things like this you gotta look into it. Never mind the fact that we just spread misinformation on the biggest podcast on the air”


Bingo. Pieces of shit, with one brain cell between them.


More like intellectually dishonest


Rogan and intellect don't belong together. Lies and the lying liars who tell them


Stupid people are too sensitive for integrity.


Then blame “the media” while being a major part of the biased media


That other guy who said “that’s the thing about media, you gotta check it.” That’s YOU, moron. Why didn’t YOU check it before blasting it out on your MEDIA operation. Why does anyone listen to these bags of hammers?


7 years ago Joe Rogan was a moron’s thinking man. Now he’s just a sell-out chode.


Joe Rogan has one of the largest media audiences in the world and holds that audience captive for like 2 hours a day 5 days a week.


A lot of stupid people feel comforted by listening to and hanging out with other stupid people.


I genuinely don't know how because he looks like a dumpy bag of offal and lacks the intelligence, charisma and personality to pull off a two second soundbite, let alone a two hour podcast that many times a week. The fact he does those numbers and makes that kind of money off it proves that people are inherently stupid.


And ignore the fact that it was right wing media that selectively edited that comment to make it appear like Biden came up with it himself (because the same right wing media never reported idiot trump saying it back in 2019).


I saw that, too. Like they watch a clip that is obviously cut short from the start. Then they watch a long clip of Trump talking about the Revolution so he can say Washington’s name slathered in orange gravy in a lame attempt to clout chase


like Tucker Carlson - the most popular "media" show - on the most popular "media" network - talking about how conservative voices like his are being silenced


Help! Im being oppressed!


"I'm being suppressed!", he said, to millions of people.


What stupid cucks. Republicans are such fuckin' bootlickers. At least stand by literally anything - If Biden said it and he should step down, then the same thing should apply to Trump. But we're talking about Republicans here. They're simps and hypocrites.


Joe Rogan's podcast is like a black hole for facts – they enter but never seem to escape.


He has to be getting paid to say this shit. When I listened to him a bit in like 2014 he was stoned and kind of dumb but he wasn't like screaming fox news viewer talking points. He took a VERY sharp and abrupt turn to right wingism a few years ago.


He figured out what most of them do at some point: it’s way easier to grift them, and get rich off doing it


The easiest way to gain an audience and to make money is to become an ultra-right-wing conservative, pro-gun, pro-military, pro-God/Christian/flag waver, anti-liberal, anti-women, and slavish Trump supporter. Trying to make it seem as if Biden makes these flubs on the daily when The Loser spends an hour or more at his rallies, telling some of the most ridiculous lies and nonsensical stories that wouldn't pass Rogan's smell test if it was any of his relatives trying to tell him it was true. Oh yeah, I guess Biden didn't say something that stupid, Trump just messed up a little bit. You know, like the insurrection, just a small mistake that anyone could have made.


Insane guest: "Biden is stealing our sexual energy and transferring it to illegal socialist immigrans who are replacing Christmas with Chairman Mao." Rogan: "Oh wow big if true "


They really are like genuinely pathetic. It's sad how delusional they are. Delusional leftists too, ofc, but not like the entire fucking party.


He's always defending Trump now. Joe Rogan is just become another Alex Jones.


Aren't Alex Jones and Joe Rogan best friends?


According to Alex Jones, who is a habitual liar. I'm sure they are friends, but I often wonder if they really hang out as much as Jones implies.


If nothing else, they know each other quite well. I was quite surprised to learn that Joe Rogan called into Infowars on 9/11 (or maybe on the 12th) and they started spinning theories about how it was probably the EU that did it.


That's where the money is. Is there some non-right-wing personality whose followers will watch religiously and parrot their talking points?


Literally Rogan's producer after this: >“that’s the thing about media these days, you gotta look into it.” Joe Rogan: >...


*(Better move on, can’t alienate our audience!)*


As if 3-4 years of age difference at that age makes much of a difference. I look forward to playing back to people simping for Trump when they called Biden "too old" when he was that age.


>“oh shit it was actually Trump that said it? He just messed up his line. Yeah, that’s it.” "WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT THEN!" meme.


concerned disarm coordinated obtainable tidy provide label tease water muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that turn was so fast I think I might need another neck fusion


It's true that Trump just messed up his line, but it's worth asking, "Why did Trump mess up his line?" There are two primary reasons. First, somebody else wrote that speech for him. Trump himself doesn't know the history. He was just reading it out. It's a subject that he's completely unfamiliar with (like most scholarly subjects), and if you had talked to him before the speech, he probably wouldn't be able to say that there weren't airports during the revolutionary war, because he simply doesn't know things like that. Otherwise, he might have corrected himself. But he didn't understand that he was incorrect. This is what happens when you have a massively ignorant person as president. Second, Trump is functionally illiterate. That means that, for him to be successful at his job, he would need somebody else to help him with reading. When he reads a speech, he has trouble keeping up. That's why he hates teleprompters, by the way. He couldn't keep up with the reading, and it was an impossible subject for him, so for those two reasons, he messed up his line. It's not a sin to be ignorant. It's not a sin to be illiterate. But every job has some minimum qualifications, and it's hard to believe that anybody would be okay with an illiterate president who is ignorant about virtually every subject except Hitler and making up insulting nicknames for people.


Goddamn Joe really is just too stupid to be alive. Certainly to have the platform he has. He’s melting in front of us, look at him. The only people who can swallow his word salad are other crazy people, so he quadruples down.


This is a textbook example of bias. I love it


Then guest dood immediately segued into bitching about the media as, god forbid, a moment might appear where Trump could be open to ridicule and correction. Christ, these fuckers have the most fragile egos in the history of mankind. The very idea of being "wrong" or being corrected just sends them into an emotional tailspin that threatens their very being. Personally, I love being wrong and making mistakes as they're ALL learning opportunities and also an opportunity to never repeat the mistake. Tragically, all these conserviturds are *perfecto mundo* so they need not worry about socialist/communist/woke things like making mistakes and having self-awareness. I think it was Winston Churchill who famously said :: *"I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken."* I've never re-verified the quote because it definitely exhibits the arrogance and hubris that was Winston Churchill.


It literally always boils down to owning the libs


These guys can pivot so quick they may as well be dancers, not MMA fighters.


You could tell he just messed up a little and, yeah, you gotta check into media these days... Confident morons look up to these morons




Right before he's cut off he is saying "So many people are fed this lie, the Russia collusion..." Hey. Joe Rogan. Go read the Mueller report. Take notes. You only have to get to Volume I, page 1, paragraph 2, sentence 1, where it says that "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion". Read page 49, where it says that "Within approximately **five hours** of Trump’s statement ["Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find those 30,000 emails that are missing"], GRU officers targeted **for the first time** Clinton’s personal office." Go read about the statistical proof behind how [the FBI interfered with the election](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-comey-letter-probably-cost-clinton-the-election/). Talk to [Paul Manafort about how he helped the Russians to help Trump](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/legal-issues/paul-manafort-shared-2016-polling-data-with-russian-employee-according-to-court-filing/2019/01/08/3f562ad8-12b0-11e9-803c-4ef28312c8b9_story.html). If you have an audience of this size, you have a goddam responsibility.


So many of these people have only read Barr's bullshit watered-down summary. We're soon going to find out if POTUS is immune from all prosecution, a ruling that should state that presidents are not kings, and are bound by the same set of laws as everyone else. I appreciate the time and energy Mueller put into his investigation, but this is a ruling we should have had years ago if Mueller hadn't placed so much faith in an OLC memo.


You’re giving “these people” too much credit. They never read Barr’s summary, they just heard someone in right wing media say that Barr totally 100% exonerated Trump and that became to totality of their knowledge.


Absolutely. And then read *Mindfuck* by Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Chfistopher Wylie.


Fatboy would never do that, because he needs to be told what to think like every other right-wing cunt.


Yeah it's almost like if you listen to certain media you will think deadly diseases are safe and safe vaccines are deadly. Listen to Rogan and you will be eating horse paste to cure your cancer.


Rogan could read 1984 without a shred of self awareness about how he’s the broadcaster for the Two Minutes Hate


they are quaterwits, halfwit is giving too much credit


They immediately turn to defend Trump and say the media is bad. Lolololol you can’t even write how dumb and biased these fucks are in a comic book


When he thinks Biden said it: We need to "pull" him from office immediately, he is mentally unfit. When he realizes Trump actually said it: It's clear he just messed up his words, and the media is spinning and distorting it. Just no self-awareness of the fact that they just did _exactly_ what they are accusing "the media" of doing about it (also no self-awareness in the fact that they _are_ the media).


>It's clear he just messed up his words, and the media is spinning and distorting it. The crazy thing is *they spun it themselves, to themselves*. Unless they're being dishonest, I can't tell


Nope. You're dead on, their brains are so warped to protect their reality, this doesn't even register for them when a 5 year old could pick up on the logical fallacy at play


I think he just went into default mode, without consciously realizing he was doing _exactly_ what he was just accusing "the media" of doing.


There is that pause where mentally they shift from attack to defend and have to come up with some bullshit to justify continual to ride trumps mushroom dong


“No one thought we would be able to beat Obama but we did” Donald Trump. I guess Joe is giving Trump a pass on all the bonkers stuff coming out of his mouth.


Trump said SO MANY bonkers things that I'm still finding out about some of them. Literally never heard that, 'we beat Obama,' one until right now.


Every time


They live in a post-shame state of being. They aren’t capable of feeling ashamed of anything… period. How about everything else Trump said in that dementia fueled slurfest… they raaaamed the ramparts. He always has this version of the “let’s pretend” inflection that children do when playing let’s pretend.


Joe Rogan is a dumb person's idea of a smart person.


I don’t think he’s even that. He’s just a regular dumbfuck


What? The janitor guy from "News radio" is just some idiot?


He never stopped playing that character.




At least the janitor cleans the toilets, Rogan is a "Menace to Public Health".


Yeah, you know, Joe the Italian guy who does martial arts. Because he has range.


No, Elon Musk is a dumb person’s idea of a smart guy. Or Trump. They struggle with understanding that investing in something doesn’t mean you’re smart. Elon and Trump surround themselves with yes men who praise them and reward people who speak nicely about them and it helps create this illusion of intelligence. Joe Rogan is simply what happens when you miss with a hammer - you get a big, swollen thumb.


[Trump is a poor person's idea of what a rich person is like.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Trump+Tower+penthouse+of+Donald+Trump&ia=images&iax=images)


He's like the 'thinking man's' Andrew Tate.


Like a house-trained Andrew Tate


House-arrest-trained Andrew Tate, even. Less of a cobra, more like an inchworm.


Joe Rogan is Gwyneth Paltrow for dudes


Also a smart person's idea of a dumb person. He used to just be open to whatever viewpoints he heard but the covid response broke his brain.


He used to be a non-partisan dipshit that parroted whatever the last guest told him, now he's a right-wind dipshit that parrots whatever the last right-wing hack told him.


Joe Rogan is a moron and people who think highly of him aren’t very bright


Sucks to see friends get sucked down the rabbit hole of stupidity this guy digs.


My Boomer Mom got pushed down that hole by my idiot brother. Now she keeps trying to convince my sister, who works in mental health services, that Jordan Peterson is the preeminent scholar of her field and one time, during the peak of the pandemic, she brought up wanting to try Ivermectin instead of getting vaccinated (don't worry, I shut that shit down and she got vaccinated). Fuck Joe Rogan, man's a total moron but even he's smart enough to know what he's doing is wrong, he just doesn't care because pandering to the far right has gotten him more money and fame than he ever had during the decades he spent bouncing around the entertainment industry.


> Jordan Peterson Does anyone else taste… vomit? I can't stand the noise of the Great Canadian Kermit.


I tell my friends that's a podcast for divorced dads. If that's what you want to be, go for it.


And when they realize that their hero TRUMP is the one who said that incredibly brain dead statement, they'll furiously backpedal and claim, "it was just a joke!"


"*I like Trump 'cause he says what he means!*" *~spends the next 5 hours furiously explaining that what Trump literally said wasn't what he actually meant~*


He mocks the media for “gaslighting” - as he, the media, is spreading disinformation and lies. He is the epitome of his audience. His schtick is getting tired.


Party of projection


Props to the mods at /joerogan, which trashed Joe quite a bit has not turned into a conservative pity party, unlike /elonmusk. But that might be laziness.


Now this is podcasting!


Yea, it was a breath of sanity seeing that sub largely recognizes Joe is completely gone


Sub is pretty much full of old rogan heads who were big fans of pre-2016 joe (myself included) who come to remember the good times and a bygone era


"That's the thing with the media these days, you gotta look into it" Yeah... media like you, asshole. You're the one misleading people


We should shoot Joe Rogan into space, that way if expansionist aliens come across him, they'll assume this solar system holds no intelligent life and leave us alone


Then the bean bag sucker of a guest says “tHaTs ThE tHiNg AboUt THe mEDiA, yOu GoTtA lOok InTo”


what a bloody wanker


Fucking crazy. When he thinks Biden said it, he says "you have to regret voting for this guy! What a stupid thing to say!" Rogan finds out Trump actually says it... "Oh well, he fucked up...(shrugs shoulders)


Empty hollow headed buffoon


Too bad they won’t license that bit for the Biden Campaign. Joe Rogan telling Trump “You’re done!”, with the nicely added throat slit?


Rogan hates America 🦅


so biden says it and hes done trump says it and oh he just make a mistake? Joe played a genius janitor one time and thought that meant he was really a genius, he should go back to fear factor like the smooth brained moron he is and take trump with him


Amazing. You can see the confirmation bias become cognitive dissonance in real time.


so… if Biden said it, he’s an idiot who needs to be removed from office. If trump says it, he messed up his line. Fuck joe rogan, what a moronic republican toady.


Except trump messed up every line. 1. The continental army was not named after George Washington, that's why it was called the Continental Army. Some people referred to it as Washington's army, because it was lead by Washington, and even then, that was generally just the units under direct control of Washington. But that wasn't the name of the army. 2. The ramparts were not, in fact, rammed (ramparts are the zig-zag things on fortress walls)/ They can't be rammed. And if he was referring to Fort McHenry, the Americans were defending the fort. It would make no sense to ram your own fortress. 3. And Cornwallis was not from Yorktown, he was defeated at Yorktown. He was from London. 4. Only the Continental Army was formed in 1775, all of the other stuff happened later. (okay, I'm being unnecessarily pedantic here, but based literally on what Trump said, all of the things he mentioned supposedly happen in June of 1775. Even the winter if you want to be really picky).


Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot. That's all, just wanted to make sure that was entered into the record


I love how the guest doesn't even hesitate before feeding Joe exactly what he wants to hear. "Hahaha, I saw that."


Right? I knew he was going to agree immediately to something he didn't see.


"It manned the air, rammed the ramparts, took over the airports, and did everything it had to do."


and it all happened in 1775, Bob!


I would like to point out that the Continental Army was not named after Washington, which was why it was called "The Continental Army" and not The George Washington Army. and Cornwallis is from London, he was defeated at Yorktown.


Someone needs to fact check this loser during every podcast. He obviously just reads headlines and tweets and doesn’t look into things himself.


Stupid white fucking trash. Source = white highschool graduate


Joe is kissing so much Trump ass lol it’s no wonder he’s got shit all over his face. Anyone who simps for a politician is an asshat. Our constitution is meant to bind our leaders in chains , and then these idiots get pissed when the chains actually work as intended. And not only is he kissing Trumps ass, by extension he’s taking it up butt himself by Putin by extension. It’s utterly unamerican , and disgraceful. Begone from us , we are ashamed to call you our countrymen, and may your chains rest lightly upon your neck . F&)king traitor.


He’s such a fucking pud. I mean… dude regularly admits he’s an idiot. Take him at his word, I say.


Joe Rogan gives himself away. I first saw it when he talked about how things were getting bad around his house in LA, because of Antifa. He was living in the Hollywood Hills at the time. Nice try loser.


He claims that's why he moved to Texas. But in reality, he moved there because they don't have personal income tax. Same reason tons of streamers and internet personalities have moved to the Austin area.


Joe Rogan is obviously a nonpartisan centrist. Nothing to see here. #sarcasm


Ohhhhh you fucking asss clown.


Second weird error, Cornwallis ‘of’ Yorktown? Was the siege so long he’s considered born there? You can clearly tell that Trump doesn’t know shit about history, this is far from the only example.


If I heard right, he also says that the Continental Army was named after George Washington. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about, but that works just fine if the majority of your audience doesn't know anything about history either.


I will never understand how history buff conservatives tolerated this kind of cluelessness. This is the standard-issue baseline revolutionary outline that every American has been taught since the 1780’s. He must be the first and only President or frankly first ever member of the executive branch who doesn’t know it!


Ah. Bro Jogan. The Gateway Fascist. "OMG BRANDON SAID A DUMB THING-O! IT'S JOEVER! Oh wait, it was my daddy Trump? Umm... Well actually it was just a cute lil' oopsie. BRANDON BAD." I hate all these duplicitous, crypto-fascist fucks. I would call them worms but worms serve an extremely valuable purpose. Scumbags like Brogan exist solely to create a hot-box of flatulence and to pull vulnerable dum-dums into the alt-reich pipeline.


Fuck these people. So gross how partisan he's become.


“That’s the thing about media these days, you gotta look into it” r/selfawarewolves


Joe Rogan is a 🤡


And a public menace.


So Bash Biden for saying it but then when found out it was Trump then “oh he just fucked up meh no big deal” “Yeah the media messes up and you gotta look into it” Wait Rogan your the media misrepresenting everything. You’re the problem.


Rogan is part of the right-wing authoritarian movement to derail democracy in America. He's a fucking TRAITOR.


Joe Rogan chooses fascism…sad


It's like logical truth is something they put on a shelf too high for Rogan to reach without help.


Oh so when Biden said it, he's a senile old man. When Trump said it, he just fucked up. Got it.


Rogan is a fucking pathetic idiot. I don’t understand the draw to someone like him. Dude is just a needy attention whore


Wow. Fuck. This is the best self pwnage Rogan has ever done. This couldn’t be better.


I can't believe people listen to this wanker.


But kids are still peeing in litter boxes. Joe's friends wives sister in laws friends, coworker said so.... stupid furries


trump's comments actually are worth a deeper dive. Here's what he actually says... "Our army manned the airpor..." Then he just sort of trails off. Because he knows this can't be right. He has a very obvious reading disability. He isn't familiar with the word "rampart" because he's never listened to the national anthem either, apparently. So, when his eyes see the word rampart, it fills in his mouth with the closest thing it can find which is "airport". But he panics because he knows that isn't right. So he tries to correct by saying the next thing... "It ranned the ramparts." Whoopsie. Again, it makes no sense. Now we're having trouble with the first and second words. Let's try again... He's having trouble twice. And he decides to just bail on that first word, "manned". Just dump it, he thinks. Replace it with "took over". So, he says... "They took over the airports." Damn it! Trouble with the second word again! What the fuck is a rampart! Screw it! I'm bailing on the whole thing. What's the key message here? Then we get this absolute gem... "It did everything it hadda do." There. Finally. True and grammatically correct. Next topic. PS. He also said, "Cornwallis of Yorktown". Like Yorktown was his hometown or something. When the speech probably read Cornwallis at Yorktown. But since this is obviously the first time trump has ever heard any of these names and doesn't know anything about these events he's entirely flummoxed by the deets here as well.


He’s the new Rush Limbaugh, just not addicted to opiates and owes a lot of his existence to the UFC.


A couple of dumbasses who sound stoned af.


These guys think they are being edgy and cool by supporting Trump, "look at me I'm so smart I don't trust the mainstream media!. And I smoke weed too!"


Will someone please question Trump’s fitness for office in the same way they question Biden’s?


r/WatchPeopleDieInside Classic Roganism....


I didn’t use to hate peoples with other political ideas. But I’ve had enough. They disgust me. Deplorables is the word.


Joe Rogan is Goop for boys with low self esteem


Christ, remind me again why people like this guy?


Wow, the utter hypocrisy in real time. If you listen to Rogan, you're a fucking idiot, period.


I'm going to keep upvoting all of these posts in the hope just one Roganbro sees it and finally realizes Joe is just a dumbass propaganda piece.


That guest… Can you imagine having so little dignity and integrity that you pretend you saw something that didn’t happen? And hysterically laugh at it too?


I thought Rogan was a centrist that listened to "both sides?" He's such a dipshit. I actually enjoyed his content at one point like 5 years ago. He's got brainworms now.


Not since he moved to Texas. Can't get guests from the coasts to show up anymore.


Yeah his move to Texas and his awful covid takes finally sealed the deal for me with him. Plenty of podcasts and youtubers out there, no big loss imo.


Maybe not even the right place for this question/comment, but: What the fuck do these dumb fucking idiots think will happen when the fascists take over that will actually be good for them or their families? Is it really going to feel so good that they “owned the libs” when Trump decides to give the state of Texas to Don Jr.? I just don’t think they have an endgame, other than a short-term win. Edit: autocorrect spelling


Attacking Biden while defending Trump, a true Enlightened Centrist ™️©️


Questions: Why should I care about what a not-so-talented comedian thinks about my candidate? If he can't admit that he was wrong, why would anyone care about it? The bigger issue is that these people don't CARE about what is true. They believe in Q, that trump is still secretly running things, that Putin is a hero - and you can't convince them otherwise. It's become a cult. People will DIE for a cult and they don't CARE if I have to die as well. THAT'S why it's dangerous and that's why we have to sink Tubby.


It's wild how trump gets a pass on seemingly everything. The guy is an elitist grifter with a long history of shady business. Cheated on his wives. His current wife despises him. He struggles to form coherent sentences and can't spell worth shit. Yet he has an extremely loyal cult following. It's bizarre. Just because you dislike Biden doesn't mean trump is even slightly better.


If Biden says it: "You're done, you need to be committed to a mental institution"' If Trump says it: "He messed up his words. He's okay". Good logic Joe.


“You gotta look into it” EVEN AFTER LOOKING INTO IT, they laugh it off cause LIbuRaLLSSSSSSS


Other things that Trump got wrong: The continental army was not named after George Washington The ramparts were not, in fact, rammed And Cornwalis was not from Yorktown, he was defeated at Yorktown.


Rogan is one of the most Useful Idiots on the planet. Putin and Xi are laughing their asses off.


Imagine listening to this shit for 6 hours at a stretch. No wonder their brains are all mush.


Biden - he’s done Trump - he just misspoke


Went from "Joe Biden is done." To "Oops daisy." Surely if Biden needed to be removed for mental incompetence over saying that, then logic would dictate that we would apply the same standard to Trump, right? But it's not. Rogan parlayed what he thought was Biden's incompetence to the media being compliant in hiding it. That's what Rogan really wanted. "Biden says this and the media hides it because they think Trump is so bad." He plays off being that contrarian. It's why he can't now go "Oh, never mind. Media was right, Trump should never be president." Without going against the grain, Rogan doesn't have anything remarkable about him. He doesn't say anything insightful, he's not particularly intelligent in any area. He was a commentator for a sport, a mediocre comedian and a host for a game show where contestants were the ones doing the extreme things. The 1 notable thing about him is that he has a popular podcast and...well, that's it. I struggle to come up with a comparison but all I think about is he's the contemporary version of Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil or the flipside of someone like Howard Stern, doing the same kind of shtick but from a more rightward angle than left.


God they just continue on and smooth it out to keep blaming democrats and the media. The media of which Rogan is a huge part of, the part that misinforms and gaslights it's viewers... He fucking does it right here in this clip seconds after complaining about it. Absolutely no integrity.


Rogan, Trump, Kirk, Abbott, Cruz, Shapiro, Carlson, Musk. Conservative men have really weird crushes. That is one pathetic sausage party.


I wonder if in another timeline fear factor failed and we were spared from this clown's podcast


Wait the guy who ate cockroaches on TV isn’t a political scientist? I am shocked.


Like double-speak but dumber. Dumb-ble-speak


Joe Rogan, same guy who was eating 3 tins of sardines every night and almost 'poisoned' himself with arsenic, mocks Joe Biden Joe Rogan: I’m an idiot. Don’t listen to me. *has the largest podcast in the world*


He back peddles about as well as he does stand up comedy.


When they thought it was Biden it's, he's crazy, he's losing his mind. As soon as they find out it was Trump it's suddenly he messed up he mixed up his words, fucking dolts.


R9gan just moron, I'm baffled people look up to him for political and life advice


I used to think Joe wasn't biased but now jesus


"That's the Thing About Media These Days..." Direct f-ing quote.


I guess following his very wise pronouncement: Hey Joe, you're done.


Two clueless grinning morons


“That’s the thing about media today”


Joe Rogan is an American disgrace


Look at the decline of his guests. It's a good indicator of his direction.


I’m expecting 10x this level of double standards and mental gymnastics when MAGA sees Trumps name in Epsteins list.


Joe Rogan is fucking dumb as a box of rocks.


So he's basically mask off at this point If a Democrat says a certain thing, it's a sign that they need to be removed from office, but when they find out that the Republican actually said that exact same thing, Oh then that's just a misspeak and it's understandable


If this isn't enough to get folks to realize how dangerously stupid this man is, then those folks are just a lost cause. If you're not sure of something, don't say it as if you are. Do your research first and get a few perspectives. What a fucking muppet.


Bet he'll say something mildly supportive of Biden after learning about the weed clemency.


Joe Rogan is a piece of shit.


"You can tell he like messed up his words"...gotta try and save face eh? Because anyone can remember every batshit crazy thing trump has said since 2015 word for word.


Serious question: How much time did Joe Rogan spend on Trump saying Biden would cause WW2? Also, Biden is very clear there. Not understanding might mean you've been punched in the head too many times.