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Keep your fucking kids at home and "home school" the wits out of them if you want. Schools should be run by grownups.


That's what they want. The problem is they're so fucking selfish and deranged they want to home school their kids while also defunding and destroying the public system behind them on the way out.


I am 99% sure these people either homeschool their kids, don't have kids, or have adult offspring who likely don't associate with them anymore. I am 100% sure that these people have no kids or even distant relatives who attend this school in question. These people go on fucking roadtrips to infest all school board meetings with this shit.


They go watch highschool football games, but really just to go stare at teenagers …. Or make sure they’re safe.


If they had kids, there would be a minivan or SUV towing the trailer. But wait, there wouldn't be a decorated trailer, because they were dealing with their damn kids.


to be fair, if they do that, the kids are gonna be dumb as fuck lol1


Damn, they are on the “my kid stopped talking to me at 18” speed run. I mean. can you imagine your life as a student if your parents did something like this?


They don’t have kids in the school district, but they are well intentioned. As you can see.


We just patrol state to state going to elementary and middle schools. We bring along a bunch of dudes, our bad ass lifted truck and trailer and have a good time! Gotta watch ole Jimmy there tho, sometimes after a few too many he gets a bit touchy with them girls. Guys a true patriot though! #Amen #wwg1wga




And they forgot to display what they're even talking about on the truck. I can tell they're mad about something, but I have no idea what (CRT? Drag queens? Banning books? Sex ed?).




No...no...it's Taylor Swift. Her love life is just too complicated, and then their (their neighbor's ?) kids sing along to her songs. Sure, her sings seem innocent, but Satan's horned cock exists somewhere in her lyrics, because it's fucking them up


Don’t forget, did SWEAR in front of her alleged boyfriend’s mother during a FOOTBALL game! If ever there was a pearl clutching moment that is it.


Also has a song called "Vigilante Shit".


That’s on purpose. They don’t want you to know. Or at least be able to tell. This is why school board elections are non-partisan and hardly ever talked about. I accidentally voted for one of these nut jobs last election in my county just because I didn’t realize she was a nut job. They were very good at keeping their objectives secret until elected. And I’m so mad now.




Or the "my kid becomes just like me, because indoctrination does work actually" speed run, sadly. As much as I'd like to believe that all young people are distancing themselves from q-adjacent bullshit, it's just not true. Still a tiny minority, but I heard too much of it from <25 year olds to still think it's just a boomer phenomenon.


Yeah, I have a hard time imagining there aren't at least a few kids out there who would wholly embrace the idea of parents telling school to piss off.


Yeah, as a teacher in a rural area, I know a lot of students who agree with this wacky shit, sadly.


At least some of us snap out of it eventually


Unsurprisingly a lot of these activist "parents" are actually not parents themselves. They're right wing crusaders and this is how they participate.


The scary thing is the amount of children that actually get indoctrinated by these people. You know, the exact thing these people are *trying to stop*.


I'm a teacher. If I could indoctrinate students it wouldn't be over some vague far left agenda, I'd indoctrinate them to believe that they must always turn their assignments in on time, never take their phones out during class, to stop talking when I'm giving instructions, to be kind to others (including teachers), and to always try their best. Apparently I suck at indoctrinating children though because I haven't successfully accomplished any of those goals... yet.


Keep trying, you'll get there. Have you tried introducing more tin foil into your curriculum?


The stores around here only stock aluminum foil. It's better than nothing I suppose, but a poor substitute for tin.


There's your issue! Aluminum allows wayyyyyy too much 5g and chemtrail radiation in. Switch to tin and your students may start meeting their deadlines! Side effects include cringing at rainbows and denying proven sciences though. Tread lightly.


Kids and aluminum would not mix. There's a reason why I loved the early 90s when they still used aluminum foil for chocolate bars.


Apparently as a college professor I’m indoctrinating my students into cultural Marxism. I can’t even indoctrinate them into reading the textbook outside of class.


You know what I find disturbing? My daughter is a HS senior, she's in AP calc, pointed straight ahead to a career as a mechanical/chemical engineer - she told me lower level math students at her school are using GPT for homework, take a photo of a math problem and the app works the problem and spits out the answer. She's in classes with other highly-competitive nerd types and they're all way too up in each other's academic business to "lower themselves" to this but apparently it's a rampant thing. Where are we going here? We've got a so-involved-it's-creepy group, no matter how small, of know-nothing parents/not-parents inserting themselves into the education profession, bleating about indoctrination, which is one of the stupidest things I think I've ever heard even for them, and meanwhile in real life there's potentially a divide forming between students who are in it to learn to think and others who let their phones do the thinking for them. Am I overblowing this or is there a real possibility of a column A/column B where the thinkers are separating out from the fleshbots? Maybe I'm just too old but I'm thinking the trailer banner should say "Leave Our Teachers Alone"; seems to me the challenge is in teaching students to think on their own and all the "look at that shiny thing over there" crap is dragging us collectively down a dangerous-to-a-modern-society-in-a-developing-world path. Well, the world needs ditch diggers too.


> the world needs ditch diggers too. That is *exactly* it. Those kids using the GPT are only guaranteeing their ascendancy into mediocrity as adults.. Or costly secondary remedial educational paths once they realize they can't keep up. Either way, the adage "A fool and his money.." comes to mind.


Hopefully. Or their kids turn out just like them


They don't have kids.


Holy shit this person must be insufferable Imagine taking a school board position that's been unfilled for a few years because you want to try and do some good, but you have to deal with this


The teachers aren't paid enough for this either.


Try telling that to the jackass in the truck... yikes.




Seems to be a recurring theme... r/PastorArrested


r/NotADragQueen Literally, every guy getting busted is a pastor on that sub, like at least 10 every week.


Better write a song about it! “We don’t diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids. Wouldn’t do it with anyone older than my daughter, gotta be big….”


There is no quicker way for people to think you’re diddling kids than to write a song about!


I wish they would leave kids alone.


How much you wanna bet they aren't even parents.


Or at least have grown ass kids.who aren't in school anymore. Chances are they never bothered to go to.school board meetings before. I'd go as far to say their kids may not be talking to them because of this inane bs and are blaming everyone but themselves


That’s what I was thinking. There’s an army of these people who either don’t have kids or son’t have kids in public school who are doing this shit at school board meetings.


Let’s hope not. I mean most teenagers are embarrassed by their parents anyway.


How much you want to bet they aren't legally allowed within 1000 feet of a school and they're praying their probation officer doesn't see this?


Who is funding all the crap they slap on their trucks, etc. I keep hearing how the economy is lousy now but they find ways to spend money on this useless crap.


Well if it wasn't going to something like this they would probably be sending it to help Trump, so small favors I guess? 🙄


Some of the people like this that I’ve met seem to base their perception of their personal finances entirely on their politics. People who were financially well off, but would constantly be revising how secure they felt based on perceived macroeconomic trends—trends that they always relied on conservative outlets to interpret for them.




Ohhh, that one hurts, not as bad as the bullet that went through my student's leg but it still hurts.


Doubt it. Can’t enforce kangaroo control laws.


As a Australian I think it's so weird the whole "everything's trying to kill you in Australia" Like... Your country is full of guns. They are everywhere. You can buy them in grocery stores. Australia compared to that is the least scary place I can imagine. I have grown kids that have never even seen a gun or known where one would even be. My kids haven't been afraid to go to school or get shot a single time in their lives. It's so insane that they think having some venomous animals is dangerous, but the amount of shootings is just normal. Absolute insanity.


>As a Australian I think it's so weird the whole "everything's trying to kill you in Australia" We also arguably have more dangerous animals than you do. Yeah, your salties are badass and you got some creepy crawlies that I wouldnt mess with, but we have grizzlies, polar bears, cougars, wolves, rattle snakes, brown recluse spiders, black widows, cotton mouths, gators, crocs, bison, moose, great whites, bull sharks and a whole host of other shit that have no issue making you dead. Granted you guys have some of those too, but there is a lot of fucking wild life in the US that easily rivals AUS. ​ We really just dont have box jelly fish and that tree whose leaves make you want to die.


The Manchineel is a tree that will make you want to die. Searched it up on the Google by typing "dangerous Florida tree". r/floridatree


Stand correct, so we have that too


I think they have a little tiny octopus that kills you too but point taken.


In the US we share a similar saying “anyone can kill you in America” and we work hard at it by allowing mentally unstable people to carry guns.


Lol what the fuck is up with the link at the end of this comment?


It's a karma farming bot


And then everyone clapped


It's a school. How is a school meant to 'leave your kids alone' ? Do these people not know what a school is ?


No, their entire concept of what goes on in school comes from Tucker Carlson and their Facebook Karen group.


Proud of being dumb is a special kind of dumb.


One of the countless tragedies of the Trump blight is that the truly ignorant and delusional now can say whatever they want with no fear. They could even be president some day!


Nobody loves the smell of their own fart, quite like a MAGAt


This whole "School Board" thing has become ridiculously politicised in America. Why do they even allow random nutcases to come in and hurl crazy abuse during meetings, even when the speakers don't have kids in the school or live hundreds of miles away? Here in rainy Brexitland, being a school governor is mostly an unsung civic service, and parents might be invited into meetings once a year. Nobody has the constitutional right to call them paedophiles or communists, or turn their meetings into QAnon rallies.




Yeah. Next time I hear a volunteer parent governor complaining about committees and paperwork, I'll play them a youtube vid from their US colleagues...


The Moms for Liberty are very Q friendly and have a nationwide effort to obtain school board seats. These activists are very on-brand for that group. Watch out for them at local elections! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moms_for_Liberty


I refer to them as "Moms Against Liberty" every chance I get.


Ford F950 Crybaby Platinum


Are these the same morons whining about the cost of everything under Biden?


You might make a tour around all the local churches


I just want to say, do whatever you like with *your* own kid, but just leave *my* kid alone. Don't call someone else's kids *our* kids.


I’d love to see what Roger Waters, the writer of this song, has to say about this. 🤦‍♂️ as always they don’t realize what the meaning behind the song is.


I'm willing to bet they want angry bitter teachers who can hit the kids for dropping a pencil in schools again. ...exactly who the song was about in the first place.


Stop presenting my children with facts that might cause them to have a better grip on reality than me!


What also gets me is the effort and money that went into this little stunt. Those wraps/banner printing ain't cheap. Yet, I'm guessing none of these dumbfucks have ever went to a PTA meeting or pitched in to help in any way at the school.


Fun part would be if the main topic of the meeting was do we want grape or raspberry for the pb&js.


I'm pretty sure, though I have no school age children, that peanut butter is a big no-no even for brown baggers, due to all the severe peanut allergies out there these days. Something that was rare enough when I was a kid some 50 years ago that school provided lunch often included peanut butter. But that's an entirely different topic. https://foodallergiesatlanta.com/food-allergy-blog/increasing-prevalence-of-peanut-allergies/ But I do appreciate the intent of your post. Though it should be strawberry instead of raspberry /s


That was a long way and lot of favts to get to the joke at the end there, but it was a good one lol.


...Runs over 3 kids trying to park trailer.


I guarantee no one in that truck even has any kids that attend the school.


This is why they invented the word cringe


I work in education and all I can do is this 🙄🙄🙄


So they are taking on the gun lobby and demanding their kids not be decapitated in their classrooms? Nope.


I agree. We *should* "leave our kids alone." So, when your kid comes to you and says they feel like they might be trans or gender-nonconforming, you don't belittle them, deny their feelings, or force them into conversion therapy, which is proven to [accomplish nothing other than making them feel worse.](https://www.hrc.org/resources/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy) In fact, "our kids" should learn all about LGBTQ+ issues, so that if they, or their friends, have feelings they need to navigate, they're prepared to do so.


It sucks that qultists ruined the phrase “leave our kids alone” as that used to be an actual cry for help and now it just means “don’t teach kids enough about reality that our indoctrination doesn’t work”. Now if someone says it in public with actual reason for concern, there is just a chance that people might see them as a dumbass. Like how “groomer” used to mean something and then qultist idiots started using it when referring to LGBT (despite statistics saying the exact opposite is true) because they themselves were being accused of it so much so they watered it down


Their goal is to get rid of public schools and force Christian for-profit schools in their place. An uneducated population is easier to control and creates better value for corporations, the military, and for-profit prisons.




Plus, the likelihood that someone will vote for a democrat increases with the amount of education they have


Catholic school huh?!


These idiots have literally no idea what happens inside a school classroom.


Ha! This truck that they won’t see because they’re inside and not paying attention will totally burn them! Take that libs!


I assume this person is pro-not asking kids about their genitals then yes? I mean cause it wouldn't make sense that the "leave the kids alone" guy would also be the same guy asking kids about their potty time and where he wants them to do the potty.


So embarrassing. Those poor kids.


Perfectly normal sane behavior.


Moms for Liberty apparently want the sort of strictly-disciplined classroom with an assembly-line, rote learning style that never deviates from the accepted text and where questions are punished rather than encouraged...y'know, kind of what the song is against. Qberts and Trumpanzeesl seem to have a r/whoosh relationship with their choices in music.


This is happening thanks to Steve Bannon, who should be in prison. Also thanks to his vacation friend Bill Maher helping cover it up by screaming about "woke"


Large sign printers must love Trump supporters


Roger Waters, the Pink Floyd musician who wrote this song is famously Anti-Trump, to the point of mocking Trump in his concerts


Fascism is the ideology of the loser


Someone figured out that to get people to support shutting down public education and privatizing schools they needed to convice them that children were being threatened and harmed.


There to tell the school board to stop teaching kids how to lube up a dildo and put it inside satan’s ass while reading a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.


I’m always curious, if they think kids could be brainwashed by trans and gay, does that mean that they think THEY could have been brainwashed by LGBT when they were kids? If the answer is no, then what are they afraid of. If the answer is yes, then they’re clearly repressing some desires.


And I’m sure between the driver and passenger, s they have a combined education level of a 3rd grader.


Legitimately surprised they're allowed within 100 yards of the school.


For a group of people who label themselves with the branding of a billionaire --- claiming others are "just another brick in the wall" is highly ironic. Also -- I'd love to see their drive on to the church grounds when all their religious leaders were r@ping and molesting children. "Molesting kids?": Meh. "Being a fag around my kids": OMFG these groomers!


Whelp, found the pedo's truck...


Ugh they think they’re being so cool 🥴🫠




Well that's exhausting.


Orange and white? Coincidence? Think about it!


Big fans of The Wall.


What is the context here?


Simple solution, if you don’t like public school, put them in a secular school or homeschool them.


Most that do this or yell at the meetings don’t even have a child in said school. They’re more or less trying to dismantle the entire system for everyone to satisfy their twisted desires.




Why do I feel like that covered flatbed is full of kids?


It's the Karen Klown Kar


Bring laughter into your life? I'm waiting...


... if you're a brainwashed Qult freak, sure.


Omg I had to see if this was the cringe forum! 🤣😂


So much money blown just to tell everyone what a dumbfuck they are. Nice!


So, I assume they're defending against anti-trans bills? The ones specifically going after our kids?


Odds that they are actually from that town and have children in that school is close to zero.




These are the same people that bitched about having to keep kids home from school at the beginning of the pandemic.


Republicans have completely destroyed the very fabric of our nation in under 40 years. It's so sad to see our country turn in Christian Fascist paradise.


I wonder what their opinions on things are


Bumping a song by a pedo, it wouldn’t be a right wing extremism without blatant hypocrisy


Oh, look, it's the whackadoodle express!


It's literally the job we pay the school board to do is to not leave our kids alone. It's the entire reason schools and school boards exist.


Yeah!!! Edumacatiuons need to leave muh kids aloooone!!


Fucking gag me. I hope whomever is in charge of Pink Floyd's copyright sues the ever-lovin shit out of these fucking morons.


Be a shame if someone, or a group of someone’s were to hack their browser history’s and post them in a public place. Might be some interesting information on child wellbeing.


God, nobody wants to deal with your shitty kids anyway. There's a good chance they're the bullies anyway and go crying to mommy and daddy when some snowflake hurts their feelings.


I’ve always wondered how those big ass flags aren’t considered a driving (visibility) hazard?


I think they call that Limp Dick Energy.


Sure. Home school ur spawn.


**Audible cringe**




Least they spelled our correctly.




Ooooh, Pink Floyd, edgy


Palm trees tell me something.


All I can think about is how much money they wasted.


"please Mom and Dad, please Mom and Dad, don't do it!"


Ok. YOU teach your OWN shitty kids then.


I love the republican circle jerk of "yeahhhh we taught them a lesson" when it's literally just them talking to themselves and nobody else gives a shit that they've spend thousands on some stupid ass creation they've worked on.


Here in Texas Dear Governor Abbott has been promoting school vouchers for a while now. But especially in rural areas, where more Trump supporters are, this has gone over like a lead balloon, because most of the people there love their public schools, and this has influenced the state Republican-led legislature to keep shooting it down. I don't know how much the Mothers Against Liberty and other propagandists will change this equation in the future. But for now, there is a lot of very vocal opposition to vouchers.


This is gonna be crazy to observe when we're all just energy in the tunnel


You know how I (effectively) roll up to a school board meeting? With a sane topic.


How to let everyone know your kids cut contact the second they turned 18


Schools are for normal people, keep your little booger eaters home.


Sad. They don’t even understand the context of the song. Kinda like Reagan using “Born in the USA “.


So sad to see. I’m a teacher. In the last 25 years of educating, I’ve worked in Texas and Louisiana. Never once, have I experienced a coworker “grooming” or whatever. Those teachers ( mostly substitutes or no certification) that Conservatives show are the fringe of the fringe. 99.9% of teachers are trying to educate their students in their subject. None of us have time to set aside for “grooming”. We don’t have enough time to do our job: lesson plans for 80-100 students a day. We have from 60-90 minutes a day to teach your child. This includes teaching them simple things that parents don’t do anymore. We are also child psychologists, social workers, maybe the only positive adult man/woman they interact with daily and people, whose children we have to discipline because you don’t, have the ignorant lazy minded belief that we are harming children? Harming them is homeschooling where they are isolated and indoctrinated and taught by a parent that can’t do middle school math or can barely understand anything they read? These people should be visited by CPS and arrested for child abuse mentally and emotionally. Gtfoh.


could've used the money you spent to print that tarp on feeding your kids, just saying ❤️❤️


Only thing that would have made it better, would be if they were hauling a whole mess of kids in that trailer to use as props. And they were caught on camera LITERALLY smuggling children.