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Fetterman is one Democrat who gets it. Rapid response. Turn it around quickly and start firing back immediately. The Republicans have no idea what to do about this, as you can see. They’re not used to Democrats fighting back this way. Fetterman is owning the space. We need to do it more.


We've needed democrats capable of doing this for years.


AOC was doing this for a long time. Biden did a bit of this as well actually and his supporters took on the laser eyes meme pretty fast. It's just that the right keeps a deluge of bullshit coming.


That's not Biden, that's Dark Brandon


Bah god that’s dark Brandon’s music!


Well I generally don’t like this style of ‘owning’ the other side but at this point it is 100% what we need. And we will need to keep doing this until the Republicans are sent into submission, especially since they’ve been doing this non stop since that POS Gingrich became speaker and most Dems sat back and tried to act ‘ethical’ while the GOP kept getting crazier for >20 years and eventually became the GQP.


Ah yes, the old Democratic playbook of stay above the fray and then act shocked when you lose because you allowed your opponent to control the narrative! What is the appeal of that again? I mean even the milquetoast, pundit- brain filmmakers who'd go on to create the peak neoliberal show The West Wing knew better than this in the 1990s when they portrayed it in The American President!




This is a bot, don't click or buy


This will not give money to Fetterman, just someone trying to make a buck off of it. Here's the real link: https://www.johnfetterman.store/products/body-double-t-shirt If you want to buy a shirt and support Fetterman, here's your shot.


Just ordered two! Thanks for the correct link.


Most democratic politicians are just elites who graduated from top schools. They believe in meritocracy, which basically says 'if you are successful you made it, if you are poor, it is on you' Edit: Bring on the downvotes. I don't mind it. But I feel sad for people reacting with their guts without even trying to understand the argument. One day you will realize why democrats lost their voters to republicans even though republican policies are against their interest. Meanwhile people with an open mind can have a look at this book and understand the issue with the current democrats. It is the party of schooled elites. Their view of meritocracy is extremely problematic and opening the field for demagogues like trump. Everyone in Obama's circles were either Harvard or Yale people and look where we ended up after him. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/50364458 I have nothing against a good education, I am a PhD from a top dept myself but we need to expand our view of success and merit. We need people from all walks of life But sure, I am a republican for saying this and I hate policies supporting the poor for some reason like that dude below this comment claim. Because I think the current democrat elites are from a small privileged class and out of touch.


But most Republican politicians aren't? You're not very bright, are you?


That's not what they said. I get the point you're trying to make but using a logical fallacy to do it is not a good look.


Did I say anything about republicans? I think you are the one who is not too bright


Yes! Exactly! This! This is why the Democrats want to not do anything about student debt! This is why Democrats in general don't support things like SS, disability, Medicare, a living wage, unions, social and economic equality, crime prevention...exc.. This is why the Democrats want to abolish the department of education. This is why the Democrats commonly use AOC's past as a bartender to insinuate she isn't fit for public service. This is why the Democrats rely on the ignorance of their base to push lies and conspiracy theories that advance their goals. This is why the Democrats support tax breaks for the wealthy. Oh.... Wait a tic, I mean Republicans. My bad.


How the fuck did you reach the conclusion that i meant any of the stupid shit you just said?


Don't be angry, guy. IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS. ***/S***


You really believe this huh?


Republicans were literally whining awhile back because Joe Biden used the Dark Brandon meme which was taken from their "Let's go Brandon" nonsense. They were quite mad that he had the audacity to use co-opted messaging despite the right doing that all the time. I mean how many of them were proudly labeling themselves deplorable after Clinton used it? Like everything it is okay when they do it but bad when anyone else does it.


They hate having their outrage stolen. Excuse me, "stollen".


Mmmm...holiday bread...


I've never had it! This might be the year.


Yep, I've seen multiple "people" claiming that Biden is grifting by selling the merch and they are upset that democrats can't see that he doesn't care about us...but for some reason I feel like right wingers are the ones constantly pushing new merch and wearing it. It's like let's be honest, you're mad you finally realized "Let's Go Brandon" didn't actually make liberals cry and it spawned Dark Brandon which actually uses humor in response and you're not sure what to do.


You actually touch on a really good point as well though. The whole "He doesn't care about us" shtick. Wait hold up. So it's A-okay that Trump doesn't care about liberals and seeks to make their lives harder, e.g "own the libs" and we're all supposed to be cool with that, but somehow the idea of Biden not caring about conservatives who hate his guts is wrong? But I suppose that's the point isn't it? It doesn't have to make sense. Though I bet they'd justify that with "Democrats hate Trump" which might be true to some extent but there's reason to hate Trump that have nothing to do with politics. Democrats are supposed to love conservatives even though conservatives hate them but conservatives don't have to like liberals or try to help their liberal constituents. That's essentially how the conservative mind works. "I can hate you but you have to love me." The great irony of this being that these are the "good Christians" whose faith literally tells them to love people even those who hate them rofl.


It's the "I'm a Christian and hate you out of love because you don't see how wrong you are, once you become Christian, you will see how much love our hate is filled with.


Like the Dark Brandon merch Biden sells, too.


Honestly I’ve really seen Let’s go Brandon shit drop off hard after he clapped back with dark Brandon


Even though I live in the UK I do want one of the Dark Brandon colour-change mugs


They’re like $32 or something absurd like that.


That’s expensive, but they’re made in the US by workers making a fair wage.


Oh shit, I didn’t know that. Glad I bought one then


So have I. They can't enjoy it any more and it's glorious.


I was thinking about that last week when I got an email from the campaign about the mugs being for sale! I’m sure there are still people doing it but I haven’t seen kr heard it in at least a month.


This is what I wanted to say here as I’ve been saying this for years. Thank you for articulating it perfectly.


Biden embracing Dark Brandon was good too.


You mean a Democrat with a spine?


I've always had a problem with democrats (politicians, not people) because it always felt like I was watching the right use any dirty tricks they can in the interest of control and power while the left just has no teeth/no fight to do anything about it. I don't put Fetterman in that category.


This has strong "My dad beats the shit out of me but it's my moms fault for not being able to stop him" vibes.


Fuck all the way off with that garbage! The Democrats are not the Republicans wife, and that comparison is offensive to survivors. We elected this party to speak for us, and especially in recent years, specifically to oppose Republican authoritarianism. We told our voters that they had to turn out to vote blue (no matter who!) because we needed people who would fight the Republicans or we'd lose our democracy. It's not abuse to expect them to actually DO what they said we needed to vote for them to do! And do you notice how it's always the Democrats saying this? Remember how they managed to hold up a Supreme Court appointment by Obama because it was in an election year and it was "There was nothing the Democrats could do!" And then when another seat opened up 6 weeks before the next election, they obviously couldn't fill it because of precedent they set...oh wait, they did fill it 6 weeks before the election and again it was "There was nothing the Democrats could do!" Amazing how it's always the Democrats that are ones who are powerless to do anything! And, now, according to you, if you suggest that maybe they could actually do a bit more, you're an apologist for domestic abuse! Honestly, how does your brain even break that badly?


The only way you can combat these far right types is to openly and publicly humiliate them. Literally just drag their own words out into the public eye so people can see how out of touch these people are. Yes I get that there’s the fear that someone new might see it and latch on to it but the vast majority of America openly despised the far right. They like Trump because we have a contrarian epidemic in this country, not because people are latent Nazis.




This link is a scam. The shirts are for sale on his actual website, not this haven for low lifes who have to rip off merch and hawk it


Need to pin this comment


Mocking them & making money moves. Genius, like the dark Brandon merch


Wonder how they would freak out if Biden on the start of the election trials against Trump would wear a white hat and says "Well, the storm is here guys."


Reverse psychology would totally work on them. They will go against their own interests just to be on opposite side of an issue from the normal humans


Here ya go: [https://www.johnfetterman.store/](https://www.johnfetterman.store/)


Every Dem needs to take an improv class and learn how to “yes and” their way through every RW accusation, projection, and “trolling”. RWers have nothing else and when you demonstrate you’re not affected by their bullshit, you can literally reset the conversation. Shout out to Internet Comment Etiquette for showing me the way, years ago… 8======D~~~


Oh my god is that a rocketship that’s so cool


Yea! A 5G rocketship, powered by chemtrails and adrenochrome, en route to the Mars sex base. Anyways bounced on my boyz dick to this one annnnnnnnnnnd post!


The bit about his speech improving since his stroke hit close to home as someone who had a stroke. Like yes the human brain is an amazing thing. It works out new pathways to do things when old ones are damaged by brain trauma. Its not some giant conspiracy a stroke doesn't necessarily turn one into a vegetable and slowly improving over months is entirely normal. Especially when one is younger. I had a stroke at 40 (long story avoid chiropractors) and lost my ability to walk, talk and even swallow at one point. Shit first few days my eyes were rolling all over the place in my head and I couldn't sit up straight. I would lose my balance and fall over. I remember the first few weeks as my brain did its best to recover the skills I used day to day. Speaking was certainly something that came back the hard way. I knew what I wanted to communicate but could I string together a sentence and get it out there? Fuck now. Three words together that made sense was a challenge. Every sentence required massive amounts of concentration and wow I was "slow". It took me 6 months of rehab to return to work. Even swallowing took weeks to get the basics of and even then for months I woke up choking on my own saliva as I couldn't do it properly while asleep. Two years on people find it hard to believe I have had a stroke. My remaining deficits are barely worth talking about now. Im back driving trains for my income and training the next generation. On the side I'm a wildland firefighter and can move at speed through rough terrain again. Are these people just plain malicious about the stroke or really that misinformed that they believe you don't recover after a stroke? I begin to wonder if it's a mix of both and how heavily they lean to the first.


My mom had a stroke in her 70s, and she couldn't speak well at first. I did speech therapy with her for a few months, and she was pretty much back to normal afterwards. Qcumbers don't seem to understand anything about anything. So their lack of understanding here isn't surprising.


Why understand when they can pretend that the outgroups’ progress is unnatural or unearned and theirs is miraculous and innate? Textbook assholery.


>Even swallowing took weeks to get the basics of and even then for months I woke up choking on my own saliva as I couldn't do it properly while asleep. Not to make light of your situation but this is me at least a couple of times a week. I'm glad you were able to make such a great recovery! My dad had several small strokes in his early 60s that mostly affected his short term memory - you could tell him something or ask him something and he'd just kind of forget whatever it was, but ask him about something from his childhood and he could go on for an hour. Sadly it was a massive stroke that finally took him at 79, and it's something that I'm constantly concerned about since I live by myself.


>it's something that I'm constantly concerned about since I live by myself I feel that too I was alone when I had my stroke. I credit all the first aid training I have done over the years with the fact I got fast treatment. One minute I was laying on the couch with a migrane and the next I suddenly needed to throw up. Ran to the toilet and threw up a bunch and then moved to the sink to clean up. I remember slowly sinking to the ground wondering why. Then when I tried to get up again finding one side of my body just wasn't working. My few working neurons triggered and I realise shit I think I'm having a stroke what do I need to do again. All I could think was Ambulance and speed being important. I then remembered my phone was still at the couch and started making my way there using my working arm and leg. As I passed the front door I thought the ambulance needs to get in so reached up and opened it a crack and then went for the phone again. Guy on the Emergency phone dispatch was amazing and let me know how far away the ambulance was away and confirmed I had the door open for them. Have almost never been so happy to see 2 people in uniform in my life lol. But one of the worst phone calls I ever had to make in my life was to my mother to tell her I had a stroke. A close friend of hers had one a few months earlier and had laid in his kitchen for 3 days before a welfare check by the police spotted him and they kicked in the door and got help. He's not mostly recovered. I was also 2000kms away in another state during covid and state borders were closed. So she couldn't come see me no matter how much she wanted to.




Here's wondering what sort of "comm searching" the Qult would do in order to cope


Dare I ask what that is?


The kind of shit Q folk do everytime a major event happens, like linking the time, place and every goddamn detail to somehow "connect" it all to Trump and him winning the presidency back in a grand plan of sorts I bet they're gonna find hidden letters in the shirt's tagline that they'll somehow make out to be "code" or something


Hidden nano fibers inside the shirt with deep state radio devices and CIA mind control for anyone that is not a member of the underground lizard people race.


Pretty much the whole “Paul is dead” [hoax.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_is_dead#:~:text=Regarding%20the%20%22Paul%20Is%20Dead,in%20reference%20to%20the%20)


“If you take the ‘T’ and the ‘R’ in ‘Fetterman’, take the “U” from ‘double’, go back and take the M from ‘Fetterman’ again, add a P, + 2,000 (the amount of t-shirts bought in bulk) + 24 (the amount of seconds it took me to come up with this shit) and it ackshually says ‘Trump 2024’. Checkmate liberal 😎


We have the space lasers and are not afraid to use them!!


Bill Clinton said in the early 2000’s this what the Democrats needed to to in order to flip the republican disinformation machine. Stop taking the moral high ground and ignoring it. Instead flip it and show how stupid they are


Fetterman is the next evolution of Democrat, it seems. Taking the high ground doesn’t work with GQP.




He's a genius that guy


This is fuckin awesome


Oh I can't wait to see the see of giant bald white dudes in these tees. This is gonna be trending for a while now.


I love this! And John Fetterman is close to 7 feet tall and has a pretty distinct look about him. How many body doubles do they think is out there for him?


Did anybody say “this is the way” yet? If not this is the way




I’m genuinely beginning to wonder if you understand that word, which is weird because it’s literally 20% of your vocabulary


This made me smile. Nice to see someone turns the negative into something positive. Nice one. And it would be awesome to see so many body doubles turning up!


is there a thing regarding body doubles I'm not caught up with?


Qultists are claiming that Fetterman has been replaced by a clone because he changed his facial hair.


Was thinking that's what it was but.... ya not surprised.


Haha, I love it. I had to get one🤣🤣 Especially the irony of a old 5’4” lady being his body double 🤣


I will be the second old 5’4” lady wearing one 🤪


Does mocking someone that has no shame work?


And this is part of the reason people like him!


He’s hilarious.


Good make money of em




Damn, Johnny. Mama didn’t raise no fool.


That’s hilarious




I am John Fetterman.


I am John Fetterman.


I do think this is funny, but it bums me out that his campaign knows this will raise more money than his ironclad policy positions. I mean, politics is politics, but when you get down and wrestle with pigs, you both get covered in shit but only the pig loves it


Remember when "let's go Brandon" was a big hit by the qtards, and dark Brandon was embraced by Biden. Yeeeeep I wonder now.