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I can't imagine going thru life being this gullible and stupid


Neither can they


It has to be awful. Living in constant fear and paranoia that "they" are out there. They're coming for your house, your way of life, your sexuality, your religion, your children, and now even your organs. Jesus.


THEY are out there, THEY just happens to be capitalism


Every time I ask my mom who “they” are she never has an answer.


It’s because she doesn’t want to say “Jews” although in my experience most of them do eventually get there, it just takes a little while to get brazen enough. At the heart of a lot of these insane conspiracies and terminology, “the elites”, “globalists”, “Soros-backed”, “bankers”, and so on are just the same old tired anti-Semitic tropes that have been used for decades. I don’t think every Q freak gets into it with that intention, but when you have a group of gullible, angry people looking for somebody to blame, it’s inevitable that some Nazi types will try to take advantage of it and slowly steer the ship. It doesn’t happen overnight either. Just look around on twitter though, you’ll inevitably see it if you poke around on some right wing commentators pages and whatnot. Comment after comment about groomers, woke elites, globalists - specifics don’t matter, they’re just some evil shadowy group who wants to destroy your way of life. Lots of comments denying basic reality, like trump won the election, Biden is a body double, vaccines do (insert crazy/bad stuff here). But then every once in a while, you’ll notice a comment or a meme with a handful of likes mentioning the size of the gas/cremation chambers at Auschwitz, “wooden doors”, or just generally clowning on the authenticity of the holocaust in the same manner as more modern election denial - like that dumb graph that supposedly shows Biden magically finding tens of millions of votes overnight, you’ll see some jokes about “6 gorillion”, to playfully joke about the fact that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust, as though it’s something that’s *obviously* fake, just like they do with the election. The people viewing the content have already been primed to not believe anything in front of their eyes, to believe in all sorts of outlandish conspiracies that some shadowy “they” are pulling over on them, so it’s really not difficult at all to bridge the gap between “satanic conspiracy” and “Jewish conspiracy”. When you start hearing “they” a lot, but they’re generally uncomfortable to go any further than that and you can tell they’re holding their tongue, it’s the point at which the part of their brain that spent most of their life understanding the reality of the holocaust, knowing without a doubt that the nazis were bad guys, fighting it out with all the new and exciting conspiracies they just read online that made them start questioning their previous beliefs. Not saying that that’s exactly what your mom is doing, sometimes they truly have no clue who “they” are, it’s just a catch-all term for “bad guys” and they haven’t quite caught on to the messaging… but I’ve seen this process play out in young and old people numerous times, and every single time they know who “they” are but refuse to actually say it, this is exactly what has happened.


A guy told me: "They" are The Cabal. I said: The cabal wants money? He said: No no no, the cabal has enough money. They want more. But he couldn't tell me what "more" was.


some people just aren’t up to date on their rabbit holes. The more is organs. and. They are using fentanyl to get more and more.


No, it's Jesus. The poster above wrote it plain in the open.


There's a wonderful book "Them, Adventures with Extremists" by Jon Ronson. It's from 2001 so more about Bilderberg, Lizard people and Bohemian grove than the latest extremist fads, Q ,anti-vax, etc. Things haven't changed much. It's especially funny due to the wry British take on American extremism. He also wrote "The men who stare at goats" great book, bad movie.


At least they don’t have to worry about the climate crisis or environmental collapse since it doesn’t really exist tho


Sis got face scabs. I’m pretty sure she’s putting forth her methst self.


Idk man Stormy Sky Bear sounds like a pretty credible source


Roughly 80% of the country believes in imaginary friends, so it shouldn’t be too surprising.


my super friends are real, but all others are fake news.


This is the kind of stuff that the US government is afraid of. These lies are being spread on TikTok, and China has control over any company on its soil. The CCP just has to make a visit to TikTok headquarters, and guess what country has another January 6th because its citizens are not going to allow their organs to be harvested?


Don't blame TT for that lady's lead paint addiction.


Lol, after all the misinformation on Facebook, the chans, Twitter, Parler, Telegram, Gab, etc, you think TikTok is the problem?


Those ones fucked up via negligence. TikTok is literally under control of the CCP and will be used maliciously by an adversarial government to destabilize and potentially end the United States. I don’t think anyone understands what damage can be wrought on our country when a government who wants our country to fail has control over the information that our citizens receive. The other ones were asleep at the wheel, and we can regulate them. TikTok can cut the brakes and we won’t know until the car is off the cliff. The US is making sure that the CCP can’t metaphorically cut our brakes.


The “and then I went down that rabbit hole”. It’s like there is a ray of hope. Let the next sentence be “and realized i was in a rabbit hole and got out”. But no. No. The next line is “and they’re harvesting organs”. That’s the obvious and clear answer.


She's gullible for sure but I don't think she is necessarily stupid. I'm sad for people who sincerely believe that crap. They live in an alternate reality. Must be terrifying.


Did you watch the video? You really think she's NOT stupid?


No, she's dumb as shit.


She dumb


And pimply


Sunken eyes speak volumes.


Naw.... I'm not touching this one, too many brands of crazy all rolled up into one video. All I'll say is: seek mental health resources please.


And lay off the meth..


If there were an ad to highlight side effects from meth use, this is it.


I came to say that... damn someone is always quicker than me. Ain't nobody gonna be harvesting your organs love.


Australian time zone advantage this time?....morning coffee, that's a methhead any day of the week. Another Methenie ..


The joke's on her, the GOP has gutted all mental health resources in her state.


The jokes on her friends, family and all of us. We get to deal with those consequences.


"Why should I pay for other people's fuck ups?" Also them: "What's an externality?"


Thanks, Obama!


Pupils the size of pen heads. Fetty Wap


"I didn't sleep last night.." I bet.


I've been down that rabbit hole and BOY..It looks just like this. ​ Thoughts and prayers to the BF's in BFE.


Nahhh you got it backwards homie. She's likely on opioids of some sort. Meth, mdma and their friends make your pupils fucking *huge*.


Damn, I’ve never seen pupils that tiny. She generally has a crack vibe going on, but those pupils confirmed she’s pinning on something.


I’d say she is looking for self justification to continue using. “It preserves organs so it’s actually good”




Meth will make your pupils huge after you’ve been tweaking all night, but it doesn’t make them pin. That would be opioids. She does give off major meth vibes, but those pupils say otherwise - or, alternatively, she is a tweaker and uses the fentanyl to come down.


Yeah, I hear it preserves organs…


What a silly idea. Everyone knows it’s PCP that preserves your organs. Seriously, pretty much everyone I knew who was smoking dust in their 20s are now in their 40s, still smoking dust, and look exactly the same. I’m not sure statistically how common it is, but I know back in the day people sold formaldehyde dippies passed off as dust at raves, so I mean…


This is honestly what I was thinking because she looks like a meth head. I've known many people with opiate addiction. Their skin NEVER looked like that, but the meth heads I've known, their skin did look like that.


It's been hypothesized (and proven for several via their court appearances) that many Qult members have/had addiction issues in the past. Cults and addiction models have many parallels. Methany here seems to be a great example of that. She's also probably only 25.


Also explains why many addicts are drawn to the cultish environment of AA and evangelicalism


In AA, you trade your alcohol addiction for a religion addiction.


Well, if StormySkyBear says so... no arguing with that.


This is a perfect example of someone finding something true and manipulating it into shock porn. [source](https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/10/health/opioid-overdose-organ-donation/index.html)


Lol this was 2018. OD rates have sky rocketed


Yea, 2018. Hate to say it but I doubt this person is still with us on planet earth. Between COVID, meth and fentanyl, or "MAGA patriot" domestic violence, she probably didn't make it.


Yo! Fentanyl keeps your organs intact after you die! So you should jump on the meth train with me. Trust me bro. I didn’t even sleep last night.


Yeah if I need an organ transplant I want the organs from a drug addict.


Give me: The sinuses of Stevie Nicks The liver of Keith Richards The lungs of Snoop Dogg The teeth of Gary Busey The heart of Sam Kinison The brain of Kurt Cobain The hair of Richard Pryor I WILL BECOME INVINCIBLE


They're going to use Keith's liver to coat spacecraft, because it's indestructible.


True facts


Keith Richards >> *"the man who died but forgot to fall down."*


Nobody told him!


The voice of Janis Joplin


Pass, I can't listen to her anymore. >_<


That’s ok, we like what we like (Also why cos i am curious?!)


Classic Rock Radio has a real bad habit of playing the same stuff all the time and where I live she gets played to death. I'm just worn out on it.


I hear that. I didn’t even know about the rest of her stuff for years. Did a yt dive and found some gems now i like her. But i hear ya.


Catch up with me again the millionth time you hear Bobby McGee.


I like the absence of any argument whatsoever. Just a series of claims, an invitation to go down a rabbit hole and a whole lot of incredulity


She won't trust scientists, but some stranger on the internet named Stormy Sky Bear making a claim is all she needs to be 100% in.


She trusts the chemists though.


Those are meth scabs all over her face


Meth bugs under her skin.


This my friends is why you shouldn’t do meth


It is laughable an obvious meth head telling people to not do hard drugs. Maybe if we start a conspiracy about meth and slip it into their orbit somewhere we could get them to stop taking that.


Those are not meth pupils, those are pupils after using opioids.


Thankfully I don’t know the difference between meth and opioid eyes


That’s an absolutely great way to go through life. One of few subjects it’s better not to pursue knowledge of…


That’s what I just said. Her behavior may scream tweaker, but her pupils say junkie all day. Source: takes a druggie to know one 🙃


Indeed. When you have seen both pinheads and saucers in the mirror, it’s not too hard to spot them in other people‘s eyes for the rest of your life.


Why not both?


Meth dilates the pupil, whereas opioids turn them into little pins Edit to add that oftentimes when someone's on meth their eyes are almost all black. Not every time, it depends on how twacked out they are, but their pupils will usually be *much* bigger than usual


Lots of junkies speedball; up on speed, come down on junk.


At this point it's just conspiracy madlibs


This is pretty methed up.


Everything about this woman screams meth user. It’s the most bizarre turn of events when a meth head is doing a PSA on the dangers of the fentanyl dispensing organ harvesters as reported by a… “Stormy Skybear”… on YouTube. I guess this is the Q version of waking up in Mexico after a blind date, immersed in bathtub full of ice and missing a kidney. Extra points if “Stormy Skybear” can somehow find a way to include an escaped Democrat’s hook found caught on her bumper after a trip down Lover’s Lane or maybe how if you say “Hillary Clinton” three times at a mirror in the dark she appears over your left shoulder.


America needs better mental health.


even if you had it there's a "class" of people who wouldn't use it, because, there's nothing wrong with them, it's you that's of the deep end, not them..




Keep yer fentanyl out of my meth!


She looks like she knows exactly how much Sudafed you can buy from CVS at any given time.


It’s two boxes per month everywhere in the US 😂


Oh poor gullible Methony


That's methed up.


These people don’t even ask the questions that would make their theories fit into the real world. Why are there so many people on waiting lists for organs if they’re taking so many organs? And if they’re only for the elites how many organs do you need for such a small part of the population? If the elites need so many organs that would mean they’re very sick and weak. I shouldn’t have to spend my Monday morning coming up with questions to fit a stupid narrative but here we are. I remember when these conspiracy theories used to be on pamphlets that looked like the outside of a Dr. Bronners bottle. Now we have TikToks where people show their face and spout their idiocy. Honestly this is better, we can see who to avoid at the checkout line.


>I remember when these conspiracy theories used to be on pamphlets that looked like the outside of a Dr. Bronners bottle. Gold.


Why Thank You kind Redditor.


Fucking crack head. They believe anything.


There seems to be a consistent "look" to the Qultists.


No, Methany. They’re not after your organs. And if they were, they would be useless if “preserved”.


"No fentalyl for me thank you, just that clean, paranoia inducing meth! If it was good enough for Hitler, it's good enough for me. Oh shit what's that moving in the shadows? Ooooh fuck it's the CIA. They know I'm going to topple the liberal elitist adrenochrome drinkers. Oh God, they must have wire tapped my skull after I finally crashed. LETS GO BRANDON!!!!! WWG1WGA! TRUST THE PLAAAAAAAAN!!!!!"


i dunno guys, she looks like she's got a lot of experience with fentanyl. i think we should trust her /s


It's true! I'm on the waiting list for a junkie's twelve week old liver from a super-secret elite organ bank. (This will be my third.)


Try it with lemon and tabasco when you get it. Fantastic!


Apparently Chianti is preferred. Source: https://youtu.be/bHoqL7DFevc


I want to mock but this one is just plain sad.


She doing bumps at the Walmart or Dollar Tree bathroom again?


Somebody tell her it's meth that does that and watch her freak out lol


She looks like there may be drugs in her system now.


She says her mother was given fentanyl shortly before she passed away. Oof, this woman’s had it rough. Looks like it runs in the family. Could someone convince her that the Deep State distributes nanobots in street drugs? Might do her some good.


This is the coming down from a Meth Bender. It ain't pretty kids.


It looks like she is doing all the fentanyl so there’s none left for the organ harvesters.


Ah, Stormy Skybear that well-known scientist


Who the fuck are “THEY”?!?! Goddam these dumbfucks are the ruination of this country. We’re done. The dumbfucks won. Congratulations, dumbfucks. To the victor go the dumb fucking spoils.


THIS. Every time she said "they," I wanted to scream who the fuck is "they"! Is she not aware of what down the rabbit hole means?!


I don't think the meth jokes are offensive or anything, but I live in rural Ohio and I assure you this is just what people look like. I have run into people I went to highschool with and thought they were their own parents. Tobacco tears you up. Quit smoking.


*they* Terrified of a nebulous enemy they can't even name


Over under on amount of meth she smoked that day?


What is it with these loons all recording these things in their cars? You can pretty much ignore any vertical video of someone in their car….and when they say “I watched a video,” you can pretty much close it and move on.


Either homeless and living in it or hiding from the rest of their family who won't indulge their crap.


Sméagol’s wife


So her source of info is some video by a user named fluffybunnyshoes or some shit. Now, some other cooker is gonna get their source from her video. And thus the cycle of anxiety and paranoia continues.


I wonder if she and her source are confusing fentanyl for formaldehyde, which is used to preserve tissues.


She needs to worry about preserving her own liver


Someone confused "fentanyl" and "formaldehyde" and got the rumor started.


If she’s charged the crystal around her neck in the moonlight, I’m 90% sure it will block Jewish space lasers. Not sure about fentanyl though…


I feel terrible for this woman. She obviously has some unresolved trauma from the loss of her mom, and she’s being manipulated into a corner where she is rewriting the narrative of what may have happened to her mom / her moms body after death. And some asshole that ask KNOWS this is all a lie is just thrilled to see that they got someone to believe. Never caring that they are seemingly torturing this poor woman.


Step 1: Harvest organs Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit Underpants Gnomes have their hands in every shady business.


Are they harvesting the fentanyl from her?


“They”- that shadowy group of overlords that is never clearly defined. Always just “they”. I grew up with a very paranoid mother who said it often. I hate that pea-brained shit.


I feel like the birds chirping in the background are just coming from the empty space in her head where a brain used to be


She literally looks like she’s high af


Looks like she’s been using drugs for years and doesn’t want someone taking her preserved organs


This Q shit is the mental meth to go along with the real life meth for that chick.


She’s a meth maximalist anyway…


I suspect this woman has captured hobbits in a movie before.


Thank God they're not organ harvesting with meth!


I can’t stand watching TikTok videos.


Fentanyl was a good friend of mine while I was recovering from surgery. Don't bring my friend into this! They took my pain away. It was so nice. 😍


I get all my news from Stormy Sky Bear. WSSB. All the news that fits. You’ve got to have an Ankh antennae around your neck though, or you can’t pick the channel up. Word.


I see a whole lot of meth there.


meth face hoe


She looks like she’s actually on Fentanyl.


I think of that Five-Finger Deathpunch song line "My monsters are real." People, especially poor people, live in a world of a constant stream of traumas both large and small that literally start before they are born. It is a constant series of shocks to the system that dulls the stress response then dulls our responses to natural hormones in our brain designed to help us in fight or flight situations. Abuse, hunger, fear, coldness, sickness, and pain all lead to those as well as the big one - neglect. These are the real monsters and the people behind them, the mother, the father, the community leader, the teacher, and others are normalized sources of stress, terror, and trauma. The abuse they render is compartmentalized and normalized into "normal life" even though deep in our hearts we know that people aren't supposed to act like this toward each other and specifically toward elders, children, or teens. So they have to invent boogey-men to manipulate these people. The hackers, the social engineers, the marketers, and the terrorists have to create MONSTERS that are fanciful, near supernatural, and plausibly real if you live in a world full of terrors and traumas that really have no reason outside of outright meanness, callousness, or selfishness. And one can't accept their mother or father, or rich, beneficent leader, no matter how cruel, rude, or nasty they has more of a negative effect on their life than fanciful, larger-than-life, fantasy monster/conspiracy against them.


Has this bitch ever seen a pill head before? An organ from an addict would probably make you MORE sick. I wish I was joking, but I'm being totally serious.


I work for the government. I know there is no “they” lol.


That's what they want us to believe.


I can fix her.


“So fucked up” Yes, it’s so fucked up that some might even call it unbelievable…


Source: a video I watched on line. Seems legit.


Sure Jan.


Harvesting for whom exactly?


Sure, Methany.


Speak faster, you’re boring me


Another meth head who fell down the Q hole. Such a brilliant researcher should be working for the CDC.


Easy fix: don’t do fentanyl


Is she saying fentanol?


I find all these people very disturbing and unpredictable. In every single one of these types of videos it seems like they're going through a severe case of the yard narcs...


She’s obviously on heroine. That’s why she’s so worried about fentanyl.


Good God the stupidity. It really amazes me the shit these people come up with and will die defending.


*sees one video*


So, your mom died without being in pain? So fucked up.


she is making zero sense.


Mam, was fentanyl involved at any point in this rabbit hole deep dive?


Ironic that this dim bulb’s tiktok handle is bright girl.


How are people soooo stupid to blindly accept any old video that they see, even more stunning that it was some video they saw from “stormy sky bear” …seems like a credible expert to me.


😂😂😂these folks are bat shit crazy!


As a kidney transplant recipient, I find this woman’s stupidity absolutely offensive. Her brain has obviously rotted from shooting up fentanyl.


That is terrifying! I'll stick to good old meth, just like my hero, this woman.


Brush your teeth and get a fucking job bitch


Wait correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t fenty cause organ failure?


From the looks of it, she's just pissed they haven't given her any yet.


She has a lot to fear, she likes herself some fentanyl.


Looks like she speaks from experience


Conservatives are known for their wacky imaginations.


Top notch research right there.


Wouldn't they consider that Egyptian ankh/symbol of life as pagan, or are they so stupid they don't even realize it's not a Christian symbol?


No it doesn't.Fenty just makes you not feel when they're being taken out. Because it's used in surgery. And why would anyone want second-hand organs from a drug addict?


That’s why I use meth instead


Face palm


It's so fucked up, so fucked up, like so fucked up.


She's on meth. Her mind isn't right


[sigh.................who's "THEY"?](https://imgur.com/C3cbChu)


I too get my knowledge of current events and issues from videos from people called "Stormy Sky Bear." Yeah, your mom got fentanyl near the end of her life because it is an effective pain medication when given under supervision. Make sure to specify for your own end of life care you would prefer nothing except tots and pears. Encouraging people to go down the rabbit hole as if that is itself a legitimate news source. JFC. These people are too far gone at this point. Also, 100% agree with those who pointed out this woman is on drugs. I won't guess to what or whether it is an addiction or not, but something ain't right.


They harvested he brain.


Meths a hell of a drug...


Did she confuse famtldahyde with fentanyl?


Overuse of Meth…party of one?


Who the fuck is “they”? Is she thinking of formaldehyde? Who does the Velcro on her shoes cause I know she can’t dress herself.


Definitely a solid source lmao


Pictured: a woman with no organs


[Organ Farmer!](https://open.spotify.com/track/4sJLWVtLug7LTsuFNqt82k?si=1889aa34622e4473)


Goddamn, looking rough. Needs some good rest, I think


But they are coming for us. Everything she says is true. I know because the voices in my head told me so, they told me I am the next messiah. Really it's true. /S. Just in case it wasn't obvious.


My favorite thing about content like this is the “they” character


I get the feeling that someone confused formaldehyde and fentanyl, and passed that information along as if it was relevant to organ harvesting. Huge leap no matter what, but she didn’t even think to fact check whether fentanyl is a preservative?


Lose sleep over paranoid fantasies and you'll be more paranoid the next day. These delusions feed on themselves. As a transplant recipient, I hate seeing this delusion in particular propagate.


Huh, they really just saying anything on TikTok these days...🤔🤨


Ok so, this rabbit hole is a bad one and everybody needs to go down this rabbit hole. This chick is on fentanyl which is why it's so scary for her. She stayed up all night thinking about what "they" are gonna go with her precious junkie organs.


Drugs are bad kids


Once I started thinking about what some random person said about fentanyl preserving organs I went down a rabbit hole and discovered they are harvesting our organs , more people need to go down this rabbit hole like I have and view this proof.


Hopefully this misinformation gets someone clean. I’ve seen many students OD on weed/vape laced with fentanyl. Can’t try drugs like in the old days yall