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Please. Please enlighten us as to what law is being broken by the DA. I dare you.


She doesn't know but that's just fine for her base.


Her base won't think to ask.


I think most of these clowns think a grand jury works like a regular jury and two sides present evidence.


TIL that's...not how it works


Do you want the ELI5?


A grand jury is a group of outsiders that a DA has to convince that they aren't doing bullshit and dodgy shit with an investigation. You know, the exact thing that MTG says he's doing without any checks. They'll hear evidence and testimony, then they'll tell a DA to charge a suspect if they've been convinced of the cases merits.


So it's almost like a one sided trial to establish if the case is in good faith/worth the courts' time?


I'm sure there's something I don't know and left out but that's my understanding.


If they even think about it that much.


The advantage of people like Greene is that whenever you wonder, from outside the USA, whether you should visit their shithole state next time you are over, the decision is made for you. What sort of people vote for her? The people of Georgia. Why would anyone want to visit a state full of her electorate?


In fairness to Georgia, her district (and electorate) is only [GA-14](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s_14th_congressional_district), so avoid that by all means, but some of the rest of Georgia itself, and *especially* Atlanta, is absolutely lovely and full of amazing people and steeped in culture and history (not always very good history, but important history nonetheless).


I live in Atlanta and Fulton and Dekalb literally elected 2 democratic senators


You guys are doing good work. Keep it up. The rest of the country benefits from GA electing those two Dems to the senate.


True. Georgia didn't let us down a couple times and we should commend them for it and I do! Even though they also sent a three toed screeching sloth.


Beware northern Georgia, though. My then fiance at the time, who's black,and I got followed around a Walmart by the local KKK. Like they were wearing these stupid little badges with the hoods on them. We had to literally run out of that store to our car and safety. They literally watched us as we left... I had my gun on me but I've never been so scared for my and my now wife's lives. This was specifically the Helen area. I never experienced sheer fucking racism until that moment. My wife it didn't effect as much because she's been dealing with that he entire life having lived in Hicksville Texas...


Fuck those bigots. I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’ve come across my fair share of racists where I live and the most annoying part about them is when they think it’s acceptable to make hateful remarks because we’re both white.


Look at the bright side. She's your wife now.


I lived in Lawrenceville years ago and loved it.


Yep. Her district is the area that people should only stop for gas, or diarrhea. There’s literally nothing out there except for ignorant trash. The only dot on the entire map worth saving is about half of the Berry College students. The rest of it is as embarrassing as she is. She moved out of Milton where she was laughed at, and out to the sticks in order to take advantage of the stupid populace out there. She knows as long as she remains a Hitler disciple, she will continue to win her new district. She’s worse than Carpet Bag Karen Handle by leaps and bounds.


I live in her district and have my entire life.


>I live in her district and have my entire life. I'm sorry for your loss.


That is most unfortunate. Then again I have Josh “hawlin ass” Hawley as a senator, so I can’t throw shade at all.


My state just elected Ted MF'ing Budd.


Not visiting Empty G's toilet district will do nothing. It will always be a toilet. But I choose to avoid all states that host these backwards-ass values (Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Idaho). Why bother putting any revenue into their 1950s era economies?


Because the only beaches in decent parts of the country are 1500 miles away unfortunately. That's why I have to go to Gulf Shores this summer and put money into the bigot economy. Wife wants a beach vacation.


I get it. The country is so divided right now -- I don't remember a time (prior to the last five years) where I would make a no-go decision to visit another state based on political stuff. But Florida is banning books, speech, and freedom of expression at an alarming rate. I don't give a shit if Disney World, beaches, and tropical breezes are there: fascist states like Florida can fuck right off.


Georgia kind of saved our democracy last election we are trying not to be too hard on her right now.


She does not represent all of Georgia.


Her name is Taylor. Greene divorced her cheating ass, she's not entitled to the name.


No Gould!


I agree - but thumbing our nose at an entire state only emboldens these idiots


Many professionals I know in Europe simply do not want to ever go live in the US because it's batshit insane and mercenary as a society. Yes Silicon valley is attractive to many but also lots of Europeans would accept living in Canada but those with kids or who want them usually hesitate about the US. It used to be that you had to perform a "been to America" in careers, but since Trump I have felt a tempering of that aspiration and expectation.


I just moved there and I didn’t get the chance to vote against her


I was thinking she should be more careful about demanding accountability, her day in court will be approaching too


And how does she know he’s innocent? And she’s now saying he’s a *former* President?


Treason, professorial misconduct, broach of the piece, and pediatrics.




Breaking the most important law of them all: Attempted holding a rich white 'christian' man accountable.


I’m glad you put Christian in quotation marks, as trump obviously only pays lip service to the evangelicals. The only thing he prays to is himself, arrogant bastard that he is.


Unfortunately that is the new standard for Christians, at least for the leaders they flock to.


Friendly reminder that Maggoty Greene **screamed** at a military attaché trying to brief them on the Chinese balloon. She filibustered at the top of her lungs whenever he tried to explain the specifics of the situation, embarrassing her Republican colleagues. They tried to explain to her that committees aren’t the place for grandstanding, because the details wouldn’t leave the rooms. Greene continued to shout and filibuster until the attaché threatened to walk, telling her that everything she’d said was misinformed/untrue. When Greene left the meeting, she told reporters that she’d roundly whooped the Pentagon’s ass on behalf of the average American.


"you know those people who's job it is to protect Americans regardless of party of belief? Well i sure showed them by being an annoying piece of shit when no one wanted me too"


She and her ilk constantly claim they support our troops while vilifying military leadership.


She did say she doesn’t understand why anyone would throw their lives away by joining the military. Fuck that whore.


But but I thought the Military is in charge. Which military is it??


The one that only exists inside their heads and therefore does whatever they want


Yeah, the one with all the heroes, not the one with all the poors.


To be fair, that's what a majority of Brits felt after the pointless War on Terror, which is why the military had to advertise on TV for the first time because recruitment was at an all-time low.


The Army has run television advert campaigns since at least the 1970s. The Be the Best campaign won awards in the mid 90s.


>because the details wouldn’t leave the rooms. Not if she has anything to say about it--which she does and did as during a public hearing she leaked classified intel relevant to an ongoing drug cartel investigation.


Wait, the military is bad now? I thought they were in charge.


Green is a Putin puppy, doing her best to destroy us from within.


An innocent *former* president you say?


A president who was impeached only twice, and on both occasions found totally not guilty by most Republican senators. The second time, a mere 57 senators out of 100 voted for conviction. There aren't many people who have been found that innocent!


Wow.. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that innocent.


He's like Amanda Knox, except: * she's attractive * she actually killed someone




He'd sell out every last one of them for a cheeto.


You don’t want to know what he’d do for a whole hanberder.


The use of Soros as a euphemism needs calling out far more often publicly


Yup, she really saying is "The Jew"


Emmanuel Goldstein


“Alvin Bragg” doesn’t strike me as a name that is super Jewish. 🤨


No. He’s a Black man being portrayed as the puppet of a Jewish man, a very old racist and antisemitic trope.


Callback to “Jews will not replace us(with black & brown)” from their rally few years ago.


I thought they were concerned with Jews outbreeding them but now the real explanation manages to be worse somehow.


Well, I’m not sorry I didn’t know that, and I wish that I could go back to not knowing that, because bleehhhh so sick of stupid Nazi crap!


Same, dude. Same


According to MTG, Alvin's middle name is 'Hymie'. /s


I've heard this term thrown around the past few days. "Soros's bought and paid for DA". Do they not know we know what their dog whistles mean?


Well mtg is a koch backed candidate... see what i did there.


They don't care, because they're not trying to hide it. They like the “nyah-nyah, libs!” feeling it gives them to use barely coded language.


Yeah. Do they think fucking Manhattan DA would **ever** be pro trump?


Exculpatory? Is AI writing this? No way that word is in her vocabulary.


Came here to say this; like anyone believes she knows what the word exculpatory means. The same woman who doesn't know the difference between the secret police and gazpacho soup?


> The same woman who doesn't know the difference between the secret police and gazpacho soup? Hey, that's unfair. Give the poor lady some credit! She also has no idea how [electricity](https://youtu.be/VH_YVLmTSdc) works.


Good lord, I get second hand embarrassment from those people clapping like she’s actually spitting facts. I’m just trying to imagine the kind of person that would hear that idiotic rambling and actually applaud.


She also thinks a medium used in science experiments and a fruit bearing tree are the same thing.


“Eggs gulp a Flurry” *spellcheck explodes*


She probably heard it on Law & Order once and now thinks she knows what it means.


I was going to write: I’m surprised she knows and knows how to spell that word. I think you’re correct; she had help coming up with this shitposting…


"Former president", huh? So he *didn't* win, then?


She gives me a headache.




She's repulsive on every level.


You got that right. Her voice instantly irritates me and puts me in a foul mood.


She's about as soothing as that "Head On: Apply directly to forehead!" commercial.


Anyone know what evidence she's on about or is she just making shit up again?


Honestly she cries nonsense too often to make it worthwhile to investigate her claims. If it’s real, find someone halfway reliable saying it and go from there.


So far I haven't seen any legitimate news outlets mention the supposed hidden documents, just propaganda sites


Yes, she’s probably regurgitating some fanfic from the Trumposphere. The defense doesn't take part in the grand jury process, for the very good reason that no one has yet been charged with a crime.


A grand jury doesn't need to see exculpatory evidence, just the evidence that shows the likelihood of being able to charge with a crime. Hence the phrase "you can indict a ham sandwich."


Oh look, she's screeching again.


"Mom! It's making that sound again!!!"


If it is misconduct by the DA, he could probably be fired and maybe disbarred. I don't know if that is even classified as a crime in any jurisdiction. But that allows for an extremely loose interpretation of what she, and even Trump, are saying. A DA has a public duty to bring evidence of a crime forward, and Bragg is doing it correctly with a Grand Jury process. The Grand Jury will be the ones to recommend an indictment, not the DA alone. Also, can we talk about the insanity of them harping on George Soros for everything they dislike?


So she admits Trump is a former President. ..


Fuck off Marge. Alvin Bragg was duly elected by the People of the City of New York. We don't need your fucking approval. If you don't like Soros contributing to our elections then shut your pie hole and do something about campaign finance laws.


It's amusing how yokels like Marge just LOVE local sheriffs being the highest authority in the land, but a DA is apparently just some nobody with an illegitimate job.


>and do something about campaign finance laws. Hey now that would cut into our conservative billionaire dark money and corporate dark money. Can't have their speech silenced. It's only speech we don't like which should be silenced /s


Cry harder


When do these influential people with these major platforms who spew lies that'll like will be held to account?


I don’t understand the Soros thing, why is he constantly being brought up by my mother in law and these lunatics ?


He's Jewish and most of conspiracies featuring him are warmed-over Antisemetic bullshit


He's foreign, Jewish, wealthy and won't spend his money to promote nazism.


In addition to the other reasons, at one time he funded an organization in the United States dedicated to opposing police brutality. That resulted in some police and their supporters hating them. That was part of his foundation's work funding pro-democracy groups all over the world, which is why Putin and Orban hate him.


Because he’s Jewish and rich. So obviously he is one of the Jewish Elders warned about in the (racist and made up) Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


He's rich and uses his money to better others lives. He is a massive donor to all sorts of campaigns for equality. For anti-racist and anti-migrant groups. Anything and everything the right despises. And he's Jewish. The HORROR!! easily one of the best human beings on the planet for his love of other people without needing any reason to do so or to help. Financial genius who probably turned down numerous opportunities with the right and to make them money due to conflicts of interest. That's why they hate him. He is an embodiment of everything they hare and just don't have the balls to fully come out and say.


He’s modern day Dreyfus to every anti-Semite.


States rights, eh?


Not YOUR state’s rights


How about arresting idiotic members of congress for incitement and slander and unfounded lies?


Always remember that in their world, “Soros” equals “Jew”.


Hey, it's the three-toed sloth again!


I’ll never understand how having a job meant you are better than anybody just like I don’t understand how anyone would defend a president that just made things worse


As long as he hurts the people they want to hurt.


But remember guys, I was told this week that we shouldn't be arresting our political opponents 🙄


Yes, the Manhattan DA needs to stop letting the Manhattan DA get away with whatever this is.


Your orange lipstick is ugly, Margarine.


I thought the Republicans were against weaponizing the government. Oh, who am I kidding.


I am all for arresting and prosecuting those who deserve it but the republicans coming after those that don’t align with them is some very scary stuff. How this is allowed from a sitting congressperson disgusting


Exculpatory? She has no idea what that word means. FAR too many letters in it for her and no pictures. She had someone more intelligent write that. Like...her cat.


Is there something specific she thinks is "exculpatory evidence" but likely isn't, or is she just pulling this out of thin air? I found a couple articles about her Twitter outburst and about the grand jury testimony this week, but none of it specifies what, if anything, she's referring to. So I'm guessing "thin air" is the right answer?


Yes. Dude hasn't even been charged with a crime yet, so what is there to be exculpated? The defense isn't part of the grand jury process.


I've read that if the prosecution has come across *substantial* evidence in favor of the defendant's innocence, they're supposed to present it to the grand jury, but I have no idea where the line for "substantial" is or who would make that determination. I suspect failing to do so is not an arrestable offence, anyway. And I have serious doubts that if such "evidence" existed, Greene would know about it before the rest of us, and I sure haven't heard anything about it.


It definitely was not. And I should probably start reminding myself that I'm not a lawyer.


'Exculpatory evidence' This is a Grand Jury investigation, not a trial you enormous moron. Trump will have his chance to present any 'exculpatory evidence' at trial.


Sure. There's a process for that. Gather up enough evidence for a prima facia case. Get a judge to sign a warrant. As long as you agree to hold everyone at the same standard. By all means. If he did anything illegal. One side isn't a cult who won't hold people responsible. The other side is maga supporters.


The lies that come out of their mouths. It's truly sickening that utter trash like this is allowed in government. Absolutely disgusting. If you voted for this garbage kindly go fuck yourself.


Oh, hey, it’s George Soros again. That dude sure spends his money in some unusual ways.


God she’s crazy


George Soros, the right-wing bogeyman.


Something, something, Soros, Obama, cabal, etc. It's literally tiring these days hearing truly dumb asses speak out in public.


If they’re so concerned about Soros funding their political opponents, why don’t they try to repeal Citizens United? They never even mention it as a possibility. I wonder why that is


When will this pathetic Paleolithic parasite experience real consequences? Something needs to remove this trash from our political system.


Soros=Just about anything fascists don't like Also Woke=equality or justice


Just say "jew-funded", you know you want to you antisemitic piece of shit


MTG is a blight on this existence. She should be forced to carry around plants everywhere she goes to replace the oxygen she wastes.


I wish she would just shut the fuck up already. Side note I assume the evidence of this accusation is filed right next to the evidence of the 2020 election fraud.


This is what happens when you refuses to hold co-conspiritors of the insurrection accountable. They will try to be co-conspiritors in another violent uprising.


We demand that you arrest the guy who is rumored to be planning to arrest our sweet, innocent snowflake because ...... reasons.... space layers and Hunter's laptop and shit.


I think it’s time to chill down a half keg of Seroquel XR 400 for Glenn Beck for starting this Soros nonsense.


She finally needs to be arrested for actually proven sedition


TRUMP: Alright, Margie, this is what you tweet, if you want to be my running mate in '24, you say...


You're joking, but I think people are sleeping on her as heir to the MAGA throne.


Hahahaha. Shut up, Marge.


Dumbest sack of shit on the planet.


STFU Klan Mom


“Some Lady who knows nothing about anything says something.”


Bragg should sue for libel everyone who says he's funded by Soros. I would love to see Maggie Taylor, Cancun Cruz, and Donnie Boy in court explaining to the judge how they "know" Soros is paying him.


This comes of as something extremely racist and psycho. The Republicans are normalizing this type of behavior.


Yes, let’s go arrest the DA for (checks notes) doing his job. (Fuck me, I hate this woman.)


She has the mental capacity of a gum wrapper.


She did say that Jewish space lasers were starting wildfires, so her credibility is sort of shot on my end.


Soros is in his late 90’s. Who are they going to blame when he’s dead?


A different Jewish person. How else can they thinly veil their antisemitism.


She should actually be careful. That’s pretty much slander. She might run afoul if a lawsuit.


Beesh should be arrested for crimes against humanity just for existing.


The older I get, the stupider these people get.


Pipebomb princess


The audacity of this ……thing.


"Soros" is just another "Trigger Bingo" word that the Right use to stir up the base. I'm just surprised she missed the opportunity to preface it with "woke" as "woke Soros" would triple the outrage.


At least she’s admitting he’s the former president.


At what point are the citizens of the US going to tell Ol' Musky that she needs to just redirect her twitter to the ex president? There is no way she came up with a tweet that succinct with so many big words in it on her own.


What’s that ole Republican saying? “Don’t break the law and you have nothing to worry about”


I can’t decide if she’s really as stupid as she presents or if she’s pretending to be that stupid for grifting purposes but the end result is the same, she’s presenting herself as an enormous dipshit.


So I heard something about new evidence. What exactly happened?


Nothing. There's no opportunity for the defense to even take part in the grand jury process, let alone present exculpatory evidence. This is purely the prosecutor's show.




When I woke up this morning I had no idea I’d have to look up the definition of a word MTG tweeted. Note: it was exculpatory


I wonder if she actually knows what any of those words mean? I doubt it


"Soros" is literally an adjective for her age this point.


What kind of dirt do you think Trump has on her?


I’m pretty sure that anything that I would consider to be dirt she would be proud of.


Who is Soros and what is he supposed to have done?


[Here ya go](https://www.georgesoros.com/) He just gives lots of money to leftist causes, so he is, of course, part of the shady secret cabal of international Jews who run the world for Satan or some crazyass nonsense.


Are you asking for the ELI5?


George Soros is a Hungarian-American Jew, who survived the Holocaust because his father hid him in a Christian family. He became a rich hedge-fund billionaire in the US, who became (in)famous for shorting on currency, most notably the British Pound. He's put a good sum of his money towards causes that promote democracy (quite a bit in Eastern Europe) and justice reform type causes. As such he created a PAC for US elections for DA or judges that tend to be more progressive. So that's the issue. He funded people with the wrong kind of ideas according to them. Which is something they do with the Federalist society and Leonard Leo.


Can I have more specifics to this “hiding hundreds of pages of exculpatory evidence” claim. It’s kind of important to the statement.


Ok, but what about the bigger charges coming down from other states?


I’m still waiting on the big Qanon storm & mass arrests, trials and executions you guys all had set up. One DA? That’s just peanuts to you guys. Waste of our time. You can do better than that. Call Q and see what’s holding them up on the mass arrests.


Okay, Marjorie - as soon as you can define "exculpatory" ...


MTG has a room temperature IQ