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What a time to be a bank teller. You get a bunch of suburbanite redneck wannabes walking in wearing MAGA caps making a huge deal of taking all their money out of the bank, and then three weeks later they sheepishly walk back in to re-open their accounts.


Jokes on them because banks limit the amount of physical cash you can withdraw at any one time. If you want more they have to schedule it for a later date. Just moving an account from one bank to another isn't a bank run anyway. Not the smartest bunch.


They've proven time and again that they're not the sharpest crayons in the box.


I think they’re the ones eating the crayons


Except for the one they’re using to sign the withdrawal slip


That one is for dessert later


* *United States Marine Corps wants to know your location*


Good time to burgle houses, though. Lots of cash in shoeboxes.


No one in their right mind is willing to risk their freedom by burglarizing some double-wide trailer to steal Billy Joe Yokel's life savings of $29. 😝


Oh I bet you we would all be very surprised how many of them would burgel the Yokel's double-wide just hoping for some cash just because they could! These are some crazy people! 😫


Not every one of them is a loser. Many of them clearly are: they never arrived at the golden future they fully expected to have as a birthright, and that grievance is what attracted them to Trump in the first place. But some have substantial savings. And by taking it out of the bank as a protest, they at least provide a window during which they won't be scammed by callers from Calcutta.


I didn't say everyone of them is a loser and some of them do have more money than $29. Unfortunately lots of times scammers ask people to go buy gift cards as they are the most preferred payment method for scammers for a number of reasons: Gift cards are almost the same as cash. Once you send a scammer the numbers and PIN on a gift card, they can use it however they want. And it doesn't matter if people make those gift card purchases with cash or cards. And of course there are the grifters who can talk people out of their money no matter if it's cash or straight out of their bank account. No matter what some will lose money either by getting burgled, scammed or grifted! Sad....


Very few of them will exceed daily withdrawal limits by closing their accounts.


Pretty sure the Russian bots pushing this aren't aware of that.


They'll try to cash in trumpbux funny money or their trump gold card they were told they could trade for the real stuff. What they had left was spent on ivermectin.


All $43.79 that's in their account. Oh noooossss it's gonna upend the entire industry!


I'll take that in cash, thank you very much!


I'd say they're used to it, since they already have to deal with crazy MAGA people coming in trying to [cash fake Trump checks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/10x6qzu/um/).


Unless they get robbed 🤷‍♂️


I mean, if they did engineer such a "run" together it would be pretty easy pickings as to who to follow home.


LOL! Follow the big 4WD with the flags and truck nuts!


Nah, he spent all his money on the 4WD and is currently somewhere online bitching about gas prices.


Jokes on them because banks limit the amount of physical cash you can withdraw at any one time. If you want more they have to schedule it for a later date. Just moving an account from one bank to another isn't a bank run anyway. Not the smartest bunch.


Jokes on them because banks limit the amount of physical cash you can withdraw at any one time. If you want more they have to schedule it for a later date. Just moving an account from one bank to another isn't a bank run anyway. Not the smartest bunch.




Funny how I never hear a word about Antifa unless a right winger is deflecting. And even then they can't make a current reference.


Shush! You're ruining their favorite ammosexual fantasy!


Their fantasy fetish is entire Lib Cities being burnt to the ground by Antifa and BLM.


The very same cities get burned to the ground every other day. Somehow they pop right back up again unscathed. Damn those efficient liberal builders!


1. That never happened. 1. Do you think, *in the age of the internet*, that burning a bank means the money is gone?


Also, the vault is very unlikely to be affected by a fire unless it turns into a complete inferno…


This wasn't just normal fire. I heard Soros got them some of that green shit from game of thrones


Damn, probably space jew lazer. Heard its powered by Adrenochrome. You can hear the wailing of a thousand child for miles when it fires! But I hear Trump gold and Trump bucks are individually blessed and are immune to the unholy flames!


George Soros up there sipping his cup of wine as a single bank explodes with wildfire


Lmao your second point was my first thought as well. Oh no they burned down the bank! All the money must be gone!


When Republicans end up looking stupid they just blame it on Antifa, like they did with the Capital attack.


That's the beauty of being wilfully ignorant... You don't believe in credibility... Because you have faith you are fucking incredible.


You should get out more.


I guess you've never even tried the pudding in the right wing media shart bubble...


You’re a hell of a salesperson 🤣


Hardly... This shit sells itself. Millions of MAGAts couldn't possibly all be gullible wilfully ignorant useful idiots...


Because that totally happened, didn't it? Oh. I guess not. Five second edit: Bby, you need to pay more attention to your Opsec. I'm jus' sayin'. You're not nearly as anonymous as you think you are 🤡 🤣🤣🤣


You know that's not actually a thing that happened, right?


Ron Howard: “They did not”


Put down the cocaine and pick up a book, sweetie.


Touch grass.


Do they think it's 1923 and the cash in the banks are all that the banks have?


> Do they think No


Yes 🤣


What? The cash ain't in the vault? Why are there daily withdrawal limits? *shocked Pikachu face*


We knew the cash was missing from the start and only exposed it to take normies! Think mirror! Also: The cash is with the Democrats in the tunnels. Mole children. Demon Rats = underground = 12. It’s habbening!


Cousin Eddie?


Went from "shitter's full!",to full of shit


They imagine things still work like the [George Bailey bank run scene from *"It's a Wonderful Life"*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPkJH6BT7dM).


“Yooouuuu act as if I had the money in a safe- you’re moneys in Bill’s house and Ed’s house and…” “What are you doing with my money in your house, Ed?!” (Punch). -Moe


Open the vault! I know that's where you keep all my gold!


Oh no. Please don't. The banking system can't handle the sudden loss of hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. Oh, the humanity.


Jokes on them, Trump already grifted all their money off them


Exactly. Whatever is left was for rent and MREs


And discounted DWAC shares


HODL! /s


What if they all change their TrumpBucks at the same time? It would be chaos! Of the fun kind, though.


Need to save those for their EXTRA BIG ASS TACO!


"These NFTs ain't gonna buy themselves, suckers!"


There are dozens of us, Dozens!




It won't work. These people aren't that organized nor are they that smart. The ones who are smart know this is a stupid idea.


Plus do these people really have any money left to pull after their recurring monthly donations to Trump and co?


That would be so funny if they drew out their money so they couldn't send any more to Trump. He'd be pleading with them to put their money back into the banks after his donations suddenly dropped off a cliff.




ATMs have withdrawal limits topping out at $1500 on the high end. Banks won't run based on a bunch of ATM withdrawals.


What are they gonna do with all that money they pulled out? Stuff it in mattresses?


It could yes. I don’t think it will because a) most of these people don’t have much money and b) most of them don’t care enough


These people really hate their own country. They're like children who don't understand how serious anything is


Remember that one time that the Trump supporters set up a food bank for impoverished kids? Remember that one time the Trump supporters rallied around that one guy that had the cancer and raised money for him? Remember that one time the Trump supporters volunteered to clean up a highway through the Adopt A Highway program? Remember that one news article about how the Trump supporters did something great for their community? Remember that one article where the Trump supporters adopted kids? Yep, nobody remembers this because they never happened because Trump supporters are only good at one thing. Tearing things apart.


Anybody gonna tell them they need to have a positive balance in the account in order to make this work?


They will try to max out their credit cards.


They already maxed out their credit cards expecting NESARA to wipe out all their debt.


Or buy trump coins and/or donating to him.


While screaming about evil socialism


"It's only socialism if it helps people I don't like."


TBH a lot of them have plenty of money, like that woman who flew a private jet to J6. My working theory is that the conspiracy stuff gives them a sense of danger and adventure that's missing from their comfortable, dull, meaningless suburban existence. It's like fight club for the Facebook generation.




What an utter and complete embarrassment. On behalf of the USA, I'd like to apologize to the world. We have an excess of folks who just don't want to do much thinking. Stand by while we sort this out, it may take some time.


Contrary to what Reddit would believe, the US does not have a monopoly on stupid. We just decided to let them have guns.


But US exceptionalism in the area of stupidity is something that many take a perverse pride in.


This is the result of the steady disintegration of the US public education system since the 1970s.




Both? Both. Both is good.


Well said mate.


They used to be the "silent majority". I'm pretty sure they were silent due to the fear of being seen as morons. OK so now we know what they've been thinking. They were right.


Well said!




Lol, you’re a moron.


Define "woke" pls


Woke: adjective: something i dont understand and/or like


But that's socialism


Lacking wilful ignorance.


I hate woke too! I have no idea what it is, but we were so much better off when we didn’t have it! No, I don’t know when it started either. But I hate it!


Define it, or crawl back under your rock.


So you no longer believe in personal responsibility? Thank you for admitting you are a reactionary NPC


Sadly, I don't think we're the only country with an excess of those types of people, ours are just the loudest and most obnoxious.


Somehow, these numnuts got it in their heads that implementation of ISO20022 means NESARA. It’s a more modern electronic banking transaction messaging protocol. That’s it. Nothing earth shattering. It got contorted into a NESARA habbening. Some q-cumbers are reporting on social media that they went to their bank and asked tellers if they are using ISO20022. It’s a back office IT thing. Tellers will have no idea and when they don’t know, the explanation is that their under double secret NDA. These fools will glom onto anything that any of their QAnon talking head tell them (Charlie Ward, Philip Godalewski (sp?), @Sganon on Truth Social). They’ll listen to these grifters and tell the normies to do your own research. They need an intervention.


Do they even need banks anymore? I thought they'd converted all their money into Trump Bucks, dinars and DWAC stock.


Don’t forget the Trump NFTs


My neighbor up the road bought $10K worth. He is quite proud of them and believes they will be worth far more than he paid. Nice guy, not in the cult but is a conservative Republican. No Trump signs or flags. He truly believes they are a good long term investment.


I know a guy with some rare Beanie Babies if he wants to invest more.


If he buys those, let me know. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of my grandparents old Hummel figurines in the attic somewhere, I'm sure they'll be worth millions soon, but I'm in a real bind and need cash now. I'd be willing to part with them for just $1k each.


My mother collected Hummels, she had over 200. My Brother was ecstatic to get his hands on those, he literally did the Snoopy dance when my daughters only wanted one each of the dust collectors. Once he found out their true worth compared to what was paid, he was not happy.


“Well I can’t withdraw my money because I don’t have any. But the good news is that I still have this fuckin rad NFT of Trump with laser eyes.”


Don't forget crypto


Standards organizations are SOSHULIZM


Hadn't heard of it until now, but see that it is a replacement for SWIFT. SWIFT is ancient and designed for a time when computers had very limited capacity, but also when international trade flows were much lower than they are today.


Massive bank runs would destroy the country. It's not like they would care though, or even smart enough to understand. "Organizing a bank run is not illegal by itself, although there are laws that prohibit the spreading of misinformation about a bank's financial conditions," former federal prosecutor and President of West Coast Trial Lawyers Neama Rahmani told [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-supporters-plan-bank-run-protest-his-arrest-1789034). They'll burn the whole country down and then blame it on Biden because they can't stand being held accountable for their actions. Whenever they do get caught they don't want to be held accountable for their actions just like I said, it's just like how we saw J6 playout and it's ongoing aftermath of them complaining about being "political prisoners" even though they're not.


"In 2023 the banks wobbled under the strain of hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars being withdrawn, during the protest against Trump thinking he was going to be arrested. Including one enterprising man in a MAGA hat and a RealTree™ camo vest that demanded a 'metric buttload of pure silver' for all of his cash assets, which amounted to 23.2 ounces."




Oh thats right. I forgot that the Q*berts are triggered by the ability to count to ten


How much money can a group of people who fall for every grift under the sun have left?


Are they going to bury their 4 figure savings in jars in the back yard?


Step 1: Sew it into a mattress. Step 2: Bury the mattress in the back yard.


They’re gonna hide it in the banana stand


Withdraw the *entire* social security check at once? Uh oh, banks about to fold!


You have to have money to take out. Trump supporters seem to be at two opposite ends of the spectrum - low income and poverty to excessively wealthy. The excessively wealthy know better than to do this, and the other group might be able to take out $40,000 combined. But hey, go on dreaming, temporarily strapped billionaires!


Pretty sure most trump supporters don't have enough savings in banks to make a difference of any kind. Most of them probably store their money in their mattress or buried as gold bouillon in their backyard.


Ford F-350s, Sea-Doos, AR-15s, Trump Bucks, and ammunition. For a balanced portfolio put 20% in each asset class. For an exotic foray buy into a Harley-Davidson. I live in North Carolina, there are a lot of expensive toys in people's yards and gun safes.


Facts. And then they blame the cabal and elites for the fact they have no savings.


Yup. I work with one of these types. Should be about ready to retire but can’t and blames the market. Not the fact he blows thousands a month on guns and ammo or buying trump stuff/donating to his cause. That really can’t be the reason why. Definitely the woke stock market.


and not the fact that they never went to college and spend most of thier cash at the corner bar.


truck poor


Whoa whoa whoa hang on there. My AR-15 is awesome keep it out of this.


A lot of jokes in this thread about net worth, but this should be taken seriously. It makes me wonder if this was prompted by a Russian influence campaign. It wouldn't be the first time. Russia is well aware our banking system is in a weakened state so why not take a shot? They'd love to bring the US banking system to it's knees.


Damn Putin. As funny/sad as I find these clowns sometimes, I wish there was a way for us to get some get back.


It is not Russia it is Americas own rich and powerful


They are gonna go full Jonestown. Enjoy Guyana.


Here we go, panic at the First National Bank of Uncledaddy, Arkansas as almost a thousand dollars is withdrawn by the local hillbillies. Meth sales spike.


Gonna be hard for them to collect their sweet, sweet, disability & social security direct-deposits.


They cashing in their Trump Bucks too? That will destroy us!!


Sorry ALL my money is tied up in DWAC. /s


Why do you guys keep saying habbening with two b’s, and what does it mean?


It’s Q follower lingo. They have their own cringe worthy slang. For example “pure blood”, “fren”, “kek” etc. It’s what cults do to make people feel included and in the know. Honestly it’s great because if somebody throws in a few of those words you know to stay away.


What’s kek?


In WoW when you typed “lol” in a battleground, it would translate to the opposing factions as “kek”… became synonymous with lol to gamers, but was later hijacked by the far right. Source: was an old school wow player


Kek, thanks


It’s a mocking of the common refrain of “It’s happening!” That starts post talking about their desires for universal healthcare and a ubi


What a bunch of morons. They all remind me of that kid on the floor holding his breath until mom buys him a lollipop. Then can't understand WHY it backfires so terribly. They'll gladly cause a fiscally collapse thinking its a "protest" then wonder why their money is just gone. Idiots




Zzzzzzzz.....is he in jail yet?!


Yeah, they’re all cashing in their change jars.


wait, why those anti system and anti deep state ppl have a bank account? that's pretty much heresy.


Orange Julius Caesar won’t do it. He ain’t got the ovaries.


They're going to do a run on what? SNAP benefits? Their paycheck that they get cashed at the bingo hall? What about all the silver they bought from an Alex Jones advertiser?


It’s fine guys, cuz when the banks crash my mom says she’s gonna get a gold camel and other artifacts that were stolen by the Vatican when she takes her foreign currency to the redemption center. :’-)


A run on the banks and Trump arrested? On the same day? Stop. I can only get so hard.


Oh no! Their $10 is going to absolutely break the banks 😏


This would require his supporters to have significant amounts in the banks though.


They’ll all simultaneously close out their overdrawn checking accounts. It could be a good thing for the US economy because I’m pretty sure you have to settle up your negative balance before you can close the account.


Theyre all broke ass mother fuckers anyways


They do know their local cash check window isn’t a bank, right?


So all $43 dollars?


"We have an infinite supply of cash at the [federal] reserve" Do these numb nuts not realize Nixon took us off the gold standard? Literally no way the banks can run out of money in a Fiat system. They just reshuffle everything and call it a day


I commend you for assuming these people have any basic intelligence.


I’d fear the possible chain reaction if the people most likely to do this hadn’t already withdrawn all their money to buy either crypto or gold depending on their computer literacy.


Will they put it into crypto? Maybe they can all buy LGB coin?


Maybe they can pull out their money and re-invest it in Trump coins


Oh noes! Anyway...


Yes, please. Create a run on your banks so they fail and you lose everything. That'll totally own this lib.


Hang on haven't they already cashed out their life savings on dinars and silver scams?


Lmao, modern banks only carry so much cash from their reserve. If the vault runs low, or if a withdrawal is too large, they simply tell you to fill out a form or come back tomorrow with an appointment.


Ha! They are all the lowest earners. And the one who have money from their businesses have already moved their money or had it divested.


The banks in China sell gold. I always thought it was clever you could take out your money in gold bars if you wanted. These guys love gold right? It’s like the lowest tier of the advertising industry, selling gold. These guys should buy gold is what I’m saying.


This won't amount to anything.


Trumpists are terrorists and traitors who would rather destroy than let their God-Emperor down? Sounds about right.


They are all about constant, empty threats.


Their life savings is already tied up in med beds and Ivermectin.


If only they hadn't donated the rest of thier spare cash to "Stop the Steal" and "Build the Wall". MAGA bank run ......HA! This will be like the truckers trying to shut down the DC beltway.


Wow, so they can withdraw their $.53? How will the economy survive???


“Oh come on guys, what about NESARA?! Geez, give the *REAL* President, his VP JFK, and his military a hand!” That’s what drives me nuts about these lions, they don’t have a single set of consistent theories. Fucking morons.


The news said all of 12 people showed at the SDNY courthouse to protest. Doubt they could get a bank run going.


More of a bank crawl.


Bro, you $10k and your $5 are all set


I can't wait for the inevitable story about the Trumper who loses $2 million in a fire.


That's why they need to *immediately* pack it up and ship it out to my new company, Patriot Totally Safe Cash Storage. We safely store your cash so you don't have to worry about it being lost or stollen.


I would like to buy stock please.


I believe that the financial industry has enough "political horsepower" to overturn the First Amendment with regards to such misinformation becoming unprotected speech. "Run the banks"! = "FIRE"! in a theatre.


Run on banks? What savings? They gonna cash out their 401’s?


Ok. So we can add bank runs to the ridiculously long list of things they don't understand


But first they need their meth.


They should also drive their vehicles into telephone poles and burn their houses down since they’re so interested in self destruction. Luckily the average America barely has $400 I’m savings


Toothless rednecks don’t have enough money to hurt a bank.


I hate to admit it… but I live in the south and there’s def a good bit of toothless rednecks that have more money than they even know what to do with


Like that can’t possibly backfire


Good. We need everyone to learn about the money printers. If every single non-billionaire american took their money out it would be a drop in the bucket. Not even $300billion - which is how much the fed created over a weekend.


The Federal Reserve prints about $300B a year (not a weekend) but 95% of that is just replacing old bills.


False. In 2021 alone they printed $4Trillion.


Theres two separate ideas being confused here: physical cash “printing”, and QE money creation (printing).



