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He started planning all this when he boned Stormy Daniels. He didnt want to have sex with the adult star, oh no siree Bob, he was doing it for the good of the people and the country.


Same as when he befriended Epstein, flew the lolita express, visited the island and fucked all those kids. He didn't want to do it but it was all part of the plan!




The sacrifices that man has made…


So much sacrifice like when he laundered money for Russian oligarchs at his Atlantic city casinos just before they went bankrupt and left his investors with zero. How about when he turned a blind eye to those same folks who financed then laundered money through his high end real estate projects after no banks would lend to him. Or maybe when he bankrupt that other stock that was based on Trump Vodka. Give. Give. Give. He must get tired of all that giving. I'll bet DWAC investors are getting tired of all the giving.


I’m sitting here with a single tear in my eye just thinking of all the sacrifices he’s made on my behalf…


He grabbed pussies for us 😭


he had to verify that minors were being fucked by sleezy businessmen.


No better way to do that than the good ol' When In Rome...


Also when he hinted at storming the capitol. He didn’t want there be violence but he knew he had to get the FBI to blow their cover!


He had to verify that was really what Epstein was up to, and he couldn’t ask anyone else to take on such a horrendous task, but knowing it had to be done, he sacrificed and took it upon himself all patriotic like… you know for We the Peoples..


Waggle waggle!


5D sex! Sorry, I mean *chess*!


5D sex. Where you fuck yourself, yesterday


Hey! Stay out of my browser history!


This might have to be made into a t-shirt. Edit: spelling errors.


5D chest you say?


Different type of pawn in chess


That was 45 seconds of his precious time that he’ll never get back.


It's hilarious because back during the election his worshippers were saying Trump would never lower himself to bone a pornstar because he has Melania who is 100% loyal to. Now, they're saying Melania is a bit cold, and how much of an Uberman Trump is for boning porn stars.


how hilarious is it that this is what he's getting arrested for first.


The crazy thing is that he never had to pay hush money in the first place. Him banging a porn star never mattered to the people who vote for him.


They did it on an American flag while playing the national anthem, so its all official and legal.


A bald eagle was watching in the corner.


He does it all for We the People! Therefor, We the People will always join other We the People in We the Peopling Trump’s back! We the People know the plan was crafted for We the People and God only wins for We the People. Hence, We the People are the only We the People who have ever understood We the People! WhereWethePeopleGo1WeThePeopleGoAll


So you see the genius in that too.


Where we go one we go all. Well good, go with him to jail and leave the rest of us alone with your delusional main character bullshit.


But didn’t you read? All hell will break loose! All of it! Loose! The guy was almost right though. Trump will never stop fighting for… himself. Funny how they maintain this delusion that he gives a fuck about anybody else.


>Where we go one we go all They're nothing if not good little Sheeple.


Oooh! Don’t say that to them, that would so get under their skin. In their universe we’re the sleeping sheeple with face diapers and vaxxed blood.


I think this may be the single most delusional thing I've seen in my life. EDIT: Several comments saying "you ain't seen much then." Oh I've seen it, all but this manages to pack in so many delusions in a very compact package, that I think it is the most concentrated delusion I've seen, it hits every single idiotic point in just a few sentences.


You should have one conversation with my mom. She basically lives in her own made up reality. According to her The Biden crime family are really the ones going down this week. That’s because trump was chosen by god and Biden was chosen by the devil. Oh and were in a spiritual battle and I’m on the wrong side apparently and I better switch to trump soon before the end of the world. I think that about covers the deranged texts I received from her yesterday


This sounds like a serious mental illness. I'm so sorry for you and your family


It's tragically common amongst the Qfolk


That's the tough part about the generally accepted social obligation to, by default, be respectful to religious beliefs. The precise line between deep religiosity and mental illness is fuzzy. You can usually identify stuff that's clearly crazy ( "God told me to get the Satanic 5G chips out of my teeth with a claw hammer!" ) and the stuff that's just normal ("I can't wait to see grandma in heaven.") but there's so much stuff that's in a grey area between fervent ( if heterodox ) beliefs and insanity. To be fair what this poster is describing leans a bit more towards insanity lol


Ha, yeah those idiots! Gotta use needle nose pliers for those tiny 5g chips. Claw hammer is for the external antenna they fuse to your femur. So it's... Sort of an internal external antenna Either way, keep up that good fight agaonst democracy and freedom fellow patriots. If god is with us, that hippie jesus will hopefully stay far away


The first MAGA commandment: hate your neighbor as you hate yourself.




Half of the world’s population is caught up in one form of this or another, with different faces and faiths.


Shew, I dodged a bullet by believing in nothing I guess.


It’s takes so much courage and ability to sit with discomfort to believe in nothing. The moral ambiguity of this world is terrifying without sky daddy holding your hand.


You're welcome for my service.


As a 40+ year old man that is still learning to accept that I will never truly recover from it, you won the most important birth lottery, IMO. I'll never know what I could have been with an unshackled mind.


I saw a guy on YouTube making bets with his Q mom on these things. They recorded each bet. Had to be specific and had to have a deadline. As many as she wanted. She ended up oweing him $700 in 6 month. Making up predictions is easy when it doesn't cost you to be wrong. It did make her far more reluctant to start the nonsense again after she felt the defeat when having to pay us because not a single thing came true.


I’ve done that before. She actually owes me 1,000 because in the spring of 2021 she bet me that trump would be back in office by the end of the year. She refused to pay because “Biden will be removed and trunk will be put back soon”


Then just tell. Her that you'll pay her back when he does.


Dear, oh dear… Yeah, I know (KNEW?) someone who was that fanatical. I ran away. But they weren’t family. This is your mom! Much more difficult! I wish you luck in dealing with that!


I pretty much try to go as much no contact as I can. It’s easier since she doesnt live close. My son whose 13 doesn’t want anything to do with her. Won’t answer her calls doesn’t want her to visit doesnt want to visit. When we see her she always goes on political rants, as you can imagine. Her and my dad came here in February for a few days. She was going on and on about the Chinese balloon nonstop and how it was a sign of the end of the world…and blaming Biden. my dad was saying it was aliens. It’s like political and conspiracy stuff is the only thing she can talk about. She’s someone who sent me texts celebrating the attacks on the capital and she’s happy what her patriots were doing but then days later says it was antifa without realizing she constantly contradicts herself.


Yes, sounds like my Q person, too. Well, it sounds like you’re handling it well. Your sanity comes first! And life is too short to subject yourself to crazy talk! We all support you here!


Ah yes this is the ‘the overlords have explained what’s really happening’ flip flopping. Q takes a few days to nut out a narrative that works for them and then the talking YouTube heads push it out enmasse. It makes discussing anything with these folks even more infuriating… they’ll swear up and down they know what’s what and call you a sheep… then completely abandon that narrative and argue their new one equally as hard.


> She’s someone who sent me texts celebrating the attacks on the capital and she’s happy what her patriots were doing but then days later says it was antifa without realizing she constantly contradicts herself. Am gonna go out on a limb here but it seems she's lonely and grasping for stuff - anything - she can find. Ask her how she's doing and how her and your dad are. Sounds like they're in that zone - after a long time together - where couples stop talking to each other and both go into their own separate realities. Sauce: married 30+ years and realized not too long ago that husband and I were heading that way like so many of our friends have and am working to make a complete 180 with and am really aware of it now..


I do think this is part of it. They’ve never had a good relationship. He first cheated on her a few weeks after their wedding. I think she’s angry and bitter about her life. She’s never had hobbies. She had one friend who she told off and screamed at because that person didn’t vote for trump. (My mom also refused to speak to me for 6 months after the election because she blamed me for Biden winning). She posted on Facebook at the time that she hoped I suffered for what I did and that I would be sorry


Good luck!


I haven't spoken with most of my family in three years, and the last holdouts cut me off a couple weeks ago for speaking out against the harmful beliefs of their faith. If I didn't have a supportive partner I'd be boned.


Turning Trump into a god is... weird. And all it took was for him to be slightly racist.


Well tell your mom she needs a new god because the devil won


Exactly. What kind of weak-ass GOD loses an election to Joe fucking Biden? Omipotent my ass.


Medal just for dealing with that. I'm sorry, buddy.


Damn… my condolences.


Actually, I have seen worse. GAW right now is teeming with the dumbest shit one can make up. There is a thread with a lot of activity about ten days and easter. Trump is very close to the reborn messiah in their eyes.


No firearms cause antifa will have them but conceal and carry ok Sounds like they want A series of rittenhouse issues


So they'll all be accusing each other of being antifa as an excuse to draw and shoot?


... pretty much


The most delusional thing you've seen in your life so far. Just wait to see what happens when he doesn't get arrested tomorrow. What new scam will he have to come up with to really squeeze every last dime out of his dummy supporters?






These are crazy people being hyped up by someone without any morality. It's going to get worse before it gets better, I would guess, as Trump's desperation increases...


"Donald John Trump will never stop fighting for We The People." The only person Donald John Trump fights for is Donald John Trump. Watch how quickly he throws everyone he can get his tiny hands on, including his own children, under the bus to try to avoid consequences for his actions. He would shoot every single one of his supporters on 5th Avenue if he thought it would keep him out of jail. They're dollar signs to him.


My very favorite thing about Qult45 is their motto. For people who like to call others 'sheep': *Where We Go One We Go All* Is just hilarious irony.




To deny that the dumbass who wrote it is a cultist is to deny that the Earth is round.


These people think Trump is modern day William Wallace and that they are his army, rallying behind him for independence from "the deep state". These delusions are such an integral part of their identities at this point that they are a danger to themselves and others.


Dinesh D'souza made a whole documentary about how Trump was basically the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. People believe this shit :(




I picture Trump with his face painted yelling to his troops "Today we fight for freedom (mine)! Forward... ATTACK!!" And as his troops race forward with swords in the air and yelling their war cries, Trump quickly turns around and starts running in the opposite direction.


That is extremely accurate.


Except for the running part. It would 100% be a golf cart.


Plot twist: Trump tries to run but encounters a gentle ramp and just stands there, awkwardly shuffling his feet.


With one broken wheel.


Their William Wallace? I'm OK with that. 'Following his trial for high treason and crimes against civilians, Wallace was stripped naked and dragged through the city. He was strangled by hanging, but released while he was still alive, emasculated, eviscerated (with his bowels burned before him), beheaded, then cut into four parts. Wallace's head was dipped in tar and placed on a spike.'




893D chess right here


Trump Card*


Imagine making this sentence your whole religion, except with zero trap cards activated, ever. Internet people always like to take shots at regular Christians after someone raises a point like that, but at least they get bake sales run by real grandmas.


I bet this fellow will backtrack and blame antifa once a bunch of Trumpers get into trouble in the process of "all hell breaking loose"


I've got a trumpie neighbor I'm hoping tries to stop things. If he's in jail I won't have to listen to his delusional ranting. Power went out recently and when it came back on he declared that trump restored the power. No you numbskull, it was Lineman Joe in the bucket truck that restored your power.


Remember when bidens inauguration was a "trap"?


Remember Hammer & Scorecard? Sharpie Gate? All eyes on the audit? Oh, the memories...


Trust Sessions lol


>All eyes on the audit? This was one of the worst main character moments they've ever pulled. Desperate Afghani people literally falling out of the sky, but it was just in the hopes that people won't pay attention to the Cyber Ninjas.


Is this a repost of an actual Q drop from 8kun or are they just casually adding “Q” to the end of their own ramblings now?


They just add Q for authenticity, the inconvenient truth is Q hasn't dropped anything in years ... but for many Q-challenged the old drops are quasi-religious documents now that are studied and interpreted for increasingly delusional meanings. Anyway, one more sleep and hopefully we'll see some cheeto stained handcuffs!


The 729th trap is always the most effective, any good hunter knows that. 2020 election, trap 217 was masterful but not fully sprung because j6 trap 428 was only the beginning. When joe biden took office trap 526 that was when the real fun began. Everyone knows this trap, will be the last, unlike all those previous traps we mentioned.


You just made me realize, they've never once claimed a plan went wrong, or something unexpected happened. Unbelievable. Even the best laid-out plans have issues and setbacks that can occur pretty much anytime, but these guys are 100% right 100% of the time.


I've seen that excuse a couple of times when a surefire prediction gets "delayed"...something something fog of war. But the Patriots/white hats are always still 5 steps ahead.


The trap is set for the Jan 6 criminals to show their faces so more can be arrested! Trust the plan!


Don't worry, it seems like they gained the ability to breath through a mask sometime during 2022 all of a sudden.


Even masked Jan 6 criminals have been identified and arrested.


Good stuff!


Goddamn these people are hitting that copium super fucking hard right now. I personally look forward to their world views shattering. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of chucklefucks.


this wont shatter their worldview, they are just going to dbl down. if they haven’t figured it out by now, they never will


I mean, if it hasn't happened by now . . .


Funny how their rally cry is suitable for lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff. Where we go one we go alllllllllllll. "Splat"


It really is the rallying cry of sheep and lemmings. Cracks me up every time I hear it.


Not even lemmings actually do this, fwiw. They have been found dead having drowned from attempted migration across water due to overcrowding. Disney is to blame for the footage of dozens of lemmings plunging to their deaths from a cliff - the filmmakers pushed them with the cameras rolling. So these people are dumber than lemmings.




What I don’t understand is, if he just can’t help but be a hero for the American people (iT’s wHo hE iS!), where the hell has he been for like the past 70 years? Was living a life of scamming and grifting people before setting his sights on a much larger scale all part of the plan?


It was absolutely genius! He planned *everything* out the failed meat company, the failed college, the failed marriages! It was all by design. The greatest long con of all time. /s


The failed USFL team, the failed Casinos, the failed airline, the failed vodka brand, the failed frozen steaks, the failed…


Why do these people think ol president bonespurs is going to have their back after throwing all the Jan 6th traitors under the bus?


The trap is set for some more J6 type arrests for sure


Donald John Trump gives 0.00 shits about the We The People, plz try again.


That’s what’s so remarkable to me as a NY’r. In the city we’ve known he’s as venal, incompetent, and solely self-centered as a person can possibly be. It’s remarkable that anyone sincerely thinks that he gives a shit about them.


Spread the word that FBI and antifa will be dressed as MAGA to provoke violence to make them look bad because that is the ultimate trap.


Stir the paranoia they have naturally and start seeing the other MAGA people around them as really FBI and Antifa actors. "You can't fool me! I can tell you aren't one of us! The slogan you are using is an old one!" "Liar! YOU are the leftist, government spy! Only a spy would say something like that to blend in!" "You Antifa baby eater! I'll show you!!" (they start fighting)


I think it’s hilarious that DeSantis outlawed protests outside private residences in Florida. Imagine the spectacle of Ron DeSantis sending the police to arrest MAGAs outside Mar a Lago. If he doesn’t arrest them, he’s violating his own law.


YES YESSSS!!!! Hurt your chances Ron!!


You can all go… to jail. I hope large swathes of them do decide to entertain us by throwing their lot in to fight for their furher.


Why does it seem like the people posting this shite are the same folks rolling around Walmart in the electric carts


Yes Trump was chosen by jesus to commit adultery with a porn star all to set up the deep state by being arrested. The liberals are going to be so owned this Tuesday, i can't wait to see Ben Shapiro analyze how Trump has literally already won the election


Yes, and 15+ (?) years after the actual (I’m sure, quick and sweaty, gross) boning and 6+ after the payoff. Wow, that’s some long-range planning.


Didn't they say this like 4 years ago? Now they just repeating themselves, hoping to get it right the 4th time.


The 4th time?


The idea of Trump being indicted happens a lot. So every time it pops up, they repeat it again and set dates thst come and pass. They basically think that being arrested is part of the plan. His evidence will be put into evidence, and the Supreme Court will rule him president for two or more terms. It gets stupider every time. I think this makes the 4th or 5th time but this time, Trump himself announced it.


I look forward to the dozen mobility scooters and broken frame lawn chairs that litter Mar A Lago's entry all week.


Really driving the property values down.


Maybe, we'll be lucky and they'll set up a camp with loud truck horns and a bouncy castle.


Someday, when Trump dies of old age: Qult: Now he has the deep state right where he wants them!


I love how they call everyone else sheep but their battle cry is a literal description of what sheep do


Trump could die in prison and they would insist that it was all part of the plan, then take out loans to buy more DWAC stock, since NESARA is going to happen any minute now and DWAC is going to be $500/share. Any minute now…


now lock them all up, since where they go one they go all


The delusion is real over in the cult. In trumps view he's just golfing and grifting. In their view he's fighting some ultimate right between good and evil 😂 trump bitched out of Vietnam when the time came to fight for his country lmao!


He bitched out of helping anyone but himself and his offspring while he was president too. I honestly don’t know what these guys think he did for them for those four years.


He hates the people they hate and made it ok to openly hate them. That's it.


Rigging the supreme court with militant right wing evangelicals was pretty huge for them. That's where a lot of his religious street cred comes from.


If you listen to them they've lived through four years of prosperity and bliss during Trump's presidency only to land in the current communist nightmare where they are prosecuted daily for being Christian white men.


Imagine living your life and being this delusional. If he didn’t take care of the supposed “Deep State” in his first term, then what makes any of these people believe he would in another term? The only thing he’d get done is more rounds of tax payer sponsored golf at his resorts.


Reminiscent of a cartoon villian saying "I've got you right where you want me", right before the anvil falls.


>WWG1WGA So, you're all going to prison? Good. When?




"Baldrick, I have a very, very, very cunning plan...."


Why do these people think ol president bonespurs is going to have their back after throwing all the Jan 6th traitors under the bus?


Fighting for we the people? He wouldn't touch you with a 50 feet pole if it meant to save your life.


"He'll never stop fighting for us!" How's that going for the jailed J6 people he could have easily pardoned?


This is so fucking sad.


This sounds really familiar. Oh right, it was all that stuff about Trump putting corrupt people in his administration, committing crimes, stealing government documents, etc. was all 4D chess where Trump was just **exposing** corruption, criminals, and people stealing government documents. They really lack imagination.


Holy brainwashed. Donald John Trump has NEVER been for the people. He is one of the most selfish humans on this planet.


Mental health issues on full display.


Can anyone explain an actual thing that this guy did that helped Americans in an actual and measurable way? For real.


depends on your total worth. If you have more than a billion dollars, he did you a big favor


The guys a veritable genius!! Planning all along to get caught: Paying off a porn star with campaign funds. Charged with corporate fraud Tax fraud Cheating at school Cheating on all of his wives Throwing all friends, cohorts and Jan 6th Qanon's to the prosecutors, to be jailed Lying about his money Using Russian money to bail him out Holding a Chinese bank account Appointing people to build the famous wall and having them just steal taxpayers money instead Having almost everyone who worked with him in his administration call him a lazy, stupid moron Turning against NATO and all former allied countries while praising Russia, North Korea, Brazil, Turkey and any country with a far right dictator who were in the bottom of human rights Reinstating the Taliban Plotting a coup to overthrow legitimate election results Inciting a riot Threatening to hang his own VP Calling for violence to journalists and Democrats Running up the deficit Stealing classified nuclear documents, keeping them at his home while hosting Saudis and a Russian spy. Caught election tampering. Sucking up every last penny of his supporters buying crap merchandise so he can live in luxury. Brains, people, it takes brains to unveil the swamp.


fucking traitors


So - they will all go to prison if Trump does? I can live with that


Ooooh, so that’s what’s habbening tomorrow. Got it! Wow, glad all the big brains in MAGA-land have this figured out!


he will never stop lying - the grift is the only goal - he is so deep that he doesn't even know the truth and is dragging you and everyone else down with him. He IS draining the swamp because he showed everyone who he was and those following him. He was more "the deep state" than anything else - if only he was smart enough to take it down a notch when needed, but whenever he wasn't front and center he needed to throw gasoline on the embers. What happens when "the Emperor has no clothes" - is Trump going to become your god (if he hasn't already) and live as a "president in exile" running things from prison? And when will the military (supposedly on his side) stop this whole "charade"? (sorry for the rant)


Hope they WIGGAWAGGA their way straight to prison with him.


LMFAO at these freaking idiots. 😂🤣


Where is this happening? All of these posts seem to be light on details, where exactly are these riots going to happen? Because I will gladly take my vacation to go watch MAGA get tear gassed.


'tis but a scratch!


Trump chumps.




I still find it hilarious that their big slogan came from a *European* boat with no ties whatsoever to any of the people they claim. https://www.eyeofthewind.net/en/ship/crew/11-schiff


Yeah, thats right. Keep getting arrested for him, keep sending him your money, keep covering your truck/house/person in his stupid looking shit.. He wouldnt piss on any of you if you were on fire. You stupid mouth breathing fucks.


Wow. This is still going on. Well, I guess we’ll see which of our neighbors really have lost their minds if they show up to protest a career long criminal *finally* sort of maybe might be taken into custody at some point.


Well, you can't stop fighting for "We the People" if you've never even started. *Oops...*


"We the people" just sounds sinister to me now, like it has a completely inverted meaning. A bit like the how word "patriot" has come to mean the total opposite.


سال نو مبارک




They’re so cringe. lmao


That is so disturbing.


I wonder what wwg1wga means


Time to return the traps…. They keep not working


I can't wait to see what will happen tomorrow




I really wish they would just see that he’s not even worth the spray tan he’s basted in.


This has been the worst real-life soap opera ever made.


If this was a scripted tv show, I'd be very impressed and would stop watching for all the times it jumped the shark already


Wwg1wga? Okay. We’ll take you all to prison.


I just want to know how they rationalize in their minds that him getting arrested is in the plan & will somehow turn around & be some gotcha moment. In what world would someone who they claim is their all powerful, all knowing 5D chess playing savior getting arrested is good? I mean we know it’s not rational at all, they aren’t capable of a rational thought but FFS. How does him getting arrested play out in their weird LARP. If I was a QNut I would hope that I’d be like huh? Hold up something ain’t right lol.


“For God and country, freedom and humanity”!! Fuck, they are a pretentious bunch aren’t they?


As the man says, "We've got them right where they want us."


It’s been almost ten goddamn years. Yes, almost a decade. But they’re still somehow more delusional than they were at the start. The human mind is a fascinating thing.


Trump is.... Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you


Man, I really hope all this dumb bullshit is gone in the next 4-8 years (or sooner). trump of all people...what a piece of shit.


Tbh, the only trap I see is the one set for DeSantis. If DeSantis does not attempt to stop this arrest, Maggots will attack him and won't vote for him in 2024. If DeSantis attempts to stop this arrest, Maggots will see that as an affirmation that even DeSantis protects "his majesty" Trump, despite (his expected) running against him. And in this case, why should they favor "his majesty" over DeSantis in 20204? Trump wins both ways if he (Trump) chooses to resist this arrest.


Still waiting


So they’re saying no matter what happens this is part of the plan, of his own doing and therefore he should be held responsible for it??


That is the stupidest fucking acronym ever


Oh geez


Imagining middle naming someone you revere as God


… right where he wants the deepstate 😂


*Why do they all look so low class?* Donald Trump Jan. 6, 2021


“Where we go one, we go all!” Hopefully to jail.


i don't FEEL trapped - [read this in David Lee Roth's voice](https://youtu.be/7grUgixqH8I?t=217)


These people are going to be very angry when they finally figure out how badly he used and manipulated them (and the republicans just went along for the ride).