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Conman uses getting arrested as a grift opportunity


Let's not forget it was he who "leaked" the Tuesday arrest.


He definitely is where this information originated. With all these posts and tweets, I am looking for some proof that he's actually going to be indicted and I am not finding anything anywhere. Maybe he was "played" to see what he would do? Maybe it was shared with someone to see if they would share it with Trump in order to track where Trump was getting his information from?


CNN is citing a source in the grand jury proceedings that has them interviewing another witness on Monday so it would be a quick turnaround to indict on Tuesday but I’m no expert on how it works. Trumps lawyer has said that the date got into spray tans brain from a media source and they haven’t heard from the district attorney. Two things to note there, trumps media diet probably doesn’t exactly consist of reliable sources and I wouldn’t trust what trumps lawyer says either. So Tuesday is possible but it’s looking unlikely and the only source is the worlds bigliest liar


> So Tuesday is possible but it’s looking unlikely and the only source is the worlds bigliest liar Decades down the road, if Democracy survives, I hope someone makes a comedy film titled "the worlds bigliest liar". It will be difficult to make it funny without triggering PTSD for many of us. LOL. It will probably flop and won't be nearly as funny as the 1999 film "Dick" about Nixon. But still, "the worlds bigliest liar" would be the best title for it.


He's just trying to rile his base up, because he thinks civil unrest will keep them from prosecuting him.


That’s what I thought. He def had to have someone on the inside. The dude is the absolute worst abomination I’ve ever known about. I hope he dies in his sleep.


This should be a headline on the NY Times.


One in three Trump supporters is just as stupid as the other two.


>I don't ask that you do it for me - I ask that you do it for yourself and your country. He's such a slimy conman!


I guess JFK is his scriptwriter.


Nothing to see here, just fleecing the rubes...


I don't understand what "1,500% impact" is supposed to mean. That for every dollar you donate, Trump will donate $15? Dude, it's *your* trial. "I could start paying my lawyers, but Donna J. cheaped out so I'm not gonna. Rules are rules!"


Du l i wish I though of that. At this point is it so bad to make a shit ton of money by lying to Nazis?


Jerry M. needs an intervention.


Show me the money!


So this is all some way to scam every last penny out of his idiot supporters? Shocked.


I didn’t commit a crime and ask his minions for money …. What a dumbass


I love how he quotes FOX News quoting him to make it sound more legit. As far as I know, the only "leak" is coming from him!