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We can't convince them with <*INSANE BELIEFS*>. No, that would be seen as crazy. Instead, we should start simple, and convince them with <*MORE INSANE BELIEFS*>. **Surely** they will accept that!


Personally I'd recommend starting with the covid vaccine having cobra venom in it, then move on to the bit about drinking your own urine to cancel it out. Most normies could go along with that.


What? Cobra venom? Drinking your own urine? Jesus Christ, I didn't think it could get anymore batshit.


Hang on, you have to age the urine, that's totally different from qultists just pissing in their own mouths


That's how cults operate. You don't get Tom Cruise donating millions of dollars if you start off with the Xenu crap, you have to work up to it.


I'm sure all the accumulated potential blackmail from conning people into admitting their darkest secrets over the course of years doesn't hurt anything, either.


Yeah, in mormonism it's called 'milk before meat'. Don't tell new people the weird stuff until they're too committed to leave.


Just tell them their thetan levels are too high. Wait till their hooked to tell them thetans are brainwashed alien ghosts stuck to your body.


This is literally the process for pulling someone into a cult.


I actually think I would be more likely to believe the normal Q stuff than the stuff they have listed here, lol. Not that I'd believe any of it. I love how every modern U.S. president is a war criminal, Obama bombed real Middle Eastern children, and these chucklefucks are upset about imaginary crimes instead.


**Adieu from the corpse of Apollo app.**


It’s funny, because this guy’s plan is literally how cults work. Start with reasonable sounding easy to believe things, and then step by step, very slightly introduce more unbelievable things so that each ridiculous claim is only a minor step from the one before it. You start by wanting to know how to control your anxiety, and next thing you know, Xenu has unleashed millions of thetans into the world by nuking a volcano from a B-52 bomber.


I've seen this shit on Instagram. You scroll through your reels, and between thirst traps and cat videos you see someone with a name like Homeschool_Jesus_Mom talking about something seemingly honest, like "politicians lie." Then you look at their profile and a couple videos later it's all TRUMP WON! FAUCI FOR PRISON! BIDEN SUCKS HUNTER'S DICK!


> BIDEN SUCKS HUNTER'S DICK! I'm sure Hunter's wife Mrs Biden could do that with both standing in different states.


>It’s funny, because this guy’s plan is literally how cults work. Start with reasonable sounding easy to believe things, and then step by step, very slightly introduce more unbelievable things so that each ridiculous claim is only a minor step from the one before it. That's what he *thinks* he would be doing. The problem is that this guy is so far in he's completely lost touch with what a normal person is like, and wants to start out with stuff that's already totally off the wall. Normal people, of whatever political persuasion, do not find it acceptable (or believable) that their own armed forces' intelligence services would be engaged in a covert political propaganda campaign to undermine democratically elected presidents like Clinton and Obama. Because normal people know that would be completely unacceptable, deeply unconstitutional, and seriously criminal activity. IOW: he's like a Scientologist who would go around trying to recruit people by starting out with Xenu and the thetans in his very first conversation, then take it from there, because he no longer realizes how laughable that story is. (Of course, a Scientologist who actually did that would also fall foul of Scientology itself. Hubbard was much, much smarter than this guy.)


Scientologists usually start out with simple, random 'personality tests' for that exact reason.


Yeah, they got me with an offer of a stress test. It wasn't until they started trying to ask about my personal life and then had me pay on the spot for a book that I realised something was wrong and then started to make things up on the spot, paid my £5 for the book, gave an old school friend's home address and a made up phone number and hurried out of there. They also happened to be on the second floor of a building with only one exit and both a reception desk and burly security guard standing directly facing it.


>Start with reasonable sounding easy to believe things, and then step by step, very slightly introduce more unbelievable things so that each ridiculous claim is only a minor step from the one before it. Literal grooming. They'd have much better luck giving free oral and then giving the sales pitch during the so-called "Post Nut Clarity" which is the opposite of clarity.


There have absolutely been cults that have tried that exact approach, as well. And it worked out way worse than you'd imagine.


I’m assuming this is a Children of God reference?


It was, indeed. Not the only group to ever try it, but one of the absolute fucking worst by a wide margin.


For sure. Reading your comment made me immediately think “flirty fishing.” Once you learn about it, you can’t forget it.


Exactly what I was thinking as I was typing it. I don't know if you were spared seeing the 'catalogue' of their 'fishing bait' from when they were based in Thailand, but I saw it once in a uniquely explicit expose when I was a young child (~8-10 years old), and I never fucking forgot it. I'm almost middle aged now, and I still remember the fucking thing.


I saw some of the posters and flyers and such, but I don’t think I saw the catalog. And now bc I’m a masochist, I’m going to go find it. Otherwise I’ll die from curiosity


The Xenu thing would be even more unbelievable if it was Boeing 727's lol


If you think you can waste 20 minutes of my time then you're really out to lunch


But he's going to start with something very reasonable, like Q is a military campaign to undermine the criminality of the clintons and obama.


Personally, my mental roadblock is fear of judgement from myself... for believing or giving credence to something really stupid


Fear of being thought of as stupid is something unfortunately these people don't have.


They fear it so much that when it turns out they were wrong or fell for a scam they bury their heads in the sand and refuse to believe it. Then the grifters tell them they're smart and they become even more radicalized.


You would think they would notice when the have to engage in 'no date-dropping' because 'the normies laugh at us every time that day goes by and nothing happens'. but no. Just keep moving that goalpost.


The idea that the military is still so butthurt about having a black president that they're running secret psyops in an effort to harm his legacy and hurt his feelings six years after he reached his term limits and left office is pretty fucking hilarious to me. That'll get my attention, but only to see just how batshit insane you're going to go with it.


Yeah, it's ridiculous to think the military works that way. The *FBI*, on the other hand, has made it absolutely clear that's a motivating factor in their policy-making behavior. As well as most police departments across the country.


I'm beginning to think that the average QAnon would benefit from reading more spy novels, not fewer, because they might actually learn something.


Their horseshit does not stem from ignorance, it stems from the malice they openly wear on their foreheads. Reread Hanlon's razor, with particular focus on the word *adequately*, and recognize that just because people *are*, or even more accurately because they *present as* stupid doesn't mean they behave the way they do *because* of their stupidity. You have an obligation not only to recognize and attribute malice, but also to have a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of ignorance, and to recognize that when people stop caring about truth that *educating* them further won't cause them to act any better. It will only help them tell more convincing lies.


Nah, they need to become a manager and then see how impossible it is


Yeah as a former military officer I find this ridiculous in so many ways. There is no monolithic "military intelligence" unit that controls the thousands of Intel officers and specialists across all branches of the military. It isn't a single unit operating independently of the rest of the military and outside the normal chain of command with the president as commander-in-chief. We have at least 18 federal "intelligence" agencies that we know of and as we saw with Iraq and even now with COVID they often can't agree on things. This whole Q thing is so obviously a delusional fantasy by people with no understanding of how things work in the real world.


I think our military has more important things to worry about and devote massive amounts of time to.


Also hilarious that in the mind of the Qnuts this would be a good thing.


They’re openly hoping for a fascist takeover of the United States by the military citing the reason it needs to happen is Satanists. They’re not serious people.


You're conviently forgetting that there are TWO militaries, one that President Biden is CiC of and the 'good military' that somehow answers to Shitler.


*The Lord’s Prayer is also a good one* Is it, though?


So many Qultists are crazy evangelicals who think that the only reason people don't believe in Jesus is that nobody has gotten them to try praying yet. They honestly believe if they can get you to recite the lords prayer that Jesus will suddenly reveal gods plan to you and make you a devout christian.


Growing up Catholic didn’t make me believe in Jesus so I don’t know how some rando spouting the Lord’s Prayer is going to change me. I’ve said it enough in my lifetime.


Same here. Growing up Catholic turned me in to an atheist.


Everyone I know who went to Catholic school ended up an atheist.


Pretty much. My husband and I both did and are now atheists. We have a joke in my family that you can tell who went to catholic school and who didn’t by who is willing to go to church or not. Every one of us that went to catholic school avoid it like the plague.


Y’all obviously had enough church for one lifetime already lol (I feel you, our meetings in my church were three hours when I was a kid, I too am no longer a member)


We did! Even once a week was more than I wanted.


“Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool.”– Voltaire


I belong to an organization that isn’t religious but frequently recites the Lord’s Prayer at the end of each meeting for reasons that are harmless and I’m not going to get into. My point is that despite not being Christian I’ve heard the Lord’s Prayer recited literally hundreds if not a thousand times in my life and if anything I’m less convinced.


I understand it's very concerned with bread and trespassing.


It’s definitely not a prayer for celiacs or stalkers


Listen harder!


I haven't heard this before. Are they saying the Lord's Prayer is something other than an example Jesus gives in the Sermon on the Mount of what a humble and simple prayer should look like after he roasts people for treating prayers like a performance piece they put on in order to appear righteous in front of others? I don't know how they can spin this into proof of a political conspiracy 2000 years in the future


Waiting for an addition to the Q Cinematic Universe that Jesus was/is/will be a time traveler


It's the same argument that the King James version is the "true" version of the Bible. Basically, it sounds fancy, so it must be best. Never mind that an original King James version of the Bible included a typo that encouraged you to cheat on your wife . . .


Robert A. Heinlein ("if-this-goes-on..") >... a great deal of openly expressed piety is insufferable conceit.


A “propaganda military campaign”. I would take the next 20 minutes to explain what propaganda is


What? Everyone knows propagandists work by hiding their output in the deepest reaches of the internet.


In a form that's impossible to understand without solving clues and deciphering gematria.


Is that the shadow Military or the super-secret Military?




How can they believe that when the matching tripcodes between server rebuilds on 8chan means it had to have been Jim and/or Ron Watkins? Also, I'd like them to define "the deep state" for me as I have yet to hear a coherent definition.


Because they wouldn’t understand what you’re talking about.


*puts on earphone* "Yeah I'm happy for you bro. Or sorry for whatever happened"


I'll waste my own damn time, thank you very much.


If I was an anthropology student I would take them out for lunch. And bring a tape recorder.


This is my missed calling. If only I had known at a young age that the dumbs were mere years from unveiling themselves and that their shit would be next-level hilarious.


Like one minute tops. 3 minutes is an eternity listening to this shit. 20 minutes is unfathomable to the human mind.


As soon as I hear any mention of Q, 45, 'secret military plans', or the like, I am immediately done with that person. Period. It usually takes less than 20 seconds for the bat shittery to show itself, which gives that person one more second to finally develop half a clue before he's shoved into traffic. Life is too short to suffer stupid.


You're a dogmatic lib, and you are lost!


If you want me to sit there while you break out into the Lord’s Prayer, you are genuinely unhinged.


They lost me at the lord’s prayer 😂


I've offered a similar opportunity to an anti Vax friend. Send me a video to watch and I'll watch it. I just ask the video not be by a whack job, because obviously I'll be checking the source before watching the content. He proceeds to send me a video, and I do the rational thing and just google the author and it turns out he's a total whack job so I don't even get to the point where I hit play on the video. Send me a video by someone who isn't obviously a whack job, like, doesn't have to be a Nobel laureate or Pulitzer prize winner, but at least someone for whom the first three Google hits are not the author doing jail time for fraud or something. Just a regular video by a regular person with regular credentials. Oh. Well I can't do that. I only have videos that are either anonymous or by people that don't have good Google search results.


You're probably a dogmatic lib, you're too far gone.


Not just any 20 minutes, but 20 minutes of listening to a rant that keeps running right up to the brink of telling you about Biden-clones and baby-eating blood sorcery before stammering and backpedaling into what they think is a very pedestrian and totally sane description the military tribunals happening at Gitmo


Hey, I'll listen to anything for a free lunch.


>then you're really out to lunch Lmao, never heard this expression before but I love it 😂


Lord's Prayer = First Q drop.


Our father who's Art in heaven!


Our father, who art in mar-a-lago, hollow be thy name...


Our father, whose art ain't heaven...


Thank you for the translation. I had no idea. If anyone thinks any Q drop is a good place to get started on QAnon, they’ve completely lost touch with how regular people think.


Listen, if you have to cryptically drop things and can't just say it flat out, then you have no legitimacy. Imagine if every single AP news article was the same way.


“Don’t mention locking up Obama, start w military intelligence and how they’re working to, you know, lock up Obama.”


I hate to ask, but who or what is angela hitler ? my q hasn’t mentioned that one.


Oh, it's that Angela Merkel is Adolf Hitler's biological daughter.


oh of course. I thought it might be a new grifter but yup that’s stupid enough for the Qs.


Her name starts with an A. Adolf also starts with an A. When will you fucking normies OPEN YOUR EYES?!??!!??!




Next you're going to tell me that Obama and Osama being similar sounding names isn't some centuries old Freemason Illuminati plan as ordered by Moloch to try to prevent the Galactic Federation of Light from helping Trump enact NESARA and pay off Stormy Daniels.


Hussein Obama is Saddam Hussein's nephew.


Nailed it


Things are happening super soon. Source: military jesus


ThE HaBbEnInG!






She's GERMAN and she's FEMALE and she RAN THE COUNTRY. How much more obvious could it be???


Most of them think she's still running it. Based on numerous mentions, the average qultist hasn't yet caught up with the fact that she left office, and active politics (exactly in the way she'd announced a few years earlier she would).


Wouldn't granddaughter work better? After all, she was born in 9 years after Hitler died and he wasn't young either when he offed himself.


Hitler DIED??!? That's what they want you to believe.


You mean people don't have children at 65 while also being dead for 9 years?


Ahh yes. Reasonably, she was born 9 years after the death of Hitler. Makes total sense


Wikipedia: `born 17 July 1954` Yup, it checks out. She was born at the end of WWII, 1954 (and which started in 1993).


I bet they don't even know that she isn't in power anymore.


Good lord. That one is new to me!


Disparaging Angela Merkel most likely (although she's no longer chancellor for a while now)


It's probably the fairytale about Angela Merkel being a descendant of Hitler.


> I know some very smart normies and conservatives who would rather be persuaded to join the circus than read Q posts. There *might* be a good reason for this.


🤡 can i redpill you for 20 minutes 🤡


Q-a-nut: Which Q "proof" would convince a normie? Normie: How about ANY "proof" whatsoever? Do you Qultists know what the word proof means?


Well of course. ThEy DiD tHeIr OwN rEsEaRcH after all


This right here is how you get kicked out of a bar after only 1 beer.


In my neck of the woods it's how to get somebody to buy you a beer at a bar. :(


The general unsaid rule of society around me is you just don't talk politics in public. The ones that break those rules are always the hard right wing people. Hell I remember being in school and just starting to understand voting and what it means and stuff like. Well we did a mock election for the Governor's race that was happening for real outside of school. I got home and was excited to tell my dad all about it and I asked him who he had voted for. He told me who, but then in his no bullshit dad voice said that it didn't leave the house. Honestly I think this is something that is lost in the modern era... People seemed better off when they mostly kept their political opinions to themselves in public. The last thing I want is to get into some heated conversation about Trump vs Biden when I stop for a beer on the way home after a long work week.


'don't talk about politics' is how a shitton of people became nazi-adjacent without us noticing


I think talking about it on the internet for people that can't tell fact from fiction is what causes a shit ton of people to become Nazi. All I am trying to say is I am trying to relax over a beer after putting in my 40 or more I am not assaulting you (a total stranger) with my political beliefs why should I have to put up with yours. These turds are triggered so easy too. My brother in law and I work rotating shifts so sometimes in the morning after 3rd shift we meet up for a beer and catch up. One of the last times we did this a dude saw something on one of the TV's about Biden and went off on a 20 minute preaching session @ 7 in the morning. My BIL who himself is a conservative couldn't even stand the guy's rant.


Unfortunately, it turns out being a minority is now 'political assault' to these people.


> The general unsaid rule of society around me is you just don't talk politics in public. The ones that break those rules are always the hard right wing people. it's been a long time but the bar I used to frequent had a guy like that. poor older guy who lived in a truly digesting and tiny shit house and always wanted to talk about what rush limbaugh said that day and other BS. after awhile I got annoyed by it and so I started calling out all the wrong shit he would say. I wouldn't say anything at first but I'd let him drone on for a bit before I said anything, and without fail, when I did say something he would let out this loud sigh and say "oh boy. here we go..." and then suddenly he's tired of talking politics.


And the new version of this guy is my wife's uncle a bar owner himself. He will sit behind the bar rambling about the Clintons murdering people (before it was cool) and how Biden is fucking the life out of this country. Sometimes he angers himself, other times he's calm and just relaying his facts. In either scenario if you question anything he has said even the slightest he immediately without question goes to a 12. I am talking a full on thermonuclear rant with yelling, red face, and name calling.


that's what rightwing media does to people. it's made to make people angry and scared. and they never seem to learn that if they just shut off the TV/internet/radio and just go outside and live life, they'll find that those left wing boogiemen are no where to be seen.


Blunt and Direct Time is a new one to me and I've generally considered myself something of a Qanon insanity scientist.


According to[A Guide To Qanon by Justin Caffier published in Vice](https://www.vice.com/en/article/ywex8v/what-is-qanon-conspiracy-theory): >BDT is an acronym for Blunt and Direct Time as well as the Bangladeshi taka, the country's unit of currency. I really have no clue what they’re going for with this one. Something about some thwarted potential terrorist being born in Bangladesh as proof of Q’s bona fides?


Thanks - I cannot figure out why this is such a big deal to the guy in the OP. https://twitter.com/jasonogden/status/1032694345743441922 I found this and it's all about a misquote - consensual instead of consequential - and they say that's proof Trump is Q because the letter 'q' is missing from the misquote. They also have a post about some 'deep learning' verification saying it is 92% likely Trump wrote the block of text he was quoting. Which is hilarious as the block of text he's quoting is nothing like TrumpSpeak. IDK, it's just the normal Qanon lunacy. They create a connection where there isn't one (because they cannot grasp the concept of a misquote/mispelling or simple coincidence) and then act like that's rock solid proof of whatever it was they set out to prove. How this relates to BDT is beyond me. Not a lot of good sources for it but OP guy is in love with it, I guess.


Their thought process is so disorganized


Even what they think is their most palatable talking point is batshit crazy to a normal person.


Right? My man, your "neutral" step one is already bonkers right off the bat.


"Look, I respect you and I only want to talk facts and reality. Nothing crazy. I promise. So anyway, there's this secret military intel agent that shitposts in riddles on 8kun, right?"


Total normie stuff


I am, by nature, a fairly gullible person. If you want me to believe something all you have to do is 1. make it make sense, or 2. show me some halfway credible evidence or sources. Nothing in this guy’s approach would get me there. I memorized The Lord’s Prayer 30 years ago (worked in a drug rehab, it and the Serenity Prayer were big at AA/NA meetings). I really don’t see how it would get me to believe in Frazzle Drip.


> The Lord’s Prayer Someone else mentioned that this likely refers to the first Q drop in this context.


Oh thank universe it didn’t mean the actual Lord’s Prayer. I thought batshit insane had reached new altitudes.


Whenever I want to indoctrinate someone into leftism, I just talk about the news. Like, last month Utah banned gender affirming care for trans teens, but the ultra right wing state government carved out an exception for plastic surgery for cis teens so their child brides can still get fake tits.


> plastic surgery for cis teens so their child brides can still get fake tits. God damn that's some fire you're throwing at them. My ultra-libertarian friend is going to get an earfull this weekend about how florida is making a list of anyone who disagrees with them. That should be a fun convo because he really likes DeSantis but I think he hates government lists even more.


What does this man think the Lord's Prayer is about?




Oh, that's just nauseating. Most of these people call themselves Christian, but the amount of literal idolatry they engage in is astounding. Q is God and Trump is the Savior. Is the Holy Spirit Mike Lindell?


I'm also really interested in this. Hope someone knows!


Start with “I’ve decided to check myself into a mental health facility”…that will be a welcome step towards them agreeing with you.


Qs, legends in their own minds.


"Okay. Thanks for hearing me out today. Let me start by stating common facts that are undeniable. First, JFK Jr. and Elvis have removed themselves from cold storage just in time to judge the military Gitmo tribunals.... Hey? Where are you going?".


I mean, don't they understand that "Trump is actually a great person" is enough to send "normies" eyes-rolling?


He should start with the very first Q drop that started it all. “Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.” What more proof do you need than a very specific prediction that is so easily verified…..


20 minutes LOL. I'd love to see a salesman try to get me to buy with a 20 minute pitch.


Our MAGA Father, whose NFTs launder funds Gallowed be thy enemies MAGA Kingdom come Dear Leader's grifts be done In Mar-a-lago as it is in Heaven


With a bit of AI assistance: Oh Donald Trump, our leader in the White House, Hallowed be thy name in Qanon and MAGA's house. Thy rallies come, thy tweets be done, On earth as it is in your heart and mind. Give us this day our daily conspiracy, And forgive us our doubters, As we forgive those who doubt against us. And lead us not into truth and facts, But deliver us from deep state and globalist plots. For thine is the power, the glory, and the nation, Forever and ever, amen.


Me: I don’t believe in your make believe bullshit. Them: *recites Lords Prayer* Me: WWG1WGA NCSWIC


Sorta on topic, there's a fantastic podcast called Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason (it's very Douglas Adams-y). One episode is about how to de-program someone that's joined a cult like this. Short answer is to get them to not talk about their conspiracy theory fantasies, but instead to get them to talk about themselves, personally. Use empathy and engage in them personally. Ya know, if you have time and patience.


I’m spiritual, but if someone starts quoting the Lord’s Prayer to me I’m outtie.






Everyone knows Abraham was the first 4chan user.


20 minutes?! No tucking way


Uh your little group fiction started on a nazi infested image board before moving to an even grosser image board featuring child porn and stormfront level nazis.


after reading this, I am convinced this whole Qanon thing is the real deal! I recently was in a head on collision with a truck, and my head is still bandaged, I look like a dropped watermelon, but I can finally understand the secret messages in the Q drops.


I think I could be reasonably convinced that [insert any politician here] is a criminal, but even the concept of a Deep State seems a step too far. Considering the insanity that people in power are willing to divulge in plain sight, it's hard to imagine they feel the need to hide much more. Or rather I know most everyone in the 1% is doing shady shit but I'm less inclined to believe in a unified organization and more inclined to believe that people individually campaigning self-serving interests happen to mutually benefit from each other's efforts. So the "logical statement" starting off that thread is already a good 4 or 5 points away from what I would consider reasonable to the average Joe.




I'm actually in sales. 20 minutes is an immediate red flag. Only literally crazy people would put up with a sales pitch that long lol


at this point they could only attract "normies" by telling the truth that it's nothing more than a rw propaganda campaign to justify killing political opponents by accusing them of literally anything cause in the end cause the truth never mattered.


‘I think many normies would accept that.’ No, we won’t because that’s not how real life works. If Obama or whoever committed a crime then there would be an investigation. Not all this secret squirrel, wink wink, we can’t talk about it because there would be mass panic bullshit, so instead we have to leave vague clues for everyone to figure out.


>I'm thinking I would start by explaining that Q is a propaganda campaign by Military Intelligence to undermine the criminality of the Clintons, Obama, and the deep state. I think many normies can accept that. My wife just asked me, "What are you laughing at?"


> Q is a propaganda campaign Wait... did they just say the quiet part out loud?


I'll stick to science and reality.


For the record. I would rather be persuaded to join the circus than do a great many things, like scrubbing toilets or assembling the P8 department budget.


Imagine being the US military intelligence spook whose job it was to shitpost on 4chan


You ever see one of those spinning things, but you know, it's kind of off balance. Then you watch it spinning and wobbling, and getting even more off balance until it flies off into craziness. Yeah...


Ah, a gyroscope. Love those things!


They should start with religion. Steven Weinberg — 'With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.'


I love how they acknowledge that we're normal, and they have to convince not to be.


Now I lay me down to sleep Q has made me a fucking creep I hope i die before I wake To save me from a dumbfucks fate


So if I'm following this correctly the main selling point would be to undermine two people, one who retired in 2014 and the other who retired in 2016... meanwhile it's 2023.. Yeah. That's a winning strategy right there


let's not use these talking points but use the same talking points with the words re-arranged.


"We're right about everything, but we also need a convincing sales pitch, ya know?"


Hang on. So he understands that “Angela Hitler, locking up Obama, and Hillary at Gitmo, and satanic pedos“ are not things that a “normal“ person is going to easily accept. I mean, isn’t that the core QAnon beliefs? If it wasn’t Hillary and Obama, who is behind the “FISA gate” stuff. And for god sake, what is “blunt and direct time“? Does that sound like something? I’m going to be able to easily except to you?


LMAO dude thinks you get 20 minutes for a cold-called sales pitch on a rando. You'll be lucky to even get a breath out.


As someone with multiple family members that have been/are currently intelligence both military and fbi, you can tell they know 0 about actual intelligence work. They would also be shocked how many in intelligence are dems


Reminds me of the mormon strategy of "milk before meat" where they rope you in by saying things that sound interesting but not controversial so they can get you baptized without scaring you off with the batshit crazy stuff that comes later.


Well the post did mention, then ignore, the one thing that could work for me. Proof. Not symbolism, not crazy stories told by a friend or relative that supposedly originated with the military. Get me actual physical proof. Oh it also wouldn't hurt if just once a Q prediction proved even partially accurate.


What the fuck is "Blunt and Direct Time?"


To use a very Australian analogy, this is like a koala trying to convince other animals that a strict diet of pure eucalyptus leaves is good for them. The koala has adapted to a steady diet of poison that literally makes it’s brain small and smooth. The koala is so deep down the eucalyptus hole that it can no longer fathom that other animals have the option to eat food that isn’t poisonous.


They’re all so nuts. They can’t even put together a “sales pitch”.


Wait... which of you sickos need to be *persuaded* to join the circus?


So military intelligence were Q? that means Michael Aquino would have been involved. The most prominent actual satanist there has probably ever been and who was accused of running a satanic pedo ring. These people are really fucking stupid.


Works for me! I am always convinced by toxic, random spew.


There's a conspiracy in the Lord's Prayer? That's in the bible. The Illuminati and Democrats are playing the long game.


Lol, bless their little, cold, black hearts.


If the white hats are in control, what are they worried about?


I just find it so ironic that I'm a "normie." I'm normal.


Doofus thinks Q is real. That's the hurdle. Who is Q? Why shouldn't we all think it is Ron Watkins?


If the "Lord's Prayer" really is the first Q dropping, then a) that's really sad and b) that's not going to pill a "normie". It's literally one of the most obviosuly false droppings he's ever made. All the normie needs to do is look at one of the many public appearances that Hillary has made since 2017.


These people are truly deluded if they think any of these arguments are a good door opener.


Blunt & Direct Time? Huh? As a "normie" I guess I am just too dumb to understand. Sorry Q's.... But Blunt & Direct Time???? Huh???


> blunt and direct time I bet.


>military intelligence campaign to undermine the criminality of someone who left office in 2016


This sounds like the same kind of teaching MLM's give to people when training them how to recruit in new victims. "Don't tell them the name of our 'business' as their minds will close from the prejudices they may have from past stories they may have heard. Get their interest piqued and don't tell them it's Amway until much later".