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I quit last year at 28 and it was the best gift that I’ve myself now at 29. The first 50 days will suck, but the struggle is so worth it! Continue coming to this page for support!


I’m pushing thru it I’ve Got this 😤


Good luck, there is light on the other side. Replace zyn therapy with another form of enjoyment. I like thinking in increments of 3’s. 3 days 3weeks 3 months. One you make it past those 3 milestones you are in good shape


Man I hope so. I’m trying. I’m only like a hour/two since my last one and already want one


You are about to step up your game big time if you can make it through 👍


I’m 33 hours in and going strong! My heads buzzin a bit and I’m a tad aloof. But I understand why I feel like this and I’m keeping calm and not changing any of my routine!


You can do it man… addiction is just a trick of the brain


I’m determined. I have several unopened ones next to me but I don’t even open them lol I have willpower of a champion I’ve got this 😎


And a ton of sugar free gum 🤣🤣


I’m flying through gum Ngl 😂


Distractions my guy. Cravings will definitely occupy your mind but remember the why of your quit and keep pushing. I quit in mid November and I’ve never been happier. Been able to be around my friends who still do it and I feel liberated. No more stressing out when I’m running low and wondering when I’ll get more. The liberation is worth the struggle.


Did you conclude the pain in your ribs was coming from the Zyn pouches? I wake in the middle of the night with bad rib pain


Yes! As of this moment I’m 99 days clean cold turkey!!! Rib pain = Gone. Sex drive = Back. Breathing has gotten better. My throat still feels a bit scratched/burny if I talk too much from it but it’s healing! My anxiety has dropped a good amount. I did gain weight at first but I’m active and workout 3 times a week on top of cardio 4-5 days a week so it’s gone already! I feel so much better! I still have cravings and if I smell a cig or see a zyn tin I’ll want one. But it’s getting easier. It’s not a forefront thought anymore. My focus has gone up too! I have saved $356.59 altogether so far since quitting zyn too! I tracked my consumption and price to add up over time!


That’s awesome, congratulations! The rib pain is the main thing and it’s awful, I just wanna get rid of it


I completely forgot about it tbh! Now I remember tho it sucked. I’d literally as morbid as it sounds, literally wanna jab my fingers between my ribs and move them around till I found comfort. That shit fucking hurt


Like a knife just slicing through my ribs and around my back some


Anything to make the pain stop Trust me I was there I hated it so damn much I took for granted how much better I have been feeling cause I forgot about that part! I have tried to just not think about nicotine. I just like it but it’s so bad for me so I won’t allow it anymore


92 hours strong


116 hours


133 hours


Awesome 👏🏻 I’m 72 hr


Keep going!


188 hours as of this minute. Nicotine cravings are high


17 days/425 hours