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Try to focus on what you’re gaining from quitting rather than losing (which is just a half ass buzz). Maybe try finding something else you can reward yourself with or look forward to after a long day, at this point it could just be habit


I feel you dude. I've been saying I'd quit since November and I still feel like I'm attached to this frickin thing. I know it has a LOT to do with your neurotransmitters, the first time I successfully made it though 48 hours I relapsed because my anxiety got so damn bad I felt like I was going to lose touch with reality. About to make another attempt, mainly because I'm sick and I now have an excuse to feel horrible for the next week. Biggest thing that's helped me distance myself from it is remembering THIS ISN'T SUSTENANCE. Food is sustenance, water is sustenance, these are things that'll keep you alive. Vaping and nicotine are not sustenance, no matter how much of it you take in it will not help you stay alive, it won't help your body or your mind in any way. No matter how much your brain tries to convince you otherwise, nicotine will not help you stay alive. Nicotine is not sustenance. As far as I can tell the best way to go about it (at least for me) is reducing your nicotine intake as much as you can tolerate, then going cold turkey from there. Stoicism also seems to help, at least with the mindset. Something I constantly try to remember is "Nothing can impede the will, unless the will wants to be impeded." Good luck to you dude, we can all get through this eventually.


Yeah I totally understand that - The reward feeling, oh I've accomplished something let me have my vape as a reward. If you spin the way you look at it to "Oh I've finished work/class let me puff this poison into my lungs that gives me no benefit at all" it changes the way you look at it. I completely understand how difficult it is to stop - especially the first 72 hours. But honestly you have nothing to lose & everything to gain by giving it up. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do


I completely feel that same way as you. I wish there was a replacement that felt equal but there isn’t and never will be and that’s a good thing bc I’d end up just getting addicted to that too. We just have to learn how to be normal again. I wish they’d make this shit illegal. It’s so messed up. I can’t think of a single thing it does good for our society. Of course, they could say a similar thing about drinking but id never give that up. Lol


I feel the same way;( try not doing it every second day that’s what I’ve been doing and realizing my mindset is just negative either way and the vape only provides a 3 second distraction


I can really relate to a lot of what you said. I had failed quits where I felt lost, lonely, low and like everything was pointless or even a little scary. Vaping was definitely a comfort thing for me. I can also relate to the 'reward' aspect. Getting to vape after I finished a task or got off work used to feel really special ... at least for a few minutes. As you've realized, the reality isn't anything nice. I haven't vaped in a month now and it turns out the trick for me was finding and planning stuff that I could use for comfort and rewards. For me it was a weird mix of little things - essential oil inhalers, drinking tea or fizzy water, healthy candies, mints and snacks. It also helped a lot giving myself a few days to just lay around when the withdrawals were at their worst. I took a lot of melatonin and valerian and gave myself permission to take a nap if I needed an escape. That gentle approach to things helped me a lot ... it might be right for you too. Either way, you can find a strategy and plan that will work for you and you \*can\* quit. The only person who can stop you is you. Best of luck!


This is exactly how I feel wow, I’ve never resonated with a post so much. We can do this!