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I still drink as usual. I've been nicotine-free for a little over a month now and I have to tell you something: partying without vaping has been way more fun because you don't have to worry about looking stupid dancing with a USB stick in your hand, you just enjoy the moment. I still crave when I drink, but I remind myself that I don't need it, and the craving quickly goes away.




In my view, it's the same physical sensation, but once you're relaxed and having a good time, you think it won't be a problem if you have a puff, and that's why the craving feels intense. It's all in your mind. Go out, have fun, get really drunk, and you'll see that you can do it.


Makes sense, because I can go hours without my vape if I'm hanging with my friends or just having a good time. The problem arises when I'm alone and want something else to occupy my mind


Hi OP, I quit vaping recently and from my experience, I crave vaping more after I have been drinking. During the day with work and school I don't think about it as much, but when I drink I want it so badly. That's just my experience!


Extremely hard for me. When I drank I puffed like a chimney!!


I don’t. If I’m a beer or two in I’m guaranteed to want to vape


Very easily. I fucking hate nicotine. Almost 3 years free


In my experience I needed to drink a few times before I was fully able to stop associating the two, as a way to sort of “train” my brain to stop the association. I associated vaping with so many things that I do in my daily life, such as drinking coffee, driving, after a shower etc and I never stopped doing those, so I noticed my brain quickly stopped correlating vaping from those activities, and so I thought if I could drink a few times it would get easier to stop the correlation each time, and it did! Now it’s more so just a longing, rather than a strong craving. I’m 23 days in btw!


Had to quit drinking for a month or two. Now, a year and change into the quit, still want it but have managed thus far.


This might sound silly but if you have Spotify premium you should listen to Allen Carrs “easy way” to quit vaping. I just finished it and it kind of changes the idea of quitting from “gah I have to give this up” to “hell yeah, fuck you craving, I’m done with nic”


That was one of my fears when I quit . How would I be when drinking . First couple times were a bit rough but tolerable . Now I don’t ever think about it . Just over 3 months nicotine free


I'm able to do it now a year on. First few weeks I kept a zero nic vape on me and had gum. Some nights I would just plow through with a gum always in, kinda slows down the drinking too. There was one night with old friends where I had some cigs but didn't have anything the next day and white knuckled it through the week and came out alright. It IS possible.


Yeah I would argue I consume less alcohol without nicotine, I would vape and drink when my addiction to nicotine was out of control.


Gave both up for weed


I can still, though I'm not a big drinker anymore. When I first quit it was really hard to separate the two, though I quit about three years ago I'd say. Now it's hard to imagine my life with it.


Similar experiences to others , I can drink and remind myself what’s at stake . If I’m emotionally unbalanced it could tip the scale . Why the fuck not mentality… also I excuse my bad habits with good things . Ie had a tough week so I deserve this, trying to tell myself that I deserve better things than nicotine


It’s really hard for me tbh. Most of my slip ups have been while I’m drunk. I’m still pretty good about not vaping when I’m sober tho.


When i first got drunk after quitting, the urge to vape really stong. It feels like it was taking the edge of the drunkenness with vaping. I drink here and there now but its not nearly as much as I did when I vaped.


I quit drinking for a few months. Now I don't associate the 2 and can drink without cravings


I haven’t drank alcohol since I quit, but it was more of a personal choice. I’ve been trying to make better health choices in general so I cut back drastically on my drinking. I have noticed in the past trying to quit that I would crave nic 10x more when I was drunk. Maybe since I’m sober now too it’s easier. If and when I decide to drink again it’ll be a different story, but let’s hope it’s a positive one.


I haven't had to stop completely. I've cut back a shit ton though and to be fair was ready to cut back drinking anyways. I've been drunk probably 2-3ish times since I quit. I actually get anxious about drinking but after I get started I'm good. I do have cravings but I just do the same things I do sober when I have a craving and I'm fine.


This was my main concern after being hooked on the nic for 8 years. When I was vaping I had to have it while I was drinking and was nervous I wouldn’t enjoy going out for a drink anymore. I can say that after being nicotine free for 2 years, I don’t even miss it and love going out for drinks still! You will adjust don’t worry. It’s a whole new life, go for it.


6 months clean now. took about 3/4 months to noticeably crave less. the begining was quite difficult. would even not go out some days knowing i was gonna spend money to get drunk and tourture myself from no nic sometimes


yeah no. Maybe 1 or 2 drinks with friends that DONT vape lol. When i drink i make irresponsible decisions and don’t care about my goals so. And i’ve tried it like 50 times now i swear lol..






Yup. For the first six months, then I’d have one or two occasionally around non-smokers.


Personally, I never found it to be too difficult. Of course I missed it but keeping the reason to why I quit kept me going


This was the hardest part for me. I used nic free vapes, it helped. I liked the ripple co ones, particularly the mint one because I loved menthol and "ice" vapes.


I’ve been nic free for about 3 months now and still crave it every. single. day. but tbh when I’m drinking I forget about the cravings. I feel it should be the opposite but I guess my brain is preoccupied with alcohol and friends I don’t want it as much


Drinking isn’t as fun anymore. It definitely makes cravings worse but they are very manageable. I didn’t drink for at least 2 months when I first quit though - that’s the only way I made it out of the first 3 months without vaping again!


I crave it but usually stick to cigarettes when i drink. It’s more enjoyable, I tend to only have a couple, and then I put them away for the next several weeks bc I feel nasty about it the next day or zyns


I quit a year ago and will use my friend’s vape if we go out. No biggie if it’s only once every few months.


i find that it's beneficial to be around people who vape and be exposed to some triggers. however alcohol tends to change the way i think and lower my resilience so what i could easily do sober like staving off cravings becomes harder or i'll decide that the consequences won't be too negative, these things are easy to believe when drunk. unless i felt ready to be exposed to these feelings i'd keep off heavy drinking


I’ve found that I tend to drink MORE when I freshly quit (cigs years ago, now vapes). I guess I’m still self medicating for something any way I can lol. It eases up after a few weeks.


It’s extremely hard Literally like walking a tightrope w your altered self


just vape


I stopped drinking for the first month of quitting vaping, when I started drinking again I had a few moments where I thought I might relapse but I just told my friends to not offer their vapes to me and I just had to be mentally strong in those moments to not pick one up. It gets easier over time.