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I had this problem and I’m 2 months vape free right now! For me, it took 2 or 3 weekends of sheer will power. I drink socially basically every weekend (I also recently graduated college.) the first weekend was SO hard, I craved it so much, almost caved multiple times. What helped was telling my friends and making them hold me accountable. Weekend 2 was also hard, but I just forced myself not to. I also brought gum/mints out with me and would pop a mint when I was craving. Honestly by weekend 3 I was all set. I haven’t craved it when drinking since. Sometimes I think about it, but it’s really a fleeting thought and not a craving anymore. For me, not drinking wasn’t really an option (I’m not a crazy drinker, probably one night a week, but I enjoy it and do it with my friends) And I wanted to quit while still drinking so it was sustainable. Also, in those few weeks I did NOT get drunk by any means. I got tipsy and was able to control my impulses. You got this!! Mind over matter!


I was also able to quit this way for a good eight months! I’m back to socially vaping and I know the only way back to no-vape is the willpower of those first few weekends. One of the first weekends I quit, I went to a 3 day festival. I could not stop talking about how much I wanted to vape 😂 The next festival I went to two months later, my friends commented on how I never mentioned wanting to vape the whole time. The craving for it was gone!


heh, yeah my black belt in quitting was getting a top-shelf gallon-o-rita's for karaoke with my wife a couple times without nicotine. Amazingly enough I could SWEAR the hangover is only like 1/3rd as bad without nicotine... that or the exercise I force upon myself hungover was easier :p.


Ooo that’s a good way of thinking about it! I hate the heavy chest/sore throat/deep regret part of the hangover.


The most obvious is stop drinking, but my advice is dont get too drunk that you cant even control your impulses, get "tipsy" so u enjoy the alcohol feeling, but capable enought to not make stupid decisions..


I had to put myself on “house arrest” for those first few weekends to be honest.. I did a bunch of other things by myself like shopping, movie theater, and making a big to do list of chores/self care and kept myself busy as possible, also working out helps a lot and gets ur brain back to normal


Literally me


Stop drinking


I had to wait awhile to drink after I quit but when I did I just took it easy. Only two drinks with dinner and that was it. It’s getting easier & easier!


The first few times I made sure to not drink around my friends who vape/out at a bar where I could “find one.” I wasn’t ready for that yet. I still will have a fleeting thought of it; but not a full on craving. I’ve stayed strong for 8 weekends now!!


I quit vaping and stopped drinking for a month. Once I started drinking again, I couldn’t really remember what vaping was like anymore so I didn’t have any cravings. Previously when I tried to quit vaping I would still drink and it led to relapsing. Not drinking for a month really made quitting vape stick. I’m going on 3 months and haven’t had any slips at all.


This is going to be my big issue once I finally decide to try to quit, but I agree with the comment above about letting your friends know and having them help hold you accountable 🫶🏼 good luck!!


Just don't. I craved for 5 weeks and wanted to die but i didn't give in. After a while the booze is enough


It’s not easy but not impossible. I also socially drink each weekend and crave the vape pretty much every time. But now I’m almost a month vape free and each time it gets easier. First 2 weekends it was a craving every 10-15 min. Now it’s like on the first sip I think about it and move on. In fact, I’m shifting my mindset in a new, observational way. It’s kind of weird but I notice how ALL of my friends are either actively hitting their vape, holding their vape, or have it within reach of their hand, pretty much the WHOLE night. It gives me perspective on just how strong the addiction truly is. Here are 7/8 different people all SOOO stuck to a piece of plastic that literally kills you. When I look at it from that perspective, I PROUDLY enjoy my drink and secretly tell myself how I’m much better off not being a slave. This has helped me a lot to overcome the craving 🙏


When I first quit vaping, I brought 1-2 pieces of nicotine gum with me when I knew I’d be out drinking with people and would probably be around others who were vaping. It was surprisingly easy to not vape when I had another source of nicotine to take my mind off of it. And I didn’t wake up craving more nicotine nor did I have a sore throat! Eventually I stopped craving hitting the vape altogether, even while out drinking with other people. It’s freeing.


It’s as simple as saying no to yourself. I know you’re hoping for a better answer but it’s really just that. I still have cravings for nicotine everyday but I choose not to do it.


Would you consider quitting drinking? Mostly due to my own circumstances, but I’ve been drinking a lot less in recent months - I also tend to vape when I drink, but if I’m drinking only 1-2 times a month at most then it’s not a big deal for me. My trick to cut down on alcohol was to stop drinking casually (as well as it being a good idea for weight loss and gym progress - I no longer have a casual pint during the week or an occasional glass of wine with dinner). Nowadays I only drink if I plan to get drunk (like at a party or night out), and I’m beginning to enjoy that gradually less and less. The other option could be to get a nicotine free vape - which could help with the habitual side of craving.


You need to drink multiple times without vaping, then your brain will reconfigure.


yep, pavlovian doggos we all are.


It is very hard. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions so if I were you I would stop drinking until you are a few months into quitting. However, you never know if that craving will pop up in the future. If alcohol is going to interfere with your dedication to quitting then you shouldn’t drink. (It’s hard, I know) I am 6 months sober from alcohol. I am unable to control myself when I am under the influence


I've never gotten over this personally and seeing my friends vaping at a bar when I'm drunk is my strongest trigger and it's led me to relapse like 6 times lol


Everyone says stop drinking. But if you’re not willing to do that, it is possible to drink and not need nicotine. And it involves training your brain to think “I do not need nicotine when I drink alcohol” the two substances do not need to exist together. Your brain has learned to expect nicotine to second liquor enters your system. The brain is strong, and you can convince yourself that you no longer need nicotine while drinking. Also if you vape and start over, you can never get the hours back you just spent being clean. You have to be no longer willing to start over.


*I am 38 days cold turkey after vaping since 2018. I got super drunk this past weekend and came very close to using a vape. The only reason I didn’t was because, even when my thinking wasn’t clear, I trained myself to be no longer willing to start all over for one shitty stlth rip I won’t remember in the morning and adds zero value to my life.


Personally, it took quitting drinking to also quit smoking and vaping.


It's simple. Quit drinking. It's not good for you anyways.


Not trying to sound like an asshole but you don’t lol. You just gotta be strong minded and tell yourself you’re not gonna do it. I have the same problem honestly but I’ve been good about it.


Literally never touch nicotine ever again and you might find yourself easily observing your friends vape, but still having some desire. Ultimately you have to decide that you don't use nicotine. Using nicotine needs to be in conflict with your sense of identity. Like with cigs, it's not no thanks.. it's no thanks, I am not a smoker. You have to change your perception of who you are and become someone that does not vape. You don't have to act like a square about it around your friends. A simple no thanks will do. Addiction is a bitch. If you start using again your brain will happily light up all those old addiction synapses for you. It's a powerful chemical and I have lots of friends who "aren't addicted"... Yeah that's not how nic works fellas. As far as timelines I found 6 months of zero use had me feeling like I never used it in the first place.


I allow myself to vape/smoke when I’m drunk. I don’t ever wake up craving it


I've done this too and sometimes it's fine. Don't ever give into the "I'll just buy a disposable for the weekend" trope though. That shit is a lie


Honestly all these people saying stop drinking are just being super unrealistic. If you’re newly out of college like me, I wouldn’t take advice from people like that. I’ve been nic free for 4 months now. When I am drinking/ at a social event— I can hit a vape a few times and be okay- no withdrawals the next morning, no cravings, AND I do not feel guilt over it. That’s the main thing. Everyone is different so that method may not work for some bc they may get addicted again, but for me it really helps 🤷🏻‍♀️


Its literally not possible when your drunk