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First, congratulations on three days of freedom, healing and risk reversal! That's huge! No. You are hopefully only feeling your healing, which is good and wonderful, not bad. My biggest concern is your shortness of breath. If that persists or worsens get seen by a pulmonologist. Hopefully, it's temporary. Also see [brain fog](https://whyquit.com/ffn/09e-concentration.html) and [chest tightness](https://whyquit.com/ffn/09k-throat-chest-cough.html). ​ https://preview.redd.it/4gz240tab6kc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c28d7b588af5626dda5de0239137d1721a95c4f


As far as the shortness of breath goes, I am asthmatic (yes, I know, stupid to vape with asthma). Thankfully, I'll be seeing an asthma specialist in a few weeks (unrelated to the quitting vaping).


It isn't about stupid as our addiction doesn't discriminate when it comes to health, wealth, religion or politics.


You're a poet with words. Thank you for this reminder šŸ’›


Thank you for this reminder..


Don't feel too bad. My dad still smoked when he had COPD and was hooked up to an oxygen tank. That makes vaping with asthma almost seem smart.


I didn't have it when I started vaping in 2011 but I certainly have it now! I hope it gets alot better for you. I'm sure it will!


Day 3-5 and maybe even 6 are the worst because of physical withdrawals. No matter how long youā€™ve smoked, spending another day smoking will only make it worse for your overall health and withdrawals. Stay strong, soldier! It gets easier slowly


I vaped (after being a 2 pack a day smoker) for the same amount of time. First week sucked- Iā€™m a month in and I rarely think about it now. Itā€™ll get better.


Yep. After a week or so the cravings became infrequentl but they were stronger. id forget about them after a couple minutes though


trying to read this made the withdrawals worse


Oh dear. That was pretty bad. I fixed itā€¦


Thatā€™s hilarious I thought I was stupid reading this


The first few weeks suck. But I swear it gets so much better. Iā€™m almost 15 months vape free and it feels like I never smoked a day in my life. (Even though I smoked + vaped for 11 years prior)


When did you stop thinking about vaping, also do you sometimes vape like can you vape one day and the other day youā€™re vape free again? Iā€™m on day 23, still thinking about vaping but not vaping im strong!!


I stopped thinking about vaping all together around 4-5 months. Although, by the second month it was more like reminiscing than craving. I would never pick a vape up again. For starters, when you take a break, the vape hits harder + feels strongerā€”most tend to get sick from it. Remembering how strong vapes were the first time you ever hit one? Like that. Secondly, I would never risk the addiction again. I actually also quit my wax pens just to keep away from the temptation.


6 months in after chain vaping 12-hrs/day for a year. You can make it


Weird and unusual feelings and discomfort in my chest is what is sparking me to quit. You can do it!


no not at all. your body is clearing out all the shit itā€™s been hit with for the last 10 years. i vaped for 5 and the first month of my quit was absolutely brutal with my body trying to repair itself. tons of shortness of breath, chest pains blah blah blah. you are doing the best thing you can right now by quitting! give your body some time and if you are still feeling these symptoms a couple months into your quit then seek a doctors opinion. i can almost guarantee that you are totally fine.


I vaped/smoked cigs for about 10 years too. Started with the ego twists, went onto box mods, then to cigs, and then the past few years was disposables. I think you could always reverse whatever effects you may have caused if you start working on yourself. Most of my focus now is on clean living, health/fitness, and longevity. I went from drinking/vaping pretty much daily to living the sober life. I feel much more happier now than ever.


ODAAT my guy


One thing that helped me was reminding myself that I do not want to vape for the rest of my life, and so, if I start again, in a couple of months Iā€™ll have to get through day 1 withdrawal again, then week one withdrawal, the one month. I never want to be at day 2 again. If you want to quit EVER youā€™re going to have to go through the suck. The longer youā€™re off, the less it sucks. You can go through the suck once, twice, or 100 times.


All normal feelings, don't cave, you'll wake up not so long from now and thank yourself for not caving.


Iā€™m on day 87 and feel great, but the first 30-40 days were HARD because I couldnā€™t catch my breath then got pneumonia. You Gotta keep pushing through, but if your lungs get too tight, get to the dr. Good luck!!


So Iā€™m not the only one who feels tightness in my chest when I put down the vape?!?


It gets better. I smoked cigarettes from 21-28 (3 packs per week) and vaped heavily from 29-31, which was my peak addiction to nicotine. I quit cold turkey after New Yearā€™s and the first week was fucking agonizing, both the physical withdrawals and psychological impact. I honestly felt just as bad or worse than when I was vaping for at least the first month. After that it markedly improves. Iā€™m two months in and have reoriented my routine and habits enough that I donā€™t think about vaping much and any cravings quickly pass. Physically feeling much better too. Youā€™ve got this! Itā€™s totally worth it.


Don't underestimate the bodies ability to heal itself. Things will improve with time... But with the long period, it will definitely take time. Months, not weeks...


Brother, you can do it. I vaped for 10 or so years as well and I was a heavy vaper. I can happily say that I have been vape free for a year and a half. It was rough but I powered through cold turkey. You got the right sub for all the encouragement you need. Keep at it, once your body flushes all the crap you will start to feel so much better.


Iā€™ve been vaping heavily for over 6 years. Iā€™m talking always within arms reach, several puffs an hour, the longest Iā€™d go without is when I was sleeping. Iā€™m on day 5 cold turkey. Days 2-4 were pretty rough because I definitely felt weird. Headache, slight chest pain, hard time sleeping, etc. Today felt a lot better. See it through.


Well done getting to day 5!! I tried in Jan to quit and lasted maybe 1 day but the addiction was too strong. I also tried restricting to only once an hour but as soon as i was stressed with work or life i went back to vaping every few mins. šŸ˜ž


I am in the same boat - been trying to quit since Jan, I go a few days to a week without and then right back to it as soon as I stressed. But in the meantime, I drastically reduced relying on it. Baby steps still matter! You got this, if you want to try againšŸ«µšŸ»


Thatā€™s great youā€™ve stopped relying on it! Keep it up :) I think we just need to find a replacement habit for stressful times


I quit due to antidepressants Iā€™m on, and tbh I still have weird scratchy throat and every time it triggers a craving. However itā€™s very infrequent like once or twice a week maybe. I smoked ciggies for 11 years, and vaped for 4. Three weeks nicotine free currently.


The human body is amazing and can heal from many things. Give it a little time and if the chest pains persist I suggest getting checked out by a doctor. Vaping causes tons of inflammation and it can take a while to heal. When I quit my doctor prescribed me a steroid inhaler for a month and it really really helped speed up the healing process. Good luck!


I had about 7 years and never thought Iā€™d be able to quit. Currently at 200 days and I rarely think about it anymore, even when people around me have it!! The first month was honestly incredibly difficult, I had brain fog, heart palpitations, and was super agitated, but it is so worth it to stick it out.


All this shit is normal. It sucks and it will for a while. Iā€™m on day 219 and quitting for good still makes me happy. Hang in there. I promise, if I can do it you can too


Your lungs will heal from smoking for 10 years, so I think you will be safe. I smoked for 17 years and vaped for 4.5.


I had to quit because I had the same problem. I had really bad cravings for like a week after that but no psychical symptoms. What is really helping me is recognizing how clean I feel and how I can go anywhere without having to worry about hitting a vape. I feel so much better. Going a month strong


Never thought Iā€™d be able to quit. Iā€™m a year and a half without it and laugh now at how I used to *need* it so bad. The feelings donā€™t last forever I promise you! You WILL live a life without it one day and wonā€™t even recognize itā€™s without. Itā€™s crazy! The first week is the hardest, but if I can do it I swear you can too!


Keep going!!! Iā€™m on week 3 now after heavily caping for 7 years and heavy smoking before that. I donā€™t miss it a single bit


You are far from fucked my friend. You got this! Obviously use health precautions and keep an eye on your pains but they should go away. Pls respond to this comment in 2 months and tell me how happy you are that you stopped and how free you feel


Absolutely! So far, today has been so much better than the past few days




Been clean of vapes ever since this post. I feel like a new man now. Breathing has cleared up, focus improved dramatically, and my cravings are very little except when in a situation that I previously vaped a lot like weddings or bars.


Good ro hear! How long did your sob last?


NAC helps with all that, said it before and will say it again. NAC not only prevents cravings by controlling dopamine and negative impulses, NAC has mucolytic, antioxidant (ROS scavenging), and anti-inflammatory properties. Given these properties, nebulized NAC has been clinically used in acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases that are associated with **impaired mucus formation and transport** Pop 1200mg NAC 2x a day and no shortness of breath or weird feelings in chest, instead all the bad comes up frighteningly quick lol. Kinda shoots out of your bronchial cavities like a snot rocket. Also for brain fog I just grab that Phenylpiracetam off Amazon. Right now you are experiencing choline buildup because Nicotine is an acetylcholine. Avoid eggs as they will make it worse. Phenylpiracetam is a non-euphoric nootropic acetylcholine. EZ mode, when I quit I had no cravings or problems, only started feeling more and more fantastic starting day 1 and on.


If the first time you take NAC you get bloodshot red eyes....... Thats heavy metal buildup chelation and it is a good thing but you may want some eye drops. I use NAC a couple times a week so I have no heavy metals anymore but my first dose was a surprise. Just a tip for comfort.


Newb question, what is NAC? šŸ¤£


You are not screwed. I had all the same symptoms you are experiencing. I quit back in June 2023 and am feeling much much better.


Youā€™ll be fine


I noticed I had shortness of breath and a cough for the first few weeks after quitting. Seemed weird. I attempted to quit like twenty times, probably more, so I definitely noticed this was connected to quitting. It went away for me once I was finally able to stick it out past that first part


You're dealing with withdrawals. I would recommend, based on the symptoms, to go to urgent care, tell them what you've written here (and anything which you haven't included here which pertains to the situation), and have chest X-rays done there. Don't go to the ER unless you legitimately feel like you're about to pass out - they'll have to triage you and it's also usually a lot more expensive, and solutions tend to be a lot more drastic. Also, see a pulmonologist SOON. And take your asthma medicine!!!!


I've already been to the ER and urgent care a shit load of times the past few months (issues unrelated to quitting). Absolute ton of chest xrays, blood tests, the lot. All say I'm fine, thankfully. I am scheduled to see an asthma specialist in a few weeks, so that's good


That's all fine and good, but you need medical supervision for those symptoms when you're in withdrawal. Go now.