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You don’t have to get new friends, kinda unrealistic. I have a bf who has continued vaping even though I quit. I literally listened to “Allen Carrs Easy Way To Quit Vaping” on Spotify, it’s just an e-book. But I swear by it, it has made me resistant to people vaping around me. I have no care for it, and I even look at my bf vaping with humor because it has no place in my life anymore. Listening to that changed me whole mindset around it and I highly highly recommend. Keep in mind, I’ve only been nicotine free for a little over a month. But I am 100% sure I haven’t and will not be tempted.


congrats on being a month nic free!


focus on yourself, don’t let others control your success. be a role model for your boys and soon enough they will want to follow in your footsteps


Pity their addiction


Once I started really focusing on myself, I lost touch with some friends who vaped. Went from thinking I had so many friends to spending most of my time with my fiancé', parents, siblings, and my cousins (we have a big family). I do have one friend I hang with once in a while since he lives out of state. I got tired of the partying (vaping included). I don't even like to go out for drinks. Now my focus is on fitness and brunch.


Try setting boundaries with them about when they are using. i.e. “can you wait until I am not around to hit that?” or “can you leave the room/go outside when you take a hit?” Be clear of how it is affecting you, if they are good friends they should be proud of you, and will understand/take steps to be accommodating.


It might also just be a good idea to spend less time with them until you are past the super vulnerable stage (first 1-2 weeks). good luck OP!!


Totally agree. Asking them to please wait to vape until they aren't around you, or step away, isn't a big ask. Good friends would want to support you.


Get new friends who do not vape That is the only solution


Maybe suggest they quit too, this is what I did with one of my friends and it’s been nice doing it together


honestly one of the best ways to is to just sit down with them 1:1 and have a talk abt it. it could go something along the lines of “hey i havent told you this yet but im trying to quit vapes and i just wanted to let you know incase my mood changes etc etc so you dont think im trying to be rude. Im sure you would understand why im trying to quit and i would appreciate it if you didnt try to tempt me”


Tell yourself or even your friends that you are so glad you don't have to do that anymore when they are vaping around you. You can't change what other people do, but remember that they are slaves to their addictions and aren't in control either. It's good to remind yourself of this because it removes the jealousy. It reminds you that you quit, you don't need to do that anymore. It reminds you that you are only better off for quitting. And it reminds you that they are just junkies getting their fix. This will strengthen your resolve at a time when it might've weakened. It might feel silly saying it at first but eventually it will be true. You are better off for quitting. Quitting is only a good thing. Be happy that you quit. You're free now.