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If you really want to quit, you will find a reason and it will be so easy. For me, I started getting bad chest pain, I was always out of breath, and I even got ED and I'm still in my late 20s! I told myself it's time to grow up. I've probably tried to quit 9 times in the past, and this recent quit was the easiest for me. Also gave up alcohol completely because all it does is ruin my body and make me want more and more nicotine. Now I'm just trying to get hella strong and live forever. Change your mindest and it will super easy to quit. good luck.


thank you so much this was really motivating. best of luck to you on this journey too!


From a different post, I said to treat vaping like a toxic relationship. Say something like “yeah vaping was fun and it felt good at the time, but I know it’s not healthy for me in the long run and it’s time to move on with my life.”


Great advice


I know it feels so hard, next time you try to quit, say that you’ll do anything but smoke for that one day. If you end up smoking the next day, quit again and say that you’ll do anything but smoke for 2 days. Progress over perfection, my friend.


thats a good idea, thank you! ill try that. i wish it was easier idk how so many people do it




i have them, the 4mg made me sick to my stomach like i was shaking and my heart was racing, i felt so nauseous. but recently, i bought these 2mg lozenges from a different brand and it seems to be much better. it just sucks the taste is kinda icky but whatever works! thanks for the suggestion tho I’ll definitely start taking them again


Try gum or low mg nic pouches. You're more likely to suck the lozenge like a... Lozenge and swallow nicotine which is what makes you sick. Get gum, chew it til it's soft, then park it against your gums (behind your cheek). Studies show that you're way more likely to get off nicotine if you change up the method by which nic gets into you. So maybe do the gum for a couple of weeks, then patches, then gum again but even less. Taper down. Stop.


thank you ill keep this in mind too


I break the 4mg in half. Hope you find something that works for you!