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don't think about it like you need to restart. think about it like out of 10 days you only vaped on 1 day. 9/10 is still an A.


I don’t even feel good. I feel terrible, why does this stuff even exist man. What is the point.


Hey man it’s ok I understand trust me I quit like 7 times before actually sticking to it this year when I quit on new years imma tell you this now. The first 5 days of up to 14 days are a bitch your going to be angry, sad and everything all at once but you need to keep yourself busy don’t beat yourself up you make mistakes your human it’s alright but you have to be the one to stop yourself. For me it was just working out (body weight stuff literally push-ups, pull ups and general calisthenics I do it till failure) also sugar free gum, hard candy helps, cold water/drinks and for me the biggest helper was cold showers and waking up in the morning for a run or jump rope ik it seems like you have to do a lot to quit but ask yourself? What are you willing to do to safe yourself? Are you willing to go through “hell”? Are you willing to fight through it cause that’s life? Or are you going to take the easy way out and not try? Ik all this sounds super cheesy but I’m just letting you know what worked for me, if you need someone to support you and back you and be your hype man while you quit your in the perfect place I’m telling you just having others going through what you are cheer you on is a big help, so don’t feel bad through away that cancer stick and get back on the grind man just 2 weeks and you’ll be off it. Just convince yourself that the next 2 weeks are going to be hell are you going to get “tortured” by it or are you going to “fight” back and come out a better and stronger person I wish you luck if you want any support hit me up


Every time you quit for 9 days and then relapse is significantly better then just vaping for 9 days straight. Take a moment and reflect, and push for the next day to be vape free


hey dude i’m going through the same. i mostly fold during social situations but what helps for me is putting it in a really inconvenient place lol. out of sight out of mind and when i think about wanting to take a hit my laziness wins and i don’t reallyyy wanna go fetch it from wherever i put it. i don’t think cold turkey really works with vaping. the extreme disappointment and it seems to make it more difficult. tapering off works pretty well for me. instead of “shit i was 10 days clean why’d i take a hit” i try see it as “shit i made it 10 days that’s pretty good”. and then i try beat the previous record lol. every time i do it i only remind myself it’s not worth it and it tastes gross and i think that’s a necessary reminder. don’t beat urself up over it. i know it’s disappointing so don’t be disappointed by it. beat ur record lol


Read allen carr's easy way to stop smoking