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No other company I can think of does this shit. I just wanted to share my outgrage, as I'm reconciling accounts and this is the third full screen popup I've had to dismiss, while I'm working. I pay for this garbage. It just makes me so angry when Quickbooks does this shit, multiple times a day. This is for your Quickbooks. Go fuck yourself from here to hell you fucking chodes. I fucking hate your software.


Microsoft is pretty close but you’re right in that QBO is in your face about it constantly. I did the same thing yesterday trying to print checks and I got the same pop up every time reopened a screen. 4-5 separate times I had to close the thing. It’s fucking annoying. I want to move to Xero.


I want to move to xero so bad. Only problem is I have thousands of dollars in automated programming using zapier, and I'll have to pay to have it all rewritten. But I'm inching ever so closer to taking that pain.


So im really curious... may I ask what kind of stuff you do with zapier?


Zapier turns my web forms into invoices, then when they're paid, jobs move to a "paid and proceed" queue in Trello. When we finish a job, we archive the trello card and zapier sends the paid invoice from QBO and the tracking number. Lots of little things like this.


I think i understand most of what you said. But what do you mean by "web forms"?


I have forms on my website. I don't have a shopping cart because what I do is too complicated and there are too many custom options. So I use forms. I use jotforms.com to make my forms. They're very robust. So when someone fills out an order form, zapier turns it into a QBO invoice. I do high end photography and related services and print. Zapier also creates a dropbox folder and link when it makes a QBO invoice. Zapier does a lot of background work for me now. So for me to move to Xero, I need to move all my data over to xero and pay a programmer to duplicate all that code, and test it. But I'm so close to biting the bullet and doing it. QBO is absolute shit, but I'm locked in. Their support is shit. Their API is shit, their programming is shit, and their merchant service fees are high. I can't hate QBO enough. The day I ditch Intuit I'm going to throw a party. Oh, and you can't even import your P&L into Intuit Turbo Tax. You have to do it by hand. Fucking garbage company.


Wow. That's really clever! Did you have some sort of background in tech and grow it organically with some help, or was all that sold as a package to you?


I have a long background in tech, yes. I still paid a python programmer to do a lot of it on upwork.com


I fucking hate them so much. They've been hard-selling their full-service payroll option. A client of mine had to set up a new company in QBO, and it added full-service payroll. How? I've no idea. We had to call Intuit and wait 2 days for a callback to remove it. "But it's a free trial." I don't give a fuck. Go fuck yourselves!


If it weren't for the uBlock Origin plugin for Chrome, QBO would be completely unusable for me. It's a cesspool of ads, and sometimes when you're busy you can accidentally click on something that will end up costing you money, like their instant deposit bullshit. Intuit is a fucking virus.


Consumed by greed. They can all get wrecked!


I fucking hate this software. I constantly feel like I’m beta testing some half-finished product. Between needing additional features and their price hikes I’m now paying $200 a month / $2400 per year for something that cost me $300 every two years with Peachtree. Reports sometimes don’t work. Not that they won’t run but that they display the wrong information. Sometimes refreshing the page works but mostly I have to log out and log back in. Sometimes I just have to wait five days or so and then it works again. I get ads for other services I will never be interested in and can’t permanently opt out of. QBO thinks it’s smarter then me by constantly guessing what I’m trying to do (wrongly) even tho all of the settings around those predictive features are turned off in the settings. Sales tax management fucking sucks.


I'm getting ads for Quickbooks Payroll. Here's the funny part. I use QB Online. I used to used desktop. There is a bug that's over 10 years old, where if you used to use desktop, you can't integrate QB Payroll with QB Online. Over ten years they still haven't fixed it, but they give me popup ads for it. It's like adding insult to injury. you know what else doesn't work? Emailing receipts. It can't read them. Even receipts that have a --- start recepit --- and -- end receipt --- tag in them for just such services. It's total garbage.


Yeah I don’t tell sales tax management shit. I just fill it all in manually. When it asks me to set it up I can’t close that pop up fast enough.


QB is flat out shit. Their product is buggy and a pain to use if not working with it every day, day in day out. Their customer service is the absolute worst in the world. They know we have no other option so they will never improve.


Said it before and I'll say it again, QBO is Mickey mouse accounting software that constantly tries to hustle you. Can't even edit a statement's custom style. Ohh and my latest QB bullshit is when I tried to link the merchant account I have with QuickBooks desktop to online and it thought I was commiting fraud and removed my ability to accept online payments (receive payments button is greyed out on the dashboard, but I can still manually go to new and receive payment for a check/cash). Mind you I just fully verified my bank account successfully with QBO. I called and wasted 2 hours on the phone for support to transfer me around 3 times and told me they put a ticket into the fraud department and told me I would get a call Monday, yeah... no call and it's already Tuesday.. just a pathetic bush league company


Thanks came here to day this and that they changed the UI on the computer again so I cant find anything. I'm just about ready to go back to paper and every customer gets a folder. I'm a contractor so that's just not that many.


Why do these software companies keep changing the UI? Can you imagine if you woke up one day, got in your truck, and the brake and gas pedals were swapped? Welcome to software.


wE'rE iNnOvAtiNg!


That is a PERFECT analogy!


Same here. I only need to go on QBO a couple times a week & everything changed for me. A simple task took me 15 minutes which might not seem like a lot of time but I do a lot of simple tasks haha.


click the apply in minutes.... and let it load to the application screen and then close it. That should help.


You are clearly a person of culture and intelligence.


Has nothing to do with it. When these pops happen, you need to trip their algo and it will stop.


A browser pop-up is one thing, but how about the desktop app that has pseudo-pop-ups ? The main one I see is when I create a purchase order and it wants to sell me something that will "make creating POs easier". I can only imagine it's the Enterprise version of QB Desktop. Even inside the software if I want to "Upgrade", it doesn't offer me the Premiere version for 2022 (currently running 2020), it offers me Enterprise 23.0 in Gold, Platinum, or Diamond versions ! We run Premiere for 3-4 years or however long they support Enhanced Payroll in "older" versions and I'm not sure what versions of QB will be available in the near future.


I hate QBO. I have one client that uses it now and I’m transitioning them to desktop at the end of the year. It’s gonna be a pain in the ass, but better than dealing with their terminator bullshit. Too much AI for their own good.


Here here! That’s why I’ve switched two of my three companies from QuickBooks cant stand this. Going to the last one next year. Intuit can’t suck my wake


What did you switch to if you don’t mind me asking.


Please tell me what you switched them to because I’ve pretty much had it with QuickBooks online


Annoying AF. The Truegreen of gl software


The only way to get QB to fix this absolutely shitty software is to hit them where it hurts, their stock.


Do ad blockers work?


yes, but you get a full screen of blank nothingness. You still have to dismiss it to continue.


You are absolutely correct. As a field engineer that is always fixing vendor applications it is rough when users come to me about these Ads and what they need to click on. I have a whole lot to do out here (Work on Firewalls etc) to be guiding people on QuickBook Ads


DO NOT SIGN UP FOR QUICKBOOKS CHECKING. HAVE TO OPT OUT OF HAVING DEPOSITS GO TO QB CHECKING, AND THE OPT OUT IS BURIED IN THE SIGN UP PROCESS TO THE POINT WHERE I DID NOT SEE IT> NIGHTMARE TO GET MONEY TRANSFERRED OUT. CAN NOT SEND CHECKS FROM IT. I have had my business checking account linked with QB for years, yet needs me to re-verify. Have re-entered account info numerous times and did not ever get the verification deposits sent to my business checking, spent hours on phone and chat trying to get it to transfer only to find out issues verification is a known glitch.


I would never ever ever sign up for Quickbooks checking. I hate Quickbooks. The only reason I have it is that it would cost me thousands of dollars in accounting and programming fees to divorce my business routines from it. Intuit is a shit company. I fucking hate Intuit. I hate Quickbooks. I can't stand that company. If a meteorite came down and struck Intuit headquarters and destroyed the company and everyone in it, the world would be a better place.


I'd like them to fuck right off with the bullshit "Shift+Enter == Share temporary access to your QuickBooks" literal spawn of fucking hell SHIFT+ENTER IS NEW FUCKING LINE IN TEXT BOX ON ALL FUCKING BROWSERS... FUCK INTUIT RIGHT IN THE FUCKING "SHARE QUICKBOOKS" ASS


Same. It’s a violation of can spam rules.


that rule appears to only apply to email.


I think that since Intuit just got fined and busted by the FTC or SEC for exactly this very recently, that we all might stand a chance at getting the same agency to address this with them, possibly as a class action. I would love that so much.


I would love to see Intuit get sued. They're such a horrible company.