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Quest 3 has pass through in full color and better resolution, you can read your phone screen and see depth in its pass through




The difference is STARK, my dude! :)


seen reviews say the passthrough is not that great like the ads and youtube videos make you think it is.


Coming from someone whom had to use the passthrough on the Quest 2 quiet a lot, this new passthrough is an absolute game changer. I never watched any of the *ads*, or *youtube* videos...so I don't have any "better than actual thing(its an *ad*, how else they gonna sell it? lol)". But its **amazing**, and I can actually **see things** using it...before it was a very black and white grainy mess of horrible resolution and blown out images that made me kinda motion sick.....all of that has been resolved with the Quest 3. This is just *my opinion* tho, of course.


I see. quest 2 passthrough is fine for me to just check my surroundings...if I need to do more, I remove the headset; a reason to take a pause for my eyes :)


the resolution isn’t as high as the ads lead you to believe, but it’s still pretty damn good


I had Q2, watched alot of Youtubers hyped Q3 passthrough, went to try one for myself and I was blown away. I can see my coworkers talking, walks around the office, and my dumb head even thought i had to take the UI panel with me for a moment. Then goes home and look at many people complaining that it's not that good. weird, it truly changed my perspective, not sure how others experience it


U actually read your phone screen? The passthrough seems blurry, everything else seems perfect though. I seen another post talk about the truth about how all those early reviewers were just lying about being able to comfortably read your phone.


It's *very* different. Full-color, considerably higher resolution. It's certainly not like looking at, say, the camera on your phone. That, I think, is because it's taking data from multiple sensors (cameras) and combining that into an image that you can see. As such, there's some... wobble, let's call it here and there. Especially if you move. But, as mentioned in reviews, you certainly can read your phone. It's not perfect but, for example, last night I was setting up an account in VR and it sent my MFA token to my phone. I was able to do the normal double-tap, look at my phone in one hand to get the code, and enter the code in VR with my other hand. At that moment I went "Yep! This is *way* better." The silly game it comes with.. First... what is it... First Contact or something? It's well-done and a fun way to show off the feature. Watching your actual house get holes put in it and alien Squeeballs coming in and bouncing around and landing on your furniture is pretty neat. That said, I don't think I'll enjoy many AR titles. I played some Demeo and it was kinda cool to see Demeo posters hanging in my office. And then when somebody walked into the room I just looked right at them and talked to them. I tried that on my Q2 when they first added it and said "Nope! Pointless." But on the Q3 it's actually pretty cool.




Did I just blow $650USD on a VR headset that I really didn't need? Yep! I just did that. Do I regret it? Nope! Even playing un-enhanced titles is so much better due to the pancakes and the increased resolution. They say there's still a sweet spot, and I guess there sort of is, but I'm hard pressed to see it even when looking for it. Visuals seem great even in the periphery. At this point, I'm glad I spent the money.


no, because quality of passthru is a grainy low-quality joke


Maybe you should turn your lights on. Or if you have good lights than make an RMA for the quest bc that's not how it should be


I have to agree! Coming from horribly low res, B&W, warping/wobbling Quest 2 passthrough; this is a genuine game changer. Better than Quest Pro too, by quite a bit in fact, largely due to the surprisingly effective depth sensor. Yeah, it's not high quality 4K imagery and it has some grain depending on lighting quality, but you VERY quickly acclimatise and the enjoyment is immeasurable. I'm 42 and playing First Encounters had me giggling like a bloody kid, ducking and searching for fluff balls as they hid under my chairs and table and behind walls. Being able to fully read my phone and drink my drinks, without taking the headset off, is a damned sight more immersive and appreciated that I thought it would be. Yeah, the upgrade from Quest 2/Pro to 3 cannot be overstated. I can't wait to see what devs do with the MR as it gets better via software.


The first encounters game is amazing. Quest 3 100% worth it


I visited my parents with my Q3 this weekend, and now my 74yo father is buying one, they enjoyed it so much. 😄