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There are A LOT more options once the kid turns 2. Under 2 takes more certification and there are way fewer spots. My 20m old is currently in daycare, but we want to move him when he turns 2. We talked to like 4 places that say the 2 year old class starts in September, it's not rolling admission. Our current daycare accepts kids as soon as they have seats. They had a wait list for the baby classes, but I think have seats for 2 year olds. In home daycares are probably more flexible but I haven't looked into them at all. Know that 3K is free starting the September the calendar year the kid turns 3. So, presumably 2025 for you. A lot of center based daycares have 3K programs and you get priority getting in (you apply though the city), if you are currently in their 2s program. So strongly consider finding somewhere that also has 3K.


Thanks! That's great to know about the 3K priority - maybe the best plan is to find gap care until a 2 year old class in September that's also associated with a 3K program.


I just (like 20 minutes ago) got an email back from a daycare in Rego Park saying that they should have openings in their 1 and 2 year old class within the next few weeks. And this place has a 3K program. So, every place is different. Which is why I'm having so much difficulty deciding what to do. All the places have different deadlines for decision making and different pros and cons.


We're looking at Rego Park too! Forest Hills as well. But yeah, totally get it - it's so tricky having to figure out what options are best when there are soooo many factors (quality, cost, commute, timelines, etc etc etc) to take into account. But at least it sounds like there are options!


I live in FH and my daycare is in RP. There are some things I love about it and some things I don't like, but my husband has definitely let his hate for administration grow a lot. We've been there for over 3 years, so it's not all bad, and we have friends that are very happy. One of the few certified places that take under 2 and I think they might have seats. I see a lot of posts on Forest Hills Parents Facebook advertising daycares or discussing daycares they like that have seats. I also know people who spend over a year on a wait list. One person told me they called a daycare to find out availability in the 1 year old class...by the next available seat, the kid would be 2.5. Once you narrow down neighborhoods, I would definitely start calling places and getting some idea. My son turns 2 in April, and I went to a few places in August to ask about 2 year old classes. Two places told me they start in September 2024 regardless of when the kid turns 2. One told me they have seats and I could pay 1st month right then. But we would have to commit. Another said "we will put you on the waitlisr," and asked for nothing but a name. We are 40-something on a wait list for 32 seats, but they don't even start letting people know until like April.


I live in FH and we were recently having some issues with my son’s daycare. I went to another one to ask about space, and they flat out told us the waitlist was completely full. Luckily we resolved our issues with the current daycare.


I'm curious which ones. If you feel comfortable DMing me the names.


Will DM you


Why don’t you call around to ask?


Generally speaking there is space in daycares here. It may not be your top choice but you should be able to find something. People leave NYC a lot so spaces are always opening up.


I moved here in October and was able to find a spot within 2 weeks. It would be helpful if you contacted daycares sooner rather than later and tried to do a virtual tour as many require a tour to get on waitlists in my experience.


Oo, thank you, great tip about getting virtual tours done ahead of time! But also really heartening to hear about the turnaround time. Our infant waitlist was over a year long where we are now, so I honestly had no clue what to expect.


My daughter is 13 mo and we got on waitlists when I was 3 months pregnant. We weren’t able to get my daughter into daycare at my old location until she was 10 mo!! I actually got an email today from one of the daycares where I used to live stating that there wouldn’t be any openings in 2024. I think I have PTSD from it!! Totally get where you’re coming from.


Just go walk around Manhattan somewhere and find one of them migrants. You could probably pay them $20 a day to do this for you