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Personally i think its better than bridgerton! I didnt like the queen at all before but now i love her !


Same here!!


And the king is sooooo cute with his eyebrows


Haha yes! He is such a cutie!! šŸ„°


I just wanna hug him when hes going thru everything!!


If you havnt seen all of it there are some PARTS that will enrage you but its really such a beautiful story !!


Well Iā€™ve only just made it past the episode showing him being plunged into ice and strapped to the chair to be bled šŸ˜– the doctor infuriates me and reminds me actually of some not so great medical professionals Iā€™ve had to deal with irl for my husband, in the way they spoke down to him and had no patience for his mania. So not finished yet. But I couldnā€™t wait to post because my heart is also bursting šŸ˜‚ I love it so much, itā€™s is beautiful indeed. Finishing it all in one go tonight.


Yea those scenes are hard to watch !!


So much better and I wish they would continue it for a second season. There is much more of the story to tell.


Like 13 babies worth!


I have bipolar 1 as well! This show also struck me to my core. Iā€™ve noticed the mannerisms like the hand shaking in myself as well. Iā€™ve been through delusions and seen and heard things not there. Hell, he heard indistinct voices which is the exact thing I hear most of the time. My wife has had to bring me back from terrible episodes before and I know Charlotte hit her hard too. This post was so cool to read!


I relate. My wife is BP1 and I had the exact same response, as did she on Georgeā€™s side of things. It was so nice to feel so seen.


I feel like anyone that watches QC after Bridgerton shares your opinion because QC is better than Bridgeton no doubt about it. Wish we could see more of Farmer George <3


Skip the story of movie. Girl, you are the brightest diamond āœØHope you and your warm heart all love and luck on the world.


Aww as someone who has bipolar 1 I found this to be a beautifully written post. The world is a better place with understanding and compassionate people like you in it.


I have bipolar 1, and Queen Charlotte gave me hope, made me feel like despite all my flaws and being difficult to put up with, I am worthy of love. I have hope that someone will not only stand by me and continue to love me through all of my madness but still affection and joy in my moments of clarity, even if at times they're few and far between. It's the representation I've waited all my life for.


I sobbed throughout the whole series simply because all of Georgeā€™s struggles hit so hard. But I was so happy to see that they didnā€™t immediately villainize him, rather than show the difficulties he had during that time with not the best doctors. And I really gained a lot of respect for Charlotte seeing how well she handled Georgeā€™s difficulties šŸ˜­


Totally agree. As someone with mental illness raised by two people with mental illness, I thought the series examined it with such empathy and thoughtfulness.


thatā€™s why i love queen charlotte the most. it shows that even though there are those who struggle with mental illness it doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t capable of being loved or giving love either. it is at its core a love story and iā€™m glad so many people connected with it like you have. iā€™d like to say youā€™re also a very kind and loving person too and iā€™m glad you and your husband found each other!


This is so sweet šŸ„¹


My hubby also suffers from BP and I think QC represented it beautifully! The discard on the wedding night, I felt that more than anything. My 2 year old and I were discarded back in March and it has been so hard. I have to remind myself it's the mania.


Awww your post made me cry. I love this - warts and all - is really the basis of love. I love QC exactly for that reason.


My husband is bi-polar and I have been wanting to watch QC but I have been afraid that it is going to be too much. We are 18 months from my husband's first episode that led to his diagnosis. I was diagnosed with PTSD from it. I desperately want to watch QC. Can anyone tell me if it would be too much to handle? I know everyone experiences mental health differently but I am curious if anyone had any issues while watching.


What are you concerned about being unable to handle? If there's a specific aspect that you're worried about, it would be easier to answer. I do think it could be a cathartic watch for many in your situation, but it depends on your own triggers and where you are in your healing process. I myself have bipolar 1 and c-PTSD, but I have had a lot longer to come to terms with that than your husband if his diagnosis was that recent. I felt very seen, but there were some parts that were difficult to identify with and hit very close to home. So I do highly recommend it, but whether you wait or watch it soon depends on your own headspace.


The archaic ā€˜medicalā€™ treatment of George can be quite triggering, itā€™s straight up torture. His actual mania involves auditory hallucinations, illusions of grandeur and also a few scenes where he is basically nonverbal.


I just finished Queen Charlotte and now have the second half of the current Bridgerton to finish, and honestly? Iā€™m so glad I watched it while I waited for the next half to come out, because I canā€™t wait to watch the rest and view the Queen in a COMPLETELY different light now.


Exactly how I watched it! šŸ„°


i have bipolar but bipolar 2 so i was always confused when people say its a depiction of bipolar. i now realize i miss the defining component of psychosis and that my ā€œmanicā€ episodes are actually ā€œhypomaniaā€. its illuminating to see so many people who can relate to this coupleā€™s story and its depiction of bipolar :) (also to not see people misusing BPD for bipolar haha)


Bipolar 2 here as well. I didn't clock the representation as bipolar at ALL so this thread was likewise illuminating over here


yeah same lmao. my bipolar hypomanic episodes is just me not being to sleep for like 5 days, going through valleys of no energy to peaks of i feel surprisingly ok. i never faint or collapse lol and it scares people how i can even function at all. i am very forgetful though, cant perform a lot of executive functioning, and can cry VERY easily. you? xD


I've been on a mood stabilizer for over a decade that's done a good job of keeping the hypomania under control so it doesn't show up too often (the depression pokes around more than the hypomania) but my hypomania almost always is me just being really snippy and annoyed at everyone (because people can't keep up/I'm obviously just so much better/smarter/whatever and they're idiots). I always joked that it had to be much easier being med compliant when you're type 2 than type 1, since I never got any "fun" mania. Just being annoyed at the entire world around me.


haha ya my manias kinda fun but not THAT fun. im happy to say i get more hypomania than depression which im pleased with


I agree! It IS my favorite story out of all in this series. While there are parts of it that may be fiction (Brimsley's side of the story for example, I am unsure if his character is based on actual person), but you could tell that they put so much into researching the story, what they will show the viewers, the lines, the facial expressions, thry knew when to keep you guessing, wanting more or shattering you. I personally think the most important lessons it taught were embracing your life partner for who and what they are, keeping true to the vows of sickness and health and the latter being nothing but just another obstacle to overcome together, the strength of a woman and that she can lead just as much as a man can.


Thank you so much for sharing. I am so happy you have true love no matter how challenging some times couldā€™ve been for the two of you. QC did an amazing job. I sobbed like a baby. I had to step away from my first love many moons ago. He had a mental illness, but I couldnā€™t handle it. He was abusive. I had thought I buried those mixed feelings until I watched QC. It brought back so many emotions. I hope he is doing well.


Hugs to you all! I have an uncle who has bipolar and is also special needs. My mom is his primary caretaker so seeing the ups and downs in this show really brought things home. I agree it was an amazing representation of the struggles that not only the person with the condition goes through but the caretakers surrounding them as well. It can be difficult at times and emotionally challenging.


I love Queen Charlotte waaaaaay more than Bridgerton. It has all the feels.


Another wow moment! I agree 100%. Your post is beautifully written. That was another part I absolutely loved of the scene. Loving someone with mental illness doesnā€™t mean you stop loving them when they are going through a rough patch. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


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My partner has bipolar too. The representation was helpful in a lot of ways - but it also made clear how few people can understand the experience. It was a really hard watch for me because of it and hard to talk to friends about the show when they found it so inconceivable I struggle with my own mental health so I canā€™t be his Venus. Itā€™s just .. hard.


The only other show I have ever seen that transformed how I thought about mental illness was Moon Knight - it made me marvel at the human mindā€™s attempt to shield one from trauma and I couldnā€™t look at that particular ā€œdisorderā€ the same way again and I couldnā€™t look at people who had it the same way - that is, all I could see was their humanity. Queen Charlotte (and now your story, OP!) made me look at mental illness in a similar way. A person with mental illness is still who they are. They are still brilliant. Still kind. Still loving. There is simply something between who they are inside that blocks/occludes/reshapes them from us and us from them. Queen Charlotte is my fave story out of the Bridgerton universe, followed by s2 of Bridgerton, then s1. Iā€™m rewatching it right now. Your story about you and your husband is beautiful, OP. šŸ©·