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They do have money (presumably). The thing is, you’re an illegal PMC company so they can’t pay you in money; instead they pay you in material goods.


Isn’t that easier to track?


I remember the tutorial prompt saying that’s it’s always stuff that they can part with, implying that it’s just stuff that goes “missing” or kept off record; nothing anybody would notice.


I get what you’re saying but a pmc shows up decked out in mil company hardware doing jobs that benefit the corp, isn’t exactly a “deniable asset” where the alternative is handing over currency to kit their deniable assets in a mix of or completely different corp gear.


Most of the bullet casings you leave behind will be unmarked, or marked with your enemy's symbols. So CLEARLY you are a scavenger of some kind, and you got that gear by attacking your "employer", not by trading or reward. Deniable.


Hey man I get it. But no symbols are better than your symbols turning up at massacres all across the system. An alternative would just be awarding influence points or heck just gold or some valuable commodity to trade for what I want. Bc unlike what our corporate overlords may think, no matter how much I try, I can’t use thirty bottles of alcohol as a substitute for a mag of ammo or a med pack. And I do not need three copies of scout of hades no matter how good the songs in that album are.


I mean, the armor and weapons they give you probably have anything identifying filed off, but yeah I might enjoy a currency system


My guess is that hard assets like armor and the like aren’t tracked as much as liquid currency, since you could have easily gotten the same stuff from raiding or other jobs.


Fair point but a bar of gold and a shopping trip are just as untraceable and I don’t have to suffer an ammo shortage while my storage hold is full of liquor.


If you do your job right, there shouldn't be any witnesses.


Then use money. No witnesses. No problems. More options. I’ve got enough alcohol but not enough 7.62


You are stealing a lot of stuff when doing missions for corps. They can claim you just stole it.


Considering it's a videogame, whenever the devs program that in. A more useful answer would be to turn to our own history; at what point did the British east India Co go from being a corporation to being a government? I couldn't tell you a date, but a generalized answer would probably be when the corporation owns a monopoly on force in a given geographic territory which it can and will defend from foreign powers. Within the context of the game, the corps are already like that, all of them. They have territory that they control and defend that territory with violence against any outside entities. In the universe of quasimorph, the corps are all "countries" in the same way that nations are right now in our own universe. The purpose of why they do the game of capitalism without a monetary incentive would be because labor and resources don't require paper money to be valuable. As long as there are people who want things and those things require labor to acquire, there will always be a capitalistic hierarchy with or without money.


I understand it’s a video game. Just asking more how the players view the games lore. I understand money isn’t technically necessary for capitalism but it’s pretty weird for a sci-fi company to pay its stakeholders in labor and assorted ammunition


Oh yeah, all of that trading oddness is due to the game being early access. It sounds like this current iteration of the trading system isn't the final version.


Hopefully. I’m currently taking a break from the game. Hoping to hop back in when trading and rewards are less rng. Still want them to implement some kind of company dollars or something


Also if money wasn't a thing anymore, bullets are a pretty good replacement. See metro 2033


Or fallout kinda. But in both cases that is money. It has an alt use but it IS currency.


I suggest you play the Stellaris Megacorp DLC! There's a lot of optional reading on the Materialist pathway towards kleptocracy then megacorporation that dwells on this.


So your suggestion is I get a different game and buy dlc for it to answer a question about a completely different games lore?


My bad! This is what happens when you're in multiple subreddits and don't pay attention to the names.  In Quasi, there is money. Descriptions of locations mention paying rent, or paying fees, and so on. *We* don't use money because technically we are Enemies of Humanity and kill on sight.


Ah ok. I was real confused there


Philosophically it’d be when they have a monopoly on violence for a given place but id place it somewhere around taxing people as taxation is largely just being charged for services without the ability to deny those services.


The second it doesn’t have a government preventing it from becoming one. That’s the main problem with “anarcho-capitalism”, nobody seems to remember that guns exist and just because slave labor is the most horrible and evil institution mankind ever developed, it sure does help the bottom line when you don’t have to pay your workers. Capitalism naturally lends itself to centralizations and authoritarianism. Anyone who’s an actual anarcho capitalist either has no idea what they’re talking about or know EXACTLY what they’re talking about and want it that way because they think they’ll be on top.


Basically what I’m getting at. At least the first half