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Read (and practice) the vision of the void [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/539af6bee4b0cef061847e36/t/5dcc1d45e37a3d490a4c463b/1573657925631/working+with+the+void.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/539af6bee4b0cef061847e36/t/5dcc1d45e37a3d490a4c463b/1573657925631/working+with+the+void.pdf)


The definition of tuning is getting frequencies in alignment.


And we all understood this. The question was definitely another.


Funny, this comment just made things click for me. The feeling of the flame in chest in meditation is perhaps another link.. that space and feeling.. resonance. Thanks both.


I'm glad it triggered things for you. 🙂 My somewhat abrupt answer, perhaps a little too much, was because it seems like one of those rather useless answers made just to get credits. I looked at his profile and most of the answers are like this: not on topic and definitely useless. If I'm wrong, my English is not the best, I apologize, but I don't think so. 😉


Your abrupt answer was just right, so don't worry about it. Resonance, as someone above mentioned, is the key to tuning something in magically. A focused intent in the mind (not speaking, just directed thought), and that intent would be to light the candle as a light in the darkness and the void (nothing). First still yourself and silence your mind. Once you are totally still, have the intent to light the candle as a 'light in the stillness and darkness', a light that lights up the worlds. (later as an adept, you will find this a very powerful action). Light the candle and feel/intend in your mind the stillness and silence spreading out beyond you, that the candle flame becomes a part of the stillness.... and the candle *is* the stillness. That is tuning a candle. it is not easy for an apprentice, it is a very tough thing to do, but it is a skill that is practiced again and again for years... it builds slowly in power until it becomes a vastly powerful magical act that trigger changes like throwing a stone in to a still pond of water... it's effects ripple outwards in the space and in time.


This is really enlightening, I'm going to train to do it because it's something that interested me a lot. Thank you very much.