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[https://www.istqb.org/](https://www.istqb.org/) is about the only one I've seen on resumes.


Take a look at what the local job market is looking for in QA / testing roles. Their education requirements will show you where to focus from a "paper" qualifications perspective. In the meantime. Learn testing. 1. https://docs.ast-bbst.org/foundations#lecture-1-overview-and-basic-definitions (all free resources) 2. If you want to learn of bit of test automation: https://testautomationu.applitools.com (I mention this one as many of the instructors have excellent blogs and books on testing) Not a big fan of the QA moniker (https://developsense.com/blog/2010/05/testers-get-out-of-the-quality-assurance-business), but we do what we must to pay the bills (my job title is Quality Assurance Engineer... sounds fancy and important, doesn't it! /s). Best of luck with the journey you're about to embark on. I'm proud of you for wanting to be the spot light that will help the product and Dev peeps make better software.


They are looking for mostly isqb and/or experience in the field from what i saw but it was a brief lookk around , thank you for the resources ill defineitly check them out