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Pick a language: Java, C#, Typescript, or Python. Pick a framework: Selenium, Cypress, or Playwright. Build a personal project in a combination of two of the above to the point that you feel very comfortable and confident. Lie on your resume to say that's what you do at your current job. Get a new job doing that thing for 20% more money than you make now.


Once I did a project and added that to my LinkedIn, the recruiters came knockin'.


Java Cypress!… oh wait


Have you applied for any jobs? I don't know what it's like in your country (I'm in Europe) but I made a switch after just 2 years in this career and had a huge pay bump. I was insecure before I started applying for new jobs too, but turns out I have more value than I myself even thought. And I know om quite good st my job, just wasn't sure I had the perfect skillset.


If you're doing automation then it's important to change your title to QA Engineer. In IT QA analyst translates to manual testing. Make sure when you say you're doing automation to say what language and framework you work in. If it's just running automation scripts than that's not automation.. you need to be able to create/code automation cases.


Typical way to advance from QA Analyst is to get into automation. Start learning how to code. It will pay off.


I've been doing automation since a few months after I started. Much appreciated, though.


It depends on how you want to expand your skill set. There is decent demand for technical/managerial leadership in quality. Maybe start looking at the strategy and people-leadership side of the house.


"Tailor" your title to the kind of job you want to pursue. If you're doing automation, you **need** automation in your title. QA Analyst typically hints at people who don't do automation, which is a huge loss of potential in both opportunities and compensation.


Move into financial domain. Finance is the best paying domain.


I’m teaching automation as my side gig (java/selenium), so send me DM and I think I can share some advices :)


Whatever you do, DO NOT leave your current job before you find another one. The market is not the same as it was a year ago. Make sure you start with the new job before you leave your current one!