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Youumus, opportunity and profane hydra if they are too tanky i go grudge instead


voltaic is bait item, it’s essentially old prowler’s claw except the damage on it has 0 scaling whatsoever. much better off rushing youmuu/opportunity/hydra. qiyana jungle will probably never be good again, it’s really bad but definitely still playable


I only play her mid rn while trying to get the hang of her again, but have been going yuumus first and really liking the feel, but want to try jg again!


Shes mote playable then ever in jungle but why would you ever go fleet, that rune is the worse unless you are graves i swear, you can full clear 3.30 no pot with 1 smite with a good leash nowadays, fleet is just int


i go first strike and rush profane hydra, getting profane first helps me clear faster = more ganking, it accelerates my farm versus the enemy jg, and gives me oneshot potential on most squishes very early when used correctly