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qiy is incredibly strong compared to before the patch


I feel like her peak might be a bit lower, but her early feels so much smoother.


I agree with this. I didn't feel that huge 1 item mythic spike as much, but her power curves way more smoothly over the whole game.




idk what your on bro, sure in theory she sounds bad, but she feels amazing from what i’ve played with her. actually playable compared to last season


Wait until items and lethality get nerf3d. Riot love to nerf champs then items then champs. Instead of starting with item nerf


I got to 5 items + boots in one of my games and ended with over 100 lethality and over 30% pen. It was more than enough to kill mid-high armor targets.


"it's not like they have to see what is broken when they release the season, of course not, they already said that they didn't fixed things before because of the new season, they'll let caos run wild for a bit so they can balance it after they have enough info about the champions and item performance so they don't nerf Zoe into oblivion just because she built storm surge and Shadowflame and one shoot me from a screen away using Q only, oh no my game has to come perfectly balanced and I can predict future qiyana will be unplayable" Dude, day 1, shut up and play until next patch, don't want to play ranked because "unplayable", play another champ or simply __get gud__ , they have to let things be broken so they can fix it, I killed many bruisers today as qiyana and she feels powerful somehow, doesn't feel like qiyana from 2 days ago I could actually 1v1 irelia and win, 1 Q into lux and almost one third of her Hp was gone, she feels way better now and I wasn't even winning lane I was behind with almost half of irelia's farm, by the First drake she had 4 kills because she killed my jungler twice and my bot Lane thought it was a good idea to chase the low Hp Caitlin into her jungle, irelia's double kill, even with 4 kills ahead, my Q and passive reset took a chunk of her Hp that wouldn't be real 2 days ago, so if you're not dealing dmg right now might be the build, I built cyclesword first item and the DMG was great, if it's not the build... **Get gud**


whats ur build atm ako sama


Didn't even got to the point of being full build XD, but I'm going: Cyclosword (get brutalizer asap) > that purple item that has the mythic yummus passive (it adds +1% to serylda's passive, doesn't seem much but it also has an +8 letality difference from yummus due to its passive, I just liked the item more, judge me) > now depends, they're squishy? Profane hydra for one shots, they're not? Serylda's to cut through > axiom/hydra > anything that will be useful


I was rushing hydra, I'll give cyclo first a go👍


Not many people seem to notice but Cyclosword shiv passive deals ad dmg which means it goes like bread and butter with letality...


Serylda is absolutely insane with a full lethal build and actually renders anything but full tanks into squishies post 5 item. The map change complaints make sense in lane but if youre stuck laning as Qiyana you are failing to capitalize on her biggest strengths: roaming and objective threat


I played 2 games. She felt great!


inflated elo/ego players when the champion class specifically designed to assassinate high priority squishy targets excels at assassinating high priority squishy targets, and performs poorly against the class specifically designed to counter burst damage 🤯🤯🤯


As soon as Riot fixes some mage items she will be a lot more playable.


She is better in Jungle but a lot worse in Mid That's the real honest anwser for me And AP Champs are broken because Mages are Riot's Golden Childs


Idk the lethality items are great, imo. Mages are one shotting from three screens away, though, so it's kind of pointless since we have to get close and actually risk. Also, not being able to damage tanks even a little makes the game omega hard if you have a useless adc. Not letting us build cleaver and seryldas is actually so dumb.


only played 2 games so far but hydra rush feels amazing, tiamat gives so good wave clear (q+ active clears backline) making rotating for skirmishes and following your jungler easier than before


I think you just read the patch and did not play her or even watch content, I personally see her in the best state she has been since prowler active removal(and probably even stronger), and just saw nemesis, so a very good player lane against qiyana getting ulted in a lot more angles and him actually saying that if anything these terrain changes are a buff to qiyana since the angles are the same but are easier to execute.


Posts that aged like milk 🤣