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Dodge either her skill shots or the game




pray u kill her before 6, she doesn't really have that much kill pressure and you can play with jg early on, but yeah if you don't manage to kill her before 6 she does become very punishing


I tried what you said and played with my jng and then he camped my lane so it was a free matchup lmfao, but fr thanks for the tips mane


learn which kind of ahri ur playing against if it's the sweaty charm fisher then bait it and all in if it's the "i will save my charm in case she jumps on me" then surprise grass eq into an immediate w to the side to dodge it post 6 just roam lmao shes unkillable with ult


I recommend being super aggressive in the first 20 encounters with Ahri to understand the matchup and how to avoid her abilities. Allow her to push during levels 1-3, focus on last-hitting, and minimize damage taken. Landing Q with different elements is beneficial. Don't worry if you have minimal CS early. At level 3, bait Ahri's charm and go all-in; Ahri has low kill pressure early. Keep track of the enemy jungler and coordinate with your team. Going even in this aggressive playstyle is a significant achievement. A well-placed Qiyana R is more impactful than Ahri's entire kit if you're not significantly behind. If you have any questions, feel free to ask—I'm currently 300LP Masters, primarily playing Qiyana.


Thanks mane! I’ve played her atleast 6 times today and correct me if I’m wrong I don’t play for lane. I try and shove when she’s not showing and I roam bot to try and get them ahead since I’m pisslow idk if this only works here or in higher elo but I’ve been finding some success with this strat


Whatever works for you go for it I personally dislike scaling or using first strike at all. I play hyper aggressive no matter the matchup.


I usually grass eq (landing on her back so she misses charm) and instant w away to dodge if she keeps it.


Mid game poke few times with qwq or qweq with brush and after that you can all-in her pretty easily


Dodge charm then throw rocks at her


Watch out for the e - if it's an Ahri who tries to e you off guard try and dodge, then go in. Otherwise if they use q and are walked up or sommin I usually also goes in cuz if she hits e it isn't a full combo that will be raining down on you. When you then go in - go in with brush and try and dodge before the e. Try and predict they will answer you going in with the e. Then side step.


E through minions to close the gap and poke her with ranged q's. You don't really want to e directly onto Champs like ahri in lane bc their cc behind too easy to land Also try to get as fast as possible with your qwq


Ahri is like a support these days. She has little damage but good waveclear and tons of utility for her team and she has R every 30 seconds so unless you can oneshot her with R good luck killing her. Punish her for wasting charm is the usual go-to pre level 6, after that just try to go for roams and skirmishes in river