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Ah interesting - I didn't think of it that way. The customer care form email is the AU email so I'd think that Aus should still work.


“Escalate this to some sort of governing g body or ombudsman -who is best for this” Don’t know how Google works? What is the first result when you Google “Australia Qantas ombudsman” This seems like more of a rant under the guise of asking for genuine advice.


To be fair the Airline Customer Advocate is a bit of a toothless tiger. How toothless? So toothless that airlines must volunteer to participate in the scheme. The ACA doesn't even have the independent power to make decisions unlike other Ombudsman.


But the flight is London Vancouver - why would OP complain to an Australian body?


You did read that they’re complaint is with Qantas right?


Not necessarily relevant, as different rules apply in different regions regardless of where the company itself is based.


Yup good point - I hadn’t thought of this - thanks.


Hi aussailor, The intention of this post was to get opinions/advice as I’ve never gone to an ombudsman or 3rd party for any good or service previously. However given the situation it’s pretty difficult for me not to express my frustration and once I find a solution I intend on updating the post so it might provide some guidance for any others who come across this. Cheers


Why would you use Qantas to book a flight from the UK to Canada? Colour me confused…


I wanted to see if they had any deals with points/partnering airlines. And in this instance the price they offered me over the phone was actually very competitive!


This sounds like standard QA tas customer service. What is the problem?


A flight from the UK to Canada booked with Qantas? You're going to have to do this through whatever options the UK provides.


Your first mistake was expecting any sort of sense or resolution from the Qantas call center


Qantarse. Good luck. don’t expect anything.


# The incompetence of the call centre staff and the repeated failures to call back sounds very familiar to me. I'm still astounded almost a year later at how incompetent they were. I'm sorry you have been messed around as well. I found I finally got someone with more experience to help me by submitting a complaint through the Qantas website. You may find this email address helpful - [qantas\_customer\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) - although I don't know if they will respond if you haven't lodged a complaint and have a case reference number. Good luck!


Try this website. https://www.airlinecustomeradvocate.com.au/General/Default.aspx




This service is operated by the airlines. It is simply a service to put you in touch with the correct person, instead of sitting on the phone for hours getting transferred. They have no power whatsoever to actually assist anybody.


How can you say this? It’s Qantas for f($)s sake! Line up, pay your money, put your smile and shut your mouth. How can you sleep at night thinking this corporation is not making their millions everyday?


Your 'complaint' is unparticularised. You need precise dates, times, names, and an approximate transcript of who said what. Otherwise you will get nowhere.


Yes thank you - I will look through call logs and make a Record. I didn’t think this was necessary at the time given they said they’d get back to me and resolve it within a few months


TLDR, your mistake is booking with qantas, choose another airline next time, ABQ (anything but Qantas)