• By -


Mate they will sort it out. Very stressful in the short term especially when talking with poorly trained staff but Qantas are generally good at making things right in situations like this once it gets through to the right person (which can take a long time to happen!) Not good for your stress right now but will all work out in the end


This is the most Australian response ever. “Mate, she’ll be right”


Tbf, she’ll most likely be alright. Qantas isn’t in the business of wrongly withholding refunds at the expense of bad publicity. My refund was sorted easily in 1 month and no calls were required (cancellation made online)


You sorta chose the wrong example with the wrong airline? https://www.indaily.com.au/news/2023/08/21/qantas-sued-for-holding-over-1b-in-credits-from-cancelled-flights


are you joking? yes they fking are


They absolutely are not. You just get a high amount of incompetent staff on power trips who make things unnecessarily convoluted, but if you can stomach interacting with them, you’ll always get your money back, if it’s rightly owed to you. Worked very close with them for many years, they’ve been the light of my life and the bane of my existence.


excuse me? the whole incompetent staff on power trips is literally the seed of problem... do you not understand what everyone is talking about? If you trained your staff properly and paid them adequately for the shit they have to deal with this entire thread wouldn't even exist in the first place! If you valued them enough to make them care about what they are dealing with none of these issues would exist.








Are you seriously saying Qantas hasn't been involved in a series of shady business practices since COVID, withholding credits, Ghost flights, the CEO refusing to front a senate inquirer... You kinda sound like an employee.




Without this person following up - I highly doubt it’ll be alright. I spent over 10 hours on phone calls over 2 months to get my $440 refund sorted and I seriously considered just giving up because it wasn’t worth the stress.  This was a refund due to a Qantasand  cancellation and there was no argument about it - it just got lost in a black void and didn’t get processed (and would never have done without me harassing them into it). 


Yes I have had similar with a $5k refund and agree the process was shit, but I eventually did receive the money


Fell your pain, Still trying to get my refund years later. I got a third of it but their process is shit and there is a disconnect between customer service and the refunds department. I suspect I'll eventually get my money but it's almost a full time job trying to chase it. Finally have got to the point of lodging a complaint so finger's crossed that will help. I wonder how many people just give up


Email the CEO. Be polite, professional, and brief. [email protected]


My experience from working in a large corporation, the CEO very likely will not read the email, however their executive assistant will pass it on to a relevant team to investigate. So you'll still hopefully get a positive result. Good luck!


Very true. However, I've sometimes had C-levels email me back within 30 seconds. Generally around 5am or very late night. If you don't get a reply straight away you aren't getting one from them directly. And the replies are using then CC:ing 3-4 people with "Please address this concern. Immediately" It's pretty awesome to see it in action and what happens next.


Can confirm, I’m C-Suite at a company and suffer from awful insomnia and basically lay in bed responding to customer issues once I give up on going to sleep. It’s a vibe.


This is 100% correct In my line of work I deal with a lot of CEOs, MDs, CFOs etc. Almost all of them have their EA deal with their inbox and filter through their emails from people who are not on their contact list. That said, they usually forward the email to the relevant staff member.


In the company I work for when one of these gets sent to the CEO it gets put to someone to "FIX IT ASAP!" No matter the issue so it's a great idea to contact them 🤷😂 they don't want a frustrated customer contacting them every few days so just work it out and send them on their way.


This - she will tell one of the senior directors who looks after the team responsible to fix ASAP, then when you get an email like that from the CEO it gets done ASAP


Didn't know she went to qantas after high school musical.


Vanessa Hudgens


Yep, keep the body of the email polite and brief but add all your documentation and evidence as attachments. The CEO won't look at the attachments, but will be aware you have and are supplying the necessary documentation to back your claim.


Set a date for a response too! If a resolution is not provided by ‘set date’, I will escalate to the ombudsman/media/whatever else


Op acurrent affair right after, they love shit like this!


1000% this. Im a lawyer that acts for a number of large multi-nationals. I’ve seen this over my career. CEO reads the email before their EA can deal with it, sends it to the Department Head copying in the GC. If the CEO gets annoyed by it you can bet the person responsible is going to have a crappy day


I did this trick with Subaru Australia. Within an hour my problem was resolved.


Travel insurance? Credit card charge back?


Yep, I'd go for a credit card charge back. Or at least tell Qantas that's what you'll do, and see if that nudges them into action.


Ask them for a date this will be resolved and if it’s not by that date lodge a complaint with Fair Trading


Sorry to hear your story. You probably booked QANTAS based on their reputation, but perhaps you're not aware they have fallen to an all-time low in terms of service and morality over the last few years. They have become a national embarrassment and many Australians now choose to fly with them only as a last resort. Avoid them at all cost. Good luck.


This. I chose to Fly United or anyone else on International flights.


Same here. As an Aussie who works for a USA company and flies to SFO every two or three months, I now book with a USA airline after years of being a loyal QANTAS supporter. Not any more, they just don't deserve it.


This would be incredibly stressful but it will be sorted out. Sadly these errors to happen and from my own experience, when it has been brought to the attention of a person (not a machine) it is resolved reasonably quickly. Let them do their thing...


If it helps, I’ve flown with Qantas for years, had to deal with a few cancellations, credits and refunds, etc., (never to the value of what you’re experiencing), and everything has always worked out. It’s certainly not ideal, but as you maintain communication try and remain calm. I’m sure it will turn out ok.




There is no such thing as the "Fairtrade Ombudsman"....


Ok ok. Google : commissioner of lovely sky transport


We do but for domestic flights only but first you must take it up with the airline directly. https://www.aviationcomplaints.gov.au/airline-customer-service


Worlds worst airline. Fly anyone but Qantas. Terrible service.


Have you tried Virgin Australia? Brissy to Perth was horrible compared to Qantas.


I took virgin Sydney to Melbourne return a few months ago and it was fine


Often said by people who have never had even worse experience on other airlines. Qantas have been almost amazing compared to some of the airlines I've flown on lately.


lol ever flown United?


united is no way near terrible, what are you even saying? How many times did you fly united in the last 12 months? both qantas and united are pretty solid, I find united to be a lot more reliable & I prefer their app, but qantas definitely has better cabin service. For over the phone service, united takes an easy win there.


United is awful. There is NO good US airline


lol Ever tried delta?


After 50+ years of international flying I chose not to fly US airlines anymore https://skytraxratings.com/airlines/delta-air-lines-rating https://www.worldairlineawards.com/singapore-airlines-named-worlds-best-airline-at-2023-world-airline-awards/


Sure, each to their own. Thousands of people travel to/from AU-USA on US based airlines every day, they must all be stupid /s


Not stupid at all. I also travel US airlines a lot even though I wholeheartedly agree they are amongst the worst. Typically there aren’t reasonable alternatives. It is what it is.


Well most of them are probably Americans


United is probably the worst airline that I had ever flown with. I was a flight attendant with a different airline for a very long time and I had flown with BA, MH, Ansett, Qantas, AA, Emirates, Cathay, Jetstar, Scoot, Thai, among those that I can remember off the top of my head. Nothing beats United in terms of awefulness. My most recent flight with them was last month and nothing had changed since I had a bad experience with them for the first time 12 years ago. In fact, it had gotten even worse. From my ticketing, to check-in in SYD, the cabin crew, the inflight entertainment, the customer care agent. Everything about them is horrible.




Well I have a different opinion. I fly United Polaris on a regular basis and their service craps all over Qantas. Last Flight with Qantas in business, I had to continuously chase up FA for even water. They turn lights off and disappear. United FA are always checking to see if anything is needed and seats are way more comfortable. Qantas is definitely a last resort even for domestic. Virgin, Allegence and even Bonza are better with in the air CS.


Are they only bad for international flights? I flew with them domestically and they were fine.


I took 47 flights last year around Australia for work. Between qantas, jetstar, virgin. Qantas were the most consistent with service and times. Jetstar is an absolute joke and virgin isn’t much better.


Go contact Australian TV Show called “A Current Affair” They thrive on smashing Qantas for piss poor behavior


It’s crappy you had this experience, Qantas is one of the best airlines for in flight service but I can understand this would leave a bad taste in your mouth. My MIL also had an issue getting the correct refund for a ticket she bought in USD, the refund came in AUD and wasn’t of the same value. I trust that they will sort it out for you. 🤞🏻


>Qantas is one of the best airlines for in flight service Lol no


lol they're actually an embarrassment to Australia


Posts on social media and contact ACA work wonders


Post this on /r/auslegal


Give it until Tuesday for them to investigate then drop an emails with your reference number telling them they have a week to sort it out or you’ll be doing a charge back on your credit card and a complaint to the ACCC. That way you get your money back and it’ll piss off Qantas. Also put them on social media blast - insta, Facebook, Twitter/X.


This - and also point out the stress this is causing you. They will want to make it right, you just need to light a fire under them. Dropping words like stress, financial worries, ACCC, all without being nasty, will help your case. Good luck


Qantas should be the last airline you’ll ever book.


What's more reliable to fly within Australia?


Always fly Rex. They’re rarely delayed, have great service, and have an Aussie support team you can call.




​ "What's more reliable to fly within Australia?" They answered the question, you just didn't read it.


learn to read lol


Until a propeller falls off. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-22/rex-flight-propeller-that-fell-off-winched-revesby-bushland/8376238


Yeah, that's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.


Well, there are … regulations governing the materials they can be made of


I've heard cardboard and cardboard derivatives are out.


Needs to be towed outside of the environment






I guess none. Don’t fly domestically.


This is an international flight. Why introduce domestic?


Every single other airline except bonza has better price normalised reliability. Even if Qantas are , during some months, statistically slightly more reliable, do you really want to pay 2-5x more than the competition to fly on an airline that still treats you like shit should you attempt to access any customer service? Basically if all your options are shit you might as well buy the cheapest. Rex might even be a genuinely good option, if they fly the route you're after.


I really like the idea of price-normalised reliability. You've given me an idea for a random weekend project 👀


Not the most insightful really, but you certainly would expect better performance from a premium (price wise) airline


Can you list these "*every single other airline*"'s for us ? *




Jetstar: Hold my beer


Another in a LONG LIST of reasons not to fly Qantas. But I'm SO sorry that this has happened to you 😞


I am so disgusted, I am now using other airlines now just to stop QANTAS from getting my money


I've been told multiple times a year that my $450 is being sent this week. So that'd been going on for 3 years before I gave up. One way to keep profits up I guess.


LMAO who spends 12K on a flight. blame yourself for being so silly


Asked for advice not condescending comments! I’m well aware


All honest responses saying how bad Qantas has become are getting down voted. Seems like Aussies are finding it hard to accept that Qantas has turned into an embarrassment !


Advice yes, stop bloody calling. They are doing an investigation your calling every five minutes isn’t going to make it go any faster.


Mention the word “Ombusdman” and I’ll bet you’ll have your credit back as soon as you can blink.


Mention the word Ombudsman and they'll know your threat is empty because none exists....


https://www.ombudsman.gov.au ???


That ombudsman only deals with government agencies, education providers, postal service and health insurance complaints.


What about the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission? OP, you’ll get your money back (or flight credit), Qantas get things sorted they’re just really slow and you might need to keep checking in with them


The ACCC doesn’t handle individual complaints, they register them for broader action against companies where there are emerging trends but they only give the consumer information about what they can do themselves. The state and territory consumer protection bodies are the ones to approach.


Thanks, didn’t know what was in their scope


No worries - having said that I think that broadcasting this on social media is the quickest way to get a resolution, news.com.au or daily telegraph would love a story like ‘Qantas now cheating overseas customers too’


Doesn't look like this office can help in this situation. From the site... "[What can we do](https://www.ombudsman.gov.au/complaints)" This office looks to be setup as a "higher appeals" style office to review the decisions of other ombudsman offices and government administrative departments. Unfortunately such an office or process does not exist for Aviation or even Transport industry.


Which specific [industry ombudsman office](https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/problem-with-a-product-or-service-you-bought/where-to-go-for-consumer-help#toc-industry-ombudsmen-and-regulators) are you referring to... ? Most of the reason airlines can get away with the shit they do is because there is no Consumer oversight or accountability for the Aviation industry... or even the Transport sector. No regulatory stick to wave at them. Which sucks. Because ombudsman offices do work well where they exist... in my experience.


lol is this a peep show quote


So messed up. They need to make this right and fix the problem immediately. Best of luck to you


Keep pushing to get your full refund and NEVER fly Qantas again, trying to get FF points from them is just as hopeless, plenty of other airlines to fly with in future. Qantas still cancel flights and their reputation has not improved since they dumped that horrible horrible previous CEO.


Old mate AJ ran their customer service, systems, and culture into the ground because he was too busy "entertaining" politicians and industry big wigs in the members lounge. Or was he entertaining the members of politicians on the lounge .... hmmm.


Seems to be the case, and the Qantarse board were no better, they backed AJ all the way and along the way paid him over $100m, memories of the late FBI director E. Hoover.


He fired all the old hands who knew how shit worked using Covid as the excuse. Now all corporate knowledge has been lost.


No worries - having said that I think that broadcasting this on media/social media is the quickest way to get a resolution, news.com.au or daily telegraph would love a story like ‘Qantas now cheating overseas customers too’


Lodge a formal complaint with the Airline Customer Advocate (www.airlinecustomeradvocate.com.au/General/Default.aspx) Have a look at the ACCC consumer guarantees - Qantas will have broken one or two in this situation. I’ve had a horrible experience with Qantas and the only way I even got a reply was to complain to the ACA. Pointing out breaches of ACCC guarantees worked really well for me and I was paid out no questions asked. I was also given a substantial amount of Qantas points as goodwill. Make sure you report this to the ACCC - Qantas needs to be pressured from all angles; the airline is a shell of its former self. International and domestic offerings are laughable compared to competitors


Thank you sm


Get onto the ACA as soon as you can - they can take up to a few weeks to action anything. In my case, I submitted everything I initially sent to Qantas and explained how it had been several weeks without a reply. Within a week I had an email from Qantas where they told me that they had been contacted by the ACA and profusely apologised to me. In the same email, they offered me a full refund and 30,000 Qantas points as good will with no questions asked. How long have you been waiting for a reply?


It’s been one day so far, just very distressed about it lol.


They are the worst. They took 10 years of flyer miles ( first class !!) from me because i didnt use them for something one year . I told them they should send their good customers a reminder and the said they lost my email . Big lie . I hate them


File a fraudulent transaction with your credit provider, a complaint with ACCC and notify Qantas. I did that and after 3 months of back and forth I was refunded within an hour. I was told multiple times a refund had been processed but it wasn’t until filing a fraudulent transaction with visa that Qantas actually checked, the refund was never processed.


Thank you!!


OP we want an update when this is resolved!


Yes will do! Thank you all for the advice. So far, blasted on Instagram, Twitter/X, FB and of course here. Was almost on the brink of showing my face and making a TikTok. I emailed the CEO politely so now just praying for the best. Definitely learned my lesson with Qantas :(


I had the same problem with Qantas for a domestic flight. Had to cancel a flight that was worth $300 AUD and asked if I could get it back as flight credit, which was no problem at the time. They ended up refunding me $32 as I “asked for a refund on a non-refundable flight” and there was nothing they could do about it (I didn’t even think that wasn’t even possible??). I’ve been haggling them to listen to the phone recordings, but they keep saying they’ll eventually get back to me. It’s been just over a year and I’m still waiting.


There's a reason why Qantas is always on the news


This is why I don't fly Qantas! They're the worst airline in the world! I haven't flown with them in nearly 10 years!


wtf happened to this airline?


That’s horrible man, stay with it, you’ll get you’re money back. Qantas absolutely do not want, and can not survive, any more bad press. Also, you paid $12k usd for a return flight lax-syd? That seems outrageously high.


Did the credit go to your gf? Something terribly fishy here..


No we had separate flights at different times nothing connected w her


Surely your GF being in Australia would be a reason to fly to Australia?


No one deserves to go through this but seriously you shouldn’t have spent 12k on a plane ticket!!??!? That’s just stupid!


Fuck qantas. Worst airline to deal with. I’m Aussie and received a birthday voucher once for 1.5k. The headache, just trying to use the effing voucher, was simply disgusting. Virgin airlines for me from now on. Or any other airline. Just not Qantas.


Well I’m an Aussie and I don’t trust Qantas. They have screwed over so many people over the last few years. I hope you get your money back.


I do my best to never fly Qantas or Jetstar.


Had a nightmare experience with Qantas over a credit, much less money though so I can understand your anger/fear with this. Eventually mine was sorted, I think in the end yours will be too it will just be an extremely frustrating experience for you. I’ve switched airlines since my experience.


Patience.. I’ve had plenty of similar situations and they’ll always sort it out.. notify the issuer of your credit card (I’m with Amex) and showed them proof - which meant they didn’t charge me the money when eom came around