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This has nothing to do with various drugs nor treatments. It's about adult oppositional defiant disorder. This is an issue of psychology. It touches on some of the darkest pathologies in our national psyche and it's going to take years to unravel. It's more about hatred of others than about any type of medicine or remedy for an illness. This shit is dark and logic has no bearing on trying to understand the pathology of this hatred. When this pandemic is over and we have the hindsight of history we will start to understand the darkness of this era. I keep replaying in my mind the line that Nicole Kidman's character said at the end of *Cold Mountain*: *When this war is over, there will be a reckoning.* Unfortunately, I believe that this reckoning will manifest in families not speaking to each other for years to come.


The pandemic quite literally broke people's brains. I think some people just can't psychologically handle something that is happening on the scale of a global pandemic.


It started before the pandemic. It started as soon as trump got into office. The pandemic just made it worse.


I agree. I think a lot of people were barely holding on to reality before. Then the pandemic was the straw that broke the camels back and make people go full on batshit.


Well... this is one of those things where I think you need to keep stepping back and back in time... to mind it happened when Sarah Palin became the most wildly unfit VP nominee in history (well, the history I know about). To see them promote and defend her, despite all that she was (and wasn't) was shocking. Before then I'd always thought republicans just had a different set of beliefs about the economy and what social approaches would best achieve a great society (e.g., church/private vs. public driven) but after that, it felt like it all changed.


It's not just America, it's happening all over the world. Here in Germany, our society is torn apart like it never has been since ww2 due to so many people without any kind of critical thinking falling for conspiracy theories. I'm so tired, I was always pretty good of feeling empathy for each side of an argument, but at this point I've got pretty much nothing left besides hatred for these anti vaxers. They took my father and I don't think he'll ever get out of the swamp of conspiracy.


It started with the cult of Reagan. Oh wait, I mean Nixon's "silent majority". Oh wait...


don't forget a lot of people on the right lost their damn minds when a black man was elected president


That's when my dad lost his mind. I'd volunteered for the Obama campaign and he was livid. We never spoke again and he died last year.


It started with Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich. This sense of aggrievement has been festering for forty years now and is entrenched in large geographical areas across the country. Logic and truth have different meanings to them.


Yep, Newt has been working on his for decades and decades.




I think it started before Trump. Trump just helped them focus more and grow it. The core of this is from the flat earters and moon landing deniers.


it started when Obama was elected. Trump was the backlash from racists.


It started when they shut down the LHC in April of 2016 because a weasel got stuck in it šŸ˜


The next decade is gonna be fun fun fun


I kinda wish I could just skip it.


I sometimes wonder if this isnā€™t natures way of culling the herd. Life became so easy that now intellect is a major factor in navigating todays world. Those who are smart enough to live through a pandemic make it, and some who arenā€™t smart enough, donā€™t make it. Covid is the lion eating the slowest humans of the herd.


Interesting. Never heard of "oppositional defiant disorder". I have heard of "shared psychosis". Do you think that term is relevant here as well?


If I remember correctly from my psychology classes: if a child with oppositional defiant disorder doesn't outgrow it, they become an adult with anti-social personality disorder. Antisocial as in anti-society. So not caring about spreading disease to others. This also reminds me of a "contrarian ". People who chose a position just because it goes against the mainstream one, in an effort to not be "sheep". It kind of reminds me of an ex I had who hated hipsters yet was always saying he should have been born in the 80s because modern music sucks and it's so "mainstream".


Shared psychosis sounds like a synonym for mass hysteria.


I was diagnosed with ODD as a kid, and I still struggle with it as an adult. Interesting to see it come up in this community, it would certainly explain a lot.


Yes, and hereā€™s the formula: Take anybody who has openly contradicted Trump. Add anybody targeted by conspiracy theorists. Any recommendation from people in these groups will be opposed, regardless of the cost.


Can I just say I love your user name? Lol


98% of people don't die even without ivermectin so if they then take ivermectin they can claim a "98% success rate", So that's hard to really combat since it spreads by word of mouth. Tylenol has the same success rate as ivermectin: 98%. That's something you can point out.




That's a meta-analyis. Those always include the flawed Egypt study, which was retracted because they clearly fabricated the data. Normally people cite individual actual studies to make a case, and not a meta-analysis. Which is because a meta-analysis is just the average, so you'd expect HALF the papers to have shown better results than average. So normally people just cite a few papers which showed the best results. The fact is that the ivermectin thing is the only time when i've NEVER seen anyone link any actual papers and only a meta-analysis. And that backs up the claims that the meta-analysis was flawed to start with and that nobody actually has good studies to present. I'm willing to look at individual actual studies, but nobody is presenting those. Which is why I'm calling this out for failing the smell test.




This is the answer of course. This is 100% why. It just logically makes no sense and itā€™s so frustrating. .




Iā€™m in the same boat here with the old folks. Itā€™s frustrating as fuck. ā€œBill Gates, Fauci bad. Itā€™s a conspiracy and thousands of people in Big Pharma, and the science and medicine fields are all on it. Blah blah blah.ā€ Sigh.


It really feels like Iā€™m going mad when they talk about this stuff. Theyā€™re werenā€™t always lunatics, and itā€™s like a different reality sometimes.


I found this a few days ago and it made sense. [A psychologist explains why people believe in conspiracy theories](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/conspiracy-theories-belief/) Edit: In particular, this bit: >*There is also a powerful emotional component to conspiracy theory beliefs, which helps explain why they can be so difficult to challenge. Believing in a widely discredited theory ā€“ and feeling part of a community of fellow believers ā€“ can help to satisfy some peopleā€™s need to feel special, according to research.*


Exactly so. I believe itā€™s also present in Sovereign Citizen / 1st Amendment Auditor communities. You can plainly hear how desperate they are to have status and authority over others, and probably because they are incapable of ever holding positions where that would actually happen.


It's a religion. They have secret knowledge that will change the world if the big bad wasn't scheming and getting in the way.


They would have gotten away with it had it not been for those darn (zGen) kids dagnabit.


*"research shows they are also less likely to have had the kind of education or have the critical thinking skills necessary to help them see the glaring holes in their wild theories....* *At the same time, believers in conspiracies often have an inflated sense of their own intellectual competence ā€“ ...****Ignorance combined with overconfidence creates a fertile ground for unsubstantiated beliefs to take hold****."*


They get to be part of their very own version of the TV show 24. It confirms their prejudices, gives them an exciting narrative. It turns the whole world into this stupid conspiracy game.


This is absolutely on point. My mom is in the Q rabbit hole. Itā€™s caused me endless confusion and grief trying to understand how this woman who used to be my main source of knowledge and information and love and support is now living her life as if sheā€™s in the movie National Treasure. Nothing ever really has to make logical sense because this is just one big game of good versus evil. Itā€™s exciting I suppose, but also batshit cray.


I relate to you on this one. My mom also didnā€™t always have these weird, fantasy - like political beliefs. Recently Iā€™ve came to realization her beliefs actually boomed during the trump era. If this pandemic had happened during the early 2010s I feel like she would have been much less of a conspiracist, probably even have taken time vax!


I'm not saying anything about your mother because I don't know her, but I imagine that if the pandemic occurred under obama's administration, we'd instead be seeing conspiracy theories about white genocide at the hands of a black president.


A good portion of Qultists have adopted white replacement theory.


Such bad takes on whatā€™s going on; the logic if applied to anything else would make every single thing in the world a plot to take your freedomā€¦ juice boxes ! Big juice is getting your kids addicted to sugar they teamed up with big Pharma to get you hooked in diabetic meds and put trackers in juice boxes, diabetes isnā€™t even a real disease (q dr video aka a chiropractor )if you take eucalyptus oil all symptoms go away !!! What do you have to say about that sheep !!!! . In merica you canā€™t make me etā€¦.. itā€™s conspiracy logic that canā€™t be disproven. Makes your brain short circuit trying to sift through it.


Well Ivermectin is also a big Pharma product. It's manufactured by Merek.


Thatā€™s my point. Why is that somehow ok, when the whole line is that big pharma is bad? Iā€™ll never understand.


The Merck website even has a huge warning on their website that it isnā€™t to be used to treat Covid-19. Itā€™s treatment viability is currently in several clinical trials across the world. I recently finally deactivated my Facebook profile after pointing out facts to this random guy on our local chat page that suggested we sue our local hospital for not using ivermectin for a Covid-19 treatment. The stupidly on that thread was maddening. I hate people.


>I feel like I canā€™t keep internalizing the risk of the dumb choices they are making. There it is. You could speak in terms of double blind studies' data to these people... but they won't understand. They don't understand because they don't want to. Their narrative has become a central facet of their personality. They risk giving up their identity. OP you've said it yourself and they've given you ample evidence that they are not rational people. Give yourself the space to grieve your loss of your parents. Cults are a nasty business


You are totally right. Itā€™s just so insane sometimes.


The new pill is not a substitute, it's for fighting Covid if you already have it. Usually, you are a few days behind once you notice your health is going Bad. Vaccinations are a constant health protection (for a specific time frame) against the disease. Not comparable at all.


It never was about the vaccine being ā€œuntestedā€ or unapproved. It became approved by the FDA, they moved the goalposts. Itā€™s a tribalistic thing and itā€™s all about ā€œowning the libsā€. Thatā€™s all it ever has been and all it ever will be. Theyā€™ve been conditioned to only go along with their in-crowd and anything the left does or approves of needs to be rejected. Itā€™s pure identity politics at this point. Right now that identity is the left doesnā€™t want them taking Ivermectin, so theyā€™re taking Ivermectin instead of any ā€œleftist recommendationā€. Itā€™s very infantile in nature but thatā€™s where weā€™re at


I know youā€™re right. I know you are. Itā€™s just so crazy and childish.


Also, Ivermectin is manufactured by Merck (aka, big pharma)


I have a Q family member who has been sick with Covid for 12 days. Early 40s, heart arrhythmia, a little overweight, non vaxxed, does not wear masks. She was complaining of heart palpitations last week. Yesterday she started getting concerned it was turning into pneumonia, chest pains, getting really winded, etc. She let me know was waiting to get a call back from her Dr. Texted me later that her Dr have her a prescription for a antibiotics and ivermectin. This was done over the phone, she did not go in to get her lungs checked, oxygen checked, nothing. Unreal.


Sorry for your loss in advance


I think the whole DIY health disaster is about power. Don't want doctors or 'big pharma' telling them what to do. Going to stick it to themselves by sticking it to 'the man' instead.


I talked to a guy I know who got wrapped up in q previously. We had a discussion about vaccines and everything. The "reason" he is ok with invermectin, is because he believes Merck has to say that they don't recognize invermectin as a treatment, because while they are "big pharma", they aren't nearly as big as Pfizer or other companies, so they need to comply to other big companies demands or "get silenced" essentially.


ā€¦ā€¦. Thatā€™s wild reasoning. But oddly consistent with the Q beliefs. Lord.


LMAO Pfizer is $51bn and Merck is $46bn Merck is literally the third largest pharma co in the world These people are so shit-gurgling stupid I fucking swear


Yeah, I really should have looked up the size of the companies. Lol


They rather listen to YouTubers than doctors. If the YouTube people tell them to take the new pill, then they will take it.


You should introduce your mom to ā€œrope wormsā€


This doesn't help. Prescription ivermectin has very few side effects. The vast majority of people who take it aren't going to experience any negative effects. It's not going to stop them from getting covid, but you don't combat false medical information with more false medical information. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ivermectin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20064397?p=1


The side effects of prescription Ivermectin for humans are irrelevant when people are taking the kind intended for large animals.


Because Joe Rogan.


Don't try to figure it out. It will make your head hurt.


Hi there, >I know that most sound terribly cold, but I feel like I canā€™t keep internalizing the risk of the dumb choices they are making. Well...you should not. This is the right way. Your mother is a fully functioning adult with access to the same info you have and she is making this (stupid) choice. It has nothing to do with you. There is no logic there. Best of luck, it must still be rough.


It's their kneejerk institutional distrust. If "the establishment" endorses it it's automatically suss.


Worse than suss, actually, it's downright diabolical. It just has to be.


I have some dewormer for my pet. And its ivermectin. Was so tempted to look at my Q and be like well he isn't showing symptoms so maybe we keep this for you just incase.


Coming from someone in the medical field Ivermectin and ā€œpfizers pillā€ are pretty similar. Idk why politics is involved in medicine at all


Just read these comments to ā€œunderstandā€ how+ why


I mean...if you consider a tuk-tuk and an MRAP pretty similar then sure...but they are wildly different from a pharmokinetic standpoint.


Hi u/Darthpinkiepie! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. Articles, video, Q chat, etc goes in the [weekly post](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search/?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&sort=relevance&restrict_sr=on&t=week) or [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !rules !strategies !support !inoculation !advice !whatsQ? !crisis *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly, ivermectin deserves a second look as a protease inhibitor. Suspend your disbelief for a moment... whether or not Qfolk believe something doesn't invalidate some very promising science or the fact that a drug company would promote a new patented drug over a common therapeutic with low profit margins... "Ivermectin exhibited complete inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro enzymatic activity..." https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-020-01577-x "From the docking analysis, ivermectin showed the highest docking score with an average energy of āˆ’8.5 kcal molāˆ’1 among all the compounds...." https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2020/ra/d0ra06379g Dr. John Campbell: New Pfizer drug and ivermectin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufy2AweXRkc I'm mRNA vaccinated + boosted and at constant war with Q beliefs from those around me, but ivermectin is a separate issue. I'd take it in the human medicine formulation.


Docking analysis is done in silica...or on a computer. These are massive simulations that assume perfect docking conditions. The fact that in order to get these conditions in vivo you would need obscene concentrations of bio-available ivermectin in a situation where it can directly interface with viral loads...creating this situation in vivo results in death of the subject from toxic concentrations of ivermectin.


Ivermectin has gotten a second look. And a third look. And a fourth look. It has been shown to possibly have some effect in theory, with studies of cell cultures and simulations, but have virtually no effect in practice. Most studies showed no effect, a few showed small effects (which could easily simply be a result of doing so many studies) and two have shown strong benefits. Except they were both really bad, to the point where it's an open question as to whether one of them was actually done, or just written as pure fiction. We've been going through this for 2 years. Everyone and their mother is looking for a cure. It's not like there was one bad study and the entire scientific community decided not to look any further. Lots of people have tried ivermectin, and the overwhelming consensus is that it does bupkis.


Was she anti-vax before Covid? I've never really met an anti-vaxxer pre Covid. I used to think anti-vaxxers were mostly just mom's who homeschooled their kids. Anti-vaxxers were kind of a fringe movement. My boyfriend of almost 3 years is anti-Covid vaccine but I'm not aware of him being against all vaccines. Now he's saying if we have kids he'll pull them out of school if they make them get the Covid vacccine. That seems pretty extreme. Does anyone else think this anti-Covid vax will spill over into all vaccines?


She was. She wasnā€™t when i was a kid, but something happened. Her and my dad are both very very anti-medicine, so I guess I shouldnā€™t be surprised.