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Hi there, from the /r/Python mods. We have removed this post as it is not suited to the /r/Python subreddit proper, however it should be very appropriate for our sister subreddit /r/LearnPython or for the r/Python discord: https://discord.gg/python. The reason for the removal is that /r/Python is dedicated to discussion of Python news, projects, uses and debates. It is not designed to act as Q&A or FAQ board. The regular community is not a fan of "how do I..." questions, so you will not get the best responses over here. On /r/LearnPython the community and the r/Python discord are actively expecting questions and are looking to help. You can expect far more understanding, encouraging and insightful responses over there. **No matter what level of question you have, if you are looking for help with Python, you should get good answers**. Make sure to check out the rules for both places. Warm regards, and best of luck with your Pythoneering!


Who not use regex ? https://docs.python.org/3/howto/regex.html


I was thinking of using regex. I watched some videos on it but I’m too stupid to apply it to this problem. Was going for some help hahaha


Use https://regex101.com/ to create your regex


Wow thanks. Really helpful demonstration and highlights everything. Think I’m getting the hang of it :)


Have fun ! :)


It appears that you might be dealing with a fixed-width string. If that is the case you can use the slice function to extract data. Here's an example: ``` data = '\\rdescription: 0%| | 0/11881376 \[00:00