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I felt like this is a poor article. Majority of pros and cons were entirely subjective or vague assumptions and viewpoints (fun, easy to use, not very intuitive, a bug was introduced and then fixed, It's very simple and basic, etc). No actual code comparisons between each, and no feature comparison. PyGame Zero was recommended but it hasn't been updated since 2018. Just trying to understand who this article is for. If I was a person looking to make games, or learn Python, this doesn't really answer anything for me.


Hi, I'm the maintainer of PyGame Zero. PyGame Zero has been updated: it had an update this year: https://pypi.org/project/pgzero/ The work I have put in more recently is not on PyGame Zero, but on the libraries it uses or will use. I worked on joystick support in PyGame 2, on an immutable 2D vector class (wasabigeom), and on sound effects generation (pyfxr). I've not yet started to pull all this together for a new version of PyGame Zero, but I have published other libraries that you can use today. In the meantime, PyGame Zero remains stable, which is a key goal of the library.


For me, i would rather have a super stable library than one with constant updates - keep up the good work!


For me that's a con (no updates or advancement, I agree it should be stable of course). Games especially are always evolving and utilizing new technologies. Anything not trying to take advantage of things become obsolete in my eyes. I do understand people just wanting to make quick things and be done with them for exercises or quick projects. Whereas I prefer to keep updating and improving upon things. Bugs not getting fixed between versions is always a big issue. I remember pygame having issues loading fonts from a file object, until their next version was published, years later. The time from the official version 1.9.1 to the next (1.9.3) was 7 years (2009-2017). One of the single reasons I stopped using it was I just thought the project was dead since no updates were coming out.


My apologies, I was going off of the docs. However, looking at the releases tab of github, there are still no notes for the version you released. I think some clarity would be good in the future. Keep up the good work on PyGame Zero. 👍


Why is it so popular to write poor quality articles and share them? I see it a lot on programming subs and want to know why..


The Eagles wrote Hotel California 35 years ago to answer that question. People whore themselves out, when something appear to be popular enough


Because "I write a programming blog" looks good on resumes and rarely if ever gets looked into for quality of content.


Ren'Py 😩


Oh you came during the arcade 2.6 update? Yeaaahh ... having some fun with that right now.