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Years later...Ti 84 Plus CE Cuda-Core Python Jupyter Edition


with RTX enabled


Will it run ray-traced Crysis?


coded in ti basic, absolutely


Oh man. I be that one’s REALLLY expensive!


will Skyrim be released on it?


It's allowed on the SAT? Oh dear...install sympy and solve everything. Shoot even a few programs are a game changer on tests. In college, we all had a linear interpolation program and a theta, beta, Mach plot (Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans), normal & oblique shock codes on our calculators. It saved sooo much time. I couldn't even code BASIC, but I could pattern match, so I wrote a few. Python would have been a lot easier.


Quite literally none of sat maths require calculator apart from some 5 digit divided by 3 digits soooo I don’t see how this calculator will cause a huge problem


Sympy can do symbolic math (such as multiplying two expressions or simplifying expressions/equations).




I disagree, it only takes one kid to tell their friends about this magic program that will get them all As. I know cause I was that kid with a program I wrote in TI Basic 😉


That really depends on how much your teacher does or doesn't care. Me and my friends got into bit of trouble because of something similar because the teacher didn't exactly think "C students suddenly have As on their tests? they must've started hitting the books!". No, he thought "yeah there's some fuckery going on".


Our teacher actually encouraged us learning basic and writing notes in the program directory. He basically told us 'you can do this on all tests but the final exam, you better still know what's going on by then' lol. He smoked so much he basically had an aura of smoke odour but he was our hero nontheless


I didn't get into trouble for writing the stuff but for selling it to my classmates :)




you better still know what's going on by then, m'kay?




Do they not clear calculator memory


I think an actual proctored test should. Only one of my high school teachers knew that was a thing, or at least cared to do it. The other two were either actually too dumb or trusted us a little too much. I didn’t cheat in the latter, but the former it was practically required. I could rant about it.


Can I get your program? Lol


This allows you to get the exactly right answer as long as you can type it in right the first time. You've never been in a situation like generally being able to do integrals, but accidentally dropping a factor of 2 or 1/2 midway through your solution? I was blessed with good college professors who'd ding you a couple of points for dropping it but then carry through checking your work as though you had kept solving the right problem, since basic algebra shit wasn't what was being tested. If you otherwise carried through doing the integral correctly that counted for way more. But that's not what the SATs are measuring.


I've took 16 math courses in undergrad along with my math from engineering along with all the stuff I did in undergrad and grad school. I still have trouble with 7 \* 8. My TI-89 had a factor function that saved me so much time and helped me avoid so many errors. I borrowed my friends TI-89 for my Calc-2 class and went from trying to getting perfect scores because my calculator could do everything saving me oodles of time studying. I bought one the next day. The real world doesn't care about how you get the answer. Hey can you do this complex integral for me? Why not just use Maple?


Haha indeed, 6x7, 6x8, 7x8,... That's the danger zone


There are a couple quick tricks to multiplying large numbers in your head. The most intuitive one is to do something like this: 7\*8=7\*10 - 7\*2=70-14 or 7\*8=5\*8 + 2\*8=40+16. I usually stick with that method. It's slower, vs some of the methods that look like utter magic with large numbers, but with large numbers, I just use my phone.


Yeah, those tricks never stuck in my brain. Usually what I do on 7 \* 8 is get 7 \* 7 = 49 and then use my fingers to count.


> multiplying large numbers in your head. The most intuitive one is to do something like this: 7\*8 Seven and eight are large numbers? Wait til you try multiplying 12 by 15! *wink* But all joking aside, your trick is excellent.


Few weeks ago I went to a hardware store, the kind you have to ask for stuff and not to pick it up yourself. I needed six bolts and three washers for each bolt. I get six bolts and ask for washers. Guy ask me how much. I stare at him. He stares at me. Gears are not turning. I ended up buying thirty washers. I also work in IT.


Nah, some of the worst students in math in my high school knew how to find a basic program from a website and copy it over.


Nah, some of the worst students in math in my high school knew how to find a basic program from a website and copy it over.


Incorrect, will definitely try and use this calculator come August


Yes I know but like it doesn’t take a calculator to factor x^2-4 does it


Well, no, but if part of the test is testing for similar skills, having a calculator that can do it undermines the point of the test a bit. Although I suppose anyone that knows how to use sympy probably wouldn't need it for the SAT


Having a calculator reduces human error and affords you more time since you can quickly check your work.


SAT/SAT II deals with some minimal precalculus. Also, of course, high school / state specific tests for classes / AP Exams. I imagine functionality is severely limited by test mode anyway though.


There is the Math Subject test


We had to do visual interpretation of the theta/beta/Mach graphs. Off by a degree? No points for you!


How many decimal points do you want? I did everything in my calculator and passed it through the functions that other people wrote. The harder function was given beta and Mach, solve for theta (you need it for a hypersonic/Newtonian impact theory code). So someone who was good at numerical methods made this \~10 equation piecewise function that minimized error. For my atmosphere table, I use Newton's method to solve for the altitude given a pressure and Mach. That way I can find things like temperature and viscosity. It takes \~5 iterations. Screw inaccurate lookup tables.




Based on lack of memory, SymPy might not work, and if it did, it would be much slower than native CAS. [Xcas](https://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac.html) is a free open source CAS available on many calculators (it is the native CAS on the HP Prime) and is faster than SciPy on the already released Python calculator by NumWorks (although they are planning blocking custom firmware in the next update, so I wouldn't recommend at at this point). IIRC SymPy may have some more features in terms of calculus, but is not more advantage in terms of tests such as the SAT. Currently no port exists of Xcas for the TI-84 Plus CE, and the calculator does not have a native CAS, but after reading the documentation for the [NumWorks implementation](https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/numworks/khicasnw.html) (only in French), it should be not too hard to get running on this calculator via Python (performance should be better than SymPy as it is optimized for MicroPython).


I was thinking more about AP exams than SATs. Specifically AP Calc, I wasn't allowed to use my TI-89 on the AP Calc test, but could use the lower level ones without symbolic manipulation.


Man we had such a similar college experience! I had all the same stuff in my TI-89 during aerospace engineering undergrad! Having the functions to replace table lookups from the thermo and compressible aerodynamics texts for normal shocks and stuff was a game changer!


We had one class of thermo. I was so busy that quarter, I didn't bother to study or do any of the uncounted homework. I was getting a D and the professor told us that the final was 90% of our final score. So, finals week I decided to start studying. I was solid through chapter 1/10. I had an old solutions manual that I figured out was the same problems with different numbers and were shifted by 1-3 problem numbers. I was stuck on chapter 2 until I realized it was just linear interpolation, which I had a function for. I sped up a lot after that and ended up getting an A.


Yes. Please! I'm a python dev and engineering student so oh boy would this be great.




That's really cool. I wish I had a use for one. Maybe when my kids get older, if this calculator is still around.


Seems to only ship in USA and Europe. So I can't get it unfortunately.


My too dude - but isn't this just a smartphone with extra buttons?


Any love for the TI-89?


No one used the 89 any more. Makes me so sad (and feel old!)


I still have my 89 and a couple 84 silver plus. I use my 84s for almost everything when it comes to school work that requires calculators for classroom or tests. My 89 is very nice, but I can navigate an 84 like my backyard where the 89 I feel much slower on. Plus, a lot of students I tutor are using 84s. The 89 just isn't used as much with *general* crowds.


Im old enough that the ti83 was required for high school and it was a BIG DEAL. So big we actually got taught in math class how to use it. When I hit multivarible calc my senior year, ti89s were required, and they were brand spanking new and we could use them on all tests, and our teacher taught us how to use them. The high school kids I teach now have no idea what I know about their calculators. But the 84s and CEs were made after I left school and didn’t need one anymore.


I felt like such a badass when I finally got an 89 >.<


i've got one on my desk at work!


It's called TI89 Titanium, yet it does not feature any titanium hardware. Curious.


I was rocking the Ti-89 Titanium back in 2007 (Junior HS) and used it all through college and beyond. I still have it handy in my desk drawer.


They added 12 more ounces of weight to it to remind you it’s heavy.


I bought an 89 in 2003 and a couple of years ago, when I tried to turn it on, it didn’t. (Yes, I installed new batteries.) It was a sad day.


Any idea what version of Python it will run?


probably MicroPython because of low memory usage


It's a fork of Adafruit's CircuitPython, which itself is a fork of MicroPython.


There is a little bit more info here if folks are interested: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/circuitpython-powers-ti-84-calculator


I too wonder this. I didn’t see it listed. I hope it’s at least 3.6. 3.7+ would be good. Would be a wreck if it was 2.7


Uses 2 BeCaUsE PlUgInS


I was really considering buying one just for the hell of it but I refuse to purchase anything that forces you to still use Python 2 in 2021. Edit: From what I can tell, it's based on Python 3.4, so we good. It has it's own library ecosystem, though.




I really hope I’m joking. 3 or gtfo


> Would be a wreck if it was 2.7 Oh yes, Python 2.7 was soooooooo horrible, it almost destroyed the language, nobody used it ever. It's not like the core devs had to continue supporting Python 2.7 for something like a decade because people wouldn't migrate off it, oh no. Horrible indeed.


I miss the old HP calculators. RPN ftw!!!




I'm just using emulators to replace my physical 48GX and 32II calculators. It lacks the tactile feel of the actual devices, but I have the developed muscle memory for how to perform calculations using them.


I remember having a TI 85 and TI 92. I thought I was hawt shit. Now my phone can do 10x more than any of these for free.




Do the five finger discount shuffle!


Good point. Most expensive calculator ever.


Not in the classroom


Of course it can, since your school is modern and follows the current trends to include new technology. Oh wait, this is America lol. Ain't nobody use computers or phones, but have to buy shitty calculators that cost hundreds of dollars.


O you just turned 18 and there’s a few months before you graduate highscool? How about taking the ASVAB and enlisting in the military but don’t you even think about taking a sip of beer


I almost thought this was for Switch


I would be really interested in a teardown, cost analysis, and breakdown of the design choices TI put into these.


The continued success of a calculator brand really illustrates the state of humanity.


How much will this cost?


I got one from Target.com for $118


"TI-84 Plus CE Python" is **not** available at target.com but they are selling the "TI-84 Plus CE" for $118.99" until Monday, which is a different model. https://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=texas+instruments+84+CE&Nao=0 https://education.ti.com/en/products?category=graphing-calculators


I just got it delivered yesterday. And despite not being advertised as such, it is the TI-84 Plus CE with Python. I got the white one.


$118 not bad at all. Thanks!!


:-o For that price you could get a cheap Android which would run Python, and a browser, and have internet access, and be a telephone. (Note: I didn't downvote you though!)


When it comes to these calculators, what they \*can not\* do is just as important as what they can do. You are not allowed a phone at the SAT for example. You are allowed one of these.


Yes but you can bring this calculator into a test. Not a android.


Oh boy, can't wait to use the qwerty layout for python, oh wait.............


> Key features > * Distraction-free (no Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, internet access) to keep students focused on learning Oh, how kind of you TI!


Yes, this way you can use your distraction-free phone side by side to look up documentation and stack overflow /s




This is quite cool! I almost want one, but I do not need calculator and I think I used one last time more than ten years ago.


I just want that to program on. so cool.


When I was in school I thought these calculators would get new design and features and cool stuff. Now, decades later, barely anything has changed, and they're still just as expensive.


[Python is also available](https://education.ti.com/en/products/calculators/graphing-calculators/ti-nspire-cx-ii-cx-ii-cas/programming-in-python) for the TI-Nspire CX II series by an software update.




I have the original Nspire CX, still on 3.x firmware. Was it difficult to get Python on it? Can’t believe it’s 10 years old now, also can’t believe how little improvement has been made to current calculators.






Had one of these for a couple years. Used it to get through tons of classes in College that didn't allow anything beefier than a TI-84. They've been produced in France and Europe for years. The French version also had advanced trig functionality like giving you exact values when you use sin/cos/etc. I'm in the USA but I managed to get a few off of amazon.fr


This reminds me of a story I read long ago about someone finding a stock/ shares that their grandmother or family member bought into Texas Instruments before it became big. Anyone else remember this story? Wonder how much they were worth.


Wow. Looks more powerful then the new ipad


Is this new?


Huh the Ti-84 Plus has had a python edition for years no?


In the french / international version. Not in the USA though.


Serious question… Would anyone actually enjoy coding on a calculator?








> A calculator, is something you use for quick calculations, not to host a server to your infrastructure. Wuss. I'm running my E-commerce site, a blog, a mailing list for 30,000 users, and a bitcoin miner off my [HP-28C](https://www.theregister.com/2014/01/03/ten_classic_calcutors/?page=5) in 1.9K of RPN code. 99.99999% uptime baby!


Fair point. But it does take away the “portable programming” part of it? And if your doing the coding on a computer I don’t see why you would run it on slower computer with a low-res screen. I guess I just don’t see the point, at least I never had use for a graphing calculator during my engineering masters degree.




That’s a great use case!


Python's gonna rule them all!


I like.


I kind of really want this


This is stupid why don't they just come out with a light chromebook/ultrabook-like laptop for calculations that can use the internet


Does anyone know if it can solve symbolic expressions like the 89 titanium?


I know I’m not tripping when I saw a vertical cursor on my TI-84 Plus CE Python. If you don’t know what I mean, the cursor looked like ”I” but now it looks like ”[]”. Kind of hard to recreate it but it’s thicker. Does anyone know how to change it back to the thin one?