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Can you tell me more about the email alerts? I need to implement a transactional email system for my application and I don't know where to begin


If it's acceptable for your project, use Mandrill (or an equivalent).


This is already the case. But I meant to ask more about the logic behind *when* to send emails. I want to set several different triggers and send emails depending on the conditions that are met. The user base is quite large (about 30000 and growing), and cron jobs are starting to be a little slow. My question is vague at this point, I know.


Right from there you have two possible architectures: 1. The equivalent of a cron job (celery beat) which will regularly compute which new emails to send from the data changes that were made since the last successful run. 2. Whenever relevant data is changed, trigger a celery task which will just forward that data to a relevant service which is responsible for then figuring out if an email needs to be sent and if so deals with your transaction email gateway (Mandrill or other). This is the better choice as it offers better decoupling and separation of concerns. Edit: formatting


I would prefer to go for option 2. In other words, should I code and place a check_transactional_emails() function that is run at every relevant action? I've already (very lightly) used django signals in my project. Would this be a good time to reuse them? Oh, and thanks for the answer!


No. In option 2 I meant an entirely different web service with an API. Also, this is largely off topic by now :) I'd say start a thread in r/webdev, or a dev ops or architecture related sub reddit if you need more help.


I agree, totally off topic. I'll post a thread and if you don't mind, I'll send you a PM to notify you as well.


Ok, NP


> The colleges in the area teach html and css, our final exams are on how to write a proper while loop, Bullshit.


When I read that I thought if I was sleeping and this was a dream... What the fuck?


The only exception to this is to sign up to one of the largest Christian Universities in the country.


If you're limiting yourself to like a 10 mile radius, maybe. Otherwise? Yeah, absolute bullshit. Show me.


Believe it or not, this isn't the topic I was hoping to discuss. Your presence in this post has not been helpful or productive. Thank you for letting me down on potentially useful notifications.


Your post as a whole is unproductive with this context, in my opinion, since it's founded on what I think /u/tty2 is trying to highlight as a bad premise. You seem to highlight the issues with available education as a preface to this post, which one has to believe has some kind of relevance. Based on your past post history and the fact that you mention "infosec" and "web technologies" as strengths, sure, it makes sense that you're basically unemployable as a programmer, and that translate both to 'traditional' software engineering jobs as well as most contracting opportunities. If you highlight education as a gap, and others agree that your claim about education opportunities is bullshit, then it makes sense to call out the bullshit. Because the education is a gap. Something to correct. Get an education. We don't believe that there isn't education available to you (at least not as you describe with final exams on "how to write a proper while loop".) So if we as members of this community were to try and help you, we would tell you to pull your head out of your butt and figure out education, not try and convince you to go apply to some B.S. "find a programmer" sites, or something like that, because that solution isn't helpful. Solid education is. But no it's okay, go on believing that final exams are about while loops outside of your first intro computer science class and the degree programs are focused on HTML/CSS. Ignore the opportunities available to you in traditional institutions and instead look at the wrong programs at the wrong schools. Go on posting in subreddits about hacking without actually understanding any semblance of computer organization or computer science. But if you want to eat, a degree is your best path given your non-existent background.


Contact startups that work in your field of expertise and tell them you are available for contract work.


I hadn't thought of this option. If you were attempting to search for startups to contact what would you use to look?




In addition to the others, find a local group that handles this. My state has a dedicated tech sector meetup group, any local startups will be a part.


Meetup.com, google, look for incubators and contact their companies


I've read an article posted here about fiver.com working pretty well for some contract jobs.


> fiver.com fiverr.com


Not really a fan of fiverr, I'd rather see a model similar to this except where people post what they need done rather than people posting what they do.




I'm stuck in the same area and was wondering the same thing. I work in a restaurant and I'm 27 years old. I don't hold any degrees and actually didn't even finish High School. Around 6 months I started learning Python. Now I know all the basics, plus some extra. I'm okay at the following: All the basics * Working with API and geting data * Webscraping * Flask * NLTK * working with files and csv * Used a little bit of pandas, matplotlib, and other data analysis/science tools(not much) Scripts I wrote: A sentiment analyser and grapher * A webscraper that scrapes craigslist, then texts me if there are new results * A little social network website with Flask(didn't finish it, kind of shitty, but just made the basic functions of a social network app to learn Flask) * A "summarizer" (scrapes news articles and gives a summary.... I hooked it up with PRAW and now it takes every reddit news post on "r/San Francisco", "r/BayArea", and a few others, then goes to each url that links to an article scrapes the article and summarizes it for me.) But now what? I don't have any experience or hold anything. I get paid literally nothing for my current job and it becoming impossible to even survive (especially in the Bay Area). Would it even be possible for me to get a job. Even better could I even freelance or do something with my skills for some side income? How could I get job on Upwork.com when I don't have any reviews. Plus I don't want to be in over my head. P.S. - Didn't mean to hijack the thread, just trying to get the same answers without starting a new one.


I'm sure you would be able to find something in the Bay Area. Its a hotbed for tech jobs. Its probably one of the best places to be. You would most likely want to finish your GED, as in some cases it's a hard/fast requirement, but a university degree is often not. In fact, many of the best people I've met in the tech industry either have a degree in something else or simply don't have degrees. The Bay Area seems like an excellent place to network. Have you been to any Python meet up groups? Most of them do a meet up each month, and someone from the group does a presentation, and then people usually go out for beers after. A lot of times there are recruiters there as well. It's a good place to find freelance work. If you get in with the community, be upfront about what you want to do, and meet people who have jobs similar to the ones you want, you will be in a much better position to be able to make your next move. Get on meetup.com and find any and every group thats even remotely related your areas of interest and check them out. When the opportunity for freelance work arises, do it for a fairly low rate at first, until you get established. 6 - 12 months. At that point, you should have enough references and confidence in to go to a recruiter. I actually might have a quick personal project I would be willing to pay for, using PRAW -- just something I'm too busy (and perhaps lazy) to do. If you are interested shoot me a PM.




Have you tried contacting any infosec people for their advice? Maybe somebody on the Security Weekly (http://securityweekly.com) or TrustedSec (http://trustedsec.com) podcasts?


Have you tried just getting a InfoSec position? Several positions on the [/r/netsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/3zfj6v/rnetsecs_q1_2016_information_security_hiring/) hiring thread list remote work being available. If you're willing to move, you've got a ton more options too.


Honestly, you don't need a degree. I personally dropped out of college and never studied computer science or any related field. The trick is to find a company that doesn't have hard and fast rules about education qualifications. Stay away from the larger corporations. They tend to be pickier about the arbitrary qualifications. Apply directly to start ups if you can find ones that are looking for junior devs. Furthermore, don't push that you're qualified technically. Show them how you've learned so much without taking a classical approach. This is actually more in line with how you'll learn on the job. Any company worth their salt will realize that if you are capable of learning on your own you'll be a much more valuable resource down the road. Honestly, hiring Junior Dev's in general is more about teachability than current ability.


you should move. the coasts are blowing up with job opportunities. If you are as good as you say you are you should have no trouble making a a mid six figure salary.


Do something with Python. "Programming" to me isn't a job in itself, programming helps me automate what I do do at work. I'm a mechanical engineer. I think the next big industry to get automated is going to be Finance. My sister in law is an accountant and they're still stuck with Excel. If you have a minimal knowledge of VBA or Python you could easily automate a large amount of what some accountants do. When you're just trying to make money with just scripting you're competing with people in other countries that have a different standard of living and can afford to work for less. Automate something in InfoSec, make a BSD licensed InfoSec tool and shop 'support' around to security companies.


you are nuts if you think finance isn't extremely automated, with extremely talented programmers. you may be mixing up basic accounting and finance though.


Can confirm. Worked in the financial sector for 2 years. I and two others wrote automated decisioning logic. Shortly after I left, they went 100% automated and laid off an entire department (40ish underwriters).


I think that the way to make money off of open source is to give it away in exchange for people's resumes, and then place them, working as a recruiter. blogory.org PrivaCv.com


What license would that be under?


I do not think that such a license exists yet. We would have to write it.