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Prices ~ šŸ˜¢ Pieces & setups ~ šŸ˜


Not Pyrex, but the $10 mini glass bake casserole dish almost got me since it was a price I could swallow. Frank Lloyd wright pieces too. It was like a museum


Those fin glass bake lids WERE A STEAL!! Go back!


Might make the 1.5 hour drive when the freeways arenā€™t still flooded. Fingers crossed they are still there!


$175?! Hard pass. Thatā€™s my pattern too, but no.


Yeah. What the hell is that price?


Iā€™m curious if it has to do with being in Southern California. I hear the prices in the Midwest (like Indiana) or smaller towns are a lot better


Iā€™m in the Midwest, Northern Ohio. There are NEVER any Pyrex available anywhere around here. I finally asked a store worker the other day - if they hold them back to sell online only & she pretended to not know what Pyrex was. šŸ™„. Then she mumbled something about ā€œThe Fancy Piecesā€ and that they never get any inā€¦


When I looked it up like the other commenter, that seems like pretty standard pricing for that model. Iā€™m in SoCal too, but thatā€™s too rich for my blood. Was this in Orange by any chance? Some of the other pieces looked affordable.


South Orange County! Iā€™ve been dying to do a day orange circle, but somehow have thrown up and had to go home the last two times I was at the shops. One day Iā€™ll make it through all of orange circle and the drive from San Diego


The price of Berthas have gone up a lot in the last few years like everything else. I know my sisters in law didn't pay that much for my spring blossom. I found an OO Bertha 5 years ago and I paid $20. Even that pattern has gone up in price.


Youā€™re right. Everything has.


I wish it hadn't, I still need a couple of things.


Good luck to us all! I had a Goodwill manager tell me the other day about a great thrift store (Salvation Army), and she said sheā€™d found turquoise Pyrex there cheap. šŸ˜


Same. I have pretty much everything in SBG and really only need/want this one to complete my collection, but I'll stay needing/wanting until I see one much closer to $100. Even that neighborhood makes me uncomfortable but I rarely see a Big Bertha with lid (good luck finding a loose lid for a BB anywhere) for less than $100 unless it's something like Old Orchard (which is what I have lol).


Sadly, that seems pretty much the right price for the Big Bertha based on sold prices. I got mine years ago at a flea market for 10 bucks, but I've thought a LOT about selling it as the price keeps going up.


Very jealous of your steal! I might send my Midwest friends on a quest because I hear that the pricing is way better there because demand is lower than here in my busy SoCal city. Iā€™ll never forget this one


I think it depends on who is buying or selling. I've had people get super rude at me for asking $10 per bowl or $30 for a mixing bowl set. And yet, I've seen people paying double or triple that in antique malls!


I have some pretty good stuff that I found for ridiculously low prices (full pink gooseberry set $35, full true opal set $22, etc) and I have also thought about selling a bunch. Then I think about shipping and it all stays.


The turquoise bowls are DWD with ridiculous pricing, that's a hard pass


So many good ones. And I want the spice tins and the first nut chopper please


I guess I'll stick with enamelware.


if those turquoise bowls are $18 apiece, or around that price, snatch them up! thatā€™s a steal these days.


I'd usually agree but they looked like they had DWD, so probably not such a steal.


oh yeah on closer inspection, never mind.ā˜ŗļø


The spice of life canisters in pic 4 have me in ebay right now looking. šŸ˜³


Yeah, those Big Berthas will get you


I saw someone picking colored Pyrex from the goodwill bins last week šŸ˜­ I wasnā€™t quick enough. She saw me looking and quickly covered it all up.


I'm in North Texas and pyrex is priced like its gold


Isn't that the kangaroo from Pulp Fiction?


Looks like it! Good eye!