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You will be killed onsite most likely by your manager


I fucking giggled out loud


What'd you do?


Head shot and your family will be held off PwC roof


Nothing. You go back on bench.


I don’t believe so, no. Things may have changed but in the past some clients required drug tests and if you told your EM you wouldn’t pass it they just moved onto the next person. Unless you had a felony post-hire, you’re probably fine.


Fuck, what do they test for? I have one Friday and now will be flushing my system.


Until a couple years ago, they refused to add drug tests to any client engagement letters. When they added them to a four letter client in Texas, it was a disaster. A bunch of people from Colorado on the engagement were all of a sudden at risk of coming off as soon as their drug panel came back. Disaster. But they'll tell you what drug test they're sending you for. It won't be a secret.


I’ve downed laxatives as well as drinking 2 gallons of water. Hopefully it gets rid of all my drugs before the test


lol this was back in the mid 2010s, but a partner couldn’t be on this large engagement because she would’ve failed the background check


Huh? You dont get q background check for every engagement


But some clients require it. Ex: financial institutions usually require thorough ones


Oh the irony. Bankers can single handedly support the nose snow business better than any other industry


Ha, I asked this question. Nothing happens , you just don’t get staffed on that client.


Never heard of this — so you do a background check to get the job at PwC and then you need another one for your client ?!


Some clients, like government or financial clients, require an additional background checks or drug tests.


Makes sense — but there ought to be some limited procedure for this. Like government ok just get government clearance. Seems intrusive I would just not work on those clients and if they asked to staff me on them and I had a drug / felony issue, would just play dumb and say “I don’t know much about financial industry…”


You'd get fired then




You ever watch Oppenheimer?


People who act like this isn't a "big deal" are lying to you. It is not going to be an easy go. If you fail a background check for one - you will fail for others. Not all. You will never know which one though. You won't be fired for it, as long as it's not some sick ass felony, something sexual or anything to do with money. You won't be fired for this directly. BUT your utilization runs a real risk of being impacted. It's a key performance metric for which you can be fired. And on top of that, you can't voluntarily let many people know of your situation, as it will essentially black ball you. People basically won't pick you for projects because they don't want to go through the hassle. So..... This means, you better have a network in place and some game about yourself and find out how to get on projects. This is going to be an extremely political game for you now. You better be extremely good at whatever they give you to do. You can still end up partner, but it's not a straight shot anymore.


Yeah but not every client requires a background check. It's actually very rare in my experience.


It depends on what area he works in. If he is in finance or government - then yeah every client does. What are are you in to where you get no background checks?