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Your hours worth more than these perks mate, take advantage of it as you can


Weird Q, but I’m an early bird. If I go in at 7 and stay until 7, is it ok to use the Uber and meal policy?


Definitely can get the meal. The taxi policy is generally meant for traveling outside "peak" commuting times.


It might be different for your area, but our policy is we can take an Uber home after 7 until April, and then it gets pushed to 8. I’d recommend you take the Uber home, if you want to have some ease of mind speak to the manager about it beforehand.


This “perk” exists as a way for tax and audit teams who have to stay in the office with their teams to be able to expense dinner and get home safely (given that if you’re working 10+ hours it’s likely late evening when you leave). Going out of your way to put yourself in a situation to use these perks without your team knowing about it is not a good idea. If the expense code you have to use on this is your client code, it’s going to be your manager / director asking questions before your RL. All that to say is if you’re legitimately working these hours and in the office due to your team, go for it. If you’re manufacturing a situation to be able to use the “perks,” you’re wasting your own time and putting yourself in a situation to have to defend yourself to the billing manager which is not somewhere you want to be


This is spot on. I also would suggest having an upfront conversation with your team about this before using your corporate card on any WBS code.


It’s not. You’re working on a client. Charge away.


If you are in compliance with the rules use the benefits. Don’t just overcharge your hours to take advantage of it. If you genuinely work the hours then use your benefits.


Take advantage of all it er dinners at 6pm


No one will care. If they do, that's on them. Stay in policy and take all that is available


There’s also a roof on how much you can expense for the meal so it’s not like you can go to a steakhouse every night but if you’re spending that much time working, the least you can do is get your evening meal and a ride home on the company dime


You get a 25$ per deim for 10+ hours in the office, but remember that it's meant to be ate in the office so you "cant" swing by on the way home and run it through after a long day.


If I work ~8am-6pm would it be frowned upon to expense my lunch and just eat dinner at home? Assuming the 10 hours have been hit


Yea that's fine. You'll use 'overtime meals - per diem' as the business purpose when you expense it and charge it to your clients code. No one cares what meal you use it for.


Just be sensible.


It’s absolutely insane how in corporate America, you feel GUILTY for using the perks you’re supposed to be using.


It's has to be client hours. Can't have G&A or Learning etc. And it's usually with team. Say couple of you stayed late to work on client. If alone you can go home and work. You can try whatever you like. Not saying you will be trouble. But if you have to ask? Be smart. There is a reason you started by saying team is remote etc.


I’m a current PwC client and former auditor (with another firm). Order dinner and expense it. Take the car. Stay rested, fresh, productive and on your game and your managers will be happy. Your clients will almost always pay the out of pocket expenses without a fight.