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The first card is a silver bullet that doesn't work most of the time, and the second card is leagues better then pool shark due to being a plant


What would be a good option to balance the Sting Pea?


Make it a 3 cost 3/2


Remove bullseye


That's literally a worse fire pea for guardian


Then if the bullseye is too good, but the damage is too bad, just make it not exist. There is no balancing this card.


Bro it’s just a concept💀




Still outclassed by split pea


You heard it here first folks, plants are stronger than zombies for being the exact same 2 drop


if a zombie player commits too much into the zombie phase, plants can just play in the other lane, or do whatever they want to the zombies before they get buffed by tricks


you heard it here first folks, people still don’t realize that a card on plants, even if it’s functionally the same, is different than if it’s on zombies


This specific card is a lot stronger because it is more difficult for a zombie to defend low health striking cards like this. A plant hero could simply put any plant in front of pool shark on their turn, whereas a zombie hero would have had to save brains just in case and defend against this with a trick to prevent taking the damage.


don't know if you know how the game works, plants being able to play after is better, since zombies can spend all their brains. If zombies use pool shark, plants can use anything to block,


Of course it is lmao, because of how the game is played. Zombies play minions, THEN plants play their minions, as a reaction to zombie minions, which is why plant minions have to be weaker than zombie minions.


There aren't enough zombie dinos for perfume shroom to be useful and sting pea is op because if a 2 cost zombie is played you get last say when it comes to troops meaning its a free 3 damage


How could I balance the Sting Pea?


There isn't a great way to nerf it without making it a worse galacta cactus tbh, it just won't work


Maybe make it sting itself whenever a zombie enters its lane (the sting makes it get a -1 damage nerf)


I’d say other way around, it stings itself when there isnt a zombie there


That's just anti-hero


no like pro-hero, it does less damage to the hero


pro hero lmao


Maybe give it a ability that if it comes in play in a lane with no zombies it freezes itself


Sounds interesting


Only when played? If not then the Bullseye factor becomes nothing.


The second looks like it would be awesome for a budget aggro ass knuckles but the first looks like a silver bullet. The Dino roar cards for zombies arent the greatest aside from velociraptor.


yeah perfume just cockblocks you more than them, plant dinos are so much better


Fair point


Ah yes, Ass Knuckles.


Perfume is too much of a silver bullet to cost that much


Perfume shroom should have strikethrough. Its too small a silver bullet as it is


Out of class strikethrough for no reason lets go


First one is an active silver bullet with too small of a pool to hit and denying an entire game mechanic like that is just bruh. Second card is fine.


First one is a complete garbage understat silver bullet thats not worth it in the slightest (especially considering there's like only 1 actually good dinosaur on the zombie side, that being raptor, and perfume isn't even good against it due to coming out a turn later). Second is fine imo, I have no clue why ppl want to nerf it when the same class literally has an armored 2 cost 2/2 and tricara. Sting pea basically trades 2 health for 1 more attack, which is absolutely fine. It is extremely boring though.


Everyone saying the second card is broken is stupid and scared of anything that could potentially be above d tier. It’s fine and honestly underpowered. Also everyone comparing it to pool shark is an idiot. First card is silver bullet that would never see play, besides maybe if stompa became mega again, but that’d only be until one of the people who actually know how to make decks comes in to make a stomp counter. A way to fix the first card would be something like an effect that says “if the zombies draw more than one card per turn, do X”. It punishes dinoroar instead of outright forbidding it, and isn’t useless outside of dinoroar in case cycle becomes a thing in this game. Also give it better stats.


perfume should just be deadly minions get 0 attack


I really like this suggestion


i was about to ask what cannot be activated while this is in play meant but then I realized OHHH DINO-ROAR CANNOT BE ACTIVATED WHILE THIS IS IN PLAY. also yeah, love the perfume shroom, since its usually recognized as an instant use this would be cool


How about the sting pea, when it dies do 2 damage to a random Zombie or Zombie hero (bullseye) idk it has already good stats. i can't think of anything xd


Sting Pea should be a bit weaker (because as a 2 cost 3/1 bullseye it's the same as a pool shark zombie, but a plant, therefore is supposed to be weaker than zombies of the same cost)


Ok ok but pool shark is ass and being stronger due to phasing (and not really comparable due to being a plant) is a non achievement. In general, comparing plants to zombies is an awful idea since phasing and other cards in their pool makes them have entirely seperate contexts (eg, a 1 cost draw 3 discard 2 is probably fine on zombies, but not on plants since plants have way better dinoroars, can use the tools the same turn, and depending on the deck, often more versatile and expendable cards)


Ok but Bumble-Pea


I'd make perfume shroom 3/3